After playing like this for more than a week, there was no one else in their family of four. After returning to the capital, Taixi did not stay for a long time. The two children also left with him. They had already had a holiday, and they were not so restrained.

What about Britain? It seems that there is really no movement, not even the messenger. What about Ding Yu? It seems that for this matter is really not concerned about, not as a matter!

But Sasha there is really no way to bear, and Charlie's family for this matter is also feel so unbearable, even do not know how to face Ding Yu, now is to call no, do not call is not, too embarrassed! Why do you do this?

Charlie's father is really difficult to understand, so offend Ding Yu really good? This time, Ding Yu has really given face to all aspects. It is not to say that he is really weak, nor that he really does not have any resistance ability. Don't think so. How many lessons should be learned! However, their own efforts did not have any effect.

"Things should be dealt with in the UK!" Sasha called herself and said, "madam, invite me to have tea! There has been a fundamental change in attitude! Some are too obvious! But it's not his wife's attitude, he just expressed the attitude of others! It's hard enough! "

"Is it normal?" Ding Yu's voice was very calm, but he didn't mean to worry too much, "in this case, don't stretch it, just deal with it simply! I think someone will come to the door. What about some things? We also need to be prepared. We can't react at all, do we? "

With Ding Yu's guidance, the next thing will be easier to handle. Previously, everyone has been trying to persuade Ding Yu not to take any action, but this is based on the premise that the British side can reach an agreement with Ding Yu on the issue of special immunity as soon as possible.

This has been more than a week, there is no news of this aspect, even if you want to fool the ghost, can't it? There are so many too much children's play, let alone Ding Yu can't see, even everyone is the same can't see, do things need to have a limit, let alone still a country!

What about politicians? We can be a little bit black, but we can't be shameless or lose our reputation. What is the British government doing now? It's really too disappointing! I don't know what these guys think about giving up long-term interests for the sake of small profits?

Charley's wife invited Sasha to have a cup of coffee. Sasha didn't say anything about it. But when Charlie's wife came back, her face was already white. She was really too ashamed and even had to be ashamed!

"Ding, I didn't expect this to happen!" Because his wife has already talked with Shasha, it can be regarded as a covert message to Ding Yutong, so when Charlie's father calls Ding Yu, he will not appear so abrupt and embarrassed, but his words are still very guilty.

"I'm not so surprised, because everyone's position and angle are slightly different, so the direction of choice is also different. There are a thousand Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand people!"

Ding Yu's words are quite comforting, "I have someone here to discuss, and I will make a fair choice as far as possible!" This is also telling me that I have to deal with some industries in the UK. If there are any contradictions and misunderstandings caused by them, I will forgive you! Because it's normal business behavior, it's not retaliation.

Ding Yu's handling of the industry in his hand is not to say that the one with high price will get it. It is impossible at all. He can only sell selectively. As there are more people interested, Ding Yu needs to take care of some emotions of the forces around him, not to say, throw it on the market and finish the business.

"Will you be a loser?" Su Quan is particularly concerned about this incident. There is no news from the British side. This is a very strange thing in itself. The things his nephew promised to have been completed, but the cost seems to be a little bit too big! At least I think so.

"Uncle, I just came back. You came to block the door. Although you are the director of the European Department, it seems that this matter has nothing to do with you! It's just very normal business behavior, OK? "

Su Quan held his chin and looked at his nephew. "You boy can stop like this. I really feel a little puzzled, and I don't think you will be forced or forced. I feel that there is a deep meaning in it. Are you going to do something bad? You know, it's Britain, not a small company! "

For the third uncle's exploration, Ding Yu is also smiling, "yes! It's not a small company, but a country. There are some people who can't be provoked. Since they can't afford it, they should be a little far away, saving themselves from other pollution. Isn't that better? "

Obviously, Ding Yu has already thought about this aspect. Do you give me face? I also give you face, but if you don't give me this face, then don't blame me for my ruthlessness. Everyone's reciprocity is the choice you made first, not the choice I forced you to make, so there is no need for other reasons to speak."I need two safe houses and a reliable company at the same time!"

