"Something happened?" Wu's slight one Leng, "is because of Lisa's affair?"

"No, I don't have much to do with Lisa sun. The main reason is that I feel so hard to let go of my retirement at that time. Even now, it is the same at this time. Moreover, after entering the society, all kinds of influences make me feel that I can't accept it. Help can be done, and other things can be ignored."

The so-called help, this result is not what Wu Zhen wants, so his face is a little ugly, but I also know that this is probably the best result, want to continue to coerce Ding Yu, such things or forget it! There is no possibility at all.

"I'm rather disappointed!"

But Ding Yu didn't pay attention to Wu's disappointment. "Disappointment is a normal thing. If everything is beautiful, I'm afraid you don't have to come to me, right?"

"It's true!" Wu Xuan thought for a while, but also said with a little helplessness, "originally you should be my soldier, but I have got to this point by mistake. I want to scold my mother!" Wu Zhen really wants to scold his mother. From the understanding of the situation, Ding Yu is really a potential stock!

But there is no way for potential stocks. Now they do not belong to themselves. "Ding Yu, I have read some of your information and learned some. I hope you can stick to your original intention. What else is there? Sometimes, don't be too presumptuous

"Is that a warning?"

As he spoke, Ding Yu's eyes also looked at the distance, and he was also drinking coffee. However, the voice was a little too loud. Ding Yu didn't know what he was thinking. Wu Yan also followed him and took a look with the rest of the corner of his eye? A sense of justice? "

Ding Yu looked at Wu Xuan. "I am just a common people, not a civil servant. What's more, I don't have the so-called law enforcement power. Why should I interfere with that?" After saying that, Ding Yu also blinked his eyes, "I have some homework to deal with, if there is nothing, I will go back first!"

"Wait!" Wu Xuan also stopped Ding Yu, "Xiao Ding, your relationship with Charlie seems to be very good, and your friend seems to have a lot of energy, I hope you can help me!"

"It depends." Ding Yu didn't say no, but she didn't give any guarantee. Just like what happened to Lisa sun before, she absolutely gave herself a pit and suffered from it.

Wu Zhen of course understood how things happened. "I will let people contact you. In fact, it is not very troublesome, but there are some situations? We don't have many ways, so I hope you can help us introduce you! "

"I'll go back first!"

Ding Yu left directly. There are not many ways to do love management. It's just taking yourself as a gun. In this case, there's not much to say. Looking at Ding Yu who left, Wu Yun also frowned. Ding Yu's performance was a little too extreme.

But on the other hand, is Ding Yu too sensitive? It seems that there are not too many problems in the previous conversation. When he said the last sentence, Ding Yu turned over his face. Obviously, it touched Ding Yu's keen nerve. What can we see from here? Ding Yu is not relieved about Lisa.

According to Wu Zhen's own understanding, Lisa sun has made Ding Yu miserable. It's a piece of white money. I don't really know how to solve the problem. However, she has been transferred out of her own department, which she knows very well.

However, Ding Yu has not yet waited to go far. That is to say, after walking into the position of those people who just quarreled, a cup of coffee flew towards Ding Yu's direction, which was not intentional. However, such behavior made Ding Yu somewhat reluctant. If there was no waiter on his side, Ding Yu might not suffer too much.

But the problem is that Ding Yu doesn't want to bump into the waiter next to him, so he is also contaminated with some coffee, "what are you looking at?" Before Ding Yu said anything, the several people sitting there were obviously unwilling.

Ding Yu smiles. There is a problem with the quality of these guys. If you tell them the same thing, you seem to have fallen into a lower level and shake your head. However, when the waiter nearby saw this situation, his face was also a little pale with fear, "Sir, I..."

Ding Yu waved his hand and was just about to leave. He didn't expect that the young man who was slightly excited just now had already stood up at this time, "why? You don't accept it He also pushed Ding Yu with his hand. Seeing that he had touched the hand on his body, Ding Yu took a look at it.

However, the young man didn't push Ding Yu away for a moment. Feeling confused, he saw that his wrist had been caught by Ding Yu. "NIMA, let me go!" If it is other words, Ding Yu may not care, but this sentence NIMA, let Ding Yu's anger suddenly rise.Then Ding Yu lifted it with a slight force, and heard the sound of the dead branches breaking into the ears of the people. The one who pushed Ding Yu was totally unbelievable, and then he was in a voice. But just as he called out, Ding Yu's hand had already stuck in his neck.

This one was like a chicken, and his neck was strangled. "Speak clean, not everyone can hang on your mouth!" After saying that, Ding Yu also patted this cheek twice, "I live here, go to the hospital to have a look, and put the account in my name! And the lawyer will talk to you. "

After that, they took a look at all the silent people and walked forward without any care. All the people who yelled before were as honest as quails. Obviously, they could see that this was a cruel character and not a general one.

