In the morning, the British side is quiet, and there is no movement. The outer guard of MI5 has been withdrawn, and the same is true of MI6. However, the internal situation is totally different!

All of them have been changed from inside to outside in MI5. Most of the officers, including the directors below, have been detained! They need to face many situations. What about some people? The world will never disappear again!

Since you choose to start, you can't be soft hearted. You know, this is MI5!

But fortunately, the situation of MI5 can still be controlled, which is acceptable to the British side, and there seems to be no big action from the outside, at least on the surface! As for what kind of situation is in the dark, this is not known! But everyone knows, MI5! Want to restore the previous grand occasion, not a moment and a half can do!

Ding Yu's side is also easy to accept. Since the British side has invested so much capital, he also needs to give them a little face, isn't it, 100 million US dollars? But there is no meaning to take back, as for where the expenses are, no one can say clearly!

Anyway, it was sprinkled on Britain. What's the purpose? We can guess casually. As for the people under the hands? If all of them are withdrawn and none of them are left, the British side may become angry. Some people are willing to provoke them. They have no way, but they will never take the initiative to find a door!

People respect me a foot, I respect people a foot, this is a mutual process!

Ding Yu's evacuation speed can be said to be very fast. Little William left England at the first time. Although he didn't know what had happened, he had been a poor officer in MI5, so he knew something about MI5! It seems that something terrible has happened!

On the train to France, William is also thinking about it. However, in a trance, William seems to feel something. He takes a look at the person sitting in front of him. Although there are not too many expressions on his face, his body muscles have begun to move involuntarily. He should always take precautions in this respect.

Someone looked at William and looked at it for a period of time. "The moment just lost your mind is enough to make you lose your life. Although I don't care about your life, I still need to be responsible for your little life at this stage."

He opened the newspaper in his hand and checked for William again with a mobile phone like instrument. "Discard all the things on your body. Go to the bathroom and change your clothes again. Then make up simply. There is your new passport in it! Five minutes for you

William did not have any hesitation. When he stood up and went to the bathroom, he also conveniently left his bag. After waiting for less than five minutes, he made up again. However, according to the information of the ticket, he went to a new box again. Looking at the people sitting inside, he slowly sat down, but he did not mean to relax his vigilance.

"Are you responsible for protecting me?" Watching for a period of time, little William slowly said.

"Very clever! But it's not so smart, but since the supervisor has taken a fancy to you, I can only be reluctant to take charge of your safety problems and solve the tail behind you! I have saved you at least four times, which shows that you are seriously lack of experience in this field! I hope you can study hard! "

"Why show up? What really happened to MI5? "

"Yes The visitor said happily, "originally I should not have appeared, but the matter is urgent. The director of MI5 and a series of senior executives have all been" reimbursed ". The director should be dismissed. What about the following senior executives? The trial of the trial, the transfer of the transfer, basically will not be left, so you are extremely dangerous now

"If you start with MI5, then the intelligence management department will have a big move next!"

"Don't imagine yourself to be too clever, and don't think your opponent is too stupid. What about you? It's just the product of the assembly line. Although we have our own understanding, we only tracked you down by some small minions. If anyone wants to know you're dead, you can't get rid of it! "

"I understand that this time, not only for me, but also for all the intelligence personnel in the UK, the British side will sort out all of them, no matter which country they are from, or even kill each other!"

The visitor also tilted his head and looked at it, "yes, no wonder the supervisor will value you so much. You really have brains! The British side is sure to clean up next, both internally and externally, so try not to cause trouble as much as possible. I am responsible for your safety, but if I am in danger, I will separate myself, and then you! It's good to ask for more happiness from yourself, or give yourself a good time! At least it's a more comfortable choice. "

"I didn't expect that the arrangement should be so thorough!" Little William looked at the visitor and expressed his thanks, "thank you very much. What else can I tell you?""The next situation is whatever you want. After you arrive in France, things have nothing to do with me. To remind you, if you relax a little bit, you are always nervous and your muscles are too tight. It's not a good thing!"