Looking at his third uncle, Ding Yu also thought about a little time. "Third uncle, will it be too noticeable? I want to know that what you do is the work of emotion management. How about me? It is necessary to sell some British industries, but it does not mean that all industries will be sold. There are still some things to pinch in your hands! "

"I don't have the heart to care what you're going to do, and it doesn't have anything to do with me." Su Quan also expressed his opinions and opinions. In other words, he came to fight his nephew's autumn wind. Did you agree or not? Anyway, I have already come, you give me a statement!

"Charlie is dealing with the whole thing, and some business affairs are handled by Sasha, but I can give you an address, you can find someone, and then there will be arrangements! But third uncle, I hint to say, what about the temper? It's not as good as you think. There may be more problems! "

Su Quan looks at his nephew suspiciously. He can let his nephew say that he has a bad temper. This situation is really not easy. What about William and Sasha? Basically, he is responsible for his nephew's internal and external affairs, but as far as Su Quan knows, what about his nephew's hand? There are other people.

Some have never been exposed, their nephew need to evacuate so thoroughly? Even if these people want to leave the UK, is it lack of consideration in this respect, but Su Quan did not mean to ask. If such a matter is asked, it will obviously cross the boundary, which will make the hearts of each other not so comfortable.

"The objects have been selected already?"

"You should come here again and again." Ding Yu shook his head and laughed, "who knows what kind of situation it will be? What about me personally? Not very optimistic It's just a vague point. Does your third uncle understand and don't know? Anyway, Ding Yu is not so concerned.

When he left, Su Quan was also quite suspicious. He could be sure that his nephew had something to do, but what kind of action was it that he was really a fog at the end of the road. Terrorist attacks? It should not be involved in this aspect. Although he said that he had this power in his hand, it would be too stupid to do so.

The child is still quite smart and steady, so what about terrorist attacks? Basically, he will not have any contamination. If it is not for such retaliation, what kind of action would it be? He just doesn't do it. If he does, it will definitely hurt the British side.

What about the character of revenge? I don't know who it looks like? It's really not clear.

"Ah Yu, I heard about England!"

Li Shoufu, the richest man from the Li family in Hong Kong City, also called. What about his British affairs? Naturally, he is also interested, not what happened on Ding Yu's body, what he was interested in? Naturally, it is the industries that Ding Yu wants to sell, let alone his eldest son? I also said hello in advance.

How about withdrawing capital from China? It's just normal business behavior. What about British affairs with Ding Yu? Naturally, it's a very common business behavior. What about this? Their own son is not able to talk with Ding Yu in person. Their identities are not quite equal. They can only talk about themselves.

"My grandfather is also interested in English things!" After all, it's a private phone call, so the address is more friendly. If it's a formal occasion, it must be changed! "Grandfather Li, what about me? It's really not that optimistic. Are you in a bit of a hurry? "

"What about the business climate in the UK? It's still very good! " From Ding Yu's words, we can feel that Ding Yu didn't mean to raise the price on purpose. If we said that he would not raise the price on purpose, it would be obvious that there should be some other changes. I really want to hear it!

But Ding Yu thought about it for a while. Would you like to have a thorough understanding of this grandfather Li? Although he has a good relationship with himself, what is the interest relationship between them? What's more, it's not as much as you can imagine. What's more, he withdraws capital from China, but he arranges from the British side. This also reflects some problems.

"Although the atmosphere is OK, it involves a lot of things. If grandfather Li is patient, he will wait for a few years!" Ding Yu is just a little bit to stop. If you are willing to listen, it is better. If you don't want to listen, you don't have to worry about it. "But what about this? I don't care much about it. It's usually Sasha who is dealing with it! "

It can be said that Ding Yu has made this very clear!

What if you'd like to talk about it? I will let Sasha let go of this condition properly. Who will take over? All right, but Ding Yu is not very optimistic, that is to say, Ding Yu must have a follow-up action, and this follow-up action? Even for Britain, Ding Yu seems to be quite outspoken on this issue.

Of course, Li Shoufu understood. After a few words with Ding Yu, he also put down the phone and then meditated. From Ding Yu's words, we can feel that he was quite angry about the British side's handling of this matter. But is it really that British people want to be with them?He wants to wrestle with the British side. Should he choose to stand on his side? Or should we be on the British side? From a purely commercial point of view, it should be the British side, which has more confidence. So what about this matter? It's really hard to deal with.

