Rebirth of the Stars

Chapter 2: Zhu Xia

Last time we said that the stars and creatures of the Age of Domination have already clarified the existence of the heavens and the earth's vitality and the soul because of the imprint messages that were naturally engraved in the depths of their consciousness when they were born and the legacy of the last Xianxia era. And developed a unique "gas refining technology civilization" from the ashes of civilization left over from the previous era.

Although the cognition of the vitality of the heavens and the earth, the creatures of the stars have a deep understanding in the development and practice of technology. However, the cognition of the soul has been vague and controversial in the nearly five thousand years of the Age of Dharma.

One of the most frequently mentioned disputes is "whether the soul can exist independently of the body".

Although the many relics of the last Xianxia era mentioned "soul out of the body", "primordial spirit differentiation", and other words, but limited to cognition, the star creatures in the Age of Dharma cannot clearly understand and Understand the meaning of these words.

Until the appearance of "" and "it" two hundred years ago.

The stars two hundred years ago just ended a world war that lasted nearly three hundred years.

When mentioning this protracted world war, we have to mention an important civilized group-Zhu Xia.

At the beginning of the Age of Domination, the five major races that survived by the stars and lost the heritage of ancient civilizations have basically gone through three civilization periods after they reignited the fire in the ashes of the Xianxia Era.

The period of tribal civilization, the period of city-state civilization and the period of dynasty civilization when their respective civilizations blossomed.

Six of the seven groups of wise creatures have gone through these three periods, except for one group. "She" is the Zhuxia human race.

The Zhuxia people were not originally called the Zhuxia people.

According to the ancient ruins excavated and deciphered, the Zhuxia human race was one of the human races among the many races of Zhuxing during the time of the ancient Xianxia.

Because they lived in the Hanshan area called Dongzhou at that time, they were called the Hanshan people.

At the same time, because everyone in this human race branch has black hair and black eyes, they are the best at internal fights in the human race, and they are the most united in the outside world. The combat power also belongs to the top hand in the human race branch, and they act in chaos. They are well-ordered, so they are also called "Black Demons".

After the third change of heaven and earth's vitality, that is, after the "change of heaven and earth," the age of Xianxia ended, most of the races were destroyed under the change of heaven and earth, and only five relatively weak races survived at the time.

Among the five races, the human race has the largest number of remaining civilization fires, about 500,000.

The barbarians are next, with about 300,000.

The total number of the kitty tribe and the fox spirit tribe (later merged into the kitty tribe) is about 150,000.

The long-eared tribe is equivalent to the merged kitten tribe, which is also around 150,000.

There are at least less than 100,000 civilized fires left by the Yu clan.

The flames of civilization that were originally scattered throughout the stars and counted by the omens of the stars are only a small area with a population of less than 1.2 million, which is enough to prove how fragile the stars are under the catastrophe of the sky.

How about the prosperity of Xianxia civilization?

What about racial differences?

How about a strong cultivation base?

When the sky changes and catastrophe, if you want you to be ashamed, you will be ashamed.

According to the textual research and speculation of historians and archaeologists and related scholars in the end of the law, the seeds of civilization that survived the third Tianyuan catastrophe were mortals without any cultivation.

All the cultivators of the Xianxia era and the powerful races with natural cultivation bases were all annihilated under the catastrophe of Tianyuan.

All the heritage of civilization is cut off.

It is not completely certain whether the three Tianyuan changes that have been passed down by word of mouth for endless years are the same, but because of the similarities in the writing of several eras. People believe that this conclusion is correct.

If every time the Tianyuan changes are left as "mortals" without extraordinary powers, then there is no need for strange myths to fly to the sky and escape, the almost omnipotent innate creatures and those who are beyond the imagination of the stars and creatures in the Age of Domination. Ghosts will disappear without a trace, even in the ancient and primordial ruins, it is difficult to find a little bit of civilization embers.

According to the sporadic records of legends and deciphered texts, the mortals of all races in the Xianxia era seem to be concentrated on the vast continent called "Dongzhou".

The stars are huge, not to mention mortals. In the legend, even if they are the fastest innate creatures, the three-breath Tianpeng in the myth has to fly for a crown year (sixty years) to circle the stars.

How fast is the legendary innate creature's three-breath Tianpeng?

According to myths and legends handed down from generation to generation, it takes only three breaths of mortals to fly from the deepest seabed of the stars to the zenith where the wind is located. And this is also the origin of Sanxi Tianpeng's "Three Breaths" name.

From this, one can imagine how vast and endless the stars are.

And Dongzhou, as a continent with a population of mortals counted in trillions, has an area that can be imagined.

Not to mention, there are at least a few total areas of the earth.

From this we can also imagine how fragmented the distribution of the surviving ethnic populations will be.

Especially the human races that originally spread across the entire East Continent.

And the East Continent was broken into several pieces in the third Tianyuan catastrophe.

