Taixi came to the United States in the middle of the month. It was not only Dingyu's pleasure, but also quite happy. Finally, she could be with her mother. The attitude of Xiao four eyes to kingtai Xi and his attitude towards Dingyu are exactly two ways. He is in the position behind Taixi. It is like a nanny. How honest and honest, even some flattering!

Dingyu looks at the small four eyes standing there, squinting his eyes slightly, and the small four eyes shake their big head, provocatively looking at Dingyu, a look at you waist me?!

This posture really makes Dingyu feel that he is not angry. If he knows it well, there are some things that are not worth it. But this guy is really very angry. Fortunately, it seems that there is something that two children feel. In the first time, he takes the baby away.

When Taixi saw this scene, he also covered his mouth. I didn't expect it would be such a situation. It was really fun. How old are oba? How many people are you? You know what a baby in your family?

But I know it very well. What about this big baby? It is not the same as other people's dogs. It has a very good relationship with two children. What about the family? Even the father of the child? Sometimes I can't give it to you?

Wash a while, changed the home dress again, Tai Xi also sat in front of the table, today Ding Yu is also personally cooking, two small? It also helped a lot, but what did they do? My heart is here, but I really eat it, but I don't really have too much taste. Even my little four eyes are also crooked and disdainful.

To Taixi, I showed her a glass of red wine. Dingyu was the same. As for two small ones? They are just juice. Now, they will not let them two people get any alcoholic drinks. It is absolutely harmful to their physical and mental development!

The four people together raise their glasses and touch glasses, which is their family. They have no other people to disturb. They are quite quiet when eating. Taixi sometimes gives two small sandwiches. When eating, Dingyu and Taixi two people, also accompanied by two small together to see a short film, cartoon!

Because of the time difference, Taixi really showed some spirit. There was no so-called exhaustion on the road. When the whole private plane was lying on the bed, his body might be tired, but the whole person's spirit was very good.

"Not used to coming?" Dingyu gave Taixi a considerable massage, "sleep! It will be more comfortable in this way! " Dingyu did not pull Taixi to do shame, and he was not a brute. He could not control the lower body. Although Taixi would not care about it, Ding Yu would feel uncomfortable in her heart, which was extremely disrespectful to Taixi.

In the morning, Taixi got up early. Last night, he had a good rest. When he got up, he was also very refreshing. They were lingering for a while. Taixi went to make breakfast. Dingyu took two small exercises. It was no different from the usual time. Then they sent two children to school together.

On the way, Taixi also couldn't help explaining what to explain to the two children. Dingyu didn't mean to interrupt. He smiled and said when he came back all the time. "You are worried about them? In turn, if you have this time, you should worry about other children! That would be better? "

This is not just a confession, it is a small report! He is still father!

"I heard they had a little bit of mischief with their children, didn't hear about anything else?" Taixi also clearly heard other meanings from Dingyu!

"Two children in our family! It is not a school hegemony, very good temper, but it is definitely a different existence in the school. Don't say that the lower grade and the same grade, even the senior, is also the existence of legend, I used to be worried! Will you walk a wrong way

Taixi was also very surprised to see Ding Yu oba, and heard Ding Yu continue to say, "when you were young, you should have not played a fight? What about children fighting? It's very normal. What about their ability to be different? Or is it quite limited, so for right and wrong, good and bad? It's a lot easier to see! "

"I haven't had a fight?! I'm a good boy! " After finishing, also look at Dingyu, obviously two children this point? It is absolutely not like myself. Since it is not like myself, it can only be like another person. Who is this person referring to now is self-evident, isn't it?

"Well! I'm a bad boy! " Dingyu also stole the opportunity to hang Taixi's nose. "It's not very big to say. The IQ of two little guys is very high. I was also worried and scared at the beginning. I was afraid of both of them? Asperger syndrome, but they are very well integrated now! "

"My mother

"There is no relationship with your mother. What about their cultivation? Maybe not to the extreme, but we have given them such a platform, slowly to guide? " After finishing, Dingyu also looked at it. "Are you free? Take you to see what is more than it is! "On the way to go, Ding Yu also explained some situations of the old Peyton family with Taixi. Taixi also covered his mouth. Although he said that the world is so big, there are all kinds of strange things, such things are really touching. How can such things happen?