After the explanation, the visitor also left the box and went there. William didn't want to find out, because there was no significance. Relatively speaking, although this guy was always smiling, he gave himself the feeling that if he really wanted to make a move, he would fall down and be afraid of it in an instant!

Do not know why, is a feeling! After arriving at the station, William also wandered around for a period of time, but he really did not find anything else. He was also a member of this industry. But now, it seems that some of his former times underestimated other people too much!

"Teacher! I have nothing to do, just a little cold! "

Ding Yu looked at Guo Li, who was sitting there. He was also a little funny, "what's the matter? I remember your body seems to be very good! How did it all of a sudden

"I felt sleepy when I came back to read at night, so I took a cold bath. I didn't expect it would look like this!" Guo Li also has some bad intentions, "teacher, I have learned a lesson, absolutely will not appear similar to this aspect of the problem and the situation!"

Ding Yu looked at Guo Li and nodded his head after a period of time? It seems that I have really ignored it! But this should be your test. What about the others? It's all like this. I don't think you have any problems! "

"Teacher, there is nothing to do, everyone's learning attitude is still very good!" Guo Li twisted his nose. "This time I came to the United States, I realized a lot of problems and conditions that we didn't come into contact with at school and in China. But similarly, hospitals and doctors in the United States also have their own problems and conditions!"

"It's a good thing to be able to recognize your own problems." Ding Yu said, "but you can't be proud, and you can't be complacent! It's still a young rabbit. It's too bad! "

After coming out from Guo Li's side, Ding Yu also took out his mobile phone. It took quite a long time for the phone to be connected, "Hello, Hello, that one!"

"I'm Ding Yu!"

"Feather less good!" Zhang Xiaohua also left and stood up, but scared the other people nearby. At this time, you Ming was also interested in looking at the past, "you Ming and I are both very good, and the work is relatively smooth!" When talking, he also picked up his eyebrows to Youming, looking very proud.

"What about those guys? How many are left? "

"There are only four left!" Zhang Xiaohua is also very happy to say, "the performance is very good, should be the kind of hard-working, but there is no complaint, there is also our book they read a lot, but also made a considerable summary, now look at the original version of the book are not too many questions! In the past, it was the young master's style, but now it's much better. Maybe the sand has so much to eat! So it's a lot more mannered. "

"All right, I'll tell them to you. If there's any problem, you and Youming can't bear it! There is no need for them to continue to eat sand there. If they eat it for another two days, I'm afraid they will become a fool. Let them come to me and give them three days

"Now?" Zhang Xiaohua is also Leng for a moment, "yes, feather less, I'll arrange it right away!"

"Give Youming a call and I'll talk to him for a second!"

Hearing Ding Yu's words, Zhang Xiaohua handed over the phone in the first time. However, he didn't mean to leave. And Youming respectfully answered the phone, "Yu Shao, Hello, I'm Youming!"

"I ate a lot of sand with Zhang Xiaohua over there. What's your feeling?! Let's see if you've made any progress in this area! " Ding Yu's words are very impolite.

However, you Ming was overjoyed to hear that "there are less feathers. Now there is not so much sand. Forest areas have been built here, especially vegetables and Chinese herbal medicines have been planted here. Now we have seen the output value, the economic benefits are very good, and at the same time, we have protected the environment! It's a real combination, not fraud! It's not a face project. "

Ding Yu is also listening to you Ming's wordiness on the phone. What happened after hearing that? It's not bad. How about it? Are you going to stay there and eat the sand? What other ideas do you have? I'm not so anxious to hear your answers. I want to hear the true opinions and thoughts of the two of you

"Yu Shao, Zhang Xiaohua and I discussed earlier. In the past, we thought we could leave this ghost place earlier, but now we really don't think about it. We have a lot of feelings! This is a sense of honor that money can't bring. We want to stick to it! "

"What? And feelings? " Ding Yu also disdains to hum a, "I to you? There is no mandatory requirement, just make yourself happy! But what about it? Let you have worked hard for these years, but you are not for whom to make this contribution. You should be clear about this! What about the two of you? Ten million dollars per person! As if it is for you to start a business! Do it yourself"Little feather! This Some of you Ming couldn't speak for a moment.