Now it's better to be honest at this time. It doesn't mean that they don't have any eyesight. It's just two times.

In Wu Zhen's opinion, Ding Yu has been bullied in this way. However, it seems that there are some inappropriate things in Ding Yu's life. Relatively speaking, Ding Yu's performance has been very good, at least tolerated. The main reason is that the children are a little bit arrogant.

On this issue, Wu Zhen actively ignored Ding Yu's age. To know that Ding Yu is still studying in Medical College at this time, he seems to be only a child.

Ding Yu left directly, and the waiter in the store also confirmed that Ding Yu did check in at their hotel. That is to say, Ding Yu didn't regard this incident as a thing at all. However, some of the people who had a conflict with Ding Yu looked at each other, but they should go to the hospital first!

The boy sitting there has been crying for his father and mother in pain, and his arm has been broken. This kind of feeling is not only bad, but also simple. In fact, the psychological impact is particularly heavy. Originally, people are not willing to see him in the same way, but he has to show his strength. So what happened? It's just asking for it!

In the hospital inside, we also took out their own phone, so was bullied, it is so some unbearable, let alone you? On this ground, there is a head and a face. It seems that the man lost his hair so much that he must find it back.

However, as soon as people felt the hospital, the lawyers and the police came here. In fact, the police were very puzzled. But the problem is that the lawyer came to the police. This needs to be carefully considered, let alone the identity of this one? It's also very tricky for the whole Bureau.

As soon as I understand the matter, the police feel that there are so many crying and laughing, and what about the victims? Now I'm in the hospital, but from the lawyer's point of view? He just expounded the situation and problems of his client, just self-defense.

Then the police also went to the hotel with Xiaoshi, and the identity of the leader seemed to be unusual. After all, the lawyer who came forward was a pure Englishman. In the current social environment, the official must make a statement. However, when he came to the door, he was slightly stunned when he saw the people waiting at the door.

"Lao Zhang?"

That director Zhang is also a Leng, blinked his eyes, "old money? Why are you here? " After listening to Lao Qian's account, he looked at the lawyer standing not far away. Director Zhang also pulled his friend to one side.

"Lao Qian, this matter looks to handle, feather less this person compares low-key!" After that, he nodded to his old friend. After all, after all, after all, he was treated by this old friend when he came here. He didn't want his old friend to fall into the mud pit.

"Lao Zhang, we've been friends for many years. Who is Yu Shao? What's the news?"

"I don't want to explain it to you. However, Yu Shao's relationship with some aspects is extraordinary. When he came, someone deliberately explained it to me, so what about you? Don't mix in the muddy water. " After saying that, this Zhang office also reacted to come over, "by the way, how on earth is a thing?"

Then the team leader Qian also told the whole story, "what about one of them? He is a distant nephew of a leader in the city. His relationship is fair. This boy is always making trouble. He is broken by Yu Shao's arm. He usually chirps and whines. This time he meets a hard stubble! "

Director Zhang also laughed, "it depends on the situation! Yu Shao should not have a rest. I have been waiting here for a while. "

When he said this, there was no embarrassment. The captain Qian also took a slightly inconceivable look. He still had some impression on his childhood playmate. He was never a person who wanted to be with him. Today's scene made me feel so hard to myself!Ding Yu didn't say too much. His hand was interrupted by himself, and he would be responsible for it. But what about the same? They also need to be responsible for what they said. It's so simple. Ding Yu is not arrogant. But this remark also makes captain Qian feel helpless and funny. However, this person's bearing is really different.

The next day, everything was calm and calm. Wu Zhen also inquired about it. He didn't expect Ding Yu to have such a relationship, and it was a kind of combination of inside and outside. He was more and more interested in Ding Yu. However, it was not a good idea to follow him now, because he accompanied his girlfriend!

For Ding Yu's girlfriend, Wu Yun is also very curious, and then also investigated, not to investigate the identity of Kim Tae hee, his identity network there are, what he cares about is how they get along with each other, and Ding Yu seems to have a different relationship in Beijing!

Soon, the relevant information was collected. Wu Zhen had some accidents. Unexpectedly, Ding Yu and Wang Jianguo were involved in a certain relationship. Even Ding Yu's sister drove the Mercedes that Wang Jianguo sent. It should be because of the incident of the sea! It's interesting.

When Tai Yu is tired of it, it will be a good time for him to leave in the daytime.

When he left, Kim Tae hee also personally sent him, "originally I wanted to prepare a gift for you, but the time is a little early. When you go home, you can see it. I hope you will like it. I think it matches you very well." Having said that, Ding Yu also waved his hand and left smartly.

