If you don't accept it, you don't accept it? Even if you are Ding Yu, what can you do? What about Ding Yu's energy? There are also some beyond imagination, and soon everyone also felt the pressure in this respect.

Ding Yu's high-level relationship with Britain is still quite good. Although Ding Yu said that he had left the UK in recent years, the relationship was not broken, and even maintained very good! Previous William and Sasha may not have so much effect, but Ding Yu's appearance is another thing! Many people are still willing to give this face! To be exact, it is of vital interest!

MI5 is an independent department, which is true, but there are still many people who can make MI5 feel pressure! Even a few people who came to Shasha's office kept ringing. From this, we can see the energy of Ding Yu? Absolutely beyond imagination!

But the more like this, the more impossible it is for MI5 or even some forces to let go. If they don't enter the hangar or open the package, that is, the container, then we can't get the exact evidence. All the previous arrangements are all in the water of Dongshui. This time, Ding Yu was moved, and the special immunity was destroyed. The noise was quite big, No With enough response, I'm afraid it will be very difficult for them to explain.

So even if Ding Yu indicated the intention of peace talks, what about the contents of the box? It is absolutely beyond the imagination of the importance, this point we all know is very clear, now such a good opportunity is placed in front of us, can not be wasted!

As for the special immunity previously granted to Ding Yu? ha-ha! Two words are enough to explain everything!

So what about the pressure from all aspects? Not only did not let MI5 and other forces give up, but also some perseverance! Sasha took out her mobile phone again. This time, instead of calling Ding Yu, she opened housekeeper William, "make sure the hangar can't be entered! Don't care what means when necessary! "

It is just a simple sentence, but the weight of this sentence can be said to be quite heavy, and even the hidden meaning revealed? It is to inform everyone that special means and methods can be adopted when necessary.

This was said in front of the visitors. The negotiation was a tear in the face, but there was not much fierce action. The British side also needed to consider the considerable influence. But now that Sasha has made it clear, the British side also needs to consider what kind of way to adopt?

The strong protrusion on the front, what about those people under Ding Yu's hand? But they are all war-torn goods. The confrontation with them will not be too small. Moreover, there are other personnel in the hangar. They can be said to be hostages. What's more, the pressure given by Ding Yu is also very big, that is to say, there is not much time for them!

"Ms. Sasha, you are responsible for what you say!"

At the same time, the special air service group outside the hangar has been fully equipped and on standby. They are very clear about who they need to face and what kind of situation they will face after entering the airport. Why should the airport be so anxious? It's also because the pressure given by Ding Yu is too much!

In the past, we knew that Ding Yu had a very good relationship with the British high-level officials. But how good is it? No one can really say why. But now? All aspects have been called, if you don't act, you can't bear the pressure!

Even Sasa's side of the matter has not been settled, secret service team has begun to prepare for action, but before the action there are also clear provisions, that is to say, special ways can be taken, but absolutely not allowed to fire the first shot, if possible, let the people inside to fire the first shot!

Obviously, the people inside have also noticed this situation. The hangar is a little bit large, and relying on them, these people want to complete the deployment. There are some people who have already seen the Secret Service Corps. After all, some of them have served in the secret service, so they are not so strange.

William looked at the phone in his hand. "So people listen to my command, they are not allowed to shoot, and try not to let them get close to the plane and the package. I believe Mr. Wang will try to find a way. The package is very important, but your life is also as important as possible, and the installation device for the package is also as important as possible."

At this time, William also had the intention of breaking the ship. Even if the package was destroyed, it was absolutely impossible for people from five places to open the package. Such news was also known to the outside world at the first time. After all, the hangar still belongs to the airport, and the people here don't have much equipment!

That is to say, during the preparation, countless smoke bombs and flash bombs were also thrown in. Originally, people in the corner were shouting, but they had been controlled before, so they were also as much as possible to get down, and there was really no other too much movement, because they wanted to move, they could not move.

