Chapter 393 The priest god is dead? (Subscribe! Ask for customization!)

“Ahem, Your Majesty, I’m sorry, we are from the Red Dragon Empire. At first, I didn’t say that it was because the identity of the Red Dragon Empire might be more special.”

Kloss turned to look at Orr below, slightly embarrassed.

After all, the Red Dragon Empire was built by evil dragons, and it was impossible for her to tell Orr clearly at the beginning.

“I understand.”

Orr nodded blankly.

In the past two days, his attitude towards the three of them is still very good.

It shouldn’t be destroyed by the red dragon to destroy the deep sea castle.

“Your Majesty, don’t you destroy the deep-sea castle, King Orr treats us well.

Olena said coquettishly.

If the deep sea castle is hostile to them, at this time they have asked your Majesty to destroy this castle.

But Orr’s attitude is very good.

“Yes, your Majesty.” Ashe agreed next to her.

Even knowing that she has no right to speak, she still wants to talk about it.

“When did I say I would destroy the Deep Sea Castle.”

Xilin didn’t have a good airway.

He is looking for people from the deep sea, and there are a lot of questions to ask.

How could it be possible to meet it and destroy it directly.

“Hehe~ Your Majesty, I’m not afraid that you will not be pleasing to the deep sea castle. Since you don’t destroy it, it is the best.,

Olena said embarrassedly.

While they were chatting, Abraham came to Orr.

“Your Majesty, are you all right.”

Abraham wanted to reach out to support Orr, and Orr waved his hand.

The real horror hasn’t left yet, how dare he get up.

“Your Majesty, this is the Duke of Abraham. She also eliminated Mektor’s influence for us.”

Seeing Abraham coming, Olena said brightly in front of her eyes.

“Eliminate the influence of May 27 grams more on you?!”

Xilin didn’t pay much attention to it at first, but he heard that Mektor’s influence could be eliminated.

Then Xilin’s pair of dark red molten fireball-like dragon pupils stared at Abraham.

Abraham felt Xilin’s gaze and was so frightened that his legs fell to the ground.

Hong Long’s gaze was full of deterrence.

It’s like the eyes of a god.

People dare not look at him and pry into the true face.

“You can eliminate Mektor’s influence, is it true?”

When Xilin questioned, he also used the system to check the data on the three women.

It does not seem to be affected by Mektor.

Then he opened Abraham’s data again.

【Name: Smedley-Abraham】

[Biology: Deep Sea Man][Level: Nine Ring Priest, third-level Alchemist, Eight Ring Magician, Temple Archer][Items: priest’s hand, third-level potion, water ring staff, water breaking bow. 】

【Magic: one-ring water magic (known), two-ring water magic (known), three-ring water magic (known), four-ring water magic (known), five-ring water magic (known) and six-ring water magic (Known) Seven-ring water magic (known) Eight-ring water magic (known)][Talent: Clergy (God-level)][Evaluation: She has a god-level clergy talent, no matter what profession she learns, she can go for a long time. She was once accepted as an apprentice by the priest’s hand, inherited everything from the priest’s god, and currently lives in the deep sea castle.][Talent: Priesthood][Introduction: You can study any profession, and learn more, you can be proficient in everything, you can do it all.]

When Xilin saw the luxurious data on Abraham, he was a little envious of the red dragon.

This was the first time he saw that a person had studied so many professions.

Abraham’s identities include: priest, alchemist, archer, and magician.

And most importantly, he found news about the priest god.

She turned out to be a disciple of the priest god.

“Tell me, where is the priest god?”

Xilin said with a rare excitement.

Only the priest god can heal the curse of Tanathos on Daniel’s body.

“The priest god? Do you know my mentor?”

Abraham was incredible.

The matter of being the god of priests has never been spread.

Because this is what the mentor gave her.

No matter who it is, you cannot tell the other person that you are a disciple of the priest god.

But the red dragon in front of him directly asked himself where is the priest god.

Obviously, he knew that he and the pastor’s god was a teacher-disciple relationship.

“I don’t know, but I know you are a disciple of the priest god. Tell me where is the priest god? I have something to do with him.”

Xilin gradually recovered calmly and said.

He just got a little gaffe.

Mainly, this was the closest he was to the priest god.


Hearing that Xilin didn’t know the priest’s god, Abraham didn’t know whether he should say it or not.

“Tell me, or I will destroy the deep sea castle!”

Xilin’s big hand pressed on the nearby castle, making the castle tottering.

The crowd underneath also screamed and fled for trial.

“No wonder Mektor can be relieved. It turns out that you are a disciple of the priest god.”

Orr looked at Abraham with wide-eyed eyes at this time.

He also didn’t know that Abraham was a disciple of the priest god.

When I heard that Abraham still had this identity, all the questions in my heart disappeared.

No wonder Abraham knows almost everything. He turned out to be a disciple of the legendary priest god.

“I said, the god of my mentor pastor is dead.”

Abraham said hurriedly.

The tutor only told her that they couldn’t tell the identity between them.

But now that the other party already knows, there is nothing wrong with telling yourself that the tutor has died.

“Dead?! How did you die? How long have you died?!”

Xilin hurriedly asked.

The little hope in my heart also disappeared.

The priest god is dead!

Why would you die!

He is the god of priests, the legend of resurrecting dragons in the entire Western Fantasy Continent.

He would die?!

