Rebirth of the Stars

Vol 2 Chapter 196:

After waking up, Ning Yuan, who had been attracted by his own state, finally felt the faint vibration of the ground and the roar of the hidden beast that could still be heard even though the wall of the mountain was a few meters away.

Looking up at the dark dome of the mountain wall, Ning Yuan's eyes flickered. He knew that the tide of beasts had already begun.

Ning Yuan raised his hand and Jieyin used Qi Men to sense it, and found that about seven days had passed.

Speaking of the strange knowledge that Ning Yuan has mastered, this is thanks to his old man.

Thirty years ago in the real world, that is, ten years before the establishment of the All-Star Coalition Government, the market owner opened up a virtual game world as a stage for countries to compete for their respective countries' seats in the coalition government.

Ning Yuan's knowledge and abilities of the strange school were acquired by Ning Yuan's father in that virtual area. Because they found it useful, they passed all of them to their three brothers and sisters.

Feeling a little bit of his physical condition, Ning Yuan nodded in satisfaction. Bigu pill is indeed a must-have pill for cultivators.

For a rookie like him, it takes only seven days to practice once, and those senior practitioners may take longer to practice once, not to mention the legendary retreat for several decades at every turn.

If there is no supplementary medicine such as bigu pill, I am afraid that a simple practice can cause a practitioner to starve to death. Then it's not cultivation but death. However, practice itself is perseverance. If you want to achieve something, it is almost inevitable to spend time.

Take the human race as an example, the average life span of the various star races is 120 years old, and the average life span of the human races in the Nieno Continent is a little higher, only 125 years old. The best cultivation time for the human race is forty-eight years from twelve to sixty. It takes about one to two years from the beginning of cultivation to condense the "Qi Seed", and it takes another three to four years from the "Qi Seed" to the opening of the "Qi Sea". It takes almost four years to become a true soldier-level practitioner, which is sixteen years old. And it takes about six years from soldier level to husband level. From this point of view, Xu Yong's aptitude is really good.

From husband to lieutenant level, the shortest record currently recorded on the Nieno continent is ten years. On average, it is almost fifteen to eighteen years. The shortest record from lieutenant level to school level is also ten years, but this record is the result of that enchanting man himself is the lord of a city and is protected by rules and will not be restricted by city-state rules. If you calculate the breakthrough limit of the city-state rules, this average time is basically impossible to calculate.

Let's put it this way, the best time to cultivate the human race, or the best time to lay the foundation for the human rank, is the forty-eight years. In the forty-eight years, even if it only took you twenty years to cultivate from a mortal to a lieutenant level, but as long as the remaining twenty-eight years you cannot become a city lord or obtain a school-level breakthrough quota in a certain city-state, then no matter your cultivation How fast you are, how enchanting your talent is, you can only get stuck at the rank of lieutenant.

Why the city-state rules restrict the breakthrough of practitioners. It has been said before that it is because of resources, but there is another reason that is restricted by the world rules of Nieno continent.

Practitioners will receive gifts from the world when they break through from the human level to the ground level, which is simply to extend their life. How many years do you triple your original lifespan. After the human race with an average life span of 125 years breaks through the ground, the life span will increase to 600 years. If you break through to the heavenly rank, the life span will be nine times the life span of the original earth rank, that is, five thousand four hundred years old.

Practitioners seize heaven and earth for good fortune and compete with heaven for longevity. The fundamental law of the world has to limit the number of breakthroughs in order to maintain the orderly development and operation of the world. This is also the reason why the city-state rules impose a limit on the practitioners who break through the ground level. Every time the practitioners above the ground level break through a large realm, they will usher in the trial of the heavens.

Of course, the rules for players to practice as a special descending group will be different. At least the time for human-level cultivation will be much shorter than that of the aboriginals. Although the requirements and restrictions for breaking through the ground are the same as the aboriginals, the speed of practice after the breakthrough will also be far faster than the aboriginals. Of course, like the aboriginals, they need to face the catastrophe Just the test.

However, no matter how the system is biased, the rules must have a degree. And Ning Yuan's cultivation speed is obviously beyond the level. Although seven days have passed since Ning Yuan opened his eyes and officially began to practice the Three-Edged Spear Art, it was only a short period of time, that is, three hours.

