Ding Yu did not reach a consensus with his third uncle on this matter, but in Ding Yu's opinion, after a period of time? These guys will still be thrown into their own hands, but there is no agreement on the terms of both sides.

How long is this time? Should be waiting for their own time to go back!

"How is the old man's health?" Ding Yu also suddenly asked.

This also made Su Quan shake his head slightly, "it's not so good. I'm too old. I don't know if I can pass this year. Now I'm afraid to leave. Sometimes my father is more arrogant! There's no way to say it yet

"I didn't have so much time when I went back. The situation in Beijing was not the same! Go back and see my grandfather again this time The old man has been stormy all his life, but now? It's such a situation that makes people sigh.

Su Quan comes and goes fast. What about Ding Yu? And get up, but what about everything? All of them are under protection. This time, the protection is more strict, but it is just outside. Originally, three people followed, but this time Zhang Piao is waiting for two people to join in.

Previously, their report has been given special attention. Although it is said that they are following Ding Yu's side, they also need to use this period of time? Think about and sort out all their ideas at that time? All of them are presented, because it is of great significance.

What if it's someone else? Maybe that's it. But what about Ding Yu? After all, it is not the same as his position. It is mainly because he is a soldier. Although he did not participate in the whole process of the battle, what about all the arrangements? Basically, he completed all of them, so it must be a great achievement to discuss with him.

But what about ordinary people? It's really hard to talk to Ding Yu. At the same time, Ding Yu is not so willing to make any so-called confession with Ding Yu, although he is also a soldier.

Fortunately, he is optimistic about Wudong, and Zhang Piao and Ding Yu have a very close relationship. In this case, let them make contact with Ding Yu at a close distance, and there will be no problems and conditions! Zhang Piao and Wu Dong are also happy to go, there is no other aspect of the idea! Their hearts can be said to be clear.

"Hello, director!" Although they were plain clothes, they still saluted Ding Yu. Ding Yu only looked at them, and then his eyes also looked at the two children and the little four eyes not far away. What's the pace under your feet? Don't stop, see Ding Yu like this, Zhang Piao and Wu Dong two people also did not get on the car, honestly follow Ding Yu's back position.

Kim also followed, but this time he walked more slowly because he didn't wear shoes. Instead, he bared his feet. In this way, he could feel the flexibility of his toes better. What about the two little guys? Under Ding Yu's deliberate control, although he ran fast, the distance was not so far.

What's more, Ding Yu also gave them the camera, not to mention the weight of their backpack. This made them feel ecstatic. What about the phone and memory card in their hands? It's also changed one piece after another!

What about Zhang Piao and Wu Dong? It seems that there are some anxieties, but Ding Yu is always silent, and always keeps a considerable distance from Jin. But Ding Yu does not pay attention to them, and they are not good to say anything. There are so many things that Wu Dong can't bear, but Zhang Piao? Out of some understanding of Ding Yu, I have to pull it from time to time.

When he arrived at the camp, Ding Yu looked at Jin's two feet and nodded, "Jin, you want to feel the skill of exerting force. There is nothing wrong with this, but you should also pay attention to the protection of your feet. Don't let the small lose the big. What's the environment here? It's not the most appropriate. After all, you haven't reached that level yet

"Yes! Sir, I'm sorry to trouble you Jin can feel Ding Yu's love for him, because during the whole process, his speed is slower, and what about Mr. Zhang? Has not been urging the meaning, even deliberately left not far from their own side, this gratitude does not need to be stated, remember in the heart.

Then Ding Yu also looked at Zhang Piao and Wu Dong. The expressions on their faces were enough to explain everything. Ding Yu found a suitable place to sit down. As for the two children? They are around, but they don't stop at all. It's completely wild now! Of course, this is also a result of Ding Yu's deliberate indulgence.

"Do you know why I didn't want to talk to both of you?"

In the face of inquiry, Wu Dong shakes his head directly. His brain is a little bit chaotic, but Zhang Piao? He thought a little. After walking for most of the day, he didn't even have a rest at noon. During the whole process, Zhang Piao was also thinking about the reasons. He seemed to have caught something, but he didn't seem to catch anything.

