Rebirth of the Stars

Vol 2 Chapter 345:

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According to Mao Qing’s observations, the calcite beast colony entrenched on the smelting mine are basically adult fierce beasts, and the calcite beast is considered to be the most common kind of fierce beasts that can be tamed in the Nieno continent. Baidu MM is more beautiful. Therefore, in Mao Qing's view, Ning Yuan's idea of ​​taming the stone beast was a common sense mistake.

The topography of the rocky beach not far from the smelting mine is the special resource place where crystals and gems are produced, and the crystals and gems are mixed in the gravel. There is no fierce beast colony above, but there are four jewel rhinos whose strength is above the gold school level of the ground level. It is inferred that they are a family. The main one is the Zijiang-level male Gem Rhinoceros, and a golden school-level high-level female Gem Rhinoceros that is close to the purple general level is suspected to be her mate. The remaining two slightly immature golden school-grade gem rhinos should be cubs of the family.

The Gem Rhinoceros is named after wearing a gem-shaped scale armor and prefers to chew gems. A kind of strange beast whose strength lies between the golden school level and the king level. It is said that it is a different beast because the gem rhinoceros has both the violent aggressiveness of the beast and the spirituality of the spirit beast, and it can be regarded as a kind of existence between the beast and the spirit beast.

Mao Qing did not find the gem rhinoceros's nest, and speculated that the nest should be somewhere near Longfan Lake. However, because of the characteristics of Gem Rhinoceros chewing gems, Mao Qing speculates that the rocky beach should be an active place for Gem Rhinoceros.

Because of the special resources on the ground with basic strength hovering in the gems of the tiers, Ning Yuan's original plan to make up the share of the gems required for the "well of resources" was estimated to be shelved for a long time. The existence of ground-level strength will at least be equivalent to the existence of a boss for a long time.

If you want to build the "resource well" in a short time, Ning Yuan can only obtain the resources needed by the "resource well" through other methods. Regardless of gems or sulfur and mercury.

The south of the village is dominated by forest resources, and the west is dominated by mineral resources, which are densely distributed.

The cassiterite mine mentioned by Mao Qing is located in the low mountainous area about three miles behind the smelting mine. There was no evidence of beasts entrenched there. But the situation is worse.

Mao Qing found traces of human activities in the low mountain area.

According to Mao Qing, cassiterite mines, which are high-level resources, usually have a tribe of medium-sized beasts entrenched, and there will be at least one leader of the beasts.

The current situation is that there are no beasts there, on the contrary there are signs of human activity. As for the human beings in the Dragon Prisoner Jedi, all Ning Yuan could think of was the "wild people" who were different from the regular aborigines like Mao Qing.

Ning Yuan was very impressed to think about the "barbaric" forces that could wipe out a medium-sized beast group with at least one terrestrial beast leader.

Based on his half-knowledge of Nieno mainland, Ning Yuan made a detailed understanding of the existence of "wild people" to Maoqing.

According to Mao Qing, the origin of "wild people" or "outsiders" was originally aboriginal people who chose to wander continuously without joining a new city after losing a city. They were tired of wars and chose to wander constantly to avoid wars between city-states.

The original "extraterritorial people" were the aboriginal groups formed by the tribes and villages living in the wanderings outside of the city-state, in the mountains and wilderness, and in the inaccessible places.

However, because the use of city knots will default to city-state cities, the "outsiders" chose not to use urban knots to build cities. However, due to the existence of the rules of the Nieno continent, this kind of city can only be built up to the scale of a high-level town. Once it exceeds it, natural and man-made disasters will continue to occur. Moreover, the villages built in this way cannot provide the blessing effect that the aboriginal people should have in a city.

Originally, for these "outsiders", it didn't really matter whether there was blessing or not. They just want a place to rest when they are tired.

But how to say it. Although the "people outside the rule" have built tribes and villages in remote places outside the city-state, the city-state is constantly expanding.

Of course, as "outsiders" continue to multiply and thrive, more and more land and resources are needed. The conflict between the city-state and the aliens is inevitable. The only way for city-states to resolve conflicts has always been war. Baidu MM is more beautiful.

The "outsiders" chose to become "outsiders" because they were tired of war, but they had to face war because of the need to survive. This cannot but be said to be a great irony.

This is the war between the regular aborigines and the extraterritorial aborigines that Mao Qing originally said.

Now that the original choice has evolved into this ironic situation today, it is not that some of the "extraterritorial people" have not thought of re-entering the embrace of the city-state. But they soon discovered that the emergence of "outsiders" had caused some changes in the rules of the Nieno continent. They can't take the initiative to return to the city-state, and can only regain their household registration by means of prisoners of war.

