"My third uncle has already seen it!" However, Ding Yu's face did not really show much curiosity, showing a very indifferent expression, "if something is useful, then keep it! If it really doesn't work, then I need to get it back quickly. I don't know what will be involved in this matter! "

"Don't be kidding! I asked people from the Chinese Academy of Sciences to read it! The old men will not give up after they have seen it! " Su Quan also looked at his nephew with dissatisfaction, "I'm not a technical researcher, but I've heard some news in this respect! ..。”

But this word to the general, was Ding Yu to reach out to stop! "Since things are useful? Then, please do me a favor. I will give you three days to make a fake, no matter what way and way I use. "

"Don't be kidding Su Quan is also very puzzled to see his nephew, "you think that is your porridge! You can make it with any material! The development of science and technology in our country has made great progress in recent years, even surpassing the United States in some aspects. But what about some core things? We still have to admit the gap! "

"I don't care. Do you want something real? You have to get me a copy of it! "

"It's not my business. Is it fake? Whatever you do? It can't be as like as two peas! This is a matter for all to see! What's more, it's still such a core and confidential thing. Even if it's a fake for you, how many people know about it? "

Ding Yu rubbed his fingers and then held his chest with both hands. "There are not a few people who know about it, but there are really not many people who have opened the seal! What about my personal guess? It won't take long for someone to come to the door! But I did decorate a lot earlier! Burn it with thermite! So I need someone to make me a fake. I'll burn it again. If it's true, if anyone mentions it, I can send out the residue! "

"I see!" Su Quan didn't ask his nephew why he had to send things back! What about inside? Must be involved in a lot of interests! "I will arrange it immediately! Wait for me

Then Suquan also took out his own special communication equipment. After waiting for about 15 minutes, Suquan came back again. "Three days is not working! It takes at least a week! This is the fastest! Can't it take that long? "

"It's hard to say! I can't say that! " Ding Yu also weighed carefully, "what about things? It was made by the Ministry of defense. It involves a lot of trouble! I think it won't take long for the news to reach them. I can't guarantee what will happen next

"Who knows, or I'll take it!"

Ding Yu looked up and then snorted. It was not that he looked down on his uncle, but this thing? Even my uncle has no way! "Involving a French consortium and government! I'm not sure. Who is involved? But it is certain that this person's energy is absolutely huge. What about the military, the government and the mercenary corps? They all have considerable influence! "

"That's the main reason why you have a pot of porridge in France?"

"No, what about the war in France? It's just a battle that has been planned for a long time! We had a little competition under the condition of keeping our heads, but I didn't think that some people lost their senses. I also took this opportunity to get these things from France into my hands! The French side has not been able to keep a secret for too long. What about the US side? I think it won't be long before I wake up! "

What about Ding Yu's narration? It's not very long, but Suquan really recognized other flavors, "Xiaoyu! How do you know about this stuff, these things? To a certain extent, it's the country's bottom card. It's impossible for ordinary people to touch it! There's something wrong with it! "

"Third uncle, I asked if you could stop asking the truth." Ding Yu was as like as two peas at the time, "I don't want anything exactly the same thing. What have I said? It needs to be burned down, and it's not a problem to melt it if you can! "

"What do you mean?"

"What about the destruction of these things? I use a special thermite. If I use gasoline, it will be a little black at most. It can't achieve the purpose of destruction. So what about these things? The final result is to burn it again with thermite! It's better to use the thermite from America! "

"I'll ask again!"

"Uncle, don't ask me about it and run back and forth!" Ding Yu also appears to be very impatient, "you still have full authority to deal with it, and then come back! I don't have so much waiting time! I can only give you three days. If something happens during this period, it may be shorter! What I have said is clear enough! ""Clear hair!" Su Quan also did not have a good temper to say, but he also noticed that his nephew's mood seems to be really so some not quite right! How did it happen?

