Rebirth of the Stars

Vol 2 Chapter 319:

"The player's resurrection and rebirth?"

Ning Yuan tapped his forehead with his index finger and muttered to himself, his eyes seemingly out of focus.

After Dahan left, Ning Yuan has always maintained this posture, even organizing the registration of the aborigines and asking why the old man Hu Yang can tell that he is a player at a glance has been forgotten.

At the moment when he heard the big man questioning, Ning Yuan felt that this question was very important to him. This intuition is as sudden as the previous intuition when faced with an important choice, and even stronger than ever. It is as strong as facing life and death.

"The player's resurrection and rebirth?"

"The player's resurrection and rebirth?"

"The player's resurrection and rebirth."

Ning Yuan's movement of tapping his forehead paused, the divine light in his eyes slowly condensed.

"According to the records in "The First Explanation of Learning", there are reincarnation and underworld in Nieno. But not every creature can step into reincarnation after death. Only pure souls can step into reincarnation, and impure souls can only You must first enter the underworld to wash away the uncleanness of your soul before you can turn to reincarnation."

"There is no relevant record of what kind of existence is in the underworld. It is only known that in the hearts of the creatures in the Nieno continent, it is both sacred and terrifying. It is the gathering place of all filth and evil, and it is also the sacredness of unclean souls being punished and washed away. Earth. And reincarnation..."

"The specifics of reincarnation are also not recorded, but there is a record I remember as'reincarnation is one of the fundamental rules of Nieno continent, balancing the existence of heaven and earth.' Therefore, the Jingling clan who have the ability to send souls to reincarnation also have it on the Nieno continent.' The title of the Chosen Clan."

"What is a pure soul?"

"What is an unclean soul?"

"What is the connection between these and the player's resurrection and reincarnation mechanism?"

"For the player, rebirth means deleting the account and re-training. For the player, both resurrection and rebirth are functions that should be possessed in the game. Otherwise, it cannot be called a game."

"and many more..."

Ning Yuan, who had been thinking about it all the time, turned his head unconsciously to look around the aborigines surrounding the city monument, and at the same time something flashed in his mind.

There is reincarnation in Nieno.

The aboriginal people are the uncountable souls of Jiuyuan captured by the imaginary world.

The aborigines have sealed their memories of survival and living in Nieno.

Go through reincarnation.

But even if the memory is sealed, he still knows his own situation.

"Such a state... as if..."

The Nieno continent is a world of survival and life for the aborigines, but it is not a "game" world for the aborigines.

In essence, the aborigines are actually the same as the players.

Regardless of the soul, or its position in this world.

Then the player's resurrection and rebirth should also follow the laws of this world and belong to the system of reincarnation and underworld.

Aboriginal. Players.

Players. Aboriginal.

("Don't reincarnate too many times.")

(For the market owner, deleting a person's memory is just a matter of thought. Even if it is a different boundary.)

("The essence of most of the monsters on Nieno is the derivative of the dark thoughts of our imaginary spirits.")

(The underworld is a gathering place for all filth and evil, and it is also a sacred place where unclean souls are punished and washed away.)

(Only a pure soul can step into reincarnation.)

("Rebirth" project)

("New race... Hidden race... Condensed Ice Race... Cold Water Blue Diamond Race... Twin Race... Gana or Langxie Race... Sea Race... Zhuling Aquatic Race... The Titans... The Thunder Gods... The Spirit Patterns... The Rune Spirits...")

One thought after another converged in Ning Yuan's mind, and Ning Yuan's expression kept changing with his thoughts, gradually becoming solemn and ugly. Then, after a certain thought faintly flashed, it stopped abruptly.

Ning Yuan, whose complexion barely recovered, silently raised his head and glanced at the sky, then immediately lowered his head and closed his eyes.

After calming the turbulent breath, he opened his eyes and smiled somewhat self-deprecatingly:

"I seem to know a little bit. Although most of it is just speculation."

He shook his head again,

"Dad is really right sometimes. My curiosity and divergent thinking will cause me big trouble sooner or later."

"Human, it's better to be ignorant sometimes."

Just as Ning Yuan laughed at herself, a husky female voice with a little charm sounded behind her:

"People are still a little bit curious and thirst for knowledge. You must know that both curiosity and thirst for knowledge are one of the sources of progress for a race."

