It can be said that the British intelligence and governance department is extremely helpless about this matter, especially the MI5. This should have been a secret sneak in plan, and the previous preparations were quite adequate. What has been going on? David Lewis was also pretty good, but somehow it came out of the blue.

Whether or not to go deep into the reasons, and where did Ding Yu get the news? Although Ding Yu said that his power had developed rapidly in recent years, this guy was too calm, and he kept his secret. He could hardly see what was happening to him. He stayed in the depth of the temple, just like a Buddha.

Ding Yu has lived in the UK for several years, and he has a good understanding of the high-level politics in the UK, and his high-level relationship with the UK is also very good. What about such a thing? Now someone should have got the news, but the people who got the news will also think that they don't know anything!

Because this matter is very difficult. If it is really involved, I am afraid it will be very difficult to get away from it. Even if I encounter such a thing, I am afraid I will be very angry. What's more, this is an offence to Ding Yu.

What's more, Ding Yu and the information management department? There are some hidden rules between each other. They do not infringe on each other. You can send personnel to stay in the company. When there are problems and situations, we can communicate with each other. For Ding Yu, this has already represented his own attitude.

The matter of MI5 is really too much. Even MI6 has a lot of complaints about it. Your MI5 is in charge of domestic affairs, but what about Ding Yu? It seems that it does not belong to the domestic, this hand extension seems to be a little bit longer!

Even this time, the six aspects of MI6 will be linked. In any case, they belong to the Intelligence Department of the British Empire. Will Ding Yu divide it into two parts? It seems that there are so many unlikely! So things may really have some trouble!

Sasha knew it was true, but she didn't do much. As for David Lewis's disposal? She didn't show any interest. David Lewis went through the procedures of leaving the office. He handled them in person. There was no harsh performance in the whole process. The company didn't want to investigate.

MI5 has been following up on this matter all the time. It's hard for them to say anything at this time. The matter has been ruined in their hands. How do you want to deal with it? Go to find Ding Yu? There's no way out, and what does Sasha mean? She just ignored the whole thing.

Sasha didn't show any attitude, which also showed that she was quite angry about this matter. What about David Lewis? Although he said that he was working on his own side, he was ready to recommend it. But who would have thought that he was such an identity and had been around for such a long time without any discovery.

What about this mistake? I really need to review. Don't think that sun Yingnan was found by himself. In addition, his relationship with Ding Yu is extraordinary. What about the work of Horton, Li Fuzhen and Dashan? Their own work is not the most excellent one, and now there are such mistakes.

Without Sasa's help, it is basically impossible to get close to Ding Yu. Now, there is no intention of coming forward in all aspects. It also makes MI5 feel so upset. What does Ding Yu really want to do? Have arrived now, at least should give a little hint in this respect!

Soon, people from MI5 also came to the manor side. The housekeeper William was the manor side. He just came back from Huaxia. What about William? They are all responsible for Ding Yu's private affairs. Others may not have the face. But William still has this weight in front of Ding Yu!

"Housekeeper William!" The suit of the comer is straight, and it also shows his temperament and demeanor!

After hearing about the identity of the visitor, William also asked people to bring a plate to come over and look at the things in the plate. The visitor's expression was also a little startled, and the corners of his mouth were also twitching. These fools, since the previous affairs of David Lewis had been exposed, how could they not know how to be more restrained?

If you install instruments on the manor side, you should pay attention to it, or you should be careful not to make it known to everyone. Now the things are placed in front of you, so that you don't even know what kind of refutation to do!

"Housekeeper William, where are some of the five? The idea is a little too biased. What about this matter? Absolutely personal behavior! I hope Mr. Ding can understand it! " Now, in addition to being able to say good words, what else can we do? Is there any chance of refutation? Not at all!

"I don't care if I say it!" William said softly, "Sir, you have your own decisions. What about this side? I just deal with some miscellaneous things, and I will never do anything for you! "

You can tell from the words, what about William? There's no interest at all, or this thing? He won't get involved in anything! Because there is not much to do with the affairs involved. If you intervene, Mr. Lai will be strongly dissatisfied.Are you in this position? I feel very good. I have proved my value. I'm not a waste. As for the Ministry of information management, who is going to take the job, I don't know? What's more, it's still such a dirty thing?

