Ding Yu looked at Guo Li in front of him. His face was a little bit white. It was not because of the lack of sunshine for a long time. "The expression is good!" This is more like a mockery!

Guo Li opened his eyes and looked at the teacher in front of him. Before he came to the United States, everyone's imagination was absolutely beautiful. At most, it was similar to the previous hospital. Even if it was hard and tired again, what could it do? But wait for the real start after the discovery, the original world unexpectedly is like this!

"Teacher!" Guo Li is also pumping his small face, pitifully looking at Ding Yu, hoping to win some sympathy.

But he never thought that Ding Yu didn't have any meaning to pay attention to at all. "I heard that your hands seem to have some problems. Do you want to know me? It's a little bit of a name here. I really don't want people to gossip. Do you understand what I mean by saying this? "

Get it! What I did just now was totally useless, and my teacher was really cold-blooded. After throwing them to the hospital, they ignored them. For everyone, such a test is really too cruel, because everything is different from what we are familiar with.

Fortunately, people have never wanted to give up. Now they are on a normal track. However, being on the track does not mean that we can stand out. It is so simple. It is too beautiful to imagine the world. We should know that this is the Harvard general hospital, where the great "abnormal" people from all over the world are gathered. These little fish and shrimps are really not worth one It's a good idea.

"Teacher, there are some problems with everyone's mental state!" Guo Li looked at his teacher's face, and then said to his teacher, "the pressure is too big now. There are some things that we have not contacted. There are quite big differences in the education system between them! We are trying to open the gap between each other

"Well! It's a little bit of progress? " Ding Yu also snorted, "it's not that you haven't learned anything! It's good to have such a clear understanding. What about education in the United States? It's really different from the education in China. It's hard to say who is good or who is bad. But their requirements are more strict and cruel. Especially at the stage of interns, it's not easy to stick to them! "

"Yes, it's very difficult to have free time, and even directly pour on the cart. When you hear the call, you will feel like a robot to get up again. Moreover, it will take several years to persevere!"

"What about you? It's not to let you see these things in depth! " Speaking of this, Ding Yu also snorted, "I heard that some people seem to have some complaints now, how about it? Do you want to give you a holiday, so that some people have a good rest? "

"Teacher, I believe you will understand your hard work!" Guo Li also hastened to fill the pit to death, otherwise someone would jump down to fill the hole! In that case, it would be really miserable.

"And me? What don't you like to impose on others? If someone puts forward their opinions and ideas, I still respect them! "

Looking at the teacher who was talking, Guo Li also sneered. Don't be kidding. You are already talking like this. Now who dares to have other opinions and ideas at this time? Everyone is under great pressure? Is not the pressure of their teachers? I'm afraid it's not a matter of money to get these people to such places!

"Teacher!" After hesitating for a moment, Guo Li also looked at Ding Yu. "We are all classmates. Sometimes when we relieve the pressure, we may have a little bit of crossing the line. Some students think this is normal, but some students think that such a thing seems to be immoral! There is not much consensus among us! "

"I don't care about your personal affairs. Everyone has a different life. I just hope you know what you are doing here! I would like to emphasize that the temptation you are facing now? From there to there? It's just a piece of feather. Do you want to see it? "

"Teacher, we are still children, we have never seen the world!" Guo Li said in line with the meaning of some small compliments, but from the words? I can still hear other flavors.

"Tomorrow evening, let's have a meal together! All together

"Teacher, do we need to do something else?" With a smile from Guo Li, seeing that his teacher didn't respond, he also stepped back a step. But before he got to the door, Ding Yu coughed a little, "everyone's formal clothes, basic requirements!"

The next night, we were supposed to take a taxi, but we didn't expect to have a special vehicle waiting for people! What about luxury cars? Everyone has seen it, but there are not many people who have actually sat there. Soon, people get on the bus, which is not very crowded, because the reception vehicle is not one.

"Did the teacher really open our eyes?"

