"What's the way, uncle?" When she came out, she saw her boyfriend. Jiang Ruoyun also asked in a low voice. When she left, she didn't say hello. Would it be bad? But what about the appearance of my great uncle? It seems that I don't care so much. What's wrong? Not really!

Zhou Chengtie also shook his head, "what about martial uncle? I just came back yesterday. It's not so convenient to stay here. What about home? There's a big group of people. Besides, martial uncle is a very casual person sometimes. You don't have to pay attention to it. Maybe we will have a surprise when we go back! "

Jiang Ruoyun is a little puzzled. Even though he had dinner here, what about the two people? There was still no intention of leaving. Even when Taoist priest Liu was sleeping, two people came out of the courtyard. It was already dark outside.

"Mr. Zhou?" It seems that people have been waiting for a long time.

Looking at the person standing in front of him, Zhou Chengtie was stunned for a moment, and he didn't really know him. When he looked at Zhou Chengtie, he also laughed, "Sir, let me come. This is a gift for you from Mr. Zhou!" That is to hand over a file bag, what is inside, really can't see clearly.

"You are very kind! I.... " Zhou Cheng tie also scratched his head, some not very good meaning said.

Visitors also smile, did not say what, "I send you!"

"No, thank you. Ruoyun and I will treat it as food and drink. In two days, I will kowtow to martial uncle!"

Standing there waiting, watching the car leave, Jiang Ruoyun also patted himself on the chest, "urban rail, how do you feel so frightening? What is the origin of your martial uncle? Are some of them too big? "

Zhou Chengtie laughed and did not make any explanation. As for the file bag, which was also sandwiched under his armpit, did not mean to open it. Jiang Ruoyun did not have any meaning to ask. What about himself? Just like this person. What about others? There was no relationship.

Although the appearance of Zhoucheng railway is very general, but it has filial piety and is very steady in doing things. What else? To their own feelings are extra things, as long as two people care a little bit, there is no problem! What about material requirements? It's a part of life, but isn't it about your own life? It's material requirements!

When he returned to his residence, Zhou Chengtie didn't mean to open the bag. He threw it into the drawer. He knew that the uncle's hand would not be too light. He didn't open it? It's not to say that you have any idea about martial uncle. There's no reason for this. It's the last insurance.

When he came back in the evening, Zhou Chengtie looked at the bag in the drawer, and there was a little smile on his face, but Jiang Ruoyun looked at his boyfriend and said, "what are you laughing at? Wash your hands and get ready to eat. "

"No wonder what's in it?"

"What's the curiosity?" Jiang Ruoyun is also puzzled to ask, Zhou Cheng tie shakes his head, "you! It's really a silly girl. I told you before. What about martial uncle? Not ordinary people, nor ordinary people. What about these two days? I'm not very busy. Go kowtow to martial uncle sometime! You too

"I'll go too?" Jiang Ruoyun a little puzzled, he found such a boyfriend? So for some aspects is quite clear, to know that he has not kowtow to his uncle? He took the lead in kowtowing to the uncle Ding Yu. Was it that some of them were too much, "urban rail, shouldn't we kowtow to Uncle Ding first?"

"You don't understand. You won't suffer from it, at least not now. But it's different to kowtow to martial uncle. I think what about shishuzu? I've always been waiting for this opportunity! "

Because it's Xiaonian, Ding Yu didn't ask for anything in the morning, but the two little guys got up very early. They wanted to watch the fireworks. If they were in their hometown, it might be more convenient. But this is the capital city, and the environmental requirements are very strict.

Two days ago, Ding Yu deliberately asked about this question. Although Ding Yu can ignore it, it does not mean that Ding Yu is really unscrupulous. What about such a thing? Don't be too different. After learning about the relevant regulations, Ding Yu also asked people to customize some cold fireworks for the two little guys.

It's a special one, and it's also a pollution-free one. The quadrangle is relatively large here, and it's placed in the courtyard? It will not cause other problems and conditions. The two small schools are also jubilant. Even if they don't have breakfast, they have to set off cold fireworks, which is impossible to grasp.

The attendants at home are ready. Ding Yu doesn't mean to start. Instead, Ding Lin takes two small children to make preparations. The time is just right. Under Ding Lin's sign, the two men also press the button in their hands.

