"Are you free this evening, Ding?" The phone call was made by lily. Although she didn't say the purpose, Ding Yu was able to understand it. Now, the relationship network in all aspects has been opened to herself. This network needs to be opened slowly, rather than to Ding Yu.

Comparatively speaking, Ding Yu is an outsider after all, and it is still a stage of observation and observation for Ding Yu. It is true that he has made great contributions to this side in the past, but it does not mean that he must accept him, because there are still some unclear issues about Ding Yu's position at this time.

What about this kind of meeting? Ding Yu is not only familiar with the process, but also a process of exploration. Ding Yu is not so keen on this aspect as he imagined, and he does not want to go deep into it. Therefore, he has almost pushed the meeting that can be avoided or avoided.

At the beginning, Lily was still confused. She thought Ding Yu was reserved or intentional. But as time went on, Lily finally realized that Ding Yu was not interested in this aspect. He didn't mean to take a long line or catch big fish.

"No time!" Ding Yu's expression is very direct, even without any hesitation.

Lily is also a little speechless, "I said Ding, your communication space is really so small. You should know that it is not a good thing to keep yourself trapped." But the problem is that Ding Yu doesn't have any refutation at all, so lily is helpless, "OK! It mainly involves some commercial problems! "

"I'm not very good at it. I'll let Sun Yingnan follow up on this matter!"

In a word, she answered Lily directly. For Lily, she was totally helpless, but it was not a bad thing. After all, Ding Yu has promised to deal with this matter, and Ding Yu is not a so-called great philanthropist. He also needs to see the return of interests before he can invest in it.

In many cases? It's a combination of interests. It doesn't mean that you have money, and it doesn't mean that you have access to it. It needs money and channels. Then it can be connected together. It's very simple, but it's very difficult to do it.

To Lily's satisfaction, Ding Yu is not so rigid on this issue, but he can abide by his own identity and position. He may be more interested in interests, but what about the so-called politics? Never mix hands, that is to say, always let oneself in advance and retreat freely.

No one can pick out any problems when they are involved in the combination of interests. However, if they are involved in the so-called political struggle, it will be very difficult to get rid of it. This is the cost. But similarly, if we participate in the political struggle, the benefits we can earn are absolutely beyond our imagination.

"Well! Anyway, the final decision is up to you! " This is not even Lily's first trial. Then lily also put down her phone and looked at the two people sitting in front of her desk. She also gave a wry smile, "I've already called. Ding Yu may be interested, but this possibility is not as big as imagined!"

Lily calls face to face, so there is basically no possibility of other problems. Whether Ding Yu is an insatiable greedy person is not known yet, but one thing is that this guy is very cautious and careful, and even to a certain extent, it makes people feel that he is a little bit excessive.

"Because of what? If he can help, I think we are willing to offer more help! " After saying that, he took a deep look at lily, "this help is not only Ding Yu, but also you!"

"I'd like to help, but I'm afraid there are some things that can't be concealed from Ding Yu. I don't know how much thread he has in his hand. What's more, some information about your situation has been revealed. Even if you want to hide it, you can't hide it at all. Now it depends on Ding Yu's personal will."

"What about sun Yingnan?"

"Ding Yu's man!" Lily is very happy to say, "she is Ding Yu's personal assistant! She is in charge of many things, but she has the power to handle them, but she has no decision-making power. However, Ding Yu is quite good to her. It may have something to do with her personal ability, but I am not in England now! "

Until the next day, lily also came to see Ding Yu in person. The meeting place was in the medical school. It was really difficult to find Ding Yu in other places. At this time, Lily was not very willing to go to Ding Yu's house. The reason for her personal habits was like that she didn't like others to come to her own home.

Originally, when I went to Ding Yu's place, I was forced by the situation, but now I prefer to meet Ding Yu here. It's very good. But what's the taste of coffee here? It needs to be improved.

"What happened last night?" Ding Yu took off his glasses. "What's so important?"

