There was no way to find William Jr. or where he was hiding! London is so big that it is impossible to search through a sieve! What's more, little William is not a fool!

If William is an ordinary person, that's all. But William is not an ordinary person at all. The monitoring on the street can't play any role. After coming out of Mrs. Green's house, little William has disappeared!

However, just when MI5 and MI6 felt headache, Sasha also came back to England. When she got the news, both intelligence departments felt dizzy! Don't make such a fuss. Is there some exaggeration? What is this?

Sasha just landed from the plane, MI5 people have been waiting, even MI6 people are watching from afar, but this time there is no need to step forward! Originally, the contradiction and anger between each other was a little bit so big, now this time, we will make other troubles, so let's forget it!

Although most of the industries have been sold out, it does not mean that the British side does not have a place to live in. Sasa soon has an arrangement. As for the people in the intelligence department outside, there is a sense of turning a blind eye to it.

"Charles, is it not so good for you to come here so soon?" For the visitors, Sasha didn't mean to stand up at all. She still sat there, but she was still given tea.

Although he was a little older than that, Charles was still very good at following the demeanor of an English gentleman. He said hello to Sasha, and then he sat in the seat opposite Sasha. As for tea, it seemed that he was in line with his own taste.

"Ms. Sasha, although we and MI5 are intelligence management departments, we belong to different intelligence management departments, and previously, MI6 cooperated with you very well. Who knows MI5 didn't know to bring an umbrella when it rained, so this kind of thing came out!"

Sasha was holding her tea cup and smiling. "In this way, MI6 has reached a cooperative relationship with the intelligence and governance Department of the United States. It seems that the future relationship will be more complicated."

Charles held a cup of tea and was silent for some time. Then he sighed, "MI5 is too aggressive. They have been bewitched. They have taken the current situation into consideration. Once some things have been done, it is difficult to go back. I believe that we can understand each other well."

What he said is very clear. In the past, everyone cooperated with each other and there was no so-called conflict. But now the situation is different. When the MI5 and some forces at the top of the British high-level fight Ding Yu, will Ding Yu pretend that nothing has happened? It's impossible.

Originally, he was a person who would report his revenge. Now such a thing happened, it is difficult to restore the relationship between each other. Even if it is a reunion, there are still cracks!

To Charles, Sasha also nodded, "yes! The relationship after each other may be a little more complicated. I was born here, and I grew up here. I really can't bear to part with it. But fortunately, it's just a place to live in now, and I don't have so much nostalgia! "

Yeah? Charles looked at Sasha, from her words can clearly feel some problems, what is reluctant? Is Ding Yu really going to do something? You know, that's a hundred million dollars! And since this period of time, many people have entered the UK! Now little William is back, William Butler is back! Is Sasha back? Maybe Ding Yu will come again? What exactly do you want to do?

"Ms. Sasha, although she said that many unhappy things happened before, she still had a passion for each other. Can't you really sit down and have a good talk with each other?"

"What are you talking about?" Sasa asked back?

Eh? Charles was also a little tongue tied for a moment, yeah! About what? When it comes to Britain's perfidy and unilateral tearing up of special immunity, it is impossible to talk about it.

"Miss Sasha, what about Britain? I don't want other things to happen. If something happens, it will be really difficult for us to sit down and talk about it! " Charles, too, frowning at Sasha.

"Is this a threat?" Sasa also said, "yes, you are the intelligence department, and even the special immunity can be unilaterally torn up. What else do you dare not do? So what about anything? We need to have a preparation! And quite prepared

"Not a threat, not a warning!" For Sasha's words, Charles obviously felt a little bit of the situation, she has so much too much, this is not a good thing! "Even if there are some possibilities, we still hope that we can sit down and have tea together. The scenery of London is still very good. No one hopes and no one can destroy the scenery. Anyone who reaches out is the enemy of Britain!""Oh, Charles, your tone is too absolute!" Sasha also said disapprovingly, "Sir, you may come soon. What about after your arrival? What kind of situation will it be? On the other hand, MI6?! ...。”

What you said is not too satisfactory, but it is also quite impolite. What about your MI6? To provoke or not to provoke is just to see if there is such an interest, and there is no relationship with other departments. It is absolutely impossible to let go of this matter caused by MI5!