The human race is the race with the most branches of all races, and it is also the race with the most mortal population and the most mediocre innate aptitude among all races.

Among the 500,000 people who survived, except for the 30,000 people with special physiques, the subspecies Yuren, the remaining 470,000 came from various branches of the human race, and the distribution range is almost impossible to count.

Among them, the most well-preserved and concentrated is the Hanshan tribe known as the "dark demons" among the mortals of all races, about 200,000, accounting for 40% of the surviving human population.

Because the same text is the same species, and the distribution is relatively concentrated. Therefore, the Hanshan human race quickly entered the tribal period when the other human race branches were still struggling to survive, shortly after the fire was re-ignited.

Then, other human tribes hugged each other to keep warm, and soon after they entered the tribal period one after another, they reunited the Hanshan tribes that were divided into different ethnic groups, skipped the city-state period, and directly entered the unified dynasty period.

The name Hanshan has been lost for various reasons after entering the tribe period, and the Hanshan people of each tribe gradually have their own different names. Or in the name of the tribe, or in the name of totem, mountains, rivers. Their respective languages, habits and lifestyles are gradually different.

Therefore, the tribal union named "Sanxia" conquered and unified all the original Hanshan tribes, including scattered other ethnic tribes, on this piece of East Continent, which was renamed "Shenzhou". In order to facilitate the rule and unite the tribes and peoples, the tribes were given the surname "Xia", and the dynasty was directly named "Zhu Xia".

All citizens of the Zhuxia Dynasty, regardless of race, are collectively referred to as Zhuxia Clan.

Therefore, the "Zhuxia" of the Zhuxia human race is not only the ethnic name of the human race branch, but also the external ethnic name of the Chinese people.

The time when the Zhuxia clan entered the dynasty period was nearly two thousand years earlier than that of the various clans on the other continent fragments.

Therefore, in the long history of the Age of Domination, Zhu Xia has always been the light of civilization of the stars.

The three-hundred-year world war revolved around the ancient civilization of Zhu Xia.

The cause was that Zhu Xia had fallen, weakened, and civilization was no longer far ahead of the other fragmented continents.

As the former Hanshan tribe, the "dark demons", the nature of the Zhuxia people has not changed due to the reshaping of civilization.

After Zhu Xia unified China, with the development of civilization, it spread to most of China mainland, and re-established contact with the civilizations of various races on other fragmented continents. The Zhu Xia clan, who did not like to conquer, took over for thousands of years. .

After reshaping civilization, the Zhuxia clan has been fighting the beasts and fierce beasts that have changed due to the catastrophe of Tianyuan for the first thousand years, competing for resources and territories with the beasts that have become extremely powerful and fierce after these days have changed. Expanding the living space of Zhuxia people.

After thousands of years, with the efforts of the Zhuxia people, the Zhuxia clan finally occupied most of the land suitable for survival and development of the Shenzhou Continent.

After re-establishing contact with the civilizations of other fragmented continents through ocean voyages, and discovering that other civilizations were very backward, the Zhuxia clan stopped the pace of expansion.

Most of the mainland China is enough for the development of the Zhuxia clan for a thousand years. In fact, after a whole thousand years have passed, the Zhuxia clan has only digested more than one percent of the resources of China.

Originally speaking, the rich resources contained in the mainland of China were enough for the Zhuxia clan to advance civilization to a very high level, even if it did not develop later, it would not be caught up by the civilizations of the various ethnic groups that had just entered the city-state period at that time.

However, although the Zhu Xia clan has advanced civilization to a certain height in a thousand years, it is not a small distance from the height that the original civilization can reach.

The reason lies in the combativeness in the bones of the Zhuxia human race, or more accurately, the fondness of infighting.

It is precisely because of internal fighting that Zhu Xia civilization has always been ahead of other civilizations, but it is unable to widen the gap beyond the reach of the dust.

In the third millennium, the civilizations of all races entered the dynasty period, and Zhu Xia entered the dynasty cycle of "combined for a long time, divided for a long time, and divided for a long time" with the intensification of internal fighting.

Although almost all the unified dynasties are called Zhuxia, the people and forces sitting on the top have changed one after another.

In the millennium of internal fighting, for nearly five hundred years, Zhu Xia was in the chaos of civil war. Although civilization was still developing, the speed was too slow and too slow.

However, Zhu Xia at this time is still standing at the top of the various races of the stars.

In the fourth millennium, which is the millennium of the story node, the civilization of Zhu Xia has entered a stagnation and regression.

The civilizations of other races began to approach or even catch up.

The Shenzhou Continent is the most quintessential part of the fragments of the East Continent, and almost all civilizations want to take a bite.

So five hundred years ago, when Zhu Xia was at its weakest, the civilizations of all ethnic groups on the other Fragment Continent finally couldn't help taking the step of invading the Divine Land Continent to seize Zhuxia's resources.

Three hundred years of continuous world war has begun.

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