"Kim, let them go into the safety fortress."

Hearing what he said, Jin was stunned for a moment, but he didn't say anything, because if they were allowed to fight outside, they would become cannon fodder in the first place, and might even become a burden. If such a situation happened, it would be bad!

What about the so-called security fortress? It's just a simple fire protection point! What if you look at it from the outside? There are only a few shooting holes. All other places are defense facilities. Even bombs will not work. Of course, shells and missiles may not be the same. But the problem is that this is France after all. What about general fighting? There may not be too many problems, but if the missile really comes out, the French side will not allow it.

And because of the existence of monitoring facilities, so there is no need for any observation hole, just need to control through the screen! As for the reason why they had to shoot before, it was mainly to let them adapt to the environment! Let them feel the atmosphere. This is what Ding Yu wants!

The next morning, Jin also took Zong Taiping to the security fortress. They went to the safety fortress. There were four fortresses around the whole situation. Zong Taiping went to only one of them! The internal area of the whole fortress is not too large, but looking at the facilities inside, Zong Taiping can't help but swallow a mouthful of water.

"Really, if you are allowed to go to the battlefield, the probability of your death will be more than 80%. Therefore, you are deliberately arranged in such a place. What about all the actions? Listen to the command! Zong Taiping, I don't want any problems during this period! "

"Mr. king, are we here today?"

"No, it's just for you to adapt to the environment!" Kim also said playfully, "you should have a good rest last night, just as you did last night! To practice your guns. Now let's get you into the safe Fort? It's just to let them know in advance what you're going to do, but before you get in, you need to practice! "

Just after two steps, Kim suddenly turned back. "Mr. Wang wants to see you at noon."

"Old Peyton, I have arrived in France. The situation seems to be a little bit delicate recently." When calling old Peyton, Ding Yu's tone also has some unbridled flavor! "And you can't have any news at all now! If you do, it will make me feel very embarrassed! "

Old Peyton pondered for a long time without saying anything. Instead of having nothing to say, he was thinking carefully. He felt the problems and conditions in the past, but now? With the change of time, I also feel that the situation is completely different from what I imagined! This is not a phenomenon!

"Ding, what do you think would happen if you pulled out now?" Old Peyton thought for a long time, but also hesitated to ask, because he felt that things were very difficult! "In fact, it's good to listen to your ideas!"

"You old fellow, you are really an old fox!" Ding Yu said sarcastically, "this matter for me personally, really does not have too much influence, finally is to investigate clearly, seems to me, also is not so important, depends on your personal consideration!"

Ding Yu is also a direct counterattack to the problem back, anyway suffered losses? It's not me. Where am I coming? Naturally, it's also fun to watch. As for whether or not to open the dark curtain, Ding Yu is really not as interested as he imagined!

"Ding, it seems that you already know something about it!" Old Peyton sighed, "should I say the bystander sees clearly?"

"I don't know. Anyway, the protection effect here is very good! I can't say it. I don't think it's possible to take down the pure infantry attack! I'm staying in the fortress of this manor, and no one will break in! But who knows? Maybe there will be people who will die, and maybe things will happen, won't they? "

"I'm afraid it's hard to say." Old Peyton also suddenly laughed, "I heard of one thing, when you were alone in MI5, such behavior seems to be a little too slapdash. I venture to ask, if possible, can I know what agreement you have reached

"Ha ha, this is a little interesting. Don't you just guess?"

"It's not much fun to guess! However, since you have said it, I'll tell you what I think. You are independent of MI5 and are still so swaggering. Obviously, you should have grasped the handle of MI5! It's nothing more than a kind of blackmail. MI5 has agreed to your conditions, and there should be no other things besides that! "

"Worthy of being an old fox!" Ding Yu really has some words that are not covered up, "what about MI5? I have moved my students and want to develop them into weasels, women and money. The means can be said to be quite unbearable. Under such circumstances, if I tolerate them, is it too soft and weak? "

"Just means! It doesn't matter what's right or wrong, it just depends on whether the interests are appropriate! ""Yes! It doesn't matter what's right or wrong, it's just means, but they didn't succeed, so I blackmailed them a little bit! It can't be said that it's bleeding, it's just something that's been let out! " Ding Yu still didn't inform old Peyton of the situation behind the transaction, which was inappropriate!