"Ms. Sasha, MI6 is not the same as MI5!" Charles warned again.

"Yes! There are some differences between MI6 and MI5, but they are both intelligence departments! " When Sasha put down her tea cup, she also tapped with her hand, "Charles, maybe you? It's a gentleman, but it doesn't mean that MI6 is a gentleman! "

This made Charles's face change a lot, because the warning and threat in the words are too strong. Isn't this just telling yourself the same? Ding Yu's consortia are too powerful, and what about Britain? As the rising place of Ding Yu, may he be unprepared at all?

What about Sasha? However, in Britain, the gray forces she controlled at that time were also very large. She could not be bought off, but it does not mean that other people will not be bought. No one dares to make this guarantee.

What about Ding Yu's consortium? May be short of other things, but definitely not lack of money, if it is true, can be a big trouble! Charles is also looking at Sasha, each other's words to this point, there are really so some real flavor! Everybody's on top of each other! No one will retreat.

"Sasha, it's going to make a mess of each other! There is no way to live in peace. "

Now it's not such a gentleman to speak at this time. There is no need for Charles to restore his indifference. "What's the matter in Britain, whether it's right or wrong? It's all over! "

"It's like an eraser, it's all gone! It's very simple, but what about the actual situation? It doesn't seem so easy, does it Sasha rubbed her fingers, a little impatient.

"I want to know where little William is now?"

Sasha raised her eyebrows. "Where is little William? Is this question too biased? What's more, it seems that this matter has nothing to do with me. He is not one of us, so I don't need to be responsible for him! "

"Not your people?" Charles looked at it suspiciously, and then came to his senses, "that is to say, he is not one of you for the time being, so there should be no problem in understanding it like this? That's a good plan

"I haven't touched or seen it, so it's meaningless and valuable to find this thing on my head! Of course, if MI6 must guard against this crime on my head, I have no way to deal with it! "

"Little William is back! You are back, and so is housekeeper William. Even Ding Yu will come! " Charles sighed. "You tell me there's nothing in it. Is there something to cover up?"

"It's a good idiom. It seems that Charles has a thorough study of Oriental culture! If you know, you will be very happy! " What about Lily? It's also a deliberate distraction.

How about this time, sir? It really has nothing to do with MI5 and MI6. It is mainly for his students to come to practice. Of course, to a certain extent? It also gives great pressure to the British side. People are prone to other problems and situations when they are under great pressure.

There's nothing to do here, just wait for you to make some moves, and then what happens when there are more actions? There will certainly be other problems and situations, even mistakes. What about mistakes? It's easy to do the following things!

What's more, Mr. Wang has mentioned some things to himself, which can be regarded as revenge for the British slap. It is not to say that his left face was beaten and then his right face was extended. It was totally two things! No way! Mister is not such a man!

What if you are the intelligence department? Can the intelligence department really do what it wants? This time, even Sasha was so blind! Now that things have become so noisy, who can't hold on? Anyway, there is no problem on my side now! A lot of preparation.

"In this case, we need more people, more attention!"

"Charles, is it really useful to arrange so many people? This is not a war. We need to fight each other, even our heads are broken. If we talk about it, what about our staff? It seems that it's not as many as you think. You people from the information management department don't even need to send out all of them, they can crush us to death! "

What I said seems like a sign of weakness, but what about it? However, it is quite ironic that MI5 is not in the eye, and MI6 is the same. There is no difference.What if there were so many people? Can you be afraid of yourself? Not all the people in MI5 and MI6? It's just a bag of wine and rice, but what about a lot of people? From my own side, it's just a foam monkey! Now, even in front of Charles, what can be done?