When going out, Su Quan also pulled Deng Rong to one side of the position, "Lao Deng, what's wrong with Xiaoyu? How to feel this temper seems to have some wrong head! Is something wrong at home

Deng Rong took a look inside, and then said in a low voice, "the two children are so mischievous! After listening to this, my husband was not very happy. When I went to pick them up, they didn't come back. They ran to the old lady. I don't know what happened? "

"I'll go. I thought it was a big deal. Isn't it just a little nonsense?" Su Quan really didn't take it as a thing, "but ran to their grandmother there? But some of them are not right! "

After calling again, Su Quan thought that he was going to have a dinner here. Anyway, he was also in his nephew's house. He thought it was a mixed dinner. It didn't seem like a big deal!

"By the way, I heard about the four of Zong Taiping? The injuries on your body are not serious! " Full of food and drink? Su Quan didn't mean to leave, but stayed. Some things still need to be further communicated with his nephew, "I said you didn't think about it at that time. If they were really Mi Mi? What do you do? "

"It's up to God. What about me? Not kindergarten? And I'm not their babysitter Ding Yu replied indifferently, "they can't die? It's their business. I just arrange them to do what they should do. If they can't, they will leave. I have already informed them in advance! "

When the two people were talking, there was a bark outside. Then they saw several dogs around Wang Changlin and Su Yuan coming in. Then they saw the two children. They were also holding their grandmother's lapels and peeping at their father cautiously and carefully!

"Dad, when are you back?" Maybe I feel my father's eyes! The two little guys also stood in front of Ding Yu with a smile, "Dad, do you see that the puppies are growing fast?"

Ding Yu also stood up at this time and helped his glasses with his hand, "Dad, Ma!" A simple greeting, and then everyone also sat down. Wang Changlin and Su Yuan held the two children in their arms. Obviously? Two old people also realized some problems!

But really, what if we talk about it? It's just children's mischief. The starting point is good. There is no problem. Is this the process? Maybe some of them are not satisfactory! What about education? There may be no problem, but what about the temperament of the eldest son? It's really hard for ordinary people to guess!

"Third brother, when did you come?" Su Yuan looks at his third brother. It's not easy to know that sometimes he wants to see him. However, he saw him here today. It's not right!

"Don't mention it! Zong Taiping, how many of them are not always following Xiaoyu's side? After going out this time, you didn't see the appearance of coming back! It's light. Zong Taiping's head is wrapped like a mummy. What about Jingguang and Jiang Yangsheng? I came back on crutches

Su Yuan didn't believe that, "third brother, you don't need to come here in person."

"Just ask Wang Li. They have brought back a lot of things this time. I heard that some old experts in the Palace Museum have been unable to manage themselves. The ambulances have gone to two. What about those old experts? If you don't leave the scene, you just need to sleep with those things! What about these things? They brought them back from Zong Taiping! "

Wang Changlin took up the juice and motioned to the granddaughter in his arms. Then he put the drink into the granddaughter's hand. Previously, he was like a little witch, but now he is honest with what he is like. Usually, he doesn't feel how powerful his eldest son is, but how can he frighten his granddaughter into this way?

"I heard about this, and Lily deliberately called me! Said it won't come at night! She said that there was a task, but she did not listen to what task it was. It turned out to be such a thing! But it seems that they attach great importance to it! "

Ding Yu also said, "you two go to clean up xiaosiyan. What's the dirty look like?" Obviously, Ding Yu didn't want to let the two children know too much. Looking at the two children who left, Ding Yu then said, "the things are made from the British Museum! They've been blackmailed

"British Museum blackmail? Xiaoyu, is this too noisy? "

"We are all willing to talk about some conditions with each other! So I asked for something from the British Museum, and the British side agreed, but what about the problems? It's hard to say! What about the British Museum? It is not convenient for us to say that these things are returned? It's the blackmail in their hands. We'll just pretend to be confused! With Zong Taiping, they are injured a little, so we should give them some candy! "Wang Changlin took a look at Su Quan. What happened in it? Surely it's not something so simple that Su Quan can be involved? There must be a lot of secrets, but what about the eldest son? Rarely mentioned in this area? What about Suquan? The secret service work, also can't say these things? On the contrary, they are all buried in the drum.