“My mentor, he has run out of life and died of old age. He died more than a hundred years ago. One year after his death, our deep-sea empire came to the dark dimension.”

Abraham didn’t understand why the red dragon in front of him suddenly became excited again.

Until now, she didn’t know whether the relationship between Honglong and her mentor was an enemy or a friend.

But now that the instructor is dead, it doesn’t make any sense to be an enemy or a friend, right.

“Old dead? It’s been more than a hundred years.”

Xilin took a deep breath, as expected.

Mortals still can’t escape the lifespan.

Even if he is the priest god on the Western Fantasy Continent.

The title is god, but man is not yet.

“Well, may I ask the great dragon lord, who are you and my mentor?”

Abraham asked cautiously.

“We are okay, but there is something that needs him to heal, but he is dead.”

Xilin said lightly.

“Healing? I am a disciple of the instructor. Tell me, maybe I can heal.”

Abraham asked actively.

The dragon now looks like it is about to destroy the deep sea castle.

In order to ensure that the castle will not be attacked by the dragon.

She was going to see if she could heal the things in Xilin’s mouth.

If you can do it yourself, then the castle is estimated to be really safe.

“you ”

Xilin looked at Abraham up and down.

Abraham is the only disciple of the priest god in the world, maybe she really has a way.

“Did you know that Tanathus cursed?” Xilin lowered his height slightly and said with Abraham’s eyes.

“Of course, Tanatos cursed

Abraham was just about to say what the curse of Tanathos was, and then he had a meal: “Could it be possible that the curse of Tanathos you want to treat?!”

“Well, it looks like you can’t do it.

Xilin nodded and noticed Abraham’s shocked expression.

It seems that Abraham, a disciple of the priest’s god, can’t heal Daniel’s curse of Tanathos either.

“No, maybe I can.”

Abraham lowered his head first, then raised his head and said firmly.

“Can you? Don’t lie to me Deep Sea People, you should know the cost of deceiving the dragon.”

Xilin raised his head and looked down at Abraham condescendingly.

“I remember my mentor once told me about the Curse of Tanathos. He used to do experiments to cure the Curse of Tanathos.”

“In the end, I don’t know if he succeeded, he died, but he wrote all his life’s studies in a book.”

“And all his books are in my collection, I can look for them.’

Abraham raised his head and looked up at Xilin.

“Your Majesty, would you like to give Duke Abraham a chance?”

Cross pleaded.

“Yes, your Majesty, the Duke of Abraham is amazing.” Olena followed.

Just now.

“Your Majesty! It’s coming outside! An army of a hundred people has come, one by one armed, with extraordinary momentum.”

At this moment, a deep-sea man gritted his teeth and walked in from the outside to report.

“That’s my General Noxus, can’t you eliminate Mektor? Prove it to me.”

Xilin suddenly remembered that his group was still affected by Mektor.

“Don’t worry, please leave it to me.

Abraham understands what Xilin meant, isn’t it just to eliminate Mektor’s influence? She has absolute confidence in this.

“It’s just that for the great red dragon, some materials from the Western Fantasy Continent are necessary to eliminate Mekdor, but in this dark dimension, there is no material I need.”

The only thing Abraham lacks is material.

“Material? How did you eliminate it for them.”

Police Xilin glanced at Clos and the others.

“This is your Majesty, there is just a little left from Duke Abraham, and it is used on us.”

Olena explained for Duke Abraham 383.

“That’s it.” Abraham nodded.

“Well, you want materials, right? The wall of space has been opened by me. You can get any materials you want.”

Xilin said.

Subsequently, the Noxus generals entered the deep sea castle.

Orr quickly entertained him with delicious food.

Abraham was teleported to the door of the wall of space by Olena.

Closing Ribbon took her to Noxus to see if there are any materials that Noxus has.

Xilin himself stayed in the Deep Sea Castle, reduced his size and came to Abraham’s castle.

Looking at the books filled with bookshelves.

Seeing no one around, Xilin changed his body, and the figure of an eight-year-old grandmother appeared here.

“Really, it still looks like it didn’t grow up.

Xilin touched Own’s face, and finally touched the red double horns on the top of his head.

Then he took out a book at random, opened it and read it.

He has this talent full-time.

The two talents of full-time and priesthood have the same tunes.

He can also learn other professions.

And what he opened at this time was the book of the priest god’s enlightenment on magic.

“It turns out that this priest god has also learned magic, and it seems that his achievements are not low.”

The more Xilin looked at, the more amazing it became. How could this priest god be the priest god.

It should be called a full-time god.

It’s just that the scene where he resurrected the dragon was really horrified.

He was regarded as the god of priests by the people of Western Fantasy Continent.

At the same time he also saw the unpopular profession of alchemist.

No wonder Abraham can learn so many professions while staying in the dark dimension.

It turned out to be based on the various professional insights left by the priest god, and learned something.

Looking at the potions around him, he could probably guess that Abraham had only recently started learning as an alchemist.

Soon, Xilin saw the books left by the priest god about eliminating the influence of Mekdor.

It was discovered that the materials were indeed in the Western Fantasy Continent.

It seems that the god of the past priest has also come to the dark dimension.

Otherwise, how could he think of a way to relieve Mektor’s influence.

If the priest god is still alive, Xilin will definitely let him join Noxus.

Da Da Da~

Just as Xilin was thinking about the situation where the priest god was still alive, a sound of footsteps came from outside.


“Your Majesty! Me”,

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