Three hours from a mortal to a soldier-level preparatory cultivator, this speed is definitely a super-class existence that crushes 99% of the tens of billions of players.

Ning Yuan estimated that if he posted this speed on the forum, he would definitely be beaten to death. So let's make a fortune in silence.

Fortunately, Ning Yuan is a wild player. He wasted a lot of time in the early stage. Otherwise, even if Ning Yuan is unwilling, his name will be listed on the list of evildoers on the homepage of the forum for people to admire.

As mentioned earlier, the game world of the Nieno continent is a kind of preparation for the resurrection of the civilizations of the stars in reality a hundred years later. It is related to the quota of real resources and is full of competition. Therefore, the player forum puts the names of the top one million players who have become soldiers-level practitioners among all the players who have entered the Nieno continent on the forum homepage, which arouses the players' vigor and also an opportunity to place bets on the real forces.

At least for the time being, the series of numbers in their system records are still of some value in the system.

One month later, Ning Yuan finally completed the evolution of the Three-Edged Spear Technique and successfully awakened the "Yaoyan" talent.

As Ning Yuan expected, "Yaoyan", a talent in mental calculus, is very powerful in blessings such as singularity. Originally, Ning Yuan could only calculate the time to "days" by using the Qimen ability, but now he can accurately calculate the time to "seconds." Even if you don't actively turn on "Yaoyan", the passively enhanced thinking ability of talent can also accurately calculate the earthly moment.

With "Yaoyan"'s improved thinking ability and "Xizhao"'s powerful memory reproducing ability, plus the spear skills that still need to be tested in actual combat, Ning Yuan finally has a seven-point grasp of seizing opportunities.

Yes, it is "seven points."

Even though the strength has undergone earth-shaking changes, Ning Yuan's grasp of this opportunity has only increased from "five points" to "seven points."

For Ning Yuan, there is no difference between a "one point" grasp and a "five point" grasp. They are all gambling. The chance is half and half.

Although "seven points" is still gambling, at least it is already confident and prepared. The chance is slightly higher than the original half-to-half.

Don't underestimate this slightly higher opportunity. This is basically the difference between heaven and hell.

Ning Yuan added a bigu Danhou, adjusted to the best condition, looked up at the huge secret realm Dunjiamen, took a deep breath, and raised his foot to step into the door.

As Ning Yuan stepped in, the water-like ripples on Shimen began to rippling.

After walking out of Dunjia Gate, Ning Yuan appeared in a stone compartment, behind which was a sealed stone gate that had just extinguished the ripples.

From this moment on, he will completely lose his retreat.

Ning Yuan scanned the compartment guardly, turned on "Xizhao" and began to compare the memory of the realm line.

"It's the same as in memory." Ning Yuan secretly said in his heart, "it seems that at least there won't be much deviation here."

Ning Yuan was relieved a little while maintaining the memory of the boundary line in the "sunset" state, while walking out of the compartment and officially stepping into the first trial place of the secret realm.

A huge nine-foot-high stone stele divides the space outside the compartment into two passages on the left and right.

On the stone tablet is a huge "Qin" character, and the two characters "life" and "death" are engraved on the upper part of the left and right passages.

This is a huge labyrinth. Ning Yuan can only choose to enter from one of the two passages: "Life" and "Death". Once entering a certain passage, the entrance will be immediately sealed off. There is no choice but to advance.

In the boundary line, Ning Yuan used cheating to walk through the two passages of "life" and "death". The nine intact lives consumed two in the "life" gate and four in the "death" gate.

After Ning Yuan reproduced the relevant memories, he did not hesitate to choose the "dead" door.

Generally speaking, the “life” gate is a bit simpler than the “death” gate, but the benefits are also slightly worse.

If this is the case, Ning Yuan is inclined to choose the "life" door, but the choice of "life" and "death" is also related to the qualification to enter the last door. Ning Yuan could only choose to live "dead".

After stepping into the "dead" door, the passage behind him was closed by a broken dragon stone. When the eyes fell into darkness, the lamps on both walls of the passage automatically lit up, emitting a dim light to illuminate the passage.

Ning Yuan watched the bluestone slabs scattered under his feet calmly. While comparing his memories, he held the Qi Men Yin Jue and carefully calculated the position.

With the blessing of the "Yan Yan" talent, Ning Yuan followed Mingming's guidance to look to the bluestone slab on the right, and carefully stepped on it after comparing his memories.