"The whole of England was dragged into the water by MI5! I don't even have a chance to argue, but as far as I know, you seem to have a lot of influence in Britain! At least this influence can't be ignored by others. Under such circumstances, you are not angry! It's abnormal, because I'm afraid of it! "

"Isn't it the same, you old fellow? Your influence in the United States is something that other people dare not ignore. The same influence is something that other consortia need to fear! But this time, there was no angry performance, or even took the initiative to retreat. Obviously, you old guy is ready to take a big move

The two people's words are more and more explicit. In fact, they both understand what it means to say such words. It's like a negotiation. It's not achieved overnight. We need to learn about each other's details. At the same time? Also need to meet their own interests and conditions, only in this way can the negotiation be completed!

What about Ding Yu and old Peyton? It is to explore each other's bottom line, whether it can be achieved or not, and what kind of impact it will have on its own consortia! This is really not a sentence, two sentences can say clearly!

"Well! What about you guy? I'm also a clever fox. I've got some news. What about Britain? It should be someone who supports them. To be exact, what about MI5? Find someone to support them. What about the so-called abandonment? It's only temporary! "

"The upper echelons of England?" Ding Yu also asked suspiciously, "no wonder they are so strong, even reluctant, but they must have paid a considerable price! After all, some things happened in the United States, and even their own personnel were abandoned. If you want to solve such problems, you need to pay a considerable price for benefits! "

"That's what I didn't understand!" Old Peyton murmured, "I don't know what's the reason. We've blocked the news in this area very tightly. Maybe we feel some threat!"

Ding Yu said with a nonchalant smile, "old Peyton, it seems that this matter of treating your family's condition? Or caused a considerable rebound, do not know whether it is a good thing or a bad thing! I can see that you should have been regarded as a rebel! It may be too much to say, though

"Everyone stands in different positions and angles, so the way we look at problems is also different. As we have just said, there is no right or wrong, just a dispute of interests."

"It seems that you have a breath in your old man's heart!" Ding Yu said indifferently, "I feel a little bit about this, but what about now? Maybe there are some things that are not suitable. We can have a good talk when we go back to the United States! But what about this battle? It seems inevitable! "

"To such an extent?"

"Someone has already stepped on this side of the Manor!" Ding Yuxian said with a slight sigh, "judging from the situation shown now, even if the United States may not be able to do so, the British side has also dispatched other personnel to do it! Although we have reached a considerable agreement between each other, but this heart will not be too comfortable! I'm afraid it will be the same for you! "

"A small battle! But I really don't want you to be concentrated by stray bullets! After all, you carry a lot of hope. Of course, from another point of view, if you really fall down, it's a pity for me to lose my opponent. It's very lonely! "

"As you please!"

Ding Yu has basically clarified the old Peyton's ideas and opinions, and has a small fight with each other? All are to dissipate the fire in the heart. Only by dissipating the so-called fire, can we be calm and at that time everything may continue to sit down and talk about it!

As for now, it is impossible to sit down! No one is allowed!

It's just a fight. For Ding Yu, it's not a great thing. What's more, Ding Yu is still in this place now. It must attract considerable firepower! If Ding Yu really can't hold on, it's another thing. But from the attitude that Ding Yu showed to old Peyton, how many people will come? It's just filling the hole!

As for the French side, will there be any opinions and ideas? There will not be too many problems. As long as the quarrel between each other is not so excessive, to be exact, it is not to use any weapons of mass destruction. In that case, it will not only cause panic, but also be a provocation to France.

Of course, why the French side allows such things to happen in their territory is not to say that they need to give Ding Yu and the United States and other parties the face, mainly because of interests. As long as the interests are appropriate, the French side will turn a blind eye to it. It is a normal thing! Nothing great!Just before noon, Ding Yu also came to the shooting range. Looking at the situation of the four people, he felt a little funny. The ground was covered with bullet shells, and the barrel was replaced a lot! The four people were all burning with smoke. The smell of gunsmoke was really pungent.

"How do you feel?"

