Rebirth of the Stars

Vol 2 Chapter 305:

"Ye... Is it the power of the Yi people's'Yebao'? Or the power of Zhuxia's'Yehou'?" Ning Yuan murmured.

The "Yebao" of the Yi people and the "Yehou" of Zhuxia are powerful forces in Zhuxing's reality to suppress one party. The "Yebao" is a direct force established by the ancient Gudra clan in Yizhou of Zhuxing, and is responsible for Gudra. The affairs in the dark area of ​​the clan are well-known dark and evil forces in the Yi people. "Yehou" refers to a former vassal force that was handed down during the Zhuxia Dynasty and was known for its iron-bloodedness and cruelty.

The same is the extreme human supremacy, which discriminates against other races of the stars. And according to the gossip, both of them had strongly opposed the new race plan, but the majesty of the master of the market still agreed to the new race plan.

While thinking about it, Ning Yuan murmured: "This may also be an obstacle left by the master of the market."

Ning Yuan knew that the three forces of "Ambition Society", "Hundred Wars League", and "Tianxin League" appeared in the "Kunyang City Fall" incident. They are the old players in other virtual zone games, and their reviews have been very poor. But it is undeniable that strength ranks at least in the upper middle position among players with many stars.

The "Qilian Gang", "Zhanxin", "Yuan Shichao", "Wolf Road", "Ruan Xinyi", and "Night King" who chase Tan Xiong are left behind, but Ning Yuan has no impression. They should be emerging from "Rebirth". Power and player masters.

After memorizing the names of these forces and players on a small notebook, Ning Yuan became more and more curious about what happened among players during the year.

The player's growth rate was much faster than Ning Yuan expected, and the contradiction with the aborigines made Ning Yuan a little unprepared.

It should be known that before Ningyuan’s coincident memory disappeared, it was predicted based on the memory on another realm line. At least, after many player lords have upgraded the city to level C or even B, the player city and the aboriginal city-state alliance forces The contradiction between will initially appear. And this is only in terms of the lord player and the power of the players dominated by the lord.

In Ning Yuan's guess, the adventurer player and the aborigines are the first to realize mutual understanding and racial integration.

But the current reality is that not only the lord players have conflicts with the aboriginal forces early, but the group of adventurer players also seems to have conflicts with the aboriginals.

"This is not the situation I expected. It seems that I need to immediately make up for the player's trend this year."

With this in mind, Ning Yuan started the first player forum tour in the world of "Rebirth".

The virtual light screen is unfolded, and after entering the personal virtual world sequence, the light screen begins to zoom in and keeps a distance of 30 cm from Ningyuan in a circular shape, like a magnified one-mirror windproof glasses.

Ning Yuan raised his hand and flicked into the virtual world forum.

The forum is divided into three major sections: the virtual world section, the virtual section section and the Zhuxing section. The virtual world section mainly publishes information on the virtual world, including information from all parties in the virtual world that are transferred to the virtual world in the real network economy, entertainment industry, and fashion industry. The "Zhuxing" section is based on information from various parties on the stage of reality, mainly political and military information. The virtual area section is the entrance to the game forum where all virtual area game worlds are concentrated. Through the virtual area section, users can log in to any independent forum of the virtual area game world.

However, Ning Yuan browsed the virtual world section and the Zhuxing section for a while and found that the information on the two seems to have not been updated for a while. Except for a series of announcements, about seven months ago from Nieno Continental Time, there was no new information released in the Void Realm section. In addition to the "Zhuxing Little Ice Age Environmental Observation Panel", the "Zhuxing" section is still being updated, other sections of the political and military circles also stopped updating three months before Nieno Continental Time.

In doubt, Ning Yuan clicked on an announcement symbolizing the joint release of the Zhuxing Coalition Government and the market owner.

After reading the announcement carefully, Ning Yuan found that this was an announcement about the fourth "Tian Yuan change" of the stars and the revival of the vitality of the heavens and the earth and the Qigong method above the Yellow level of the Nieno continent can be used in reality.

"My guess has come true." Ning Yuan murmured.