What about William and others? They are standing in the position around the aircraft and container, but there are not too many actions, even their own guns do not mean to take out, but smoke bombs and flash bombs still have a considerable impact on them, but the impact is not as big as imagined, at least it can be tolerated!Looking at all the people coming in from all directions, William also looked at them, and the secret service regiment that came in by surprise looked at the people who were almost motionless. They raised their hands for the first time and motioned the other team members not to start. Although they said that the waist and armpit of these guys were bulging, they did not see any weapons on their hands.

It has been stated before coming in that it is absolutely impossible to fire the first shot. There is too much responsibility in this, and no one will endorse it. Since they have no action, they must not make any big moves on their own side!

William also found a chair to make it. What about the other people who entered? William is also a cold eye, let the following people still adhere to their position, he is sitting in the front of the position!

The effect of the former smoke bombs and flash bombs is not obvious in the imagination. Moreover, in the process of getting along with each other, they are almost dissipated. The former confrontation is still continuing, but there was a door separated from the former time. Now? Face to face!

William takes the lead and never gives up his position. What about the special air crew? They are only responsible for attacking, not for arresting all the people. What's more, these people don't mean to do anything. Judging from their situation, we can see that their quality is not ordinary people, but other people in the corner? At this time, it's still a whine, a little noisy!

In the man controlled field of the special Air Service Regiment, other people soon came in. They didn't have the so-called weapons and equipment in their hands, but according to their appearance, we can see why they came here! William has been sitting on the chair all the time. He doesn't mean to get up. He looks at the people coldly!

"Can't wait to break the rules?" The visitor had already stood in front of William, and William was sitting there. He said very impolitely, "the establishment of rules has never been easy. Now quit, everything is still in time, I believe! ....。”

As soon as the words were finished, he was directly put on the ground without any chance. William, lying on the ground, waved his hand to the people behind him, "protect the things!" However, in a word, William was immediately under control. Since they had all chosen to do it, there was no need to be polite.

Soon other people were also disarmed. During the whole process, of course, people did not give too much cooperation, so it is very normal to leave a few footprints on the body and a few gun butts on the back!

William is also a broken nose, stained in the beard above, looks so embarrassed, the expression on his face of course is angry! These guys are so unruly! He gathered the people to one side, and then moved the two containers. "Housekeeper William, let's see what's inside, OK?"

"No, what about being a man? ..。” Before he finished speaking, it was another butt. William staggered for a moment, and then he was heavily beaten in his stomach. William fell to his knees and stood up in a struggle. His expression was solemn and looked at the people beside him! But there was no more to say!

Two containers were put there, although it was locked, but for everyone, it was just a matter of time. Soon the two containers were opened!

After the container was opened, all the people were shocked. Even some people couldn't believe that they rubbed their eyes. It's wrong! Thermal imaging and other technical means to see the situation inside is not like this! And what about the hangar? So big, even if you want to hide, you can't hide so many people?

William also looked at the contents of the container, looked back a little, saw someone nodded to him, and then stood there with his eyes closed. The box was opened, and it was opened by the British people! All of them are in front of the public.

Don't you want to see it? I'll show you enough now!

What about the installation of weasels? You have been acting too much, and now unilaterally tore up Ding Yu's special immunity. This is no longer a simple provocation and a slap in the face! Even if Ding Yu is a Buddha, he has fire!

All the people present saw the contents of the container. Some people had taken out their mobile phones. At the beginning, the signal was blocked, but now? Or hurry to return the relevant information! This time, it was really noisy. There was still a chance to save the weasel. However, he raided the hangar and forcibly opened Ding Yu's package. He completely ignored the special immunity given to Ding Yu. Can this still be called a misunderstanding?