"If you don't have money, you will be constrained in everything. This is certain. Even if you want to go out and make a living, you need to have your own capital. Don't make mistakes for a little money. However, I don't have any requirements. I want 15% profit to save you two bastards from being lazy!"

"Yes! Yu Shao, we will not let you down! "

When you put down the phone, you Ming also uttered a loud voice, which scared other people. "Go and call the four of Zong Taiping to me and let them run over! Their day is coming! " Immediately also looked at the side of Zhang Xiaohua, to pull to the side of the position.

"What's the matter? Still so secret

"Yu Shao gave us two people 10 million dollars each Looking at Zhang Xiaohua's appearance, you Ming also gave him a blow directly, "Yu Shao said, this is not for nothing, he wants 15% profit!"

"Bullshit, don't say 15 percent, 50 percent have no problem!" Zhang Xiaohua is also a little difficult to control his excitement, 10 million dollars! At the beginning, the two people's money compared with this figure, the difference between heaven and earth.

"Shit, you! Yu Shao still needs you this thing! I said you really didn't want to understand, or fake? " You Ming also despised a look at Zhang Xiaohua! "I see in your head! It's really all sand. It's stupid! "

"What do you mean?"

"Ten million dollars!" You Ming once again said, looking at his friend is still uncivilized, but also do not play this riddle with him, "I really don't know what you have in your head, 10 million dollars! Do you remember the 150 million yuan of the first echelon

"I wipe..." Zhang Xiaohua also felt a little dizzy for a while! At the beginning, Yu Shao gave them 10 million yuan to each of those people in the first echelon. That was because Yu Shao wanted to cultivate them and how much they spent. Yu Shao didn't care at all, that is, to cultivate their ability.

Now he has given himself and Youming 10 million each. Zhang Xiaohua feels that his head is not enough! When they were in a daze, there was a report outside the door, which made them wake up. You Ming took a look at Zhang Xiaohua, and then stabbed him. Don't be silly!

Zhang Xiaohua shook his head and even rubbed his face twice, but the blood on his face could not be controlled at all. "OK, I'm not your direct leader, and you are not my subordinates. What's more, you are not little soldiers. What's more, saluting is a matter of course! Come here

"Report, we're cleaning the pipes! The work is still in progress, not finished. "

"Let's put the water pipe business aside, give you two hours to explain all the things you have on hand, and then pack up your things and luggage, and get out of here. Where's the second echelon? There are only four of you left. I don't know if your luck is really good, or you are really hard to remember. I will report to Yu Shao three days later! "

"Ah?" All four are stupid! Next to you Ming also snorted, "can't understand Chinese, or what's the matter? Hurry to explain things, pack up, and then get out of here. Yushao should be in the United States now, and your trip is also within these three days. Yushao doesn't like people who are late. I'll arrange a car to take you to the airport! Now, at my command, relax! attention! Turn back! Run, get out of here

Four people ran out of the room for some unknown reasons, but after they came out, you looked at me, I looked at yours, and then all of them ran away in a single head, not because it took only two hours, but they were summoned. This is the main reason why they couldn't control themselves.

Although the time here is not so long, and there are not too many people to restrain, but what about the four people left behind? Also really ate quite a lot of sand, insisted to stay down, now is not regarded as bitter sweet? It's really that some of them are not clear.

One hour to hand over other tasks, in fact, what about tasks? It's not so much, but the four people are still doing their best to explain their work clearly, and then clean up their own things, things are really not as much as imagined, and then came out.

Zhang Xiaohua and you Ming had already stood there, looking at the four people's appearance, they also frowned, "what kind of costume are you? Take junk? I don't ask you to see how much luxury there is when you have less feathers, but it's clean and tidy, please! "


"Well, there is nothing to send you. Don't even think about it. What about the car? It's just for Yu Shao to bring some of our local products. It has nothing to do with you. By the way, I'll send you a gift. I hope you can remember this hard time. Let's go! All the way

"Yes Four people also made a salute. "Thank you, instructor! We will remember this unforgettable dayFinally, there is a conscience, not to be eaten by the dog! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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