The top management of Britain can never take a stand on this matter. If you people from MI5 can mix in, it's your ability. If you don't, it means that MI5 has too much water!

Moreover, the top management of the UK did not want to have any conflict with Ding Yu because of this incident. Ding Yu has not shown much attitude all the time, which just shows that Ding Yu has begun to prepare for some actions. The more he is at such a time, the more calm he is and can not act rashly.

Ding Yu has put too much pressure on the whole UK! Therefore, everything needs long-term consideration, and even every step of the way needs to be carefully considered. If you know what you are today, you will regret it! That's a wonderful thing to say!

There are also some people in MI5 who want to scold their mother. There is no explanation on this matter, but there are some hints. Moreover, this hint is quite obscure. If you don't do something, you need to carry on your back any problems and situations in the future! Of course, what did you do? Once it is found, the pot will still be buckled on your head, so MI5 also feels quite fucked!

Now there is no other choice, we must do it, and to do the best, we have to carry the pot when there is no problem, and we have to carry the pot when there is a problem. Isn't this a typical forced death person?

After getting up in the morning, Ding Yu did not change anything. There was no so-called jet lag. He took exercise and had breakfast! Everything seems to be in order!

Although the four of Zong Taiping didn't adapt very well, they got up at six o'clock! Relatively speaking, they are young people after all, so they don't care so much! However, it was already eight o'clock for Guo Li and several of them. They were still lying on the bed, snoring and sleeping. They had no intention of getting up at all. They were too lazy.

Go in and pick them up? There seems to be something wrong with each other. There is really no horizontal or vertical management between them. What about Guo Li and others? I'm also a serious student. If there is any so-called conflict, I'm afraid the outside world will laugh at it!

And Zong Taiping's heart is also quite a total, the director will not know what happened yesterday? It should be impossible, but what about the director? There is no news at all, it is obvious that the director should be deliberately indulgent! In that case, don't get involved! Just control themselves!

Until 11 o'clock, Zong Taiping also got a call from Jin, asking them to wake up Guo Li and prepare for it. In the afternoon, he would take them to the medical school to see the situation there!

What's the matter with Taiping! The phone did not call Guo Li and their place, but called their own side, even if it is to take care of them, it does not need to be like this! Is there so much eccentricity?

Looking at Guo Li lying on the bed, Zong Taiping really wants a bucket of water to pour down, so that he can know how powerful it is. And Guo Li, who is sleepy, looks at Zong Taiping standing beside the bed and wipes the saliva from the corner of his mouth! After knowing the situation, there are not too many reactions!

On the contrary, he rang the bedside bell, and soon some people came in. Guo Li really regarded himself as an uncle. He really wanted to see if he was really thick skinned to a certain extent! Anyway, I won't leave. I don't believe he is so shameless!

And the fact also proved that Guo Li is absolutely shameless to the extreme, and even has so many liberties. The waiters who come in are not only molested so simple, but also can't stop taking money. Zong Taiping really feels that some of them can't be seen. Forget it, I still don't want to see it! Otherwise, you will be unable to help it!

I'm also an experienced person! But relative to Guo Li, I am! It's a toddler!

When Guo Li and others, who were waiting to wash and gargle, came to the dining table, they looked at the things on the table and snorted. Then they turned the table cloth and lifted all the things on it. "Do it now! These things are cold, and we do not eat potatoes and fried fish, first give us a pot of freshly ground coffee

Even the big and the young have no such temper! The waiter and supervisor at the back looked at the things on the table and the ground, but they didn't say anything. They started cleaning at the first time. At the same time, they respectfully apologized to Guo Li. They let the guests down because of their mistakes!

The whole action is peaceful, and the four of them are also looking at each other. What is this and what is it! Guo and Li are obviously trying to find fault, but what about the British side? There is no dissatisfaction and displeasure, how do you mean? You still have feelings? With them, a masochistic heart grows!

What's going on here is that people can't understand? Why is it like this?