Now is definitely the best time to lay out Britain. But what about Ding Yu? He is really quite afraid. He is absolutely determined to lay a heavy hand on the British side. What about himself? Although it is not affiliated with Ding Yu, it has a good relationship with him. Which side should we take? Headache!

Ding Yu didn't mean to make a choice for others. There was no need for him to make a choice! No matter how you choose? They are just commercial activities, not involving other interests!

"Big brother!" For Zhao Jun who came over, Ding Yu also felt very strange. When Zhao Jun looked at his elder brother, he felt that he was a little uncomfortable. "I want to talk to you about something!" Speaking is also quite pinched, this face is even so some red!

"Did you take the wrong medicine today?" Although Ding Yu basically won't show any facial expression, he doesn't let the army look like this! What's more, things like Britain should have nothing to do with the army. He won't ask for help because of this, so he really doesn't have this worry.

"No After thinking about it, she was biting herself, "big brother, where's Lin Qian's brother? There is something wrong. I did a lot of inspection before. My father-in-law found me. I came to look for my elder brother earlier, but you are not at home! This condition is a little troublesome! As you know, elder brother, I have quite a view on my father-in-law and my mother-in-law! "

Ding Yu also feels quite funny. What about his father-in-law and his mother-in-law? The impression is not so good. Even when the army got married, his mother-in-law didn't show up. Now there are such problems and situations, but I think of the army. No wonder the army didn't go to Ding Ding Ding. I'm afraid it will be more troublesome if we find Ding Ding for this matter!

"What's wrong? How can you still be so nervous? "

"My father-in-law's advice about heart problems? It seems to be very serious. I didn't find out in the past that the growth of children is also quite healthy. Didn't we just check out the problems? "

"Heart disease, Fuwai seems to be very good!" Looking at the slightly anxious army, Ding Yu also blinked his eyes, "your family Lin Qian is also very anxious?! But is your husband still very good? "

See big brother's appearance, Zhao Jun's heart knows this level? There is no problem. "Not all of us are married. We are going to have children. Who would have thought that such a thing happened suddenly in this period of time, which disrupted the plan at once! I am also quite speechless

"Quite exquisite!" Ding Yu also nodded, "I have nothing to do anyway. Where is he hospitalized? Will you transfer it to Fuwai? The treatment over there is still very good! One of my teachers happens to be here too! "

"Now you're worried? After all, the age of the child is still so small, in my opinion? Just go to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment, but my father-in-law and mother-in-law are not at ease. They are always afraid that there will be this problem and that problem! " Big brother has agreed to come down, Zhao Jun's courage is also big.

"In normal psychology, my uncle and aunt are not like this to you. When my mother called me earlier, she told me, where's grandma? But I've been waiting for the opportunity of four generations together. Now it's up to you. What about the other children in the family? It's not as important as your grandson! " This is a deliberate joke.

Zhao Jun also touched his head. What about his grandmother? For big brother's view has not been any change, you give me to eat, I eat! I built a new house for me, I live in it, but if I want to give you the so-called good face, never think about it! no way!

But what about Zhao Jun and Ding Ding Ding? The old lady is another attitude. No matter who can see the difference, Zhao Jun has some problems, but what about this? Also never asked, this is really not easy to say.

Even Lin Qian? Once in a while, I also mentioned it to myself, but I can only play ha ha in the past. What about home? Whether it's aunts and uncles, or father and mother, never mentioned anything, just like this! Some things? It's really not something you can worry about.

Although Zhao Jun came by car, he didn't let Zhao Jun drive himself. After getting on the car, Zhao Jun also said the address, and the speed was very fast. Zhao Jun was not so anxious at this time!

"Brother, are you not busy these days? And let you do it yourself? "

"Anyway, there are not too many things at home. What's more, I haven't seen the teacher for a while. Let's go and visit." What about Ding Yu? Different from other people, the way of dealing with people is naturally different, "by the way, what do you mean when you say you want children?""Hey, what can they do? It's just that I go to see it for a while during the Spring Festival. Normally, Qianqian doesn't go home very much, and the relationship between them is still a little awkward! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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