Rebirth of the Stars

Vol 2 Chapter 191:

According to the calculation of the staff of "Xiuyuan City", if the leading cavalry units that are completely out of touch with the rear infantry in the "Iron Child City" can be destroyed, including the Siege Behemoth and the Mountain Destroyer, which are the most threatening to the city defense, and then dig in the middle. The Rotu River Dam, which is on the inevitable route of the attack, can at least secure a buffer time of seven to ten days for the "Xiuyuan City". Counting the advancing speed and expected arrival time of the Alliance reinforcements, the severe situation of Xiuyuan City, which originally needed to hold on to the city for half a month, will be directly reduced by half.

Based on the comparison of the military strength of the two sides, if the enemy cavalry can be defeated, even a battle damage ratio of 1.5:1 or even 2:1 will greatly stimulate the morale of our army and reduce the fear of our new recruits on the battlefield. Moreover, based on the inference of the enemy's route on the intelligence, there happened to be an excellent ambush spot along the way.

It can be said that this is an opportunity in the eyes of everyone in "Xiuyuan City". A chance close to a lifetime. And as long as you operate it properly, you may be able to complete a classic battle.

As for whether this is a trap that the "Iron Child City" deliberately tried to lure Fan Xiu and others out of the city? The staff infers that it is unlikely.

There are three reasons.

One is that the comparison of strength between the two sides is very different. Even if the "Xiuyuan City" cannot be maintained, it is at best a stalemate with the "Iron Zhicheng" troops based on the comparison of the military strength between the two sides.

The second is that since Tiezhicheng dispatched the Siege Behemoth and the Mountain Destroyer, which usually only appear in medium-sized city-state siege battles, the two types of destroyers, then "Xiuyuan City" does not actually make much sense if it sticks to it. .

The third is based on the above two, "Iron Child City" does not need to use the expensive cavalry and two high-gloss siege troops to give "Xiuyuan City" such a seemingly easy-to-kill miscellaneous fish. The opponent sets a trap.

But even if the decision-makers of "Iron Child City" really had something wrong with their brains and were silly and used these 5,000 strong soldiers as bait just to catch him, "Xiuyuan City", this little trash fish, Fan Xiu recognized him.

Because under the current circumstances, even if it is a 100% trap, Fan Xiu has no choice but to step on it. What's more, according to calculations, the possibility of a trap is less than one in ten thousand.

Continuing to stick to the city according to the original plan has completely lost its meaning, and taking the initiative to attack is likely to win that one-tenth of a ten thousandth of the slim vitality.

Since ninety-nine percent of the city will be destroyed regardless of whether it is attacked or not, why not give it a go?

After discussing for nearly a night, the high-level officials of "Xiuyuan City" unanimously decided to give it a try.

The soldiers are very fast. Therefore, when the two waves of scouts sent back the same information, Fan Xiu no longer waited for repeated confirmations from subsequent scouts. At the end of the morning the next day after receiving the information, he quietly organized the army to lead 8000 Zhengzu and 5000. The combined forces of the defensive city and the logistics team took advantage of the night to march hurriedly towards the planned ambush location thousands or two hundred miles away.

Here is the time. As mentioned earlier, the general qualities of the creatures of both the Nieno continent and the stars are very strong, and it is normal to walk two or three hundred miles a day. The marching speed of the city-state army's short-legged infantry is basically about eighty miles an hour. Twelve earthly branches in the four crowns a day. Normally, except for mid-course meals and rest, the troops probably marched less than five to six hours a day when they marched to the two crowns. Nearly more than four hundred miles and close to five hundred miles away.

"Iron Zhicheng" and "Xiuyuan City" are not adjacent to each other, and there are several small city-states belonging to other alliances and town-level or even village-level trash city-states that have not joined any alliances. The distance between each other is about seven thousand miles.

Calculated at the normal marching speed of the infantry, it would take about fifteen days, or half a month. Coupled with the influence of the intermediate terrain, it would take about 20 to 25 days to reach the "Xiuyuan City" after borrowing from other alliance city-states.

Of course, the cavalry speed is at least halved, which is about ten to twelve days. Taking into account that some terrain is not conducive to the passage of the siege behemoth, some normal cavalry requires the siege behemoth to open the way to pass smoothly, so the calculation that arrived five to six days earlier can be said to be accurate.

The location of the ambush planned by "Xiuyuan City" was two hundred miles in front of the Luotu River Dam in a gorge called "Sanchi Gorge".