Because it is open-ended, so the waiter is the first time to choose the best coffee beans, freshly ground coffee, almost everything? Are displayed in the public's eyes, the previous mess has been cleaned up, the style of the desktop has also changed! It seems that we have already prepared for it!After tasting the coffee, the taste was really good. Guo Li Da stabbed himself in the middle of the table, while Zong Taiping and his four people looked at the coffee they had delivered, but they didn't have any hesitation. They took a sip and tried it. The coffee they had drunk in the past was really quite different! With the so-called British tea also has a quite different feeling!

However, looking at Guo Li, who is drinking coffee there, he always has a feeling that he is really suitable to sit in that position? Why do you feel so uncomfortable? And in the process of eating lunch, Guo Li is also constantly critical, either salty, or light, or the style is not good-looking!

But the British side is really doing its best. If you have one dissatisfaction, we will try our best to improve it. In any case, what is the reason for everything? We did not do a good job, there is no refutation, and there is no dissatisfaction at the same time!

Looking at the waiting car outside, Zong Taiping's eyebrows also jumped two times, and there are people taking umbrellas. This treatment is no one? Guo Li Da stabbed in the front of the position, but this time there is no rogue behavior! But with Zong Taiping in parallel, when I came out, I totally changed a person. I could see that Zong Taiping did not dare to recognize each other!

"Guo Li, what on earth are you up to?"

Guo Li hummed, and then got on the car to find his own position. Zong Taiping is a mallet. He can't understand such a simple thing. What can he explain to him? What's more, explain to him now that there's an egg to use? I'll talk about it later when I see the teacher!

The car is directly to the medical school there, Ding Yu took them to visit some medical schools! And have them here at the same time? Stay for two days! Take a look at the learning environment here! Of course, it would be better if they could see something! Very real idea and purpose.

Ding Yu took these students around the school for quite a long time. During the whole process, Zong Taiping did not hear his director blame Guo Li. What's more, what about Guo Li? All of a sudden became honest, with the previous time is completely two, let oneself also have some doubts, because the change is too fast!

"Guo Li! You study here for two days! I have already communicated with the hospital! "

"Yes, teacher, you can rest assured."

Ding Yu slightly nodded his head, "the learning atmosphere here is still very strong, have a look at it more!" Ding Yu is very simple to say a word, but for Guo Li, has already understood what his teacher said this word means!

What about the farce in the house? The teacher knows, and is clear, but the teacher does not have any other opinions and ideas, and even a little encouraging meaning, but the teacher's meaning is also obvious. You can make a fool of yourself outside. Anyway, there are no good people there, but what about the school side? Be honest with me!

Ding Yu was very satisfied with Guo Li's statement, and then Ding Yu also drifted away. The school also welcomed the new students. In the end, he still needed to be hospitable. He could not be too cold. After all, it was Ding Yu's student, not other cats and dogs!

"Guo Li is really smart!" Sitting by Ding Yu's side, Jin also said in a meaningful way, "Sir, you don't have any arrangements, but he can understand what you mean very well. They always feel that there is a lot of difference between them in this point. The truth in this is so unreasonable."

"Different origins? So naturally, this understanding is different! " Ding Yu looked out of the window and sighed, "what about this? It's a kind of shackle that is hard to break, but what about the children of officials? Both of them have disadvantages in this respect. Either they are bold, but they belong to the kind of misbehavior, or they are cautious and subtle, but they are conventional. Of course, there are really outstanding ones, and they are still outstanding ones, but they are really too few! "


Ding Yu waved his hand, "what about their affairs? Still need to see, some things? It's changing. Just like you and me, no one knows what kind of changes will take place in life. It may be a piece of paper or a piece of sugar. Life will change. Maybe we are here? It's not appropriate, but it doesn't mean that he is also inappropriate in other places. I really don't want to be so cruel! "

"Sir, I have seen blood in my hands. Everyone has his own different ideas about cruelty and forgiveness. We can't cater to the vast majority of people. We just need to be ourselves."