"Same." Ning Yuan murmured, finally having some confidence in the memory of the boundary line of this maze.

However, based on the principle of being careful, Ning Yuan did not follow the memory of Meng Lang, but chose to calculate and compare the memory carefully and slowly.

In this way, he carefully advanced a hundred steps, exactly the same as the safe path in the memory of the boundary line.

Seeing this situation, Ning Yuan's confidence in the reliability of the boundary line memory greatly increased, and he unconsciously wanted to speed up.

However, when Ning Yuan just wanted to move forward directly according to his memory, the motion of his left hand brushing his neck subconsciously made him instantly calm down.

The mark of the first death clearly reminded him of the consequences of carelessness.

Ning Yuan's relaxed mood instantly tightened, and he almost made the same self-righteous mistake.

After calming down, Ning Yuan raised his hand to touch his neck, took a deep breath, and moved forward with his memory while calculating again.

After taking another fifty steps, Ning Yuan stopped.

Then began to feel fortunate that there was no impulse just now. The position of the one hundred and fifty-first step is different from the one in memory.

Sure enough, the memory of the boundary line inevitably appeared deviation.

After Ning Yuan tentatively stepped onto the calculated position to confirm safety, the deviation of this boundary line was confirmed.

Everything is as originally envisioned, and the memory of the boundary line can only be used as a reference in the end.

In the constant calculation and memory comparison, the first channel has a total of three prescription positions different from the memory, and the results are all the victory of the calculation.

After completing the first section of the five hundred and sixty steps, Ning Yuan came to the first crossing.

In front of the fork, Ning Yuan looked up at the sign above. There was a red flame mark on the aisle on the left hand side, and a water blue ice mark on the right hand side.

The flame channel in memory has certain requirements for the challenger's "explosive power". Although it is also a three-foot-long and wide stone slab with three or three "ji"-shaped channels, the time spent on each stone slab is only one-third of the earthly scale time, which is five minutes. The imprisonment rune on the stone slab will be activated to fix the challenger in place, and then the challenger will be burned to death by the automatically opened flame trap. It was not an instantaneous high-temperature vaporization, but a little bit of burning people to death.

In the flame channel, players need extremely fast calculations and decision-making abilities. They can only pass through the dead end by calculating a safe position in the shortest time and judging the correct path.

That's right, no matter the safe position of the flame channel or the ice pattern channel is not necessarily the correct path, it may also be a dead end.

However, the "benevolent" part of the ice and fire channel is that as long as it is a safe slate, even if it is a dead end, you can waste time recalculating the correct path. Oh, it is naturally not feasible to go backwards one by one. Because the safety slate is subject to change.

The rules of the ice pattern channel are similar to those of the flame channel, but the requirements are no longer short-term computing power and judgment, but the ability to endure at low temperatures and the ability to seize fleeting opportunities. The temperature in the water pattern channel will continue to decrease. The challenger will have two quarters of an hour or thirty minutes to calculate the position on each slab. The rune on the slate in a timed activation state will fix the player’s feet within two quarters On the slate, when the time is up, the challenger has only three breaths to move to the next correct slab. Players who exceed the time will be fixed by the activated rune again and trigger another hidden rune to be frozen into ice in an instant The block is then crushed.

Neither the flame channel nor the water pattern channel is so easy to live by, or the players are very demanding in all aspects, and these two channels must be faced by the challenger, because behind the ice pattern channel is a section and the other side. The same flame channel, and the ice pattern channel is immediately behind the flame channel. This first bifurcation is just an order for the player to choose which channel to challenge first.

Ning Yuan thought about it for a while, compared his memory again, raised his hand to touch his neck and meditated for a long time, then carefully stepped into the ice pattern channel.

After Ning Yuan stepped into the passage, the stone gate at the entrance fell again, and the ice crystal-colored fluorescence in the passage illuminates the entire icy blue ice stone passage.

The ice pattern channel as a whole is paved by a kind of "cold ice stone" peculiar to Nieno continent. The walls on both sides of the passage are made up of two five-foot-long and wide ice-stone blocks on the upper and lower sides, and the ground is paved with three-foot-long and wide ice-stone slabs distributed in three or three. In my memory, the entire passage was irregularly "concave", with many branching dead ends.