"Three Chi Gorge" naturally does not mean that the canyon is only three feet wide, but refers to the narrow gorge, "only three feet in the radius."

Some large canyons are basically more than one hundred feet wide, while the width of the "Sanchi Gorge" is only thirty feet. The normal cavalry marching is enough for ten people to travel, but for the huge size of the siege beast, it can only pass one by one with one head. And can only turn around, it can be said to be restricted.

Although the width of the "San Chi Gorge", which is twenty li long, is only thirty meters wide, it is hundreds of meters high. Although it is relatively steep, it is still conducive to the arrangement, which can be said to be a natural ambush terrain.

"Xiuyuan City" is the cavalry unit that intends to ambush "Iron Zhicheng" here.

Although all the soldiers who saw the terrain of the "Three Chi Gorge" knew that this was a natural ambush site, even if they knew Fan Xiu, they believed that the army of the "Iron Zhicheng" would step in, because the "San Chi Gorge" was from The "Tiezhicheng" direction is the only way to attack the "Xiuyuan City".

One hundred and fifty miles behind the "Sanchi" Gorge is the topography of the valley wetland under the Luotu River Dam. Once the two hundred miles downstream of the Luotu River dam is dug up, it will instantly become Zeguo.

Although the means of digging the dam to divert floods can easily lead to the consequences of charity, but fortunately there are not many villages downstream of the Luotu River Dam. Moreover, a few villages have temporarily left because of the upcoming war.

"Xiuyuan City" had a lot of contacts with these river valley villages in the past, so in moral justice informed the other party that this piece of land might become a battlefield. Therefore, the residents of these villages have basically sought refuge in nearby city-states.

Between the topography of the river valley and the "Sanchi Gorge" is a forest covering an area of ​​hundreds of miles. The narrow forest roads and dense forests are not conducive to the passage of cavalry. The cavalry units of the "Iron Child City" can only pass on a large scale when the road is opened by the behemoths of the city.

Gorge roads, dense forests, and river valleys formed the core of the "Xiuyuan City" ambush. The "Three Chi Gorge" ambush can completely wipe out the "Iron Zhicheng" cavalry and siege troops. It is naturally the most ideal result. Even if it fails, it can rely on the buffer of the dense forest to evacuate quickly. After leaving the dense forest, the Luotu River Dam can be completely blocked. Cut off the enemy's pursuit of the "Iron Child City", leaving enough time for the subsequent retreat and defense. To know the terrain of the Erotu River Valley, even a behemoth such as a siege behemoth would be difficult to move in the valley that became Ze Kingdom. The troops of "Iron Zhicheng" can only choose a detour if they want to pass. And the next place where large troops can pass is Dingling Road, 1,500 miles away from the lower reaches of the Luotu River.

But how to say it? Although everyone in "Xiuyuan City" had used everything to calculate this battle, they did not calculate that "Iron Child City" really used the 5,000 strong army as bait.

From the moment Fan Xiu led the troops out of the city, "Xiuyuan City" had completely fallen into the calculations of "Iron Child City".

An ambush is indeed a good idea, not only for everyone in "Xiuyuan City", but also for "Iron Child City" who wants to take "Xiuyuan City" without damage.

As a result, the army of the "Xiuyuan City" planned to ambush was counter-ambushed by the "Tiezhicheng" when it was approaching the location of the "Sanchi Gorge" ambush.

The location of the ambush was at the junction of the Rotu Valley and the dense forest.

In my memory, Fan Xiu still can't figure out how all this happened. Ning Yuan deduced the "Yaoyan" based on the information in his memory, but he had some relatively reliable guesses.

Before the "Tiezhicheng" announced the war with the "Xiuyuan City", a considerable number of veterans of the troops had been dispersed and transported to several city-states around the "Xiuyuan City" in various ways.

Oh, right. In order to start a war between the city-states of the Nieno continent, it is necessary to inform them through rules. After the announcement, both parties have a three-day buffer period.

Take the current war as an example. After the "Tiezhicheng" issued a war announcement to the "Xiuyuan City", all residents of the other side's household registration in the other city will be directly sent back to their respective cities, and the Dunjiamen between the two sides will also be blockade.

Within three days, "Xiuyuan City" can ask allies for help and conduct war mobilization, or request a third party to conduct war mediation.

As the offensive "Iron Child City" naturally completed all this before the announcement of the war was issued. It's just that within three days of the buffer period, the offensive army cannot enter the attacked city within a thousand miles.

