"Sir, the US side has changed its way this time. Do we need to make considerable preparations? Otherwise, we will suffer a lot! These guys are so insidious

"Are we ready?" Ding Yu asked back, and then he also looked at Jin, "if you stand in your perspective, what kind of preparation do you think is the best?"

"Do a good job in the defense work around you, sir. Since they have torn the skin, they may continue to do other actions and have to defend them!"

Ding Yu slightly shook his head, "you just stood in your angle to consider the problem, but you can look a little higher, this time? It's Britain. What about next time? Where will they start? "

"Ah?" There are also some gold who don't understand. Is this level a little higher? This time, the British side started to do it all of a sudden. Is it possible that they would like to do it again and again, but not repeatedly. After all, everyone has a face.

"Sir, do they dare to be so bold? Or do they already have a comprehensive consideration of this? "

"It's not about daring, it's about when." Ding Yu tapped his head with his finger, "is Fu Zhen online? I'll tell her something! There are really some troubles! Those guys in America are really chasing after each other! I wonder where they got all this energy? "

Ding Yu has been alerted by the British affairs. Ding Yu is not a fool. It is impossible for him to have no preparatory work in this respect. However, if he is prepared, he can get to the surface directly. This is totally two things.

Li Fu Zhen appeared on the screen after a period of time. The spirit of comparison is that the small pharmacy of siheyuan is open to them without restriction. In addition, Ding Yu's own adjustment makes them emit a different light and color. Even they don't need cosmetics to hide anything!

This is what we are ecstatic about, but it is not so realistic to turn this into industrialization. It has not much to do with drugs. It is mainly Ding Yu who has played a considerable role and effect. What about the so-called machinery? Even if it works, it won't be obvious!.

"What? Miss me Li Fu Zhen is also quite bold, and not because he is Korean, Ding Yu's expression is very respectful, which is quite different from other Korean women.

"A little bit of it!" Ding Yu also made a comparison of his little thumbs. Looking at Fu Zhen's angry appearance, it was still very funny. It was regarded as the interest of two people, "but you look like you just got up. As for such a big up gas? I'm not used to it! "

"Sleep alone, OK?" Li Fu Zhen also looked at Ding Yu with great dissatisfaction. "You don't understand what I said, but I'm going to Southeast Asia recently. Maybe I don't have much time. If you can come and accompany me, I will feel very happy."

Ding Yu subconsciously turned his mouth. "Recently, I brought a group of students with me. After things over here are exhausted, I may go back to the United States and stay there for a while, but I need to spend a few days in the capital city to repair it! However, I have a lot of leisure recently. I feel a little irritable and need to cool down! "

Some words don't need to be too direct, just pass on some meanings! Li Fuzhen also thought for a little time, "I heard about some things in the UK. We sat together and discussed some things earlier."

"Just pay attention. Don't be too nervous!"

Ding Yu implicitly expressed his own opinion. I believe Fu Zhen will understand his meaning. What should we pay attention to? After all, Fu Zhen is the leader of Asia, not the leader of Europe. As the leader of Asia, he doesn't care about Asian affairs. What does he do about European affairs? It doesn't seem necessary!

When he put down the phone, Li Fuzhen was sitting there, turning his mind. Things in Europe and America don't need to worry about themselves, and the overall situation doesn't need to worry about themselves. But he still gave himself this video, the implication of which is quite obvious!

If Asian problems are Asian problems, they will not be the same! At this time, Li Fuzhen also thought of a possibility that there might be problems in South Korea. Going down this line of thinking, Li Fuzhen also felt that there was some chills at this time.

What about South Korea? There are only two directions, one is the government, the other is? What about Samsung and the government? It's very complicated, but basically we can't withstand the pressure from the United States, and what about the overwhelming majority of people in the government? They are all inclined to the US side and have always been so, so there is no need to worry about it.

What about Samsung? The relationship between his father and Ding Yu is very good, but the relationship between his brother and Ding Yu can only be said to be average. This problem really does not need to be avoided too much. He can be said to be the person who knows the inside most.

