After leaving from the airport, Ding Yu also returned to school. Recently, he delayed some time, but he didn't have much influence on his study. But what are the reasons? It's with Charlie. He's in the middle of something.

At least Rachel's side was so oppressed that she even felt that she couldn't breathe. Under such circumstances, Ding Yu had to show up to give people on her side some confidence and courage.

However, Ding Yu felt something else from it. After returning, Ding Yu also met Charlie in the laboratory. Charlie also felt that Ding Yu was a little clever, even cunning. At this time, he avoided the fight with each other for a ridiculous reason.

"Isn't it a bit of a misdemeanor?"

"Does it count?" Ding Yu also smiles, and then he says clearly, "what? Are you ready to start handing over power? "

Charlie was slightly stunned. He didn't think that Ding Yu could see through his intention. He had already thought about this aspect, but he didn't show it. Now when he talked with Ding Yu, Ding Yu said it directly, some exaggeration and even some shocking.

"You don't always pay attention to it, do you? How do I feel like you're standing beside me like a shadow. "

"I didn't pay attention to this matter, but I didn't expect that you would make such a decision. This is quite different from many people. In fact, there are too many precedents like this. I like to think wildly when I am bored!" Ding Yu also said that it was true and false.

"No! Do you have such leisure? "

"Just look at history more!" On this issue, Ding Yu really won't explain too much, because the explanation is not clear at all. Can't you tell him that he has had so many years' experience in his dream? What about all these things? Do you see nature better than others? I'm not psychotic!

"The explanation is too far fetched!" Charlie also looked at Ding Yu suspiciously, "OK! I admit that I have plans in this respect. I can make use of these resources to a certain extent, but if I pinch all the resources in my own hands, I am afraid that the sweet fruit will become a disaster after a long time! "

"Smart choice, I'm afraid it's very difficult for ordinary people to make a decision in this respect! At least in my impression, very few people do this. After all, it's not the same thing as doing it! "

"Don't you ask why?"

"Is it necessary?"

"Well! So let's talk about your business and see what you mean. Are you going to stay here or go to America? I don't mean anything else. I also need to do some preparatory work in this respect. I'm not afraid of 10000, just in case. "

"I'm not ready for this yet!" It's true that Ding Yu did not make preparations for this aspect. "I don't think much about postgraduate and doctoral studies, but I haven't thought about when it will be finished. However, your words remind me that I should be prepared in this respect."

Think about it. Ding Yu also asked, "why do you think I won't return home?"

"It's decided by China's national conditions. How much do I know about the profession of doctors? It's very important to discuss seniority. Sometimes it's not only because of which school you graduated from, but also involves many problems! It's the same in any country. "

"It seems that you have really done a lot of work in this area." Ding Yu also said with some emotion, "in fact, this process is very simple, and it is quite difficult to say that it is difficult to say that the process is very simple. However, there may be some differences between me and your direction. I want to develop in this direction and further develop!"

"It's like I don't want to go in this direction!" Charlie's eyes had some bitterness, "but I can't do what I want." At this point, Charlie sighed.

"It seems that you don't want to talk about it!" Ding Yu's words are more or less ironic, "it's better to forget such unhappy things! Say something happy, who is the person you choose? Tell me

"What do you think of Richardson?"

Ding Yu pondered for a while, "it's not very good to evaluate. After all, I don't know much about it, but I think Rachel should be interested in this aspect! You know, you two are real rivals. I'm the one standing by and playing drums. "

Hearing Ding Yu say so, Charlie also took a deep look. He has chosen the successor, but what about Ding Yu? There is no such indication at all. To know that there must be a soul in Rachel's community, one that can at least keep up with the rhythm.

In the era under his control, Ding Yu played a good role. He could understand his own ideas and cooperate well with him to seek common ground while reserving differences. However, judging from Ding Yu's meaning, he did not mean to leave the context. If there was no such person as Ding Yu, the community behind it would be in name and in reality, or even meaningless."I have mentioned the candidates. Even if you don't have the meaning in this respect, you should at least give me a recommendation! Otherwise, I'm afraid Charleson will lose his chain! It's too boring to dance alone

"Ha ha!" Ding Yu also said with a smile, "I don't have much interest in this aspect. I think Rachel should talk about this issue. I think she will be very interested in it. This is where we can find common ground."