"There are some problems and situations among the parties here, which are not as troublesome as we think, but no one can tell the specific situation, so we may need to borrow some funds from you! This is the general situation. ""Lending funds?" Ding Yu slightly frowned on his brow. It seems that it is not so easy as expected. What's more, although there are many funds in his hands, it does not mean that he is a good man. "You come to tell me about this in person, that is to say, the companies that lend money can't be investigated. Is that right?"

For Ding Yu's reaction, lily also slightly nodded, Ding Yu also laughed, "lily, we are friends! Such a thing is not a funny joke. It makes me feel confused and puzzled. I don't do any investigation and then borrow money. It sounds like a joke! "

"The situation is quite special!" Lily also felt a little embarrassed, "and I dare not make a guarantee in this respect. My so-called guarantee is that I can't give any guarantee to this company. What's more, I don't have any assurance about the whole thing. But since I've come to the door, I need to do something about it!"

"How do you feel so oppressive?" Ding Yu said in a funny way, and then put on his glasses. This action shows that Ding Yu doesn't want to continue talking about the problem and the situation. "This thing seems to give you some pressure, which seems to be abnormal!"

"How are you! For me personally, the pressure is no greater than the previous pressure, what's more, I know my position very well, sometimes it's not a good thing to be ambitious! "

"I didn't expect that event would make you so mature and decisive. This really makes people look at you with such a great look!" When talking about this, Ding Yu also sincerely felt that he had some admiration. Seeing that the organization has been able to spread to the world for such a long time, the details are really not comparable to everyone.

"Forced by the situation, I don't think anyone is willing to face such a situation. Even if I think about it now, I'm afraid of it!" Speaking of this, lily also looked at Ding Yu, "but my luck seems to be good!"

The two people did not say anything unnecessary, and then lily also left. After returning to her car, she called there. "I have disclosed the news to Ding Yu. He has some doubts about this matter. Obviously, he is not very optimistic about it. This is the general situation."

"I see!"

They still have some confidence in what kind of news Lily will deliver, but the problem is that Ding Yu is an uncontrolled object, which is the most irritating. Another problem is that until now, Ding Yu didn't even mean anything else.

Is it a test? If you can, I really don't mind giving Ding Yu some sweet things, let alone do so? You can also control Ding Yu in your hands and kill with one stone. But what about this thing? Still need to control well, otherwise, mutton did not eat do not say, also easy to make a Sao.

What's more, how to control this matter is really a very troublesome thing. Ding Yu has always been a very careful and cautious person. It is not easy to get rid of him in such a matter. What's more, the relationship between this guy and Charlie seems to be very good, which is also a problem.

Sun Yingnan was not in a hurry to make a judgment on this aspect when she learned about the situation. She also needed to make a general judgment on the matter, because she was very clear about her master's funds? It is still sufficient, but due to some reasons, it has not been shown.

If it is really revealed, I'm afraid many people will feel a little timid. Now I need to find out which aspect wants to start with my master and what is the purpose. This is the most important. As for other aspects? I really didn't put it in my eyes.

Now Ding Yu is exposed to the sun, but what about himself? It's a very important problem that I haven't been exposed at all. I don't have too many people paying attention to myself. Even if I pay attention to myself, I'm afraid it's hard to know the importance of myself. This is really a very easy point to neglect!

Sun Yingnan is not going to investigate the relevant aspects of the problem, their hands are not lack of funds, so give professional knowledge to deal with this aspect of the problem! This is also learned from their own masters.

He will make the final decision, but he will never express too many opinions and opinions in this process, just like he used to control crude oil futures. He makes the final decision, but what about the whole process? I won't ask too much, because at this point, I am a professional.

I am now in the United States, which is quite convenient for this aspect. To be exact, the United States is a very realistic and practical society. What about the so-called human relations? It's not that there is no such thing, but how much seems to be so weak, the most practical among them? Money is the most important thing.

Soon sun Yingnan told the story out. He just had to wait for the result. Ding Yu of course knew the situation. Anyway, for Ding Yu, there was not too much pressure. Even he felt too much feeling. In such a situation, he had to wait for the change of the situation!For some people in the UK, things are really a little bit worse because they seem to be a little bit tardy. Up to now, Ding Yu has not given them any reply. To be exact, they have not had much contact with Ding Yu so far.