So even if the two sides of the war are very close, no one can do it during the three-day buffer period.

Of course, sneak attacks and undeclared warfare are also common in Nieno, but they need to meet certain conditions before they can be launched. I won't be tired of it here.

Before the announcement of the war, "Tiezhicheng" had already sent about a large number of multi-arms troops to various places in the "Xiuyuan City" thousands of miles away by secret means. Then, after the announcement of the war, they secretly gathered and hid outside the river valley. In the dense forest.

It can be said that it is very simple to hide individuals in the dense forest of Baili. Unless you know it in advance and investigate it purposefully, it will be difficult for even a professional scout to find it.

After hiding the man’s ambush troops, "Iron Zhicheng" attracted the attention of everyone in "Xiuyuan City" with the attacking troops on the surface, including four desperate special forces, and moved the "Xiuyuan City" up and down. After being forced into the desperate state of collapse, he took advantage of the psychology of the people in "Xiuyuan City" to create a pocket.

This pocket is the "Iron Child City" that Fan Xiu and others didn't believe that it actually used a full 5,000 strong army to lure "Xiuyuan City" to send troops, and it included enough bait to destroy "Xiuyuan City". The two professional destroyers of the city.

The "Iron Child City" deliberately caused the 5000 cavalry unit to be completely disconnected from the rear infantry unit, including the large-scale spear refining unit capable of mass destruction and field control, and the wood spirit unit.

Although the out-of-line forward force possessed a degree of danger sufficient to destroy "Xiuyuan City", it also gave "Xiuyuan City" a ray of hope in the realm of death. In particular, the purpose of the "Qin" Alliance determines that it will not abandon any city-state under its command, and will definitely send reinforcements as quickly as possible. On the only way to "Iron Zhicheng" and "Xiuyuan City", there are excellent terrains that can be used to ambush and delay time.

This is almost destined that "Xiuyuan City" will definitely choose to take the initiative after seeing "hope", and for behemoths like Siege Behemoths and infantry killers like cavalry, only "Three Chi Gorge" is the best. Ambush terrain.

Now that it has been determined where the "Xiuyuan City" will be located, it is self-explanatory where the pocket card is suitable.

Therefore, when Fan Xiu led the troops to enter the dense forest just after passing the river beach and intending to rest, the ambush from the "Iron Child City" showed their "fangs" in the dense forest.

A dense rain of arrows shot from the edge of the dense forest directly stunned the "Xiuyuan Army" who had just planned to bury the pot for cooking.

The "Iron Zhicheng" infantry that followed in large numbers from the forest directly horrified the "Xiuyuan Army" who were mostly new recruits.

Then everything happened naturally.

The "Xiuyuan Army" immediately collapsed in less than a quarter of an hour after receiving the battle. The soldiers in the front began to rout, and the soldiers in the rear began to rout, and then the entire army collapsed and collapsed. In the end is the crash and escape.

Fan Xiu, the lord and general of the "Xiuyuan City", also did not escape the fate of being trapped and fleeing.

After chasing and fleeing all the way, when there were more than 300 miles away from "Xiuyuan City", I finally got rid of the chasing troops of "Iron Zhicheng" temporarily, and then gathered the ruined army all the way, and finally left the "Xiuyuan City" here. "The lieutenant in the abandoned camp of more than two hundred miles gathered all the remaining defeated troops.

The original army is now only less than 3,000, and apart from 500 guards, there are less than 800 veterans who are barely able to fight. The rest are all new recruits who have been temporarily abandoned.

And now the exhausted troops just took a break for less than an hour, and the chasing troops of "Iron Zhicheng" caught up again.

Ning Yuan, or the current "Fan Xiu" after digesting the memory information, had an intuitive understanding of his own situation, and he also had a vague guess about the next situation.

The war in this "sandbox" enchantment, if you guessed it correctly, was a city-state war that actually existed on the Nieno continent.

In the sandbox enchantment that this war will appear, Ning Yuan estimates that the outcome in history should not be considered a good one.

The reason for Ning Yuan's presence here is probably that the designer wanted Ning Yuan to avoid the direction of this war or to deviate as much as possible from the unhappy ending.

According to Ning Yuan's guess, the real Fan Xiu should not have died in this war, which means that Fan Xiu's personal worst outcome in this war should be captured. But Ning Yuan couldn't guess whether he was captured in the next battle or captured in the following war.

According to the existing intelligence, Ning Yuan used "Yaoyan" and Qimen induction to calculate the general trend of nothing more than two.