"Stop it!" Guo Li looked at the arrangement of the car, flowers, champagne and so on. He sighed secretly in his heart. It was not the general price for this arrangement. He had not eaten pork. Could he not have seen the pig run? "The teacher mentioned to me earlier that opening our eyes is just a better way to talk, mainly because we are a little dissatisfied with our performance, and everything we see is just a passing cloud of smoke."Hearing Guo Li say so, everyone was in a daze, and then it seemed that they realized something. You look at me, I look at you, some things? Who is how to deal with, each other's heart is the most clear.

When they got to the place, someone had already been waiting for the door. They opened the door in person. At the same time, their hands caressed the position of the roof door to prevent meeting. After they got off the bus, they soon went inside under the leadership of the foreman. Ding Yu had already contracted this place and served himself and these students today.

The restaurant has been arranged. Ding Yu came a little late. Seeing the people standing up, Ding Yu pressed his hand and went to his position. He knocked the glass with a silver spoon. "Since this is the United States, let's go to the countryside and do as the Romans do!"

"All the students are here today! It's said that recently, everyone has been so impetuous. In your opinion? It's not a good thing, but in my personal opinion, it's a good thing. Why are you impatient? It's because you realize some of your problems and situations! This is the reason and foundation! If you can treat it as usual, you will never behave so badly! "

"Because of your shortcomings, you have appeared in all aspects! I am not very willing to correct you on this issue. Why? Life is up to you to decide, that is to say, every step you take is your own. It has nothing to do with shoes

"Teacher!" Seeing the students who raised their hands, Ding Yu didn't mean to let him stand up.

"Just sit and say it! What about today? It's just a little party! You don't need to be so polite! "

"Teacher, you mean pressure is motivation!"

"What about the pressure? It may be motive force, but it may also be reaction force. What about people? When you can't bear the pressure, you will become different from usual and lose your normal heart! Drink too much! Rage and so on! Sometimes even need tranquilizer, how to adjust their own psychology, can't learn from me, because everyone? It's all different! What do I want? It's blue that is better than blue. "

"Teacher, you make us feel a lot of pressure!"

"Is it?" Ding Yu said with a smile, "in fact, you still have a choice now, but this choice? Compared with the college entrance examination, the choice is more narrow. What are you engaged in? It's the profession of doctors, but there are many branches in it! "

"Teacher, is it too early?"

"There's no harm in preparing for this earlier, whether it's for the future, or for money, and so on! This is all human affairs, there is nothing to be ashamed of. First we are human beings, then we are doctors. What is the order? Don't turn it upside down. We also need water and food. We can't live without them! "

Speaking of this, Ding Yu also took a look at the students present, "but I need to say that it is not necessarily absolute, but I hope you can pay attention to it. What about doctors? There should be a certain standard. Although it is said that people need to be flexible, it does not mean that you can trample on them at will! "

"Teacher, you are warning us not to accept red envelopes!"

"This is a bad habit. Don't take it for granted. As long as you have learned something, clothing, food, housing and transportation are not too many problems. As long as you don't want to be Bill Gates, of course, what if you want to be Bill Gates? You don't have to work hard in this business! "

After that, Ding Yu also slightly nodded his head, "what about today's lesson? I want to tell you that the temptation you are facing may be hard to refuse today, but after tomorrow, you will find that it is not worth mentioning at all, compared with your future

Seeing Ding Yu sitting down, the manager and the waiter over there started serving the dishes at the first time. Different from the domestic dishes, all the dishes served today are French dishes. When serving a dish, special personnel will introduce today's dishes and drinks, and the audience is stunned!

What about the price of each dish? We may have experienced temptation and test, but at this moment? I feel that the previous experience seems to have some Pediatrics, and it can't be on any table at all!

However, the only regret is that some things are so small, for these students who have just come out of the University, they are not even half full! Ding Yu also ridiculed a look, and soon there are waiters leading these students to wash!

And they also feel how the so-called VIP treatment is. All things need not be done by everyone. However, if you can think of a taxi, the waiters will not take the initiative to help you, and if you can't think of it, the waiter will also help you! It's a wonderful experience and a wonderful feeling.