When he came to the research center, looking at the people inside, Taixi was also following Ding Yu's side, a little nervous, and Ding Yu was also holding Ding Yu's hand, not letting her take her arm.

"Mr. Ding?" When he saw Ding Yu, Ge Huai seemed to have some feelings that could not be suppressed. However, when he looked at Tai Xi, he was obviously a little curious, "Hello, Mrs. Ding! I'm gway! Nice to meet you

"Hello!" although Tai Xi was a little surprised, her good quality also made her greet her. When Ding Yu and Tai Xi sat down, they saw Ding Yu stretch out his hand, and Ge Huai ran away at the first time. The speed was so fast.

"He's sick, too?"

"As long as they are infected with their family blood, no one can escape. Whether it is test tube babies or other methods, they have tried too many and too many. What if only from the test results? There's no genetic problem, but it's hard to get through this life and death barrier at the age of 18 and 60! "

"How terrible? That's how they suffer? " Tai hee also exclaimed in a low voice.

"Maybe it's suffering, maybe it's a test. What about them when they were very young? You may understand their destiny, but I admire their courage because they will face it bravely instead of escaping. Anyway, looking at such a long time, there are really not many ways. As for the future? It's not so clear! "

Looking at the report handed over by GE Huai, Ding Yu also looked at the report for a period of time, and even started to check for GE Huai. "The situation is relatively good. It seems that the younger you are? The less contaminated it is! From the present situation, you still need to adjust your breath quite a bit. Don't let yourself get too carried away! "

Because Taixi was here, Ding Yu also said two words in a conspicuous way: "Sir, I'm not so worried about the illness. It's just the fate of the family. If we can get better in the past, we need to do something for the family."

Ding Yu put down the document in his hand and looked at GE Huai standing in front of him, "you should know, where is Taylor? It's just a very special situation. She has talent in some aspects, but not enough chance. What about you? It's a good chance, but I don't really see any talent in you? "

"Mr. Ding, I hope to have a chance?" Ge Huai also looks at Ding Yu with firm eyes. He is firm, but with a certain amount of prayer.

Ding Yu took a look at Tai Xi next to him, and then gave a slight smile, "what's the chance to find? Taylor really can't compare with you, but if you show yourself too much, do you know what the consequences will be? What's the good news? You don't have much talent? If you have this talent, that's all right? "

"Opportunities are always in the slim, how can you be reconciled if you don't strive for it?"

Tai Xi was so surprised that he even bit his lips, giving him the feeling that he was not a child standing in front of him. Even adults might not have such a thought? It's a little weird?!

"Not reconciled?" Ding Yu also murmured to himself, "it's all said the pain. It's convenient for people and their own convenience. What about me? I didn't expect you to do that? To get more is not to say no. the problem is that you need to pay more, but have you found your own direction? "

"Found it!" Ge Huai also insisted on looking at Ding Yu and said, "I believe I will be attentive."

Ding Yu knocked on the table with his hand, "Tai Xi, what do you think? Do you think he has the luck? "

In the face of sudden questioning, Taixi was also a little distracted. He didn't know what to say for a moment. But looking at the eager eyes of the child in front of him, he hesitated for a moment, and nodded his head slightly. "I don't know if he has this luck, but I think he is very attentive."

Ding Yu nodded clearly, "Ge Huai, what can you do? If you know something, maybe you don't know it so clearly. What's the relationship between me and old Peyton? It's quite complicated. From the perspective of interests? We are rivals. From the perspective of faction? We are enemies, standing in the footsteps of doctors? He is a patient, so to sum up, my relationship with your family is not so good, or even a little bad! "

"I'm a member of the family!" Although it is not clear what Ding Yu actually said, Ge Huai still insisted.

"Shall I give you a test? What if you can pass a test? I can introduce you to a teacher, a very special teacher. What if you can't pass the test? It doesn't matter. How about your own luck? " After that, Ding Yu also took out a pen.

