After exercising in the morning and preparing for breakfast, two more guests came out. Ding Yu didn't mean to restrain them too much, "what about me? Should not need to do what self introduction, Ding Yu? Everyone should know each other. How about you? If you are polite, introduce yourself. If it doesn't matter, even if it doesn't matter! "

"Mr. Ding, if we are able to take part in this action, it means that we have ignored everything!" Moxigan's people are very indifferent to say, but the spoon inside the hand did not mean to stop, and even after eating, it was active to extend their own plate.

After Ding Yu took over, he asked people to call twice, because the people next to him had finished the same thing! Both of them have arrived at this time. Although there is no restriction on them, they are very clear. It is impossible to take down Ding Yu! What's more, there are other people nearby?

"Do you think if I want to know something, I'll go through your mouth?" Ding Yu asked, and then shook his head, "what about you? It's just cannon fodder. It doesn't make any sense to say it or not. It just helps me to prove some things. It doesn't make any sense to me! "

"Is Mr. Ding so suddenly?"

"Someone checked you last night. There is no obvious fingerprint on your finger. It may take some trouble to extract it. What about other traces? There are also very obvious changes. But there are some traces? Or is it very obvious, like you, on your hands and feet? The cocoon is very obvious, and even the smell of gunpowder smoke on the body is quite strong. It should be caused by long-term fighting! "


"So! You should belong to the part of the ghost, such a person? You have been active in the battlefield for a long time. There are obvious dents on your shoulder. This is a special honor that an old sniper should have. I really admire it! "

Mohican also nodded. What about these traces? It's really too obvious. I'm very clear in my heart, "you can call me crow. Anyway, it's just a code name. It's all right to call me. As for my name? I'm afraid I can't remember it myself! "

"Looking for your identity? It's very simple, Mr. crow. What about you? Although the elimination of certain traces, but the elimination of such traces is not so obvious, not to say that you can solve all the problems by taking a bath. I don't want to dig you out, because your heart is still determined, say it! What are you going to do next? Your mission has failed anyway

The people in charge of moxigan were obviously puzzled by Ding Yu's words, "we seem to have come across the border. To some extent, we are spies! Catching spies on the battlefield can be shot on the spot, I have nothing to say! What about the so-called means? It can only increase some pain! What's more, I've had my last meal

"What about torture? It's just a means. If you have strong willpower, you can really stand it. I've seen such precedents, and I believe you should have this courage. " Ding Yu smiles, "what do I do to you? I really don't have much interest, but you come here and you set your goal on me. If I don't give you a taste, how do you think the outside world will look at me? "

"If it's my little life, just take it!" The people of Moxi gantou are very calm looking at Ding Yu. They really don't take their life as a thing. Anyway, they are already like this!

"And me? If it's not on the battlefield, it's really rare to kill. Although there are not a few people on my hands, I can still control my emotions well, but what about you? It's not the same. I checked your body yesterday. What if it's from your appearance? You won't be over 40, but what about your physical skills? It has begun to decline greatly. If you still stay on the battlefield, maybe you will see God that day

Oh! Moxigan's person also nodded his head, "I have such a feeling. I heard that Mr. Ding is a doctor. Seeing you today, you are really extraordinary. You are really excellent! We can see many problems from the details! "

"You come to kill me, but now? There is no such condition, but what about you? Or is it quite dangerous, and I? I don't want to kill, so what about me? I'll leave you a deep impression. In other words, I'll leave you a mark, a mark I'll never forget! "

"A mark that will never be forgotten. Are there so many absolute marks?" When he said this, people of the type of moxigan also laughed, because in their own eyes, Ding Yu's performance was so fantastic.

"There's nothing absolute!" Ding Yu said confidently.

Under the direction of Ding Yu, the two security guards also stripped off the jacket of moxigan's head, and then turned their backs to Ding Yu. Ding Yu's hand also did not know where to take out an acupuncture box, and five acupuncture needles were also stuck on his body, which took about 15 minutes."I feel very comfortable!" After wearing his own clothes, moxigan looked at Ding Yu in a puzzled way. He just pricked himself with a few needles. Although he said he didn't see it, the people next to him should see it clearly. He shook his head and obviously didn't find anything!