The "cold ice stone" is a unique stone on the Nieno continent. Its characteristic is that it will automatically emit cold under the light. The longer the time, the heavier the cold. And after engraving a special rune, it can freeze the contact object instantly after activation.

Ning Yuan stood in the security opening in front of the passage, which was the only bluestone slab of ninety-three long and wide in the first section of the entrance in the entire passage, staring solemnly at the cold ice passage in front of him, which was the same as the ice crystal world. Slightly bitter.

Under the radiance of the ice crystal color, the ice blue transparent "cold ice stone" barrier is really not much different from the ice crystal world, the same dreamlike, the same cold air.

After a short while, Ning Yuan, who was still at the security exit of the passage, felt a slight chill. It is conceivable that over time, the temperature in the passage will drop to what extent under the accumulation of cold air.

With a bitter mouth, Ning Yuan did some calculations, and found that if the number and layout of the ice slabs in his memory were the same, his existing internal energy could be maintained to a safe stone platform for rest.

Thinking of this, Ning Yuan stopped hesitating and stepped on the first stone slab.

As soon as he stepped on the slate, Ning Yuan's feet couldn't move as if they were rooting, and a little cold air poured in from the soles of the feet, causing his body to tremble slightly. Ning Yuan hurriedly picked up the internal energy to dissipate the cold air, and calculated with both hands.

While calculating the position while maintaining the memory of the realm line, he also had to run the internal Qi. This kind of operation caused Ning Yuan's mental consumption to increase suddenly. However, if the state of "sunset" is not maintained, Ning Yuan's memory of the boundary line will soon be blurred or even disappear. If you do not actively calculate the position, the accuracy of the boundary line memory cannot be guaranteed. If the internal energy is not maintained to dissipate the cold, Ning Yuan is not sure that it will be in a short period of three. Xi Nei stepped onto another slate in time.

When the three are indispensable, Ning Yuan can only increase the speed of calculation, compare memory, and then minimize mental effort.

After calculating the position, Ning Yuan immediately stopped the operation of the "Yao Yan" talent, and after comparing the memory and found the same, he was relieved, and a cold sweat was coming out of his forehead.

Quietly sensing the time, Ning Yuan tried to lift his foot in the correct direction while running his inner Qi. As the time came, the invisible **** on Ning Yuan's feet would disappear, so Ning Yuan didn't spend much effort to accurately calculate the time. For him, "practice" may be a better way.

For a moment, Ning Yuan's footsteps, which had been unable to move, suddenly lifted up and stepped onto another stone slab. Ning Yuan was taken aback for a moment, and moved up without any hesitation. Then he was bound again.

After verifying the feasibility of the method, Ning Yuan took a sigh of relief and started to calculate again.

As the so-called "brain is more vigorous as you use it," Ning Yuan's thinking ability improved by "Yaoyan" is also the more flexible and agile it becomes. Every time he stepped on a piece of ice slab, Ning Yuan could feel the slight increase in the speed of his calculation, and his mental effort in calculating the position was also getting less and less.

However, the difficulty of the ice passage was not in calculating the position from the beginning, but the cold air that invaded the body all the time during the restraint and the fleeting three breath time. Moreover, as time went by, Ning Yuan not only had to face the intrusion of the ground cold on his body, but also had to guard against the continuous drop in the overall temperature. By the time Ning Yuan had completed one-third of the journey, Ning Yuan's internal energy had been completely overdrawn, and two and a half days had passed.

A total of three hundred and sixty steps, one step in two quarters of an hour, seven and a half days without calculating other factors. This has to be said to be a great test of endurance and physical fitness.

Fortunately, every one hundred and twenty steps, there is a safe stone platform for the challenger to rest. Otherwise, it would be completely impossible for Ning Yuan to complete these three hundred and sixty steps with Ning Yuan's current internal energy level.

I still have to thank the predecessors for their gifts and the timely awakening of the "Yaoyan" talent. Since the advent, Ning Yuan has counted the exercises obtained before the secret realm. He originally planned to spend two months or even longer to practice, and then enter the secret realm until he was sure.

If someone follows closely, ignore the others, die again, then resurrect and bring the corpse to fill up the secret realm's entry quota.

Oh, carrying a corpse into the secret realm is another regular operation for online players to seize the secret realm to reduce competition.