Charles also took a deep breath, he was about to smoke, but really can't do too much refutation, why? Does this need to be explained? In fact, the performance of MI5 has lost too many points before! Now, with MI6, it is also a drag.

But from inside? Another thing is that Ding Yu will never give up on the British side! It's just a matter of time. There's no room for maneuver. How about coming by yourself? Just want to try, but now I understand!

"Ms. lily, I hope to be peaceful! Everyone wants peace

If it's hard, it's soft! What else? Sasha didn't immediately express her opinion on this, but took a look at it and then thought for a while, "I can't make this decision because I'm not the one who can make the decision. The attitude of my husband determines everything! I'm just following your advice

Charles nodded. What about Sasha's return? There is Ding Yu's meaning in it. That is to say, Ding Yu can't be bypassed at all. It's really a rather troublesome thing. How could this happen?

What about the others? Maybe it's easier to deal with, even Sasa sitting in front of her? I'm not so worried. She has power, but what about her own back? It's nothing! But what about Ding Yu? It's not really a good stubble, and I feel very difficult about it!

Why didn't the United States do it in person? Even Ding Yu said a word. The Americans who were originally in Britain ran fast one by one, and all of them slipped away without any surplus. They were from MI6 and watched these guys. So it was very clear that none of them really meant to stay.

Why did the us run, or was it because they were afraid, if not, would they run?

What about the relationship between Ding Yu and the US intelligence department? Love and kill each other, this word is absolutely the best description, as for Ding Yu's relationship with Britain? It has been quite good all along, but MI5's rat excrement broke a pot of soup, which brought the whole UK in, and even Britain had to follow suit.

Of course, there is also a problem, that is, how about some people at the top? They have misjudged the situation. What about some of the staff? Also with a considerable bias, so will be so targeted at Ding Yu!

Judging from the current results, whether it was a victory or a failure, Ding Yu was beaten in the face, which is true! But what about Ding Yu's subsequent measures? What about their people? Why don't you kick now? The pressure is directly transferred to the information management department. Without this, the program can not run like this!

But what's the use of saying that yourself? Will the top aides understand, or will the senior managers understand, in their heads? It's bullshit, but what about the things that are handed down? I can't do it, because if I don't, I can't keep my position! It's a big problem!

"If Mr. Ding comes to Britain, he may pick up a lot of contradictions!" Charles also sighed and said, "now MI5 is very angry, and has been grasping something!"

"I can't get angry anymore!" Sasha didn't mean to put it in her mind at all. "I heard one thing. The director of MI5 is going to be replaced. It's said that some people will also be transferred to other departments! It's interesting! "

Charles's eyes narrowed at once. What about this? I really didn't hear any rumors. The director of MI5 changed. This is not a joke! There's no news from a senior official like herself, but what about Sasha? But can easily say such words!

"There seems to be no news of this!" Charles's expression means a lot!

"In return for a friend!" Sasa said disapprovingly, "I heard it's not a traditional origin, and I don't know if it's like this, but who knows? Maybe it's just a joke! "

Not from a traditional background? Charles felt that his buttocks could not sit still. "Ms. Sasha, such a thing is not a joke, it will have serious consequences!"

"It's just hearsay. Who knows if it's true, the top echelons in the UK? It is a fact that you are not satisfied with the work of your intelligence and management department. Therefore, it is very normal to mobilize other personnel into the military intelligence department! What will happen in the future depends on the leader

But at this moment, Charles is feeling very bad, the intelligence department is transferred to an outsider to lead, this is not in idle talk? And what about news like this? Now the military intelligence department doesn't know, and outsiders have already known. How much did Shasha, or Ding Yu behind her, get involved in this matter?I don't want to doubt Sasa's meaning. She dare to talk to herself like this, which shows that this matter will not be false, and even in the process of going on, it is just about time to detonate the news! damn it! Charles really wants to curse at this time! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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