After all, when I was in charge of Asian affairs, my brother was in charge of European affairs. What's the tendency of the two? It's totally different. What about Ding Yu calling himself? Have you already felt something? Li Fu is really worried about this.He left Samsung, and even complained about the whole family, but it doesn't mean that he has no feelings for Samsung. This can't be compared.

Britain's affairs have already known the problems, not only Britain's unilateral, but also the participation of American forces. If they are involved in South Korea, what will it look like? I think it's really a little numb on my scalp.

Can the government bear the pressure of the US military? To know that the entire South Korea is completely under the protection of the United States, originally even the ability to defend itself is not counted! What about enterprises? Its survival and dependence is too serious, if it really wants to take action, South Korea is bound to suffer a heavy blow!

Ding Yu told himself that he wanted to be prepared, but what kind of preparation could he make? Would his father believe in himself? What's more, does your big brother believe in yourself? It's almost impossible!

He left the Li family of Samsung, which means that he is not a member of the Li family. After thinking for a long time, Li Fu Zhen also hums and smiles. What about this choice? It is very difficult, but on the contrary, it is also very easy!

Samsung has little to do with itself. What about this? A little mention of his father, he can understand better, if you do not understand, he is also benevolent, presumably Ding Yu should be this opinion.

After all, this involves some household affairs of the Li family of Samsung. How Li zaireng chooses, it is really difficult to make a decision. Even Li Fuzhen can't make decisions! There are so many unequal positions between each other!

After a brief talk with Li Fuzhen about this aspect, Ding Yu did not pay too much attention to it. Instead, he mentioned it to sun Yingnan, and then personally called Dashan of Japan, so that they could come to the capital if they had time. There were some things he needed to explain!

Turning around, Ding Yu looks at his students. He has been tortured for a long time. What about Ding Yu's squeezing? It is particularly directional. It is not only Guo Li and Ouyang Ying, but also almost all of them. Ding Yu has been ravaged by Ding Yu, making them want to die every day!

"What about this period of time? You know something, and you know something about it. What about me? I don't like writing reports, but I hope you can remember the feeling that this is just the starting point of your life. Do you want to leave now? It's still time to travel a hundred miles. I don't want such a regret! "

Although they were very tired of the internship in Beijing, they were all very tired? It's not much different from odd jobs, even nurses. But what about here? They didn't get the best, but they learned something they might not be able to learn in the next few years, and that's the gap.

"Teacher, you used to be like this. If you can stick to it, we can also insist on it!"

"You have begun to step into this temple, but it is not so easy to really walk in. You will have two days' vacation to relax and tidy up. Maybe you will never return to this place again in your life, but I hope that this place will leave you with good memories."

Then Ding Yu also gave these students a holiday. A total of three days' vacation was in the middle of summer, so it was a good choice to go to the seaside to have a play and make a scene. Ding Yu also didn't mean to go there. No matter how they played around, no matter what? They are still students, and they are not fully on the job.

However, this may also be their last happy time. They will never have such a chance in the future!

But after they came back, they just came back from Africa. They didn't do a good job in this aspect. But what about their spirit? Also let a person sigh, young is good! Energy is really not the general abundant.

"Guo Li and Ouyang, you two are responsible for leading the team, bringing the students back to school safe and sound, and giving you a week's holiday. But what about this holiday? It's not for nothing. I'll ask someone to apply for your passport. Now that the internship in China is over, what's next? Let you see the health care system in the United States! I'll give you some of this reward! "

"America?" Guo Li and Ouyang all open their mouths!

"Yes, the United States. What about the training of doctors in the United States? It's not the same as our country. I want you to have a look and have a look. I hope you can make preparations in this respect. If you have any difficulties, you can contact me by email. I have some other things. I will not go back with you! Help yourself

When Guo Li and Ouyang let the news out, almost everyone had already fried the pot. It was their turn to do such a good thing. It was really the sky that dropped the pie! What about a student who was supposed to be a teacher? It is already very good, but now, it seems that this is not the case!Before leaving, Ding Yu also gave subsidies to these students. What about student internships? With considerable subsidies, Ding Yu would not be greedy for these things, and he should get a considerable return for his efforts. As for whether he is more or less, that is another thing.

