Rebirth of the Stars

Vol 2 Chapter 277:

After all the enemy troops were dumbfounded for a while, someone finally reacted, and the passage that was originally used for the wolf cavalry to pass through to avoid accidental injury has been completely opened.

When the enemy commander closed the separate lines again, "Fan Xiu" and others had already penetrated deeply behind the Tiezhi Army, and it was not far from the breakthrough.

Moreover, the unthinkable teleportation of "Fan Xiu" just now appeared again, and he smashed the wolves from the rapid impact with his body, and remained motionless, and then used no means to directly disperse the wolf cavalry to further enhance the morale of the enemy. Decline, and his morale rose again with the cheers of the soldiers behind him.

As the duration of the "Kun Shichang" reached and the enemy forces on both sides continued to close together, the team led by "Fan Xiu" was once again surrounded, but this time the pressure everyone faced was much easier than not long ago.

Because of "Fan Xiu"'s unbelievable performance and powerful strength, brutal killing methods, and the increasing combat power of the morale-bursting Xiu Yuan army, the enemy troops who have been fighting with the "Fan Xiu" department have been completely feared. The foot fell into a low morale.

If it were not for the number of people still dominant, "Fan Xiu" estimated that at least this side of the Tie Zhijun had collapsed by now, just like Xiu Yuanjun was in the middle school.

However, I don't know if it is God's unpleasant view of "Fan Xiu" or how it drops, the "Fan Xiu" department hasn't been able to easily go on for a long time, and the troops dispatched from the encircling nets on the other two sides have been reinforced.

Although the reinforcements this time looked similar to the Tiezhi soldiers who had been fighting with the "Fan Xiu" department, they were also infantrymen, but the "Fan Xiu" still keenly felt the difference.

And perhaps it is finally facing the main general of "Fan Xiu", this time the reinforcements included two generals.

Not a grassroots non-commissioned officer like the captain, but a lieutenant with at least the same status as Zhao Xian. And if "Fan Xiu" didn't feel wrong, both of them were ground-level practitioners.

("This is a bit exaggerated.") Ning Yuan, who is possessed by Fan Xiu, muttered silently in his consciousness.

Although the ground-level practitioners are not much different from some powerful elite soldiers in a battlefield environment such as a city-state war, they are a little different after all.

Just like the terrifying power that Fan Xiu showed under the "Kun Shichang" just now, every ground-level practitioner will more or less have his own unique tricks after breaking through the ground level. Able to exert strength far beyond the normal level when necessary.

According to memory information, "Fan Xiu" learned that "Tie Zhicheng" did not establish a sub-city, that is to say, in theory, "Tie Zhicheng" only has five ground-level practitioners, including the city owner. And "Iron Zhicheng" does have a full number of five ground-level practitioners.

According to the information, the four cultivators of the "Tiezhicheng" except for the city owner are all new to the stratum like Fan Xiu, and only two of them serve in the army. But it's not the two "Fan Xiu" sees now.

The two generals in the "Fan Xiu" induction and the two serving in the "Iron Zhicheng" army in the intelligence are completely different in face and breath. In other words, these two are not the level of "Iron Child City".

The giant beast, the wood spirit, the refining spear, and the two tiers nowadays, in this way, it is finally considered that Fan Xiu's inference before the breakout has been truly hammered.

However, "Fan Xiu" couldn't be happy anymore.

The outbreak just now caused the "Fan Xiu"'s combat power to fall into a trough in a short time. With the support of military spirit and morale, it would be no problem to crush the "Iron Child City" with low morale. For these two reinforcements, "Fan Xiu" is not at all sure.

After "Fan Xiu" killed an enemy in the front, with the help of "Xizhao" and "Yan Yan", he quickly searched for a solution that could quickly break through the encirclement.

Today’s frontal enemy forces have indeed fallen severely due to low morale and a large number of casualties of low-level non-commissioned officers, resulting in a serious decline in combat power and chaotic organization, but the number of "Xiu Yuan Army" and the foundation of overall morale stability are still there, "Fan Xiu." It is really impossible to break through in a short time.

Unless it can completely collapse the frontal enemy troops before the enemy's reinforcements arrive.

However, looking at the strength of the enemy army in front of him, and watching the enemy's soldiers still reluctantly calm despite their decline in combat power, "Fan Xiu" knew that it was basically impossible to defeat the opponent before reinforcements.

After all, most of the enemy troops on the battlefield this time were made up of pawns who had experienced war, that is, most of them were veterans, and they were not so easily destroyed. Unlike Xiuyuan's army, which has two-thirds of recruits, a chain reaction may be triggered as long as they are frightened.