After thinking about it, Ding Yu slightly shook his head, called Ge Huai to his side, and whispered for a period of time. Ge Huai tried to think about it. He even closed his eyes. After a period of time, he also shook his head slightly. His expression was a little depressed!Ding Yu said five times in a row. Ge huaicai reluctantly remembered, "you can understand by yourself. I'll set a deadline for you! In three months, call my security, Kim. He'll take care of it! Hope for luck? Will always be with you, but only luck is not enough

"Thank you, sir." Then he bowed to Taixi, "thank you! Mrs. Ding

This appellation is very different. Taixi obviously felt it, but he didn't say anything. Then Ding Yu started to check one of the children again. Looking at the bloodstain taken from his body, Ding Yu showed his teeth slightly, "is the situation a little serious? It's much worse than Chen Huai's! "

The age difference between two people is not very big, but the blood difference between each other is very big. What is the reason for it? Ding Yu's heart is really a guess, but it's just a guess, whether it can prove something, really say it's not good!

"Is their whole family a bunch of monsters?" When he came back, Tai Xi also gave a shiver, which made people feel terrible. "I know that there are some disrespectful things to say, but it's frightening."

"What if they were monsters? There are really some too much, but what about their fate? It's very difficult to get rid of it. Even now, I just find some direction. I want to cure them thoroughly. I claim that I don't have that ability. It has nothing to do with our mutual hostility! "

Taixi, sitting on the sofa, also looked at Ding Yu with bewilderment, "since it is mutual hostility, why should I look for you?"

"What about the hostility? It's because of interests, or maybe it's because of faction. But what about my identity? It's a doctor. He's just a patient. It's just like Bruno is a photographer. I'm looking for him to take photos. This is his job. What about the situation? They won't refuse it! "

"It's a little strange! I thought I was going to die of old age and not contact with each other? "

"In the face of interests, we will not want to let people feel more exciting than the real knife and gun, and even lead to a situation of life and death. But in real life, it's just people. We may sit down and have a good meal and have a chat. Of course, what about those with historical records? What about the Boston consortium and Rockefeller? If they don't fight each other, they will be burning high incense! "

"It's too complicated. It feels like a broken history!"

"I don't want them two bastards? Become such a monster, have high intelligence quotient? It's not a problem, but don't be divorced from the whole society. Otherwise, the two of them will easily go astray! "

For a long time, Ding Yu has not talked about this issue with Taixi. He has strict requirements for children, but he leads them to move forward instead of pushing them forward. One is active and the other is passive. The effect is completely different!

Sometimes Taixi's requirements for two children are too strict. Even if they are accepted on the surface, they are quite resistant to it. What about the education of children? It's two people's business, not one person's!

"I'm still a little too anxious?" Tai hee is also doodling his face.

"Hope? It's just a kind of mentality. What will they grow up to in the future? No one can predict, let them happy growth is not good? Why let them not have so-called childhood? It's like gewai and them. What do you say? They are real sorrow

"Can't it be cured? What a pity

Ding Yu also put his arm on Taixi's shoulder. "If we didn't get high-voltage transmission in childhood, there might be some opportunities, but this opportunity will not exceed two layers. This is a dead knot, and it is really not controlled by human resources! There is no way for heaven to show mercy on others! "

Xiaosiyan didn't know when he also ran over. He tilted his big head to look at Ding Yu. He seemed to be quite curious. He didn't notice it. When Ding Yu was so gentle, he sniffed his nose twice. The taste was right and there was no mistake!

"What's wrong with big baby?" Looking at the appearance of the small four eyes, Tai Xi is also greeting his hand, obviously also worried about the situation of the small four eyes, but he is not clear about the relevant situation.

Ding Yu didn't hesitate to kick his foot in the past. Xiaosiyan also took a bite, but he didn't bite Ding Yu. However, seeing that he was eager to try, Ding Yu didn't have a good temper. "What about its skin and bones? It's also itchy. It seems that it needs a good repair and repair! "

But the little four eyes are not afraid at all. If Ding Yu was alone, he might go away. But now the mother is also there, and he is shouting? What about? Anyway, the backers will not fall down, and there will be no problem for them. But this guy is a dog, but what about this smart guy? It is true that not everyone can be compared.www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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