The sky is not bright, there are so some dim, but the cold fireworks are really very beautiful, let people see after the heart is also very happy, two small are also in the crowd to wear. Tai Xi seems to be attracted by these cold fireworks, but not too much to care about the two children.Ding Yu did not explain to his parents how expensive the cold fireworks were. As long as everyone was happy and happy, and the quadrangle was big enough. What if we changed to another place? It's really not so appropriate. I'm afraid you'll have a lot of discussion after you see it. Even if you know that this is pollution-free fireworks, it's the same.

"Holding them two, I think your husband and wife are really a little too much!" After letting off the fireworks, Ding Yu also joked with Cao Zhen and ding ding that the two children were in their arms and wrapped like bears. In Ding Yu's opinion, there was no need for this.

Back in the house, Zhao Shuying and Ding Ding untied the two children. They were also careful when they untied them. Ding Yu took a look at her father. You are also a doctor. What's the truth? You know, you don't say it, but Ding Lin really doesn't mean it.

Even if it is said, the guarantee will also be rejected back, and the new year's festival, or do not find what is not missing, his wife's temper can not know? Have lived for a lifetime!

Seeing that her father didn't mean to try the law by example, Ding Yu naturally would not ask for trouble. Zhao Shuying prepared the breakfast, and Tai Xi played it. Other times, he could borrow people, but this time is absolutely not allowed. Zhao Shuying also took out the bearing of the head of the family!

What about sacrificial stoves? There is really not too much attention at home, and there is no saying that women must avoid taboo. The two little guys eat juicy food, which is totally open and open. Seeing the two little brothers, they are also eager to try. If not for Cao Zheng and Ding Ding Ding, they are afraid that they have already climbed on the table at this time.

In the morning, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying also took the fourth primary school out for a stroll, as if to participate in some cultural gathering. Ding Yu didn't mean to inquire. Anyway, Ding Ding followed Cao Zhen, but Cao Zhen didn't have a holiday. He was a little bit sad. After breakfast, he went to work!

Ding Yu and Tai Xi are naturally bored at home. Ding Yu doesn't care. Taixi is worried because of their identity. But what about it? A large part of the meaning is because Ding Yu, after all, the rest of the family have gone out, so it's not good to leave Ding Yu alone!

"I say you two are good at finding opportunities! Come here at this time. " Ding Yu was originally looking at potted plants. When Taixi called him over, Ding Yu was a bit stunned. When he saw Zhou Chengtie and Jiang Ruoyun, he also joked, "OK, the two children are not at home. What about you? It's a waste of time! "

Jiang Ruoyun is so stupid. Even when Zhou Chengtie was dragging her, she sat down straight. She has been in the capital for several years. What about such a quadrangle? Yes, but I've seen it from afar. But what about today? I was dragged in by my boyfriend.

"Uncle, I only opened the bag today for the gift you sent me. Originally, I planned to go with Ruoyun to get the certificate these two days, but the plane ticket was not reserved! So I want to come here to worship you for an early year, and I don't know when I can come back after I go back! "

Ding Yu looks at Jiang Ruoyun next to him. At this time, he is still stupid, and seems to have no reaction. However, it is also true nature, and has no artificial meaning. Ding Yu still appreciates it.

"What happened? I was more optimistic about you. Originally, I wanted to ask you to come over from martial uncle, but what about martial uncle? There are other concerns, so I am not good to refuse, but see you today married? Now I want to come, I did not have the right choice

"Uncle, I'll listen to my uncle and you!"

"Goodbye, now that you have a family and a career, you need to think more about yourself. My uncle and I are older. What about me? Under normal circumstances, it's not so much here in the capital. What about Shi Shuzu? It's up to you two to take care of more, especially the situation of your city rail and martial uncle! I won't say more! "

"Uncle, it's my duty to take care of my uncle! I don't borrow people. " Zhou Chengtie also sincerely thanks his master uncle. If there was no master uncle, he would not have been able to live here in the capital city at that time. Moreover, he lived there for nothing.

All kinds of conditions, I will not forget!

"Well, since we are here today, let's have a try." Ding Yu is also quite impolite. When he went out, Taixi took a look at some people who were not satisfied with him. Although he was a junior, you didn't have to fight with others directly, right?

What's more, in such a day, Taixi can only accompany Jiang Ruoyun. When Zhou Chengtie comes back again, he is not black and blue. However, judging from the condition on his body, it seems that it is not very good. Ding Yu's attack is not polite at all. Jiang Ruoyun's eyes feel a little red.