After closing the announcement, I browsed some other announcements, including the announcements issued by some consortia and forces in the virtual world and the reality of the stars to settle in the "Neno Continent" and recruit troops.

"So... Now that there are almost no people in the virtual area except for those special personnel?" After browsing the densely packed announcements with similar contents, Ning Yuan muttered to himself: "At least the 4.1 billion people have poured in. Will 4.05 billion people enter the'Nieno continent'?"

("This is all in one net.") Ning Yuan secretly said in his heart.

Ning Yuan clicked on the Zhuxing Environmental Observation Project and found that the real-time updated data information is proving that the fourth "Tianyuan Change" in Zhuxing's reality has really come through this small ice age, or this small ice age is the fourth A sign and manifestation of the second "Tianyuan Change".

The vitality of the stars is rising at a weird rate. In just over three months in reality, the concentration of vitality in the heavens and earth of the stars has reached twice that of three months ago, and the observers show this weird increase. The speed is still improving. The most conservative estimate is that when the "Change of Tian Yuan" ends, the concentration of vital energy of the stars is likely to be equal to or even higher in the "Qi Refining" era.

However, the disasters caused by the "Tianyuan Change" are also more serious than expected.

Up to now, in the reality of the stars, except for the creatures of the various star races that entered dormancy earlier and the samples of the protists of the stars that were forcibly captured by the coalition government of the stars and put into special space, the surface biological observers of the stars have confirmed that In the early glacier omen of this "Tianyuan Change", more than 130 million species of animals and plants of the stars have died and extinct, and this number is still increasing.

The civilizations on the surface of the stars created by the creatures of the various races of the stars are completely destroyed. Except for the underground refuges and special facilities on the ground made of special materials, all buildings have become ruins with broken walls under the erosion of glaciers, storms, tsunamis, earthquakes and other natural disasters.

"It's really a change in the sky is a doomsday catastrophe." Looking at the shocking data and images on the information, Ning Yuan has a deeper impression of why the powerful cultivation civilization will be destroyed again and again.

The fourth "Tian Yuan Change" is a reverse change compared to the previous three. Even so, so many creatures have been extinct in the extreme environment and the sudden rise of the heaven and earth vitality. Then the disasters caused by the changes brought about by the last three more terrible declines in the vitality of the heavens and the earth can be imagined.

"When it returns to reality, the stars will enter a new era of coexistence of cultivation and technology."

"Is the Nieno continent really a preview of the great era? The order of the new era..."

After being silent for a while, Ning Yuan shook his head and threw some confused thoughts out of his mind.

"Let's take a look at what happened in the'Nieno Continent' this year. Although there have been some speculations through that almost countless announcement."

Ning Yuan, who was talking to himself, clicked to open the virtual area section, and did not have to find the independent forum of "Rebirth" (the first one to enter the virtual area section is the entrance to the "Nieno Continental Forum"), and then click to enter.

The interface of the "Nieno Continental Player Forum" looks very simple at the top, with a virtual image of the 18 races attacking each other on the top, the entrance to the comprehensive section like a towering city gate below the image, and the swirling subsections below.

The sub-sections include various clan sub-sections, lord player sub-sections, adventurer player sub-sections, virtual trading market sub-sections, career discussion sub-sections, player memorabilia sub-sections, Nieno continent data statistics sub-sections, etc.

Ning Yuan randomly clicked on a section and found that there were more information posts than he could imagine, and new posts appeared every moment. In a few seconds when Ning Yuan was stunned, the title of the post he saw was refreshed. I don't know where it is.

Ning Yuan clicked on other sub-sections and looked at it, and the situation was almost the same. Among them, the three sub-sections of the Lord Player Sub-section, the Adventurer Player Sub-section and the Professional Discussion Sub-section are the fastest to refresh. If the auxiliary stop refresh function is not used, it is difficult to open a post.

"Okay. It seems that 4 billion people around the world are really concentrated here." Ning Yuan frowned and said to himself.

"So where do you start?"

Ning Yuan tapped on his forehead and looked at the "Memorabilia of Players" sub-section.

"Start here first."

Click on the "Memorabilia of Players" section and activate the auxiliary function to pause the refresh of new posts.