Want to be close to Ding Yu, but the problem is that they don't seem to have much language with each other, because Ding Yu's life is so monotonous. Besides learning? I don't seem to be very interested in other aspects. I don't have much nightlife. What's in this guy's head?

If Ding Yu can't find another way, I'll start from the other side.

Why was Ding Yu suspected at the beginning? Isn't it because he seems to be involved in something? Now it's time to continue fishing, but what about the bait? It can't be too big. If it's too big, it will scare Ding Yu. At the same time, it can't be too small. It can't arouse the interest of China.

This needs layout and time, and in this time? Where's sun Yingnan? The investigation of the investigation has been almost completed, and it has even been fed back to Ding Yu's hand. Ding Yu feels helpless about this problem. Is it necessary to put this idea on his own head? Is it a bit shameless?

To be more practical, some people are interested in their own "strong" forces, so they want to start. In a simple way, it is like this. They use their own financial resources to supplement some so-called blood for them, because Ding Yu is a bit too ignorant.

What about the so-called ignorance? It means that Ding Yu is too conservative. If you want to know that you can't enjoy happiness by yourself, and then other people will look at it bitterly!

However, it seems inappropriate to do so to Ding Yu. First of all, Ding Yu's identity problem. If the matter is exposed, it will have a devastating impact on the whole faction.

All these things must be well circumscribed, so that Ding Yu can eat a dumb loss. In this way, he can account for all aspects, and he can also get the so-called benefits. There is no better thing than this. Now it depends on how to operate this matter. This is the key.

If this matter is placed in the past, what is Ding Yu's attitude towards it? It must be pressed down. Even if he doesn't leave, I'm afraid it won't be much different. But now, Ding Yu has some hesitation. What about this hesitation? It comes from many aspects.

It may be that many times of success has given Ding Yu some confidence, so now Ding Yu has some other ideas. He doesn't want to muddle along all the time. For some people, he seems to have been the object of captivity. In this case, it's time for another way and method.

From their current position, there are still some that are too weak. They have certain capital in their hands, but what about these capitals? It seems that it can not explain all the problems or even solve too many problems. Otherwise, the so-called ghosts and monsters will not come to us.

If we say that we have absolute power, will the British side come to us at that time? It's impossible. If they don't kick them, they should be very happy. The most fundamental reason is that they don't have enough information and power.

Soon Ding Yu sent out instructions to sun Yingnan. To be more practical, it was an order. You don't need to make any explanation yourself. You just need to carry out it. As for how to carry out it, I won't ask about it. What I want is the final result.

But at this time, someone has already found Ding Yu. Ding Yu can't say that he doesn't know. Originally, he came here with sun Lisa. At that time, he took care of his injury. But now he suddenly intrudes into his own residence. Such behavior is not considered!

When Ding Yu opened the door, he saw that he was already sitting on the sofa. He felt as if he had entered his own home. Ding Yu's attitude towards this man was really indifferent, and then he took out his mobile phone.

"Xiaoding, long time no see!"

Ding Yu didn't mean to speak, and immediately pressed the police call. The one in front of him took it for granted. In this case, don't blame yourself for being rude, "Xiaoding, have something to say!"

"Get out of here!" Ding Yu's attitude is absolutely unacceptable. If you don't go out, I'll call the police. This is my home, not a nightclub. You can come and go if you don't want to. Besides, where do you regard my residence as? Who are you used to these problems?

Chen Feng is also a little embarrassed. He is very clear. Previously, he seemed to be very unrestrained and unrestrained. He has completely offended Ding Yu. He is not his girlfriend, and this is the private residence of others. He came here rashly. He had what he wanted, but now he doesn't know what to say.Ding Yu kicked Chen Feng out without any hesitation. Chen Feng was embarrassed and his face was flushed. Ding Yu was really shameless, but he knew that if he left Ding Yu, he could not play any role.

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