"Yes, too!" Ding Yu nodded slightly, "well, there is no need for them to be so entangled. What's more, we still have more important things to do at present! There are two surgeries arranged in the school. I'm really busy! Don't have so much time to pay attention to them! Look at it a little bit! "

"Sir, is there any other situation in the operation at this time? As far as I know, there are many forces that have expressed strong interest in your coming to England! We all hope that we can pick up some time at this time. Whether it is against you or against Britain, the situation is very delicate now! ""What about the UK? It will protect us well. We just need to put up this fence. What about going to France? Need to be vigilant, that is the most troublesome! Now the British side is afraid to make a move, but in France, whether the British side will do it or not is another matter! "

"Sir, I let people take a look at things in France. It's not that there is no way to investigate, but that we can't investigate!"

Ding Yu slightly tilted his head, "is the US government so cruel to such a degree? Even their own people have been destroyed? Even if there is no follow-up, wrong, are you really ready to fight with those big families and consortia? Or are they ready for this? "

"It's hard to say!" Kim also shook his head. "From my personal point of view, is there a problem? And it's quite a problem. We don't know the whole thing, even if it's old Peyton? As far as I'm concerned, I don't know that much! "

Ding Yu rubbed his nose with his hand, "you are very interested in this statement!" Hum, Ding Yu also shook his head and laughed, "if this is really a pit, it will be really interesting! But in your personal opinion, who dug such a big hole? You want me to fall in? "

"It's hard to say that the relationship between old Peyton and US has made many people have such taboos! And what about the old Peyton family? It is quite different from other families. Who is not afraid of this? I think there are quite a few problems in this, and even lead to some problems in the follow-up! "

"It's interesting!" Ding Yu snorted, and then wiped his cheek with his hand. The action was very gentle, that is to say, "what about it? It's really interesting to be able to drag old Peyton into the water, but what about France? Still going! After all, it was the front line at that time! "

"I see!" Kim also knows why Mr. Kim said that.

The next day, Ding Yu went to the medical school in the morning to learn the most detailed information of the patient. He did not mean to go to the operating table casually. Just like joking, the patient allowed him, but Ding Yu himself did not allow him! What's more, there are so many people watching? For the hospital, I can't afford to lose this person!

Because it is an independent laboratory of the school, there is a special observation room above. It is not only a simple chair, but also can be synchronized. In addition to Guo Li, many other people are sitting outside!

Guo Li also poked the students next to him. There were a lot of people in the room, but looking at the eyes of these guys, they were quite wrong! "Did the teacher offend them? Look at them? Almost all want to give the teacher to eat the feeling, I feel scalp has so some numbness

However, when several people were discussing, the person sitting next to Guo Li also touched Guo Li with his hand, and then handed over a cup of coffee in his hand, "I hear you are Ding's student? I'm Bevan

"Hello!" Guo Li took over the coffee and also expressed his thanks. "It seems that it is not so accurate to say that Mr. Ding is our teacher. He is the substitute class. We all want to be his students. But now it seems that we are still in the process of investigation. Mr. Ding is very strict with us!"

Beiwen also made a finger ring, and soon attracted people's eyes, "what about Ding? It's the same period with me, but for those of us in the same period, it's always the existence of the big devil. We always aim to hit him! It's like the weather in London? "

Guo Li and others did not quite understand, but also subconsciously asked, "what do you mean?"

"Take an umbrella every day!" Beven had a little sense of humor, but it was obvious that Guo and Li didn't understand. Beven also shook his head. "London has a lot of weather. It often rains. We are always ready to take umbrellas."

Guo Li and others understood it all at once. After looking back, they found that most of the young doctors raised their hands, which was too obvious! They are all aimed at their own teachers! Is there some exaggeration? Is the teacher so hateful? There was no such feeling before.

"Dr. Bevan, is Mr. Ding exaggerating?"

"Just call me Bevan! What about Ding? The performance is too evil. When I was in school, I was not a lone ranger, but we really had some doubts. Was he born to attack us? We studied for five or six years, and even couldn't catch up with his two years' study. Of course, this also led to the good atmosphere of the school! This point is very reminiscent of, sometimes feel, without his day is too lonely! "

"I seem to have heard the teacher say that at that time, everyone's study was very attentive!"

Oh! Bevan also sighed, "can you do without your heart? But the question is genius? He has always been a genius, and now only a few years of work, his papers, surgery, and scientific research have left us far behind, and we can't even see our back! If we had studied with him in those years, maybe it would be a different situation now! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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