The remnants of the "Xiuyuan City" were besieged and annihilated here, and Fan Xiu and others were captured.

The remnant army of the "Xiuyuan City" was defeated again and swept the city behind, causing the city to be directly occupied, and Fan Xiu and others were captured.

Ning Yuan concluded that the latter case is more likely.

With the military power of the "Iron Child City", even if it doesn't take so much time and effort, it can easily capture the "Xiuyuan City". It's just that if the "Xiuyuan City" refuses to defend the city, it will cause damage to the city wall. With the mountain destroyer and the behemoth siege, Ning Yuan estimated that this kind of damage should be irreversible.

So, the "Xiuyuan City" that can be captured no matter how you do it, as a medium-sized city-state "Iron Child City" that has a crushing advantage in resources, military power, or other things, why should it use 5000 elite soldiers as bait to lure? Xiuyuan Army" out of the city?

After all, what was the reason for this city-state war?

In Fan Xiu's memory, Ning Yuan did not find the answer. "Iron Zhicheng" only issued a war announcement to "Xiuyuan City", and then sent troops directly towards "Xiuyuan City". Fan Xiu even wanted to find a third party to conduct war mediation during the buffer period and didn't know how to mediate. It seems that "Iron Zhicheng" wants to destroy "Xiuyuan City" for no reason. Fan Xiu even appeared in the information collected later that "Iron Zhicheng" was going to slaughter the "Xiuyuan City".

"Why?" These are the three words that have been in the minds of Fan Xiu and the staff of "Xiuyuan City" since "Iron Zhicheng" declared war. It is also a problem that everyone is puzzled by.

It wasn't until the information about the four special forces was received that Fan Xiu's mind seemed to flash with a flash of light, and there was a vague guess. But because of many reasons, I didn't think about that vague idea carefully.

However, Ning Yuan, who digested Fan Xiu's memory, faintly guessed the veil hidden in this somewhat silly war because of the influence of his talent.

According to the information learned in memory. It should be said that the "Iron Child City" can only be regarded as an ordinary middle-level city-state among the medium-sized city-states to have four relatively special forces at the same time. Especially the wood spirit troops, such as pure warlock practitioners or pure wood spirit tribe practitioners, and the large spear-refining troops, which are extremely money-burning troops.

A mature medium-sized city-state, that is, a city-state with a population of one million and the proportion of practitioners reaching the extreme 30% (Of course, even a medium-sized city-state with a population of one million cannot reach the perfect three. One hundred thousand practitioners), among all three hundred thousand practitioners, it is possible to find a professional warlock who wants to find a song, or even more, but if you want to find a professional who is all wood warlocks It is not easy.

To put it bluntly, one can find a curved wood warlock among 300,000 practitioners. There are almost only two medium-sized city states with a population of one hundred million, and there are at most three.

No matter how it counts, it is impossible for "Iron Zhicheng" to be in this one.

Even if it is not a sorcerer, but a wood spirit clan who is very easy to form a wood spirit force, it is the same.

Because the wood spirit tribe is quite an exclusive race among all spirit tribes on the Nieno continent, and they basically only live in the major "Sen Leagues". For example, the "Longsen League" is established in the dragon blood forest. Spirit tribe-led alliance. Wood spirits rarely appear in territories dominated by human races.

Of course, if a certain city-state has established a "friendship" with a certain group of wood spirits, it would be another matter.

But even Ning Yuan, who remembered the "Iron Child City" in the intelligence, didn't think that the other party would get on the line with a certain wood spirit clan.

From this, Ning Yuan speculated that the Mu Ling troops should not be the troops that originally belonged to the "Iron Zhicheng".

Let's look at the "Large Refining Spear" unit. Refining spears, especially large-scale refining spears, is an emerging thing that has only appeared for a few hundred years in Fan Xiu's age.

That's right, unlike other gas refining technology products that usually transform from large-scale to small-scale, refining guns are a "heterogeneous" that transforms from miniaturization to large-scale.

The refining spear of the Nieno Continent was originally a toy for practitioners, but it was only used by mortals to deal with wild beasts and to terrorize those timid and fierce monsters.

Until someone came up with a whim, refining the refining spear with the technique of refining treasures.

Although the gun was originally powered by the source stone, it was basically a mechanical way to stimulate the ammunition. For mortals, speed is also powerful, but it is only for mortals.