"Are you?" Ning Yuan looked at the cat-eared woman who was about 20 centimeters shorter than himself, with an inexplicable aura and beautiful appearance.

"Cat Clan Maoqing, the intelligence officer of the lord of a small town in the original Western Wilderness."

"Name: Mao Qing

Race: Kitten

Occupation: Intelligence expert, hunter unknown

Qualification: Grade A (?)

Identity: former intelligence officer of a small town in Xihuang

Household Registration: None"

("It's a Grade A again? There is a question mark behind? There is still unknown occupation? And the identity information is as vague as she said?")

Ning Yuan kept his brows furrowed as he checked the information of the retrieval skill feedback in a calm manner.

("Something is wrong. Neither this woman nor this demographic refresh is right.")

"Does it feel something is wrong?"

As if she had been read, the cat clan woman looked at Ning Yuan's eyes with a thorough look, and said with a little inexplicable tone.

Although the cat tribe woman was a full head shorter than Ning Yuan, Ning Yuan had a feeling of looking upright or even looking up at this moment.

This woman is very mysterious.

"Yes." Ning Yuan nodded.

"You are really smart." The woman smiled, the tiger teeth exposed at the corners of her mouth showed a seductive style, and then she looked at Ning Yuan for three breaths with a look that Ning Yuan could not understand. This was a frivolous tone. Said: "Unfortunately you don't have enough authority."

("Rebirth" authority?")

Even though he thought so in his mind, Ning Yuan did not ask.

"What can I know now?"

Ning Yuan asked directly.

The woman took a step back, turned and said at the same time:

"You have to ask the one behind you. Lord Village Chief."

"Behind?!" Ning Yuan turned around in surprise.

However, there was nothing behind him.

Just as Ning Yuan's head turned sharply, the woman's voice came again:

"My lord of the village, a reminder: This time there are six Grade A who came through the'Tian Xuan'."

Ning Yuan turned and looked at the cat tribe woman who had already reached the city monument.

"Also, you'd better complete our naturalization quickly."

"Of course, if you hesitate in your heart. In half an hour, we will leave the'chosen of heaven' again."

Ning Yuan looked at the woman who had already walked to the city monument and the aboriginal people waiting for the choice he made, his brows were tightly twisted into a lump.

After the two sides looked at each other for a minute, Ning Yuan lifted his brows and took a deep breath.

Then calmly took out the bronze ring that symbolized the position of the village chief, took it with him, and walked slowly to the front of the city monument.

After standing on the front of the crystal column, Ning Yuan raised the ring and placed the regular decahedron crystal on the front of the ring that represents the authority of the city to face the surface of the black crystal column.

The moment the ring touched the surface of the black crystal, it was as if a mechanism was triggered. The surface of the crystal lit up with a wave of light centered on the contact point, and then the spiral pattern appeared and spread.

"The player opens the naturalization system. All unnaturalized natives within the city can apply for naturalization to the city monument through ideas. Players can directly confirm the naturalization application through the village chief’s ring, and can also grant others permissions through the village chief’s ring Confirm on your behalf."

"Aboriginal Mao Qing applied for naturalization in Mengyuan Village."

"Aboriginal Tan Xiong applied for naturalization in Mengyuan Village."

"Indigenous Morge Chaye Hyde applied for naturalization in Mengyuan Village."

"Aboriginal Yang Yunyu applied for naturalization in Mengyuan Village."

"Aboriginal Hu Yang applied for naturalization in Mengyuan Village."

"Indigenous Zhu Li applied for naturalization in Mengyuan Village."

"Aboriginal Chen Er applied for naturalization in Mengyuan Village."

. . . . .

"Aboriginal Popikachu applied for naturalization in Mengyuan Village."

Every time 30 naturalization applications appear on the interface of Ningyuan’s village head.

Clicking on Mao Qing's naturalization application, Ning Yuan discovered that the naturalization of the aborigines was actually a contract.