Well, Charlie has basically understood what Ding Yu thinks. At the beginning, Ding Yu was forced to be placed in that position. In fact, Ding Yu was quite unhappy in his heart. Has he been? Ding Yu didn't say much, but what about now? But to give themselves a bottom line.

"Ding, this does not conform to the rules of the game, you know this matter, will let me feel very embarrassed!"

"It doesn't seem to have much to do with me." Ding Yu also said with indifference, "some things can be touched, and no one will treat them as one, but it's better to stop. Otherwise, it will be difficult to explain clearly when the entanglement is too deep. I am a person who is more afraid of trouble, you know!"

"What does this have to do with trouble?"

Seeing that Ding Yu didn't mean to explain, Charlie was so crazy. What about the conversation between the two people? There are so many meanings of parting unhappily. At will, Charlie also went to Rachel and told her the matter simply. Since Ding Yu can't make it clear, she can talk to Rachel.

Rachel is really not ready for this aspect. Even though she is in the mood now, she is still very happy in this position. Why should she suddenly give up this position? To know the distance from the real leave, there is still a period of time, do not need such a hurry?

Charlie was very depressed. Why didn't Rachel keep up with her rhythm and rhythm? What's more, will Ding Yu have already considered the problems and conditions in this respect? Charlie is also very suspicious of this, there is a possibility in this respect, and this possibility is very large.

When talking to Rachel about this matter, Charlie felt a little depressed. He seemed to think highly of Rachel, even nearly equal to Ding Yu's position. This is totally a mistake. Rachel's learning is still very fast, but the problem is that he is far away from Ding Yu, which is not in the same order at all.

They have even made a clear card, but the question is what about their opponents? I didn't mean to announce it with myself. It's not just depressed. I've dealt with everything very well, but what about the result? It's not just about flaws, so I'm depressed.

Forced to be helpless, Charlie went to find Ding Yu again, "talk about your conditions! I don't want to dwell on this issue for too long. I think things can be discussed! Isn't it? "

This rhetorical question also makes Ding Yu smile, which has some arbitrary meaning: "Charlie, I think you are too deep in this matter, just like you put Rachel in that position at the beginning. Do you think Richardson will accept an opponent who has been arranged? For him, this is not a challenge, but a response! "

Yeah? Charlie is also a little bit lost in his mind, he really did not consider this aspect of the problem, in his own mind, things should be handled perfectly, all things are handled properly, but what about Ding Yu's speech? Also let oneself realize some problems.

I don't know why. Although Ding Yu's words are reasonable, they give Charlie a feeling? Ding Yu seems to have some perfunctory meaning, obviously or not. He always has such a feeling.

"I don't deny your statement, but I always feel that you seem to be so careless?"

"In my opinion, this is not my business at all, so it doesn't matter what to solve or not to solve. It's your own business. I just put forward my suggestions and opinions. This is what the situation is like!"

"Some bastards!" Charlie also scolded, this is really a few not very gentlemanly, Ding Yu also stood up his shoulder, and did not have any response, now this time to do any response is not appropriate, "if I had known this, at the beginning I would have made other choices!"

"Is it?" Ding Yu asked, "in fact, it's good to decide what kind of decision to make. What are some things? There is really no way to recover, this is not deliberately aimed at you, but I would like to ask, how is the rhythm control of this period of time? To show my concern! "

"Why?" Charlie is also very vigilant looking at Ding Yu, he is very suspicious, Ding Yu is thinking about what ghost, is not there is no possibility of this aspect, to know that he was bullied at the beginning was very miserable, it is difficult for Ding Yu to prepare for another time? Is that too much?

"If you control your own rhythm, then I want to see how much control you have achieved. If you don't, then I'm going to teach you something new! I'm kind, too. You should know what I'm thinkingAfter listening to Ding Yu's words, Charlie also didn't get angry and said, "you just say you want to beat me up. This is more clear, isn't it?"

Ding Yu smiles, and he really doesn't deny Charlie's view. Charlie also realizes some problems, and then he smiles and says without caring, "it seems that I still have a place in your mind. It's really a pleasure to find an opponent like you!"