"Fan Xiu" thought quickly while leading the troops as far as possible away from the enemy's reinforcements. At least it has to wait for some strength to recover before "Fan Xiu" can barely cope with the new batch of reinforcements.

"How to make the frontal enemy collapse in an instant? This is a seemingly effective breakthrough, but it only faintly collapses and not completely collapses when it is fully opened. This is a little troublesome."

"It should be said that it is worthy of being a **** who has experienced war. Is toughness strong? Or is the combat power of our army really weak enough. Under the overwhelming morale, it can only be suppressed instead of crushed."

Ning Yuan, who was possessed by Fan Xiu, was thinking weakly in his consciousness, and he had a vague feeling of being poor at riding a donkey.

Although his heart was restless, the face of "Fan Xiu" was still as cold as before. After beheading the frontal enemy, a light flashed abruptly in the eyes of "Fan Xiu" who was planning to move elsewhere.

At that moment, Ning Yuan faintly discovered something in "Xizhao". After using "Yaoyan" to quickly calculate, Ning Yuan saw a chance for a complete comeback.

Although it would definitely become a target for all the enemy troops on the entire battlefield, but he had planned to die without life, but there was nothing to fear.

"Since death sooner or later is death, it's better to fight this!" "Fan Xiu" hesitated for a while, his eyes became firm as iron.

"Zhao Xian," "Fan Xiu" yelled without looking back while turning to change directions, "Go down the notice, change the'triangular spiral', I'll be the guide, turn counterclockwise, all the blasting pills are prepared, listen to my orders ."

"Yes!" Zhao Xian replied loudly, and then loudly passed the order to everyone through the military signal.

Since the "Fan Xiu" command was shouted out, all the enemy troops who were close in the front also heard it. Although I don't know the meaning of "Fan Xiu", the three words "Baoshiwan" caused a riot.

"Blasting Stone Pill" is a kind of blasting props for blasting rocks that are standing by all the city-states of the Qin Alliance. Although it is mainly used for blasting operations in engineering construction, it is equally lethal to the human body. It was a long-range weapon for the "Xiuyuan Army" originally intended to be used to hold the opponent's war behemoths and cavalry troops in a condescending ambush. It is a pity that the "Iron Child City" was completely defeated by a wave of bewilderment before the opportunity to use it.

As for why he didn't use it when he broke through, Ning Yuan would never admit that he had forgotten.

That's right, it is impossible for Ning Yuan to forget the magical skill of "Sunshine", because the time was not yet available at that time. That's right.

In addition, Ning Yuan completely forgot the reason why the Cultivators were the top ranks in the city-state army. In addition to the combat power, the Cultivators could communicate with each other and conceal their commands on the battlefield.

I didn't see that the vice general Zhao Xian showed no objection to the "Fan Xiu" who was possessed by Ning Yuan.

However, Ning Yuan really didn't know what was wrong with his call, and all his energy had been put on the next last fight. He didn't notice at all that because of his shouts, the situation that the enemy could have been able to hold was completely chaotic and collapsed.

Although not everyone clearly understands what "burst pill" is, most people in Tiezhicheng have also heard of it.

Given the vastness of the Nieno continent, the distance between "Xiuyuan City" and "Iron Child City" is not too far, so the reputation of "Xiuyuan City" and "Blasting Stone Pill" has also been heard. Although this kind of prestige is mostly in infrastructure projects such as digging mountains and opening roads, many of them are in the annual "beast tide".

Although it is not clear about the lethality of "Blasting Stone Pill" in war, there is no doubt that this kind of thing used to open mountains and crack rocks will explode is definitely a "big killer" for ordinary soldiers.

Therefore, after hearing that the enemy general had ordered the use of "Blasting Stone Pills", the enemy army that could hold up under the attack of the more and more courageous Xiuyuan Army began to collapse completely.

This dramatic scene completely surpassed "Fan Xiu"'s expectations, and it also made Zhao Xian, who knew the truth under his command, and the various guards once again shocked "Fan Xiu".

Although "Blasting Stone Pill" has great destructive power on mountains and rocks, it is at most equivalent to a blasting arrow with insufficient power to the human body. Killing one or two people can or can cause many people in the area to be injured, but to kill a group of people in an instant would be foolish. It is more about the self-destruction of mountains and rocks through concussion, rather than the direct damage of explosive power.

Therefore, although the "Blasting Stone Pill" is harmful to the human body, it is not as direct as the unsuspecting person imagined. This time I want to be the killer of the ambush purely because the terrain is suitable.