"Housekeeper William, now we are short of a channel, a channel to positively contact Mr. Ding!" The visitors showed their attitude sincerely! What about the other things? It's not convenient for you, but it seems that such things are within your jurisdiction, right? After all, all Ding Yu's internal affairs are basically handled by William!

William looked at the visitor and thought for a moment, "what was the original plan? It's a great opportunity for the young master and the young lady to come to the manor for a holiday in the summer vacation. But now that so many things have been found in the manor, do you think the manor is still safe? "

This is really to make people speechless. What about Ding Yu's two children? They have always been in the United States and China. Sometimes they go back to Korea, but in their spare time, their mother will bring them to the manor. What about here? It has always been a place for holidays!

But looking for these things in this holiday place really makes people feel so intolerable that they will be furious if they are themselves! What's more, here? Apart from vacation, it seems that there is not much value. There are some doubts. Why should we install those equipment and instruments here?

This is not provocative so simple, who knows what kind of tricks are playing behind, I'm afraid any normal person will think like this! What's more, this person is still Ding Yu, obviously in this way? It doesn't make any sense, that is to say, this thing? It did not achieve the purpose of Ding Yu's heart.

Ding Yu is a dog who doesn't like to bark very much. We all know this problem, but the more it is? The more thorny it is, the more difficult it is. If you catch a bite, who can say it then? Who dares to guarantee this? no one!

This is the reason why we are all in a hurry now. The matter was caused by MI5, but in the end, what happened? But for the whole of Britain, the matter has been settled for the time being, and then the matter of MI5 will be discussed!

"Housekeeper William, we are old friends!" The visitor also changed his attitude, "now we have some uncertain attitude towards Mr. Ding. What about this matter? We will always give Mr. Ding an account, but we are all uncertain about what kind of situation we need. "

"Sir's attitude?" William also picked up the teacup. "I've been back from China for some time. I only know about this? It was not passed through Miss Sasha, but it was handled by the gentleman himself! "

Do you say that yourself? It's not just a guess, but I've asked my husband and even mentioned it to miss Sasha, so I've only said so now. Otherwise, William would not have said it. The importance still needs to be distinguished.

Yes! They are friends, but they have provided quite a lot of information. They can't ask for more, can't they? Just as they were talking, William's cell phone suddenly rang.

William put down the coffee cup in his hand and made a sorry gesture to the visitor. He took the mobile phone out of his inner pocket. However, he did not mean to go aside. "Mr. William, our goods were seized at the airport." The voice inside the phone can be said to be quite rapid.

"Sir, you have special immunity!" William this time also suddenly stood up, "with what reason to detain?"

At such a sensitive time, it's really delicate to detain Mr. Zhang's goods all of a sudden! "I'm sorry, Mr. William, there's no mention of it to us, but armed police have been sent out and they are confronting each other. Judging from the current situation, the confrontation is still going on!"

After putting down the phone, William also looked at the visitor, "this way seems to break the rules!"

Obviously, the visitor didn't expect such a situation. The expression on his face was also quite displeased. He came to find William himself to solve the problem. Now someone has detained Ding Yu's goods at the airport. What kind of things can they be changed?

You should know that Ding Yu's hands have special immunity. This special immunity was compensated to Ding Yu at the beginning, but now? Breaking the unspoken rules between each other, I just want to break with Ding Yu! Or is there really something in the goods? Even breaking the rules?

"Housekeeper William, I really don't know about this?! Sorry

William looked at the visitor. "So, it's hard to get involved?" Ever since he stood up, William has never meant to sit down. "That is to say, even to break this hidden rule?"

"I'm sorry, housekeeper William. I need some time to get to know the whole situation!" The visitor also apologized, and then went out and went back to his car. He didn't know what had happened. When he came, no one told him about the situation!If he had known that, he would not come. He gave Ding Yu a special immunity, and now he goes back. This is a devastating blow to the image of the whole country. Moreover, at such a moment, unless Ding Yu's goods are really important to a certain extent, even for this reason, they can even break this hidden rule.