For cultivators, even if they are just preparatory cultivators who have condensed the "aura", as long as the mechanical kinetic energy refining spear does not hit the critical point, it can only cause them to be injured. And the mid-soldier cultivator who stepped into the "sea of ​​air" can rely on the improved reaction ability to dodge this kind of mechanical kinetic energy refining ammunition.

However, this situation has changed after the advent of the refining spear that uses rune power as the active energy.

Practitioners have discovered that this kind of refining spear inspired by runes using source stone as energy can threaten soldiers-level practitioners in the hands of mortals. And if it is in the hands of practitioners, such as those in the mid-soldier level, it can even pose a threat to practitioners who have just entered the husband level.

This discovery attracted great interest to those practitioners, who began to study, and the subsequent discovery completely changed the fate of the "toy" of refining guns. It also led to the birth of a new branch profession among the later practitioners.

The name of the new branch profession is called "Gunner."

That major discovery is the popular "caliber is justice" nowadays.

Research has found that under the same material, the larger the caliber of the refining gun is, the more runes of the same type are engraved and the more advanced it is. The power of the same ammunition will have a geometric difference.

Whether it is the superimposition of the same kind of rune or the change of caliber, the large-scale refining gun has become an inevitable choice.

However, although the spear refining thing is good, it has a disadvantage, that is, it burns money extremely. This is especially true for large-scale gun-refining units such as large-scale gun-refining troops. In Fan Xiu's era, the refining gun had not yet achieved production line operations, and could only be refined individually by skilled workers in the refining workshop.

Of course, based on the memory and intelligence digested by Ning Yuan, "Iron Zhicheng" is not that it can't afford a large battalion of spear-making troops, but it is for the "Iron Zhicheng" to raise such a unit.

Based on the existing intelligence, it is also unlikely that this large-scale spear-making unit is the original unit of the "Iron Child City".

In fact, there is a more direct evidence that these two units are not "Iron Child City" troops, that is, from the "Iron Child City" battle reports that have been circulated in the past, neither "Wood Spirit Force" nor "Large Refining Spear" has appeared. force". Even the Siege Behemoth troops have not appeared.

Only the Destroyer Warriors are the elite troops trained by the "Iron Child City". Moreover, in the information circulating for so many years, the "Iron Child City" has only trained two teams with a little bit more than the mountain-breaking force, and so far, even one piece of the mountain-breaking force song has been dissatisfied.

Since the wood spirits, spears, and giant beast troops are not "Iron Child City" troops, where did they come from? And why did you temporarily join the "Iron Child City" to participate in this already disparity war?

Then let's go back to the original problem again. With such a luxurious lineup of troops, why did the "Iron Child City" have to spend so much time to draw the troops of Xiuyuan City out of the city?

Vaguely, Ning Yuan had already guessed.

One of the purposes of the "Iron Child City" or the power behind the "Iron Child City" is undoubtedly "Xiuyuan City", but it is very likely that what the other party wants is not a broken "Xiuyuan City". It is a "Xiuyuan City" that is "intact".

This is the direct purpose of this war.

So what is the deeper purpose?

Ning Yuan thought of the letter of help issued by Fan Xiu in the memory information, and his heart was chilled, and his scalp was numb.

A "good" "Xiuyuan City".

A letter of assistance that has been issued.

The purpose of the "Qin" alliance.

A "line" sprang up.

Ning Yuan's heart is heavy.

I remembered that the chasing soldiers mentioned by Chuan Lingbing had been surrounded on three sides.

Since it is an encirclement and annihilation, why not completely encircle it?

Even if it is "sitting the three and missing one", why leave the side that retreats to the city alone?

"I really didn't hide it." Ning Yuan sneered mockingly in his heart.

But precisely because of the other party's unconcealed attitude, even though Ning Yuan was in a heavy mood, he still had some vague thoughts.

Although he said a lot, it was only a few breaths after the time had passed. The Herald was still on his knees, clasping his fists and looking at "Fan Xiu".

While using "Yaoyan" in his consciousness to deduce the feasibility of those vague ideas, "Fan Xiu" said to Chuan Lingbing:

"You go and inform Deputy General Zhao to summon all the remaining scouts of our army. I have an order to issue."

After speaking, he turned to look at the map on the low table and said calmly: "Go, I will come out later."

"Yes." When Chuan Lingbing heard the calm and steady voice of "Fan Xiu", his desperate mood eased a little, and he got up and ran out of the account after a salute.

At this time, the shouting and killing of the front camp of the camp had faintly approached the middle camp.

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