Maoqing, a cat clan, voluntarily joined Mengyuan Village, and pledged in the name of the soul to abide by the five oaths (one oath: renewal. Forget the dust before naturalization. Second oath: loyalty to the city. Naturalization requires loyalty to the city. Three oaths: Feng Gong. Naturalization must comply with the city rules. Four oaths: honor the lord. Naturalization must obey the city lord. Five oaths: no regrets. The city lord shall not betray if he has not lost his virtue.). If the oath is violated, the world will be punished. "

"Please confirm. Confirmation means the contract is established. Players can check some attributes of naturalized natives through the contract."

Ning Yuan looked at the contract, a flash of doubt in his eyes, but he confirmed without hesitation.

No matter how the future develops, he has no choice now.

At the moment when the contract was established, Ning Yuan saw the three thunder runes representing the oath of heaven and earth flashed over the head of Mao Qing, a cat person female.

The so-called three thunder runes are the lightning symbol with the left thunder leaning to the left, the lightning symbol with the right mine leaning to the right, and the lightning symbol with the middle thunder standing upright. The combination of the three thunders is the contract Leiwen.

According to the record in "The First Explanation of Learning", the three thunder rune is a contract Leiwen that symbolizes the recognition of heaven and earth. It belongs to one of the basic rules of the Nieno continent and cannot be violated.

That is to say, no matter what the status and position of the aboriginal people are, once naturalized, as long as the city lord does not lose his morals, the aboriginal people will not betray the city and the city lord, nor will they betray the city lord.

("No matter what their ultimate purpose is, at least as far as the contract is concerned, it will not be against me. Of course it is when I am not wicked.")

Just like the five oaths for naturalization of aborigines. The city lord also has five virtues to obey.

However, neither the five virtues of the city lord nor the inaugural description of the lord player are recorded in detail in "The First Explanation of Learning". They only record the five virtues of the city lord, but the specific five virtues seem to vary from person to person.

While thinking about the five virtues of the city lord, Ning Yuan tried to open the information panel of Maoqing, a cat girl.

"Name: Mao Qing

Race: Kitten tribe (Yinshanmao tribe in the Western Desolate Region)

Household registration: Mengyuan Village (Dragon Prisoner Jedi Longfan Lake Mengyuan Village in the Fulong Mountains in the Longshan Region)

Position: None

Occupation: Intelligence Expert Hunter Thousand Faces


Insight: The ability to gain insight into people's hearts by looking at each other's eyes.

Skills (partial):

Shadow (Hunter): Using the ability to escape into the shadows, it will not be discovered by most detection skills.

Face change (thousand faces): Change the shape of one's face by some means. "

"The information after naturalization is indeed complete."

"The Yinshanmao in the Western Desolate Region? Are races still divided into regions?"

"The identity column for retrieving skills feedback is gone. It's replaced by a position."

"Occupations that originally showed ‘unknown’ have also been shown. ‘Thousand Faces’? Seeing skills are camouflage occupations that cooperate with intelligence experts."

Ning Yuan looked at the contract information of Maoqing, a woman from the kitten tribe, and slowly sorted out the difference between the information before and after naturalization by comparing the information feedback from the retrieval skills.

"It seems that the original identity of the aborigines once naturalized is completely disappeared. This may be the first oath in the message of the'five oaths'."

"But you have to look at other people's naturalization information."

After checking all the naturalization applications of the indigenous people, Ning Yuan clicked on the second naturalization application.

Looking at the portraits on the contract, the aboriginal named Tan Xiong is the big man in armor.

"Tan Xiong. This name matches the big man quite well."

Ning Yuan thought this way, and clicked on the big man's message.

"Name: Tan Xiong

Race: Nieno (Tan Clan of Qianyan Mountain in Longshan Domain)

Qualification: Grade A

Household registration: Mengyuan Village (Dragon Prisoner Jedi Longfan Lake Mengyuan Village in the Fulong Mountains in the Longshan Region)

Position: None

Occupation: military commander (school) heavy rock sword and axe hand dragon gunman epee swordman brass strongman


Crit: Increase the damage of all main power skills.

Skills (partial):

Roar of Courage (Military Commander): Raise the morale of subordinates and soldiers by calling orders.

Demoralizing Roar (Military Commander): Suppress the will of the front enemy military commander and enemy soldiers by roaring.