"Director, our thoughts are very confused today, and we don't know what the reason is!"

"You don't calm down at all. This is a common problem. What did I do with you at that time? It's the same thing. I'm always in the situation of a fighter and can't extricate myself. I can't think from the perspective of a commander. That's why I didn't mean to speak all the time! "Wu Dong's eyes stare how big and how big, Zhang Piao is squinting his eyes, the director's words? Is really to let oneself wake up, from beginning to end? They seem to be standing in the fighter's point of view, not from the commander's point of view to consider the problem!

"If you can't retreat from the status of fighters, even if you give them more things, you won't understand it, but you can see that you spend most of your time? Still indulge in it all the time! This point is very good, hope this word? I'll have some insight into you, but who knows? "

What about things? You need a little bit of food, too much? Easy to eat more than chew, so it is really not good! So Ding Yu is really not ready to instill too many things into them, but who can understand these things faster? This may determine their future direction!

The dinner was the same as before, but the dinner for Zhang Piao and Wu Dong was specially made by Ding Yu, and some other things were added in it. Their thoughts were so confused. This is very bad. If they can continue, they will add a lot of burden to their thoughts!

So after eating, the two soon fell asleep. Looking at the guard next to him, Ding Yu waved his hand, "let them rest for a while! Watch them both

Looking at the little dog that came with me, Ding Yu also hooked the dog's body with his feet and gently sent him away. Now don't come here to make trouble! The dog didn't get close to Zhang Piao and Wu Dong, but soon she was also surrounded by Ding Yu. She kept barking!

Because it's really inconvenient to go out. There's a lot of dust on my body. But it seems that it's wilder than before. I'm always in captivity? It's really inappropriate. They should be given more suitable conditions.

By the time the two children come back, their hair has been braided. What about their faces? Originally covered with dust, coupled with the impact of this sweat, really become a small face.

Ding Yu also took two pictures for them. Such a scene is really rare to see. The three people soon got into a mess. After their sweat stains almost disappeared, Ding Yu took them to wash. It was a simple wash. It was not because of their identity that it was so special.

Ding Yu is intentional, let alone wash his face, even if he really wants to take a bath, there will be no problem, but Ding Yu did not do so. What about the two children? Although it is very uncomfortable, but there is no complaint, because here? It is such a condition, since it can not be changed, then we have to adapt!

After washing their hands and faces, the two little guys are also sitting around their father's side. Their mouths are also babbling and humming. The singing is not so beautiful, but is the voice of a child? Relatively crisp, so really is not a taste of it!

The tumultuous time was a little bit long, and the two people were almost asleep in Ding Yu's arms. Who let them play so crazy in the daytime, Ding Yu carefully placed them in the tent, as for the little four eyes? When he saw Ding Yu, he was still the same as before.

However, Ding Yu touched two pieces of it's head, which made his eyes very surprised. Did he not take medicine today, or did he take the wrong medicine? However, when he woke up, Ding Yu had already left the tent, and xiaosiyan snorted softly with his nose. There was nothing remarkable about it!

"Sir, although there is no response from the British side, there has been quite a situation. The internal movement is very fast. This time, it is not as simple as lifting high up!"

What about Ding Yu's head? Or is it on the head of the United States, and there is a problem. Although the MI5 has completely changed its blood, it is the same? It also strengthened their cohesion. In a short time? It's harmful, but in the long run, it's definitely beneficial! "

"Clean up the poisonous roots, and at the same time cut off some branches and fruits that will not mature at all. Under the condition of ensuring the nutrient supply, we can make the tree grow again as quickly and best as possible, and even rejuvenate it!" After saying that, Jin also took a long breath. His heart was so big!

"It's really hard to say if you have a big heart. But if you can make such a decision, there are really some praiseworthy things. I don't know whether the new director came up with the idea. If it's him, we really underestimate him. If not, the person behind is worth seeing !”