For Ding Yu's meaningless sudden performance, Jin Taixi was also a little lost in his mind. He was also amused. However, he was extremely sweet in his heart. He also prepared a gift and put it in his luggage. I don't know whether he saw it or not. It was a gift carefully prepared by himself.

Ding Yu did not meet the capital city, but directly transferred the plane and then went back home. As for his sister there, it didn't matter that there was a rare side there. After all, he had deliberately come back and met her before. Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying attached great importance to Ding Yu's return.

They were checked up and down, and it was obvious that the reports on TV also scared them. Fortunately, Ding Yu did not have anything to do. Ding Yu also explained in detail that there was nothing wrong with him. Everything was fine.

After the inspection, Ding Lin and his wife are finally relieved. They are really afraid of Ding Yu's problems and conditions! Otherwise, I don't know what will happen! "That bear place is also a good place to explode. It's not safe at all! It's still an international metropolis! "

"Mom, it's a normal thing to express your anger, but there may be some problems in the way. How to look at it? This is really what the two said."

"All right, you just need to be safe!" Zhao Shuying also drew her arm. "I'll talk about it in the future. Tell me about your girlfriend. Ding Ding Ding always plays riddles with me. I don't know how to deal with it. It happens that you are back today, so please tell me about it!" At this time, Zhao Shuying's eyes have been bright.

Ding Yu also looked at her father helplessly, but she was also very curious when she thought of Ding Lin there. Seeing such a situation, Ding Yu also felt that she had some toothache. "Now, I haven't confirmed the relationship. My study here is relatively busy, her work is also relatively busy, but getting along well with each other!"

"I know you get along well. If you can't, I won't ask!" Zhao game is also a happy face, it is obviously very interested in Ding Yu's girlfriend, "I heard her home is Korean, you don't get me a plastic surgery back, this I absolutely do not! And what does she do at home? "

"I haven't had cosmetic surgery, which is for sure. As for the family? His father and I have business contacts! But first I got to know her, and then I got to know the two companies, and then I started to associate. The general situation is like this. "

"You still have business?" Ding Lin felt a little strange, Ding Yu also nodded, "to each other, there are forces between them, but there are not too many avenues, I found a way, and then we all united together!"

"What business? Do you still have such a way? "

Ding Lin was obviously worried about this aspect. "When I went to study in the UK, I happened to meet two real estate companies. They were the TV series that had been broadcast before. A friend of mine gave me the way. Then he sat together in all aspects, and his intention was almost like this!"

Ding Lin took a look at his son and his wife at the same time, "I'm not so opposed to you doing this business. After all, this is your business, but I don't want you to waste your talent. Study is the most important thing!""I know that I don't usually ask about business matters, that is, I have some shares in it!" Ding Yu successfully changed the topic at this time, but Zhao Shuying looked at her husband with some complaints. She also knew that it was good to be a doctor, but such strict demands on her son seemed to have gone too far.

However, on this issue, Zhao Shuying really won't show too much. She also knows that her husband is for the good of her son. She can't see the immediate interests, so she should pay attention to long-term goals.

The next day, regardless of whether Ding Yu had a good rest, Ding Lin took Ding Yu to the hospital. However, the hospital welcomed Ding Yu's arrival. If possible, they would like to stay here as long as possible, although it is a bit unrealistic.

For Ding Yu, the small profit in front of him is not too much value, but for the hospital leaders, fat is not small. There is no denying that Ding Yu still has a considerable gap in some aspects, but it can not be denied that Ding Yu can bring us a lot of new things, which is what we need.

What's more important is that Ding Yu can express what he has learned perfectly, which is beyond the reach of many people. Even many residents here seem not to be so good at it. This is the gap between talent and study. It is really not everyone can envy.

After Ding Yu came, there was nothing different from the usual time. He was just an intern student here. Now he has not graduated. Even if he has graduated, he is far from a real doctor in many aspects. He has no proud capital. The higher the level is, the less the gap is.

At that time, it is not your talent, but your efforts. There may be a congenital gap, but the gap after tomorrow? Sometimes it is also very illustrative of problems and situations, which can never be ignored.

But Ding Lin sees everything in his eyes. Whether Ding Yu has made progress or regressed, or stagnated, can be seen from his basic performance, because all the things need to be presented in front of everyone, you can't be a bit false.

Although it's only half a year, Ding Lin can clearly feel that Ding Lin's technique is more skilled and stable than when he came back a year ago, but the speed is not good. What's more, during the whole process, Ding Yu also showed new things. He was indeed his son and lived up to his expectations.

It's normal to do something else when you have time and energy. Is it life? It should be colorful. It can't be said that after becoming a doctor, it can only be white. Other colors are not allowed. It seems that some of them are not very good. At least, it is not so harmonious for the family.

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