Ning Yuan first looked at the top ten posts.

"The Whole Story and Influence of Quanxin Village Incident"

"The Growth Path and Strength Advanced Guess of the First Soldier Player"

"The honor and disgrace of the first player as the player, on the importance of identity in Nieno"

"From the player's first town to the player's first city, are the aborigines necessary? 》

"The shocking and angry Changning city massacre, why the players and the aborigines are like this"

"The Aboriginal Strikes Back, Behind the Destruction of Iron Heart City"

"Why are there conflicts between players and natives? Let's start from the beginning

"Realistic racists are destroying the way players live with the natives"

"The First Voice of Anti-realistic Racism Supremacy"

"Is this a betrayal? Yes! Remember, this is not a game, this is reality"

Seeing the title of these ten posts, Ning Yuan raised his brows, and he knew he had found the right one.

Ning Yuan points to the first article "The Whole Story and Influence of the Quanxin Village Incident". The author introduced in detail the causes and consequences of the entire "Quanxin Village Incident", including different reactions before and after the players and special announcements issued by the master of the market.

The "Quanxin Village Event" used the original player lord and the first village chief "Quanxin" in Quanxin Village according to the system to reward resources and refresh and actively gather refugees to quickly upgrade to intermediate villages and approach high-level villages in order to maintain rapid development. Advantages, over-authority organized half of the village's 1,500 people to attack a resource mine guarded by a wolf-shaped beast group 20 kilometers away from the "Quanxin Village" as the start of the event.

However, because the player Quanxin did not obtain detailed information in advance, he treated the wolf beasts of the medium-sized group as a small group, and then was defeated without any suspense, and lost two-thirds of the battle under the chase of the wolf beast. Population, which is one-third of the total population of the village.

After returning to the village, the player "Quan Xin" did not choose to recuperate and lick the wounds. Instead, instead of waiting for the villagers to repair, they had to organize the rest of the village to attack the resource mine again. And when the villagers were dissuading them, in order to frighten them, they killed several respected old people in the village.

Of course, in the eyes of "the heart of power", the old people killed are wastes that cannot be used as combat power, and they are old things that rely on the old and sell the old and don't put him in the eyes of the village chief. Up. I didn't notice the sudden silence of the rest of the villagers after the death of these old people, including the sound of crying and howling because of the death of their relatives, which also disappeared at this moment.

When he noticed, only these aborigines were shocked by himself, and he knew who was the master of the village.

Then, just when he was eager to drive everyone to attack the wolf community with heavy casualties and occupy the resource mines that were sufficient to support the upgrade of Quanxin Village to a primary town, he had been silently watching the development of Quanxin Village’s indigenous militia captain Jia Ren stabs his heart with a knife from behind and kills him.

Then led the aggrieved aboriginal people into the city hall and killed the resurrected "Quanxin" together until the number of resurrections ran out and reincarnation lost the ownership of Quanxin Village.

It can be said that from being killed by a sneak attack for the first time to being besieged until reincarnation, "Quan Xin" has been in a state of persecution.

When he woke up, he had been reincarnated in another public novice city, and had lost all the items he had previously obtained, including skills, occupations, and even the name "Power Heart". At this time, the name in his character column was Li Quan's name in reality. Not only that, but his Dragon Yuan level had dropped by one level inexplicably.

Such a blow directly made Li Quan, the "Quan Xin" angrily frustrated, but because he hadn't even figured out where he was at the time, he first stabbed the incident on the forum, with the purpose of thinking Let the official give an explanation.

What he didn't expect was the cynicism of the players who waited first. But after the players reacted, the wind direction suddenly changed.

At this point in time when they first entered the continent of Nieno, although players know that this game world looks different from other virtual game worlds, everything seems to be very real, without the clear game feel of other game worlds. But speaking of mentality, in fact, 98% of players still maintain the mentality of other virtual zone game worlds. That is the typical game mentality, spending money on services, just to be cool.

Although faintly felt that the aborigines of the Nieno Continent were different, they did not expect that the aborigines would actually besiege players, and kill them to rebirth, such a fierce siege.

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