After seeing Ding Yu come in, four people also quickly stood up, but the body bone? It was a burst of sour and soft, never thought of shooting? How could you be so tired? I feel that my shoulder is not my own! Although the body has a lot of protection, but the impact is still very uncomfortable for them!

"Director! I don't know what the war looks like, but the atmosphere has already smelled! " Zong Taiping also wiped his face. He didn't care too much at this time. The marks on the gloves were all wiped on his face. There were not so many taboos at this time!

Ding Yu's eyes also swept back and forth on the four people's bodies, "remember this feeling! I believe it will be of great help to you in the future. Before each storm? It's basically like this! I believe that after the baptism of the storm, you will bloom with different brilliance

"Director? Will there be a fight? " Zong Taiping and they are also slightly excited. Although they have experienced many things, they have never experienced such a situation! Think about it, I feel that there is so much blood boiling!

Ding Yu looked at the target not far away and thought for a little time, "I really don't want to fight. It's not that the cannon blows and the gold is ten thousand taels, which has nothing to do with this. Is this a fight or not? It's hard to let out the breath in everyone's heart, and it's hard to sit down and have a good talk with each other at the same time! "

"Damn it!"

"That's a little rude!" Ding Yu also shook his head, "what do you think? That is to put the opposite person down, but what do I need to consider? It's not the same! I need some control to play! Let this battle be restrained and unfettered. We should not overdo it and at the same time we should not suffer losses! It is the best to have proper degree! "

"Director, is this a game?"

"Game?" Ding Yu shook his head and immediately copied a rifle next to it. However, he didn't mean to open the insurance. He looked at it leisurely, "this is not a game, this is life! Life is not a playground! "

After placing the arms on the table, Ding Yu also disassembled all the guns. The action was not as fast as expected. However, Jing Guang and Jiang Yangsheng, who had military experience, could not help but look at each other and felt that their scalp was numb after seeing Ding Yu's action!

The director's action is not fast, but it is too coherent, and even has a trace of beauty. If you change it into yourself, you will never be so leisurely. What if you really say it? Their speed can't catch up with Ding Yu, but Ding Yu's control is so good that everyone ignores the change of time!

After careful wiping, Ding Yu assembled the gun again, "Jingguang, Jiang Yangsheng, what about you? I used to serve in the army. Is it appropriate to shoot now

Zong Taiping and Xiaomiao didn't speak because they didn't know much about it, and they also had the feeling of this aspect. The director didn't say this for nothing! While Ding Yu is talking, he has already loaded the magazine!

"Director, although the guns are assembled and the bullets are ready to be loaded, we still need to control the gun slowly if we want to control it!" Since the director has asked, the two have no reservation.

Ding Yu opened the insurance, aimed at the target in front of him and pulled the trigger twice! "You're right. You want to control this gun? It needs to be controlled slowly. It's a process, just like you're practicing here now! If you shoot, you will not only scare the snake, but also expose yourself! If there is no prior practice and preparation, it is impossible to achieve a fatal blow! This is what I want to tell you, and I hope you can master it

"How about being an inspector? Need to have their own judgment, at the same time need to stand at a high position to look at the whole thing, always need to have a clear understanding, if really become a substitute, then will be controlled by others! You can only act according to the pace of others, because your experience is not rich enough! "

"Director, what if you don't become a substitute? How can we understand the situation of the parties? How to grasp this thread? " Xiaomiao also raised his hand and argued.

Ding Yu took a look at Xiaomiao, and then he also looked at Zong Taiping. "Taiping, why don't you become a substitute? Look at your understanding

"Director, what do I mean by inspectors? We should always look at the whole problem from a higher angle. What if we become a substitute? Is it easy to be biased? And once their emotions have been biased, they will subconsciously make their own psychological and emotional changes! And what about the subconscious? It will affect you again! ""A little understanding, it seems that has begun to slowly enter their own position above!" Ding Yu is satisfied with Zong Taiping's answer, "what about the inspector? Always need to stand in a rational angle, see the problem clearly, find the problem and solve the problem! If you can, in the future, you can find a serious case group to follow the internship for two years. If you look at the files more, you will get more! "

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