"It's right to be comfortable. If it's uncomfortable, it's really strange!" Ding Yu packed up his acupuncture needle and said, "there are some special things left in your body. What is the function? I won't tell you. It seems that there's nothing wrong with keeping a sense of mystery! Let's talk about the next thing! What are your plans? "

"Is Mr. Ding going to let me go?"

"As I have said, you are all cannon fodder. What about me? It's meaningless. For MI5 and Britain, it doesn't make any sense. Why should I do it myself? What if you're lucky enough? They should be able to survive the pursuit and suppression of MI5 and Britain. If they are not lucky, it will be another matter! "

"I didn't expect to have a chance to make a choice!" This remark is a little self mockery, even some satire.

"I really don't want to wish you well. Whether it's your obedience to orders or other reasons, at least we are on the opposite side." After saying that, Ding Yu also waved, "OK, I'll let someone send you away!"

The security guard didn't do anything else. He got on the bus and left, went straight to the airport, and then transferred to leave. As for where he was going to land, it was beyond the jurisdiction of Ding Yu!

"It was a very pleasant conversation." Ding Yu aimed at the remaining one with a slight smile, "but what about your situation with him? It should be different. What about you? It's not so obvious that the lines of muscles are not standard enough and the fat content is too high. You should not be the action personnel! If you don't mind, introduce yourself! "

"Michael Hargreaves!" The one on the ground doesn't mean to hide it, because relatively speaking, his identity is very easy to read. He is not the ghost, and even if he is a ghost, he can be checked organically, let alone himself? It's a person of considerable status!

"Hargreaves, it seems that they are really from MI5, active or passive!"

"Does it matter?" Hargreaves sighed helplessly, "for Mr. Ding, it should be meaningless! Since it's meaningless, it's ridiculous to ask about it! "

"And Mr. crow? If you were not stunned by the explosion, you would not have been captured alive. What about you? There are so many different situations. There is a considerable gap between them. What about the plan for the pit? You should have come up with it! I can see that you have a very important mission, otherwise they will never take you as a burden! "

"It's really not so comfortable to hear this Hargreaves shook his head. "This is a mistake indeed! Five team members, four operation personnel, only I am not an operation personnel, this is too obvious! But why can't I be bait? "

"What about the cannon fodder that was sent out before? They are the most meaningless and valuable among you. What about this? There should be so-called thorn heads, or real haters. They agree with the whole plan, but what about their hearts? Obviously didn't think of it? It's just an alternative plan of MI5! When the plan is not completed, the planner and contact person of the plan can not have problems. Even if they fill in the hole with their own, they also need successors. What about the ghosts? There's no problem carrying out orders, but what about letting them do other things? It's not enough! "

"It's a reason, and it's a reason that people really can't refute so much, so you let him go!"

"He is a very good soldier, which I do not deny. If I had been in the army at the beginning, I would not have seen him as his opponent in the one-to-one competition, but what about the environment? Too single, put in the big environment? There are really some of him that are not worth mentioning! "

"In other words, what if they are in the army? I'm nothing to mention for you. It's as easy as crushing an ant! " Hargreaves said with a smile, so he put down the plate in his hand and said, "what about the things? It's not delicious at all. I really don't like it that much! "

"The food is really not delicious, which I also admit, but it can guarantee the nutrition and energy. What's more, the conditions here are not so suitable. I let the two children go out for practice, not for sightseeing. I hope they can get more contact with the public, rather than become a loner."

Hargreaves was stunned for a moment, and then said, "I'm sorry, the two children were involved, but this is not our original intention. We just want to target Mr. Ding, not other people!"