"For me, it's not a good thing. I just want to be quiet, and I don't like other people's imposing responsibility on me!" Ding Yu looked at Charlie calmly, "but I don't think there will be too many such opportunities in the future. I wish you a stronger opponent in the future, so that you can move forward!"

"Who knows? In fact, to a certain extent, I'm still very optimistic about you. Although it's a very happy thing to be friends with you, I think it's more enjoyable to be an opponent. Moreover, it seems that I didn't take too much advantage of you. It's very regrettable! "

"Forget it!" Ding Yu raised the coffee in his hand and then stood up. "I have other things to deal with. I think you should have something to deal with! After all, you should be in a hurry! "

When talking to Ding Yu, sometimes he has no tone, and I can't do anything about it, because I can't give Ding Yu any more. Do you know when you chose Ding Yu as your opponent? He only valued his knowledge, but now I found that he was equally excellent in other aspects.

But at this point, I found it later, and the cost? It is also more serious, because in his own mind, all things are under control, but it is not like this when you think about it. At least Ding Yu's reaction is completely unexpected, even too unexpected.

What about now? What about the positioning between yourself and Ding Yu? Basically, it is equivalent. What about this kind of equivalence? It refers to the comprehensive forces. At least at this time, there will not be too many people who will underestimate Ding Yu. If we underestimate Ding Yu, the price will be heavy.

This may have a certain relationship with lily, but the relationship is not as big as expected. It can only be said that Ding Yu has caught up with a better opportunity. Lily is just one of the fit points, and their interests are combined with each other. From this point, no one can move Ding Yu, even if he is the same.

There is also one thing that I am quite curious about, that is, Ding Yu's positioning for himself. Relatively speaking, Ding Yu belongs to the upstart. However, as a new nobleman, Ding Yu is very low-key, and even not many people know him. Many people have just heard the name of Ding Yu. This guy is calm and incredible.

In the evening, Ding Yu went back to her apartment from school. However, she just walked to the door and frowned. Because she saw an acquaintance, a familiar person, why did she appear here? But Ding Yu just took a look at it and didn't say much.

"Director, this is Ding Yu!"

"Hello, Xiaoding, take the liberty to visit!" Ding Yu looked at his outstretched hand and blinked his own eyes, "Hello!"

Ding Yu's apartment layout is slightly low-key, but what about the low-key? However, there is a little luxury. The two people who came with Lisa sun look at the layout of the room, and they are also a little shocked. It is not ordinary people to be able to live in such a luxurious apartment in a place like London. It seems that there is hope this time.

"What do you mean?" When Ding Yu enters the kitchen, Lisa sun also follows in. Ding Yu does not have any hesitation and says it directly. What about the words? Some of them are not very polite.

"I have been transferred to the foreign service. This time, I have reached some agreement with the relevant British departments. However, there are some problems. Several members of the parliament have expressed ambiguous attitude towards this. So please do me a favor!"

"Are you sure I can help?" Ding Yu took a sip of coffee and then asked, "I don't know if I can help. Do you know that I can help? Isn't it amazing? "

"I want to have a try. I don't have many acquaintances anyway."

"We are not acquaintances at all!" Having said that, Ding Yu also went out with coffee. She had such a sense of indifference to sun Lisa. She really didn't deny that she had some antipathy towards sun Lisa. After all, she didn't leave any good impression in her mind.

"Xiao Ding, Xiao Sun should have introduced you!" This cheeky man is thick enough, and Ding Yu pondered for a while, "I'm not very clear about this matter. I can ask someone to ask about it! But before that? I want to know something about the situation of this matter. I'd better have a grasp of the whole thing. "

"It's mainly about talking about some things about the electricity industry!" The visitors didn't have too much reserve. They even took out some materials. Ding Yu also took a look at them. This made the visitors feel a little strange, because these are professional things. Can Ding Yu really understand them?Ding Yu also looked into the eyes of the visitors, and then laughed, "I once worked as a translator in the electric power industry for a period of time. By the way, is this an investigation or a contract signing?"

"There will not be any contract signed yet. We need to know something about it. However, the problem is that the British side attaches great importance to their intellectual property rights. What we need is to discuss and have a chance for everyone to sit together. However, the British side has a relatively weak attitude towards it."

Well, Ding Yu has already understood how to deal with the matter, hot face sticking cold buttocks, basically is such a situation, "I will ask, if there is news, I will inform you!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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