"Hurt? You need to rest for quite a while

"What about me these two days? Maybe they will go back to the United States, and they will also follow. They will not be missing their arms or legs, or they will be injured! Not to mention me? It's still a doctor. If there is any problem or situation, it will be convenient to solve it then! " What about Ding Yu's return? It's really quite cold.

"Are they still following?" Su Quan is also subconsciously asked, "this when the father and mother must not be distressed to death!"

"I didn't ask them to follow. They wanted to follow themselves!"

What this said is really that people are speechless. Although there is nothing wrong with saying this, we all took the initiative to send people into his hands at the beginning, but it is not so cruel! There is no missing arm and broken leg, but it seems that it is not as good as there! If you toss it around, it's not fragmentary?

"Xiaoyu! After all, they are children growing up in the courtyard, and they really don't suffer too much. Sometimes? Maybe there are so many uncivilized thoughts that we need good guidance! "

Ding Yu is holding his chin, Su Quan is also the first to leave, Wang Changlin and Su Yuan two people do not mean to leave, the two children to small four eyes and dogs after cleaning, but also lingered to their father's position.

"Dad! We are wrong! "

"Dad! We are wrong! "

The two children said with one voice. Ding Yu was looking at his son and daughter standing in front of him. Although he said that his parents were sitting beside him, Ding Yu did not mean to help the children? It should be. The dog was hurt. Although the problem is not big, the way is not too right! But your age is still young, pour also can understand, but after school, run to grandfather and grandmother's home, how a matter? If you make a mistake, you don't have the courage to admit it? "

The more final, the more severe the tone.

"Admit your mistakes and face them bravely."

"Good! You said it Ding Yu also nodded slightly, "in a month's time, I'll find you a place to wake up to your mistakes. What about your life? What a wonderful and leisurely life! And what about your nearest sorghum rice? It seems that the food is a little bit too much, even a little greasy and crooked! For a change, have some sweet potatoes and sweet potatoes! No one can plead, it's settled! "

Ah? Su Yuan really quit this time? Originally, I thought about my eldest son? Forget it! But where to think of his eldest son so cruel? What do you want to do! Send your grandson and granddaughter to the countryside? How can the two children stand the pain? No, absolutely not!

"Xiaoyu, the child has made a mistake. Can you say something? That's all right? " Su Yuan could not help but say, "they are still young and criticize and educate mainly."

Ding Yu did not do any attention, "go back to pack things, take what you need, a month's time! I'll have two people follow you! But they're just responsible for your security! Ignore others! I don't know what to say

Two look at their own father, are tears wipe, but no one dare to cry out, from the room is the first time to go back to pack up their things, open their small suitcase, began to collect some of their own things! At the same time, I feel aggrieved.

Su Yuan looked at his eldest son. He was so angry. He patted the tea table heavily. He saw that his eldest son didn't respond. Su Yuan was also a teacup and so on. Su Yuan also stood up and said, "you didn't let them go! I, an old lady, will go with them After that, I went to see the two children!

Wang Changlin did not expect that his son would make such a decision. It seems that things are really out of line!

"Xiaoyu! Are there some that are too hasty? " Although there are some angry, but not so much. What about grandchildren and granddaughters? "They are still so young. In a month, you are not afraid of any problems and conditions?"

"They are now infected with such bad habits. If they grow up again, it will be fine, so they will stop thinking about it now!" Is Ding Yu not distressed? After all, it's my son and daughter, but for their good? I have to shadow this heart, "what about indulgence? No way

"Ah! Care is chaotic, the angle of standing? No one thinks you have done this wrong, but some of them are too cruel! This is the only thing I want to say What about Wang Changlin now? Also can't give this word to say too heavy, own this eldest son! For grandsons and granddaughters is really a heavy hand, not vague at all.Su Yuan couldn't stop his tears when he looked at his grandson and granddaughter. He wanted to pull his grandson and granddaughter to talk to his eldest son. But the grandson and granddaughter were honest with their things, not to mention, although they were not very old, they were really in good order when they did these things!

"I don't want to stay for two more days, so eager in America?"

"Well! There's something wrong with it! It's better to go back first! " Ding Yu looked at his father and nodded his head slightly! Some things? It's not that you don't explain, but you can't explain it! It can only be like this!

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