"It's a good thing that you haven't put down your Kung Fu. It's also your capital." Then Ding Yu is also casually, "do not leave you to eat, save you two are not comfortable here, when the day comes to tell me a!"When Jiang Ruoyun came out of the courtyard of the quadrangle, the whole person was still quite sluggish. Today, the impact was too big! I'm afraid I can't react for a while. On the side of the courtyard, Taixi is also complaining about Dingyu. After coming, he cleaned up the family and then kicked it out. It's too bad!

"Let them stay here? It's really that makes them feel uncomfortable! " Dingyu also explained, "if I send the city railway out with a friendly attitude, he will have other ideas, and even reflect on whether he has made mistakes in any place, and the whole person will be in trouble and loss!"

"I will find out why I am. By the way, my father and mother say they won't come back to eat at noon!"

"Just us two?" Dingyu also rubbed his nose. "I don't think we two will be in the house. There will be no guests anyway. You know? We don't like to move, don't know? Thought how were we both? "

What about the arrival of Zhou City railway? It was an unexpected interest for Dingyu. They put on their coats and soon left the courtyard by car. It is not until the new year, but the atmosphere of Spring Festival is coming on the street!

"Are people a little bit more?" Seeing the scene on the street, Dingyu also twisted his mouth. It was very interesting when he didn't come out. But after seeing so many people, Dingyu really had so many back and out. Seeing the appearance of Taixi, Ding Yu immediately stood up his shoulder. "OK! You'll arrange it! "

On this issue, Ding Yu can say that she wants to be a spoiled Taixi. If she is really in Korean family, women have almost no status, and they are all servants in the family. But Dingyu really doesn't have this way. How about respecting others? It is respect for yourself, which is a problem of one's cultivation.

Lunch was chosen by Taixi. Even after lunch, they went to a movie together. They looked for a good cinema, even provided butler service and customized seats. Dingyu also dropped his mouth unconsciously. Is it so advanced in cinema now?

Usually, I basically watch movies at home. Anyway, there are special cinemas in my home, but today? Just to cater to the atmosphere, so with Tai Xi come out together, now the cinema has been improved to such a degree? It's really a very intimate experience.

There are many studios, but because there are no people, Dingyu and Taixi directly package the studio. There are several people coming in behind, but they are all security in the home, and there are no other outsiders.

Looking at the snacks, Ding Yu turned his arm at Taixi. "You said that if two little guys knew this, would they be upset when they went back in the evening?"

"It shouldn't be!" Taixi is also very uncertain to say that Ding Yu also took out the mobile phone, anyway, the light is not off, take two photos, and Taixi looks at Dingyu, and also takes his own head. Isn't this typical death or death the same? It's strange that two children can spare themselves lightly!

But Dingyu looked at the picture and then sent out. Taixi shook his head beside him. The two children would not make noise at this time. Even the disturbance had no effect. Dingyu also edited a few words in the back, "let us not play with you, hum, we will not take you to play!" Typical mutual damage.

During the process of watching the film, Taixi felt the vibration of the mobile phone, but did not mean to answer the phone. Even he threw the phone into Dingyu's hand. Looking at the above call display, Dingyu sent two wechat in the past, which means that it is very simple to let two little guys stop and do not disturb them during the movie.

Looking at the reply above wechat, Dingyu nodded with satisfaction, and then delivered the mobile phone to the past. Taixi also noticed the above message, which was very speechless. They are all children. How can they be like children?

After watching the movie, Ding Yu didn't mean to go back. When he turned on his mobile phone, he interacted with two children. But he didn't think that there was no response at all. Obviously, the two little guys are so angry now.

"I don't know how to make a fuss at night? The movie is also watching. Let's go back first! "

Taixi also has some worries. What about dinner? It must not be able to eat outside. After all, today is a small year. We need to eat at home. The father and mother-in-law should rush back to prepare dinner at this time!

What about other things? Both of them may endure, but they and their father will be taught to be so angry with their children. What about that? I really don't know how to deal with it.

When they came back, they were like the door gods, and they blocked the door on the left and right. Their faces were facing one side, but the hands were also pulled together, which was to set up a warning line, and they would not let it pass!

I open this mountain. I plant this tree. I want to pass this road first. Hum!

Dingyu was also a stare, and then the eagle was also eating, a pair of two people were held up, they both thought about fighting with themselves, give them to bear!But even if it is to please the two children, into the house, Ding Lin is the first to give a white eye, as for Zhao Shuying is more direct, two slaps in Ding Yu's back position, let you mischievous!

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