To be vulgar, you don't have to untie your belt when you go to the toilet. You don't even need to take the initiative!After preparing to go back again, the waiter took everyone to another room. Looking at the busy waiters, everyone suddenly realized that everything was not over. It was just an appetizer!

looked at Guo Li sitting beside him. Ding Yu also said "I asked someone to make complaints about Japanese chefs. I love Japan very much. I don't like Japan very much, but there are some things that need to be differentiated. Today's ingredients are the freshest. Let's try!"

Soon the people were sitting on the table, and the chef put all the ingredients on the table, because the chef needs to mix according to everyone's taste, and by the way, he also needs to decide whether to add other ingredients according to everyone's eating habits, such as horseradish, which is totally two times with mustard.

"Teacher, these should be very valuable!" Guo Li is also careful to say to his teacher, "we are so many people, let the teacher you spend money! It's really... "

Ding Yu held up the water cup and shook his head with a smile, "boy, I'll tell you what's the most delicious and the best to eat? It's the rice and vegetables your mother cooked for you, which is the most delicious and also the most worrying for you. Don't presumptuously say, what about the dishes at home? 365 days a year, probably without Chongyang, but I still like what my mother does. The same thing, what about my two children? And I love what their mother did

"Teacher, we haven't...." When he said this, Guo Li also had some blushes.

"It's normal and arrogant. It was the same when I was in high school. But it's a pity that something happened later. I couldn't take part in the college entrance examination, so I went to be a soldier. Fortunately, I still entered medical school. What's the chance and choice of life? Sometimes it's more important than hard work! "

"Wow, teacher, have you ever been a soldier?" All of a sudden, people's interest is up!

"What? Is this strange? " Ding Yu looked at the things delivered, but also slightly nodded to the chef, "life experience is diverse, who knows what the next moment will be? Just like you are in the surgery or in the office, you need to be calm to deal with what happens to the patient in the next moment! "

"Teacher, are we your first group of students?"

"Do you think I have so many good teachers?" Ding Yu looks at Guo Li, feeling that he is still quite pleasing to the eye. What about the edge of the eye? It's really hard to say, "you should be the first batch of students in my medical system. I don't know whether there will be any real problems in the future, but I have taught some loafers before."

"Teacher, are you kidding me?"

"What's so funny about that?" Ding Yu shook his head. "However, they are full of trouble, so I didn't make them too easy. Once I asked them to go to Tiananmen Square to clean up gum. I worked for three days in a row! And then let them clean the streets! "

Guo Li swallowed a mouthful of saliva, "teacher, are you so cruel? Can they accept it? "

Ding Yu looked at Guo Li with malice, "I didn't force them to agree! If you want to stay, you can leave if you don't want to. Life is free, just like it is now. I never said that you must stay. It's totally voluntary! "

After eating, Ding Yu didn't let them go. Instead, he took them to a song and dance performance. There were not many people under the stage, but a group of people who looked at the praise on the stage also howled, so they almost rushed forward!

Ding Yu has been sitting under the stage. He is not so interested in it. What about today? Is to give them a baptism, let them realize some problems and conditions, they have not fully realized this society, the glory in front of them is just illusory, not real!

As for whether they will realize that the problem is really hard to say. They have done what should be done, and they do not know whether it is right or wrong. In any case, they do it according to their own ideas.

When he returned to his apartment, it was already a little late. Ding Yu simply washed himself, began to process documents, read books, and finally went to bed. Everything was so simple. But if someone really saw Ding Yu, he would feel that he was really out of place at this time. He was so different from ordinary people!

There is no one to monitor Ding Yu. Even if he wants to watch Ding Yu, he will not go into Ding Yu's apartment. There is no need for such a stereotype. But Ding Yu's doing so is also helpless!

"They are honest, sir!" After breakfast, Jin also reported with Ding Yu the same situation, "last night's situation, or gave them considerable pressure!"

"Who knows what kind of situation they are, but they don't need to put too much attention on them. To be exact, I was greedy last night, so I used them as an excuse!"

Jin also feels funny. Mr. Jin is not a person who likes to make public. It's appropriate to use this term to explain it. However, I don't know why, he has a little cramp in his stomach!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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