Therefore, no matter what the choices and tendencies of the "outsiders" themselves, they can only communicate with the city-states through war.

In other words, the "barbarian" forces that haunt the cassiterite resource areas in the low mountainous area are powerful enemies that Ning Yuan has to face.

To be honest, after Mao Qing reported the situation around the village, Ning Yuan had only one feeling. Fortunately, he didn't go deep into the "Dragon Prisoner Jedi" to find a place to build the village. Fortunately, I found that natural dragon vein node altar.

After repeatedly sorting out the situation that he will face in the future, in silence, Ning Yuan opened the remote communication under the person panel, entered a set of communication sequences in the contact, and chose the remote voice service.

After waiting for a while, the other party accepts the voice communication prompt sound.

Ning Yuan held his breath in silence and waited.


The father's unwavering voice sounded in the silence.

Ning Yuan breathed out softly:


"Play off"

There is also no ups and downs.

"Take off." Ning Yuan pulled the corner of his mouth awkwardly, cold sweat faintly coming out of his head.

"How much is off"

Continue to have no ups and downs.

"Should be taken off as soon as I followed that dream."

Ning Yuan said in a depressed tone.

"Guess how much"

There is still no ups and downs.

"I don't know. But it should be a lot. I can't reincarnate too many times, I guessed it." Ning Yuan paused and uttered three words in a low voice with some difficulty:


"Yeah." The voice over there paused for a while.

"It's okay to guess. I couldn't escape."

"Yeah." Ning Yuan nodded, then hesitated for a while and asked:

"Dad, what should I do next"

After a brief silence, Ning Yuan heard a sigh from his father's unwavering voice:

"You don't need to worry about anything, just do what you want. I originally planned to chat with you when I met in the virtual world, but I didn't expect you to go directly in."

Paused. Father's voice continued to ring:

"But that's right, your temper has always been like this."

Ning Yuan was silent in embarrassment.

"The boss is smart and calm, the little soft is clever and cunning, and you are keen on impulse. You are not smart. Although your agitation is covered by your overly divergent thinking and association ability, you are essentially a gambler."

The father spoke word by word, while Ning Yuan continued to remain silent.

"Do you regret it?"

The father asked.

"I want to regret it. But there doesn't seem to be anything to regret."

Ning Yuan thought for a while.

"Then do it as you are. In 1500 or more, whether you like it or not, the essence of that world will always be in front of you."

"Okay." Ning Yuan replied somewhat helplessly and somewhat relievedly, and then asked what he thought of:

"Does the person behind me refer to you father"

"Is anyone here?" The father's unwavering voice seemed a little surprised.

"A cat girl appeared in front of me through the population refresh. I said so when I asked."

Ning Yuan thought for a while to add, and then briefly talked about the situation of the first refresh of Mengyuan Village.

"No." Ning Zhijun replied after listening to Ning Yuan's narration, "I'm afraid someone has already stood behind you."

"Because of inheritance" Ning Yuan asked.

"I'm afraid it is." Ning Zhijun replied.

"Okay. I think I understand." Ning Yuan passed some information in his mind and replied with a sigh.

After finishing the communication, Ning Yuan stretched his body on the seat, the expression on his face seemed relieved and helpless, both unwilling and excited, extremely complicated.

After a long time, he sighed softly:

"Chess pieces..."

After gathering his thoughts, Ning Yuan straightened his clothes, got up and walked outside the door.

The population refreshed the next day finally returned to normal. Twenty-five of the 30 people have a level C qualification and 5 have a level B qualification. The occupations are mostly hunters, farmers and fishermen. The species is also dominated by human races, with only 3 other races, of which 2 are from Shanwen tribe and 1 is from Hai tribe.

After naturalizing all the aborigines, all the persons in charge appointed yesterday started their own work.

Xu Yi organized villagers with farming skills and a Shanwen tribe who could use their ethnic abilities to reclaim wasteland on the edge of the village, and distributed the grain seeds collected from the people who brought their own wealth last night to the aborigines responsible for farming. At the same time Organize manpower to open canals and divert water.

Yang Yunyu convened several aborigines with architectural experience in the morning to start planning the land, using the authority to take out the drawings and materials stored in the warehouse, and certain basic buildings with sufficient building materials such as blacksmith shops, tailor shops, taverns, etc., for Ning Yuan to use The convenience of the village building panel is generated at the designated location, and then other people are instructed to optimize the transformation. At the same time, let the idle aborigines who have the skill of refining help refining some system building materials and obtain designated materials.