"I know, because what about this? It's a taboo. I've used this taboo many times, but do you really want me to do it? I feel that I am still a man, not a God, not to mention that I am a god"The most important thing is that people have their own constraints! Self discipline, but few people can do it! "

"I agree with that!" Ding Yu took out a cigar box from his arms and handed one to Hargreaves in front of him. "Try it. It's absolutely good. It won't circulate on the market. Some of the gadgets made at home are very popular. I don't give them much when I'm in the ordinary time."

"The taste is pure!" Under his nose, Hargreaves sniffed deeply If there was whisky, I think it would be better! What do you say, Mr. Ding? "

"I'm sorry, I don't really have one. It's my hobby to carry cigarettes and cigars. I don't have any special hobbies for cigarettes. What about drinks? I don't have many hobbies. What about me? I'm a doctor. I just taste something that's too exciting! "

"I have known about Mr. Ding. In my personal opinion, Mr. Ding is a strict man, but I didn't expect you to be such a self disciplined person! I would have never thought of it without this conversation! "

"I don't know how much you know about Chinese culture. When I read Mencius, I remember a saying that the weather is not as good as the land, and the land is not as harmonious as the people. According to Sun Bin's art of war? The time, the place, the people and the three are not allowed, although the victory has the disaster! So what about being a man? We still need to be awed! "

"Does that mean there is no enterprise?"

"From my personal point of view, the so-called awe and enterprise are totally different. What do I do? Have kept such a mind, and what about the so-called awe? It also made me quite successful. Of course, from the perspective of now? No problem. As for how others can judge in the future, this is another thing! "

"Mr. Ding didn't mean to hurt the killer, which means that Mr. Ding has a fairly self-determination about the whole thing!" Hargreaves also shook his head. At this time, he was also a little confused. "But Mr. Ding, I feel that some of them can't understand because you have absolute confidence?"

What about the whole thing? It was outlined by MI5, and I am also a participant in it. I am very clear that there is no weasel in it. If there is a Weasel, the situation will not evolve to the present level.

"I never thought I was a good man. In fact, in the eyes of many people in MI5, I was not a good person at all. I have nothing to say about this!" When Ding Yu said this, his expression was quite helpless, "in fact? We all want to be good people. No matter who does anything, they like to put themselves in the right position. In other words, we hope that we are standing on the commanding heights of morality and we hope that we are gods

"It's absolute, but it seems that there is a certain truth in the careful perception! No one is willing to admit that he is wrong, even if he is wrong, no one is willing to face it! "

"Failure is a common thing, and no one is an exception. When I retired, it was not because I was injured. At that time, I almost lost my life! It's quite frightening to think about it! "

Hargreaves's face had a little twitch on his face, hurt? Why not burp fart directly? In that case, there won't be so much trouble now! God! Did you close your eyes at that time?

"What a pity!" What is a pity? I'm afraid only Hargreaves can say it clearly!

"There's nothing to be sorry about. What about the opportunities in life? Maybe it's here. I retired from injury, but after I came out, there was a new world. Mr. Hargreaves, what do you think? "

Yeah? Hargreaves's face also changed slightly, because he had already heard it. What about Ding Yu? Is to stretch out the hand of friendship to oneself, should be able to say so! But does the hand of friendship really dare to touch it? But if you don't touch it, what is the result?

"Mr. Ding, I am just a chess piece, or even an abandoned one. It has no effect! What's more, it's still in your hands now

"What about the so-called role? It's not about yourself, it's about how others look at it! " The expression on Ding Yu's face did not change. He looked at Hargreaves like this, "I can release that moxigan, and naturally I can release you, but relatively speaking? Your value is somewhat different, because you are not a Betrayer! You are a mole

Mole? What about this word? It's not so nice to hear that you are a mole now? How many people in MI5 know about it? I'm sure I won't admit it. What about the team? There are still some people who are still alive. How much joint and several liability will be?

"I have a choice, don't I?"

"Of course, you have the right to choose naturally. No one can stop you. Anyway, I won't? It's not a bad thing either Ding Yu also said what Hargreaves thought in his heart at this time.Don't you just want to solve all the problems? All right! He didn't force him, he just told everything! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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