In the office, Shasha, looking at the satellite phone that suddenly made a sound, picked it up at the first time. It was Ding Yu who called in person. "They forcibly entered the hangar and opened the container. I will send the video data to you. You can deal with the matter first! There is no need to have too many representations! Just keep silent

Putting down the satellite phone in her hand, Sasha also looked at the people in the room without expression. "I didn't expect that you would be so impatient. I can tell you a good news that the package has been opened. I believe that for you, it will be a restless and stable night. I have other things to do! ....。”Even before Sasha's words were finished, the phones of all the people in the room seemed to be urging people to call. Sasha had already left her office, and things had been successful. This joke was not particularly clever, or even so low-level.

But no matter it's high or low, as long as it's useful, it's a good thing. MI5 is too anxious. They're like falling into the river. As long as you give them a straw, they'll seize it and never let it go!

What about the airport? What kind of life-saving straw is there? It's just the noose hanging around their necks, the so-called thermal imaging, all the weight testing and so on. It's just a means. What about the people at home? Although it is said that there are many places in the world, they are all elites! For them, this method is totally Pediatrics!

All the people in the hangar stopped, and all the members of the special air crew retreated. The leader looked at the contents of the two containers and subconsciously turned his mouth. But they came in to help. What's the matter? All of them have been helped. Now they can't be used. Let's go!

Who knows if there will be other problems and situations if you stay. It's really hard to say! Don't you see that other people already have some stupid eyes at this time? Fortunately, when I came here, there was no other big action, no shooting, and no damage was caused!

So the special commuters were evacuated as soon as possible. What about William? It has been released, but we are not too excited. We are calm and calm. It is a simple task to wipe the blood on your face or clean up the traces on your body!

"William, you've sunk us all!"

William simply cleaned his face. What about his clothes? There have been twists and turns. For the question in front of him, he snorted, "Sir, you have special immunity, but what about this one? Torn up by you, and now you want to ask me? Even if it is shameless, does it need a limit? "

After a change of breath, William looked at the people around him and said, "you've checked the things, and they're all in a mess. I don't know what you're looking for, but what's the video data here? It should have been transmitted! Speaking of it, I haven't been beaten for a long time, but this time it taught me quite a lesson. I should always be vigilant. I shouldn't wait for this fist to fall on my face. I can't do any resistance! How sad

No one can make it clear whether this remark is a satire or a warning. Even if people in MI5 want to be William, it doesn't make any sense. William is not in charge of this matter. It's useless to find trouble with him. Moreover, MI5 really fell into the pit this time!

In the past, we still have the possibility to argue about weasel, but now even if we want to argue, how to open this mouth and why the special immunity will be given to Ding Yu, we all know it well. But the MI5 directly pulled down the cover cloth. Under such circumstances, will Ding Yu not be angry?

What about winners and losers? Now can safely leave the field, has really become a problem! From the understanding of the situation, Ding Yu may have no action, and even deliberately to convergence, this is his consistent style!

But when the time comes, Ding Yu will definitely bite him hard. It will not be the matter of MI5, but the whole of Britain. You should know that Ding Yu is in charge of a large consortium, which is closely related to all aspects! Not a single existence!

Why can't we restrain ourselves when so many people called earlier? Ding Yu is famous for his cunning? At that time, how did you lose your head and make such a choice?

Special immunity is a piece of paper. What about this paper contract? They even tore it up in person. What misunderstanding do you say now? Who would believe it! Continue to target Ding Yu? How to deal with it?

If you can really grasp Ding Yu's handle, there may be no problem, but the question is whether Ding Yu will let you grasp this handle? It's impossible at all. All of a sudden! It's really a dead end!

At this time, all aspects should be informed! Ding Yu almost played with MI5 and some forces with applause, not only successfully ridiculed them so simply! Also let each other's estrangement and contradiction? The direct is highlighted!

Now? Don't mention Ding Yu. Even if William and his men lose a hair, they will be counted on the British side!

Both the top and the top in the UK are on the verge of chaos! What's the matter? It may not be big, but the impact is really bad! It can even be described as a scandal! No such thing!

Give people special immunity, and then renege. You should know that Britain gave Ding Yu special immunity at the beginning, which represents a country! Not a single person!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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