The ruins of opportunity on the Nieno continent are divided into three types, treasures, ruins and secrets. Treasures are public areas in the wild, without any restrictions; ruins require ruins keys to open, and some have other restrictions, such as restrictions on cultivation; secrets are similar to ruins, although keys are not required, but the quota is strictly limited. Only a limited number of players or aboriginals can enter during the period of time. Of course, other restrictions will also be set.

The quota for this "Qin" secret realm is limited to two people, and the next time the quota will be opened is three years later. Of course, if the inheritance of the secret realm is inherited, the secret realm will be automatically destroyed, and there will be no such thing as the next opening. . These are the information that the secret realm automatically sends to the mind when entering the secret realm.

Speaking of the off-board move of using a corpse to grab a place in the secret realm, it is another realm line where a player finds that the corpse will occupy a place if it is brought into the secret realm as long as the dead time does not exceed one crown. After the news came out, some players naturally used such crooked tricks.

In terms of the inferior nature of most creatures, it is basically difficult to pick them up once the bottom line is broken, and the original crooked tricks have become routine operations over time.

Therefore, in Ning Yuan's initial calculations, even if there are other Huangshengmengjue who choose to go "wild" directly to find opportunities for the first time like him, as long as he is earlier than the opponent, he can cut off the opponent's path. Even if I get nothing from it, I don't hesitate to do it.

After enduring the lower and lower temperature in the passage on the safety stone platform, Ning Yuan refilled his inner Qi and adjusted the state to the best, without much hesitation to set foot on the back journey again.

Five days later, pale and trembling, Ning Yuan stepped into the connecting flame tunnel with a tired expression, and then struggling to sit cross-legged in the safe area at the entrance of the tunnel and began to meditate.

Regardless of any cultivation technique, as long as the cultivation technique is accompanied by the movement of qi and luck, there is a means of meditation and breath adjustment, even if it is a spear and sword technique that uses moves to induce internal qi. Therefore, the three-sided spear tactics that integrate mind, practice, and play from the predecessors and the self-evolving three-sided spear tactics under the "Yaoyan" talent all have no need for weapon exercises to operate and adjust the breath. The way. Of course, the efficiency of this method is not as high as performing martial arts.

I have to say that Ning Yuan is really lucky. The residual medicinal power of the White Skull Grass that was taken at the time was completely absorbed by the body when Ning Yuan condensed into a "qi seed", and Ning Yuan, who had improved his physical fitness again, was already twice as good as other players in the next month of cultivation under the blessing of various factors. Months of cultivation results, and the awakening of the "Yaoyan" talent brought about the improvement of thinking, so that although he has not yet condensed into a sea of ​​Qi, he is infinitely close to that realm.

In fact, if I really wanted to say, Ning Yuan was able to make the "Qi Seed" explode and open up the "Sea of ​​Qi", but he did not choose this approach of focusing only on the realm and not on the foundation.

Human rank is the stage of laying the foundation, at this stage, it can be said that how to consolidate the foundation is not an exaggeration, so he does not want to eagerly improve his realm when he reaches the limit. After all, players have a great advantage in cultivation speed, and there is no need to worry in this regard. What's more, players do not have the best cultivation age limit of the aborigines, so there is no need to worry.

It was precisely because of Ning Yuan's very wise approach that the last 120 steps in this extremely cold environment were finally supported with the help of pure internal energy and a solid body foundation.

But at this time, it's not too much to the limit.

Not only the limit of the body, but also the limit of the spirit, the limit of cultivation.

Seven days of uninterrupted internal qi confrontation, consumption, polishing, and replenishment, Ning Yuan's originally compressed and condensed "qi seeds" have been further suppressed, and today's "qi seeds" have faintly exuded a diamond-like glow.

The "qi seed" has been polished and condensed to the point where it spontaneously shines, which means that it has been completely consummated, and it has reached the stage where it has to break through. And what Ning Yuan had to do now was to absorb the vitality in the passage as much as possible while his body was completely empty, and to open up the "sea of ​​qi" while washing his body again. .

In the state of "introspection", Ning Yuan tried to concentrate all of his consciousness within the "Qi Seed", and transformed into a giant in a world of chaos with little light, holding the axe to open the sky in both hands.

The incarnation of consciousness took a deep breath, his expression was overwhelming and solemn, and the axe of the sky opened high, using all his strength to slash towards the "membrane of the world"

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