As for their own image in their mind is good or bad, it seems that they do not need to do too much judgment, I feel that they do well, it is OK!

Ding Yu came back to the capital two days later. When he came back, he was very quiet. There was no big news. However, he did not hide the fact that he had applied for his students' passports. However, everyone was really surprised. Ding Yu was so optimistic about these students?

What about the first tier? It's also Ding Yu's students. What about when they come back? The spirit and mood are quite low, but Ding Yu is indifferent, as if there have never been such people, but in turn, treat these students in medical college, even if they are sons, it seems that this is the degree?

What about Ding Yu's return? It seems that nothing has happened, but the arrival of Dashan and Tanaka still makes everyone have some interest. Ding Yu will never summon them to come for no reason.

There seems to be nothing too big in Japan recently, at least there is no news! And Ding Yu's situation in Japan seems to be due to a defensive situation.

"Sir! Hello

"Sir! Hello

Dashan and Tanaka saluted respectfully, and their time under Ding Yu's command was not short. What happened at the beginning? There are some worries in my heart, but with the retirement of time, we really feel Ding Yu's trust in them. Dashan's family has been unprecedentedly developed, and Tanaka has been able to slowly realize his ambition.

Ding Yu didn't impose any restrictions on them. After his own work was done, Ding Yu did not interfere in other aspects. He had the greatest degree of decentralization and trust. If there were problems and problems in his junior year and Tanaka, what would he be most happy about? It could be the people waiting in line.

We all saw the rise of Dashan family and the realization of Tanaka's ambition. Unfortunately, they didn't have such a chance. If they were the candidates at the beginning, they would never be worse than Dashan and Tanaka. Therefore, we all observed and watched silently, and even made unremitting efforts.

Once such an opportunity appears, I believe no one will give up! Yamazaburo and Tanaka are also aware of this. They will never squander and waste such opportunities, because for them, it is of great significance.

"You know all about Britain?"

Ding Yu didn't have any evasion. Both Dashan Saburo and Tanaka nodded. Is this in the interior? It's not a secret. "Sir, some of the actions of the British side are so despicable that they call themselves the British Empire, but such actions are detrimental to their prestige."

"What's the age of the British Empire?" Ding Yu laughed, "what about me? There is a little atmosphere about the UK, but I don't care so much about it. But what about this? Or do we need to arouse considerable vigilance, what happens next? They can't continue to fight in America and Europe, so this direction is not so big

"Sir, what are they going to do about Asia?" Tanaka is also frowning.

"And England? It's a trial. The next step may be Asia. What about our forces? There are some inflation, so it is inevitable to be targeted! If we can stand up to the impact of several times, it means that we can have a foothold, and now there are still many eyes staring at us! "

We all know the truth. But how to deal with the situation in front of us requires all of us to work together. "Sir, the situation in Japan is relatively stable. At least from the current point of view, there will be no big problems."

"What about the next target? There are only two directions: Japan or South Korea. China is unlikely. What about other Southeast Asian and Western Asian countries? We don't have any problems, so Japan and South Korea are the top priority. What about our strength? It's impossible to gather in two directions! "

Ding Yu didn't want to reveal which direction he wanted to defend, but told Dashan and Tanaka to make preparations in this respect, "what about Fu Zhen? I'll come over tomorrow, and I'll ask her to talk to Chairman Li Jianxi. I don't want any problems in Japan and South Korea. "

"Sir, I want to make my point!" Seeing Ding Yu nodding, Tanaka said, "from my personal point of view, what about Japan? It's a choice above the surface, but I personally prefer to do it to Korea! "

"Saburo, what do you think?"

Mr. Tanaka, do you agree with me? It's a better choice, but the problem is that our forces are quite dependent. If we are eliminated, other changes will occur in the whole situation. There is no problem in the tripartite confrontation, but the remaining two aspects are not conducive to any aspect! "Ding Yu sighed slightly, "still can't go around this problem of Samsung!"

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