Charge in front (general): passive. In the battle, the frontman of the soldiers passively increases all the attributes of the soldiers. (Exclusive skills)

Retreat later (general): passive. Passively improve the organization of the soldiers when serving as a post-breaker. (Exclusive skills

"Sure enough, he is a military commander." Ning Yuan's eyes lit up after reading the information of the big man Tan Xiong. "Actually, he still has an exclusive passivity that can only be learned by himself. It is amazing."

"But..." Ning Yuan frowned and clicked on Mao Qing's message again, then looked back at Tan Xiong's message: "Sure enough, that woman's aptitude attributes are not revealed. Is it hidden?"

"Or, as an intelligence expert, can I change my information column?"

Ning Yuan frowned and thought for a while, then looked at the big man Tan Xiong's message again.

"The race column... It seems that the race information will show the birthplace after naturalization."

"There are many occupations, but the skills displayed are all the skills of generals. But school-level generals, this level of generals is rare in D-level cities, right?"

Wu, wei, school, general, and commander are the five ranks of the military commander system, representing the number of troops that can be directly controlled. Generals at the rank of five can often only become basic organizers of the captain and team leader, while the rank of lieutenant is a centurion. Only when they reach the school level can they have their own trilogy and can fight independently.

In the military system of the Nieno Continent, it is customary for five people to work in groups, ten people for one team, one hundred people for one husband, three hundred people for one song, five hundred people for one battalion, and one army for one thousand people.

Five-level generals can only serve as the lowest-level organizers such as group leaders and captains in the military system of the Nieno continent. The lieutenant rank can serve as centurion and song chief and become a middle-level organizer. The school level can form independent tribes, serve as battalion commanders and military commanders, and have the authority to fight independently.

Tan Xiong is a school-level military commander, which means that as long as Ning Yuan upgrades Mengyuan Village to Mengyuan Town and grants Tan Xiong permission, he can form his own independent part and have the ability to fight on his own.

In the city system of Nieno continent, the army, as an important part of the city, has its own set of rules and restrictions.

According to the level of the village-level city, a village-level militia team with a maximum of 50 people at the elementary level can have a villager with the general profession as the team leader. There can be 5 small team leaders and 10 team leaders below. The team leader and team leader do not require rigid requirements. General occupation, but there will be certain blessings if there are general occupations.

Intermediate villages can have a hunting force of 200 people, a patrol force of 100 people, and a security force of 200 people. Among them, the security forces only have the authority to participate in the defense of the village and maintain the internal security of the village. The main authority of the patrol force is to patrol the field and assist in maintaining the security of the village. Only the hunting force has the authority to fight in the field.

Said it is permission, in fact it is more like an invisible rule. Once the authority is exceeded, the troops on the Nieno continent will automatically lose the bonus of the military system and become a group of ordinary people, even a group composed of ordinary people. The generals and the organizers of the troops are unable to spread their influence to the level of the team.

High-level villages have up to 600 field combat troops, 100 field reconnaissance troops, 200 suburban patrol troops, 400 urban defense troops, and 200 security troops. Although the 600-person field force seems to be able to form two triads, the village-level cities do not have the authority to form tribes or independents (that is, personal soldiers) and battalion-level troops. Because even if it is a high-level village with 9,000 people, it is actually just a militia organization. Although there is a classification, it is not recognized by the military system of the Nieno continent, and this non-recognition does not include restrictions on authority.

That is to say, the restrictions still exist, but the blessings of the army are not.

Only when a city reaches the town level can it have the most basic regular military system. Although it is still composed of four parts: field operations, inspections, city defense, and public security, the troops at this time are officially incorporated into the military system of the Nieno continent and enjoy the blessing effect of the military system.

Only the generals who reach the town-level city, reach the school level and hold the position of no less than the battalion commander in the army have the authority to form personal soldiers, that is, independent tribes.

Only when a city reaches the D level can it have a complete military system including the main battle force, the city defense force, the siege force, the logistics force, the reconnaissance force, the inspection force, and the security force. Only at this time will the arms and sea, land, and air forces be separated independently. Only the Pikemen, Shield Soldiers, Archers, and Mountain Slayers that appeared in "The End of the Illusion" will officially appear.

Of course, it is not to say that the villages and towns below the D-level cities do not have these arms, but the arms below the D-level cities do not have the blessing of independent arms.

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