"There is no news about this. The newly appointed director of MI5 has not appeared much. In the past, he didn't come from this profession. He didn't have such courage when he started with MI5. You know, it's MI5. Anyway, he is one of the intelligence management giants!""I don't like him either, but who knows the problem? In the end, he will show his handle. Maybe he is a shield to be pushed to the front desk. However, the uproar of MI5 is really too much! It's not a bad thing to have a lot of twists and turns even if you don't think about it at the national level! "

Ding Yu has his own unique understanding of this matter. What will happen to MI5? You really can't care about yourself! What's more, even if you care about it, can you solve any problems? It seems that nothing can be done!

"Sir, the force of MI5 is very strong this time, but judging from the current situation, it seems that it will not have too much influence on us! What's more, the targets of MI5 do not seem to be placed on us! "

"It doesn't matter! At least for now? They really stopped each other. Our goal is not on this. I believe they will also have some feelings. As for William Jr. and Hargreaves? Let them stay in England! At least you need to throw a bait to MI5! "

The next morning, Zhang Piao and Wu Dong wake up very early. They look at the sky outside, or is it black. Wudong is sitting there with his knees crossed, and Zhang Piao? This is with the hand pad own head, two people are silent, also do not know what are thinking!

Ding Yu gets up as usual, and the two children are the same. Standing on the top of the mountain to exercise, hum and ha's voice is far away, but there is no movement in the whole camp. This is not satisfactory, which makes the people below wake up immediately. They also have their own fixed time. When there is no special need, they will not waste rest Time.

"Awake?" Ding Yu said hello and took food for the two children. Zhang Piao and Wu Dong were also sitting next to Ding Yu. "You can see that you seem to understand. This is a good thing. At least now you know how to think instead of going to death."

"Director, we still haven't thought about it!"

"It's because you don't know so much about the problems." After eating, Ding Yu continued to say, "I have made many contacts with MI5. What about each other? There are some exaggerations about immortality, but it's the fact that you're fighting for death! "

"Sir, that's why they came to raid you. It shouldn't be!"

Ding Yu stretched out his hand and nodded, "indeed, if it's for this reason, there are some people who shouldn't be able to ambush me. Even if they can't ambush me, they can escape when they know that they have failed. What's the real reason? There was quite a shock in MI5, and a new director was replaced. Although some adjustments were made, what about the old man among them about the new non professional director? Not so convinced

"But there is no way to clear all the personnel directly. Therefore, to a certain extent, it also instigated some internal people, namely, the fifth division of the rebel army, and then directly led to my target. They were smuggled in. Under the circumstances at that time? There is only one way for them to choose. They can only go forward, not backward! "

Although Ding Yu did not explain the most detailed reasons, he also gave a general account of the whole thing.

"And you? It was under such circumstances that I didn't go to see the process of the battle. What about their previous death? It's not a gamble, because they have left behind. At least they have cheated some people successfully. What about fighting? Can't focus on one thing! Look as wide as you can! "

"Director, we are too dedicated to fighting, and forget that we should be the commander!"

"Yes, this is what I want you to reflect on. What about you now? Not soldiers, but you need to be responsible for the soldiers, with the soldiers charged? It's a good way to stimulate morale, but it's useless. If you don't solve this problem, even if you look back a hundred times, you'll still be like a bird! "

The words are a little rude, but for Zhang Piao and Wu Dong, they are the most suitable for their present state. For soldiers, you can expect them to be literate, sometimes they can't! Ding Yu used to be a soldier, and he really understood it.

"Director, but when we are in it, we also feel a lot!"

Wu Dong blushed when he spoke. Although he said that he was following Ding Yu's side, he was also convinced, but let him be soft? It's really embarrassing! After all, it's also a man!

"What do you learn? It's not the same as what you've learned on display. Fighting for battle can make you better appreciate what you've learned in your heart, but what about your exertion? The direction is wrong. The most important thing is to let the following temporarily act as a finger arm envoy. When you can reach this level, I think that even if you don't fly into the sky, you will be "arrogant."

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