Ok. This can also be regarded as a reason why Ning Yuan would forget this thing.

Moreover, the number of "Blasting Stone Pills" brought by the "Xiu Yuan Army" this time was not too large, only less than 50, all of which were in the hands of Zhao Xian and the various guards.

But in any case, the original "Fan Xiu" plan to collapse the frontal enemy in a short time was completed inexplicably.

Although he hadn't figured out what happened for the time being, "Fan Xiu" saw the opportunity and without any hesitation, gave up his original plan to make a desperate move.

The formation has changed, and it will directly pursue the collapsed enemy army. If you don't take this opportunity to completely disrupt the enemy's position and defeat this force before you break through the chaos, when will you wait? !

It can be said that everything that "Fan Xiu" has done before is carried out for the direct purpose of "breaking through", although the fundamental purpose is to crush the enemy's plan to seize the city and nail Xiuyuan City to the pillar of shame. Breaking through the siege does not accomplish the plan to die on the battlefield, but who wants to die if he can live?

Seeing that the enemy army finally collapsed, everyone in the "Fan Xiu" department, no matter the generals, generals, personal guards, or the veterans and recruits who were attached to them, all went crazy in an instant.

The frenzied "Fan Xiu" unit began to soar once again, screaming and rushing forward, even if it had a broken hand or foot, it would severely slash and bite the enemy.

This madness has completely become the last straw that crushes the enemy's last chance to stabilize, and the frontal enemy finally begins to completely rout.

When the first deserter appears among the enemy forces that have not yet engaged in the battle, if the rear supervising team still has a chance to regroup, then the soldiers who are currently engaged in the battle will not know when they will be blown up by the flying "blasting pill". When there is a large-scale direct rout under the fear that the enemy will die with you, no matter how hard the supervising team in the rear works, even killing chickens and monkeys will have no effect.

Although it is not appropriate, just like the collapse of the "Xiuyuan Army" in an instant after being defeated, the frontal enemy army will inevitably begin to roll backwards after the defeat.

The originally stable front line in the rear fell into chaos under the impact of the collapsed soldiers in front of them. In the chaos, infected by the fear of the collapsed soldiers, he began to fall into fear, and then there was a chain reaction.

Normally this force is over.

"Fan Xiu", who was chasing and slashing from the rear, was constantly breaking into the enemy's rear by taking advantage of this chaotic trend. For a moment, he was equally excited to think that the enemy on this side was finished, and the breakthrough between himself and behind could be said to be a foregone conclusion.

Although the occurrence of all this is quite dramatic, it doesn't matter what it is, as long as the original goal is achieved.

However, the next scene can only say that "Fan Xiu" or Ning Yuan who is possessed by Fan Xiu is too naive.

A glow, the flaming red glow that resembled a burning flame, accompanied by a huge arc-shaped knife energy, slashed through the defeated army from the front, and set off a flash of enchanting vision and loud noise.

The screams and wailings, after the glow and loud noise like neon phantoms, have completely achieved the "hell" in front of "Fan Xiu".

"Fan Xiu" created such "hell" not long ago. With the only "Splitting the Ground", in the eyes of a few people in the Tiezhi Army, a small "hell" was created, which can be said to be insignificant compared to this time.

The scene of more than two dozen deaths and stumps flying indiscriminately was already like **** to Fan Xiu Ningyuan who possessed him. Later, the continued brutal killings made Ning Yuan's feeling numb and subside, because it was war.

But at this moment, Ning Yuan was a little suspicious.

Killing and being killed in war is a matter of course. Sometimes it's understandable to kill your own soldiers. For example, the supervising team kills deserters, kills war-fighters, and does not comply with military orders. But even the most brutal supervising team is only a small-scale killing, and no matter how brutal it is, there will be a degree.

The "hell" in front of me is completely different.

This is a purposeless murder, but also a slaughter.

Hundreds of Tie Zhijun soldiers were directly killed and nearly a hundred people were killed, and nearly two hundred were severed by the glorious aftermath.

Corpses, stumps, broken arms, flying internal organs, scattered plasma, red lava gullies, wailing, screams, dying whimpers, coughs, and bellows-like breathing.

All of this constitutes "Fan Xiu" and the "hell" that is a few feet away in front of everyone behind him.

All the surviving Tie Zhijun soldiers in front of the "Fan Xiu" department had already cried and fled to both sides. At this moment, the front of the "Fan Xiu" department had a full view.

Originally, this should be the best time for the "Fan Xiu" department to break through, because there was no enemy in front of them.

But "Fan Xiu" and everyone under his command stopped subconsciously.

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