"Kerr, I need an explanation! I was talking to housekeeper William, but suddenly he got a phone call. This is a challenge to my personal reputation. I can't accept such a result! "

"Galas, I just got to know the situation. After getting the news, five places also used some means. Ding Yu's goods contained special things. They were thermal imaging and other means. There were not only sensitive people in it, but also other things. So the five places forcibly detained people!"

"At such a sensitive time, forcibly detaining breaks the unspoken rules between each other. Ding Yu has special immunity. What has happened all along? We are all in peace, this time there are five wrong drugs? Or did you forget to take the medicine? What on earth do they want to do with all these things? "

"Gallas, don't get excited!" Kerr also calmed the mood of Gallas, "five people planted weasels, what about this? There are only three channels. One is that there are five internal problems; the other is Ding Yu's problem. What's more? It should be something else! "

"Do you want to restrict Ding Yu through this matter and take back special immunity?" Gallas also snorted, "is this a bit too shameless, anyway, the person who breaks this hidden rule is not Ding Yu!"

"It's hard to ride a tiger!" Cole sighed, "five things are too passive. It's not necessary to cancel Ding Yu's special immunity. However, this time, Ding Yu can be restricted. Generally speaking, the contents of Ding Yu's goods can be determined. Otherwise, it will not happen! "

" I don't agree with such a way. Even if the so-called reconciliation with Ding Yuda is achieved, it will leave a considerable estrangement in Ding Yu's heart! This time, the matter is solved, but it is not Ding Yu who picked up the matter. If Ding Yu picks up something next time, how can he deal with it? "

"Galas, what about the intelligence department? They belong to different natures. They can interfere with us, but we have no way to interfere with them. You should be clear about the problems in this. People are directly under the family. This is like the relationship between a son and a nephew. Anyway? We are not so close to each other

Gallas felt that his depression was hard to express. He had a good discussion with the housekeeper William, but now? But there are such problems and conditions, thoroughly want to turn over with Ding Yu, even if this time the success of restricting Ding Yu, but the relationship between each other has broken, this itself is a matter that is not worth the loss!

However, according to the news that Cole sent to himself, the above should have reached an agreement in this respect, or they are quite sure that Ding Yu's goods contain taboo things, which will cause considerable restrictions on Ding Yu, so as to balance the matter of preparing to plant weasels by Ding Yu first!

But I don't know why Gallas feels that there are still some things that are not right this time. I can't say what's wrong with it. It's just that there's something wrong with it! What the hell is MI5 doing during this period? Don't make a mess! It's really hard to end up then!

"I'm sorry, housekeeper William. I just got the news and may return to London!"

William looked at Cole and took a long breath. "I have to say, I really feel very sorry that such a thing should happen. There was a chance to say something like this before, but now? I really feel that hope is too slim, I really don't cherish it at all? "

"Housekeeper William, from my personal point of view, I still hope to solve this matter peacefully. Otherwise, I would never come here. But now, those people in five places are crazy, and there are not many people who can restrict them. At least I can't. So I can only go back to London and hope we can have tea again next time!"

"Together?" Housekeeper William also sent out his invitation, "I'm going to London too!" Such a matter must be personally presented by William housekeeper. Sasha is not in England any more. Now things are basically handled by William with full authority. The truth of the matter is so big!

Cole didn't mean to refuse. He couldn't stand for William. He just took a free ride. On the way back to London, William also made a few phone calls, but Cole didn't pay much attention to it. He didn't have any solutions even though he was in a hurry. However, he listened to William's call clearly.

William also contacted many officials, but what about this matter? The people who come forward will never be more special. The situation is too subtle now! No one has come forward with the previous five issues, so what about the airport now? There will never be too many people standing up!After landing at the airport, William also sent out an invitation to Cole, and Cole directly refused. Now is not the time to be gracious. It's better not to make any involvement comparison. People in five places are already crazy, so don't have any relationship with them now! Otherwise, who knows what these lunatics will do? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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