Tan Xiong and Mao Qing recruited a total of 10 aboriginals who had combat positions and reached the military level to patrol and hunt the village. According to Tan Xiong, he plans to go to the stone resource point closest to the village to see if he can attract a few stone lizards. It is best if the stone lizard community can be eliminated by the method of attracting monsters, but if not, it is considered perfect. Got intelligence.

Tan Xiong said: Although his strength is suppressed, he can easily deal with two lieutenant beasts if he fights alone.

Elder Hu Yang gathered a few villagers with basic herbal medicine knowledge and went out with Tan Xiong's team, planning to find basic medicinal materials or seedling seeds that could be hoarded.

Moorg organized fishermen to log and build ships nearby, planning to use his shipbuilder's professional skills to build a few simple fishing boats to facilitate fishermen's fishing. The sea clan who had just arrived today served as his deputy.

Liu Ying stayed with Ning Yuan because of her skills and was responsible for the long-distance communication between the responsible persons and Ning Yuan.

Ning Yuan was inexplicably relieved to see that everyone was doing what they could.

Mengyuan Village is not only his Mengyuan Village, but also everyone's Mengyuan Village. He is no longer alone. Even if some of them came here with a different purpose.

"Sure enough, it's better not to think too much." Seeing that the village that seemed empty and deserted yesterday became lively, Ning Yuan muttered with emotion, "Then I should do my own thing too."

Ning Yuan, who returned to the city hall, sat on the main seat, opened the Kun bag, and took out the 10 random treasure chests rewarded by the "Yin and Yang Mirage", the mysterious gold treasure chest redeemed for the achievement of "First Life" and the rainbow treasure chest forgotten in the Kun bag. Glancing at the "lucky" attribute on the character panel, he chose to turn on all without hesitation.

"Congratulations players..."

. . . . . .

"Congratulations to the player for getting the three change guns."

10 random treasure chests were opened with 3 white ordinary items, 1 blue exquisite blueprint, 2 orange mysterious-level blueprints, 1 golden-yellow-level classic, 2 random skill cards and a red earth-level crystal jar.

The Profound Golden Treasure Box also opened a golden yellow-grade classic, and luck was very good.

The Rainbow Treasure Box released today's second red land-level item, a spear named "Three Changes".

After putting all the gains together, Ning Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, and the originally nervous expression became relaxed.

"Good luck today."

Ning Yuan held the most conspicuous three-change gun in his hand.

"Three-changing spear form: weapon type: transforming weapon. Grade: ground. A powerful compound weapon that can transform three forms of spear, bow, and double halberd. After refining, the holder can change the weapon form with his mind.

Gun form: attack sharp level 5; attack heavy level 4; attack comprehensive level 5. Block comprehensive level 3. Additional: Piercing: Attacks based on thorns have a chance to automatically condense the metal air gun head to cause damage to the rear target. Damage level 3

Bow form: Attack comprehensive level: 5 Block comprehensive level: 4 The farthest effective range: 800 steps. Additional: Tracking Arrow Rain: When attacking, there is a certain chance to condense the vitality of the wind to form a vitality arrow with automatic pursuit attributes to attack multiple targets within the range, and it can also be adjusted to attack one target. The number of vitality arrows is random. Damage level 3

Double short halberd form: Attack cut level 5 Attack sharp level 5 Attack comprehensive level 5 Block Comprehensive level 5 Additional: Swivel halberd: According to the throwing distance of the halberd, there is a certain probability that the halberd hits the target and returns to the holder's hand . 100% return within 10 steps, 80% return within 20 steps, 60% return within 30 steps, 50% return within 40 steps, and 10% return within 40 steps. Damage rating: 5 within 10 steps, 4 within 20 steps, within 30 steps, 3, within 40 steps, 2, within 40 steps, and more than 40 steps 1"

"So strong." Ning Yuan sighed after checking the attributes of the "three changes".

This is the strongest weapon Ning Yuan has seen so far. Although the weapon displayed on the virtual trading market on the forum also has a prefecture level, it is completely incomparable with the "three changes".

Although ground-level weapons usually have two to three special additions, which seem to be stronger than the "three changes" single form and one addition, the current ground-level weapons on the market are all single-form weapons, while the "three changes" are Multi-form weapons. The combination of three forms is a complete earth-level weapon. In such a calculation, in fact, the "three changes" are also the best earth-level weapons with three additional additions.

At present, there are not many prefecture-level weapons on the market, only a few thousand. For a full 4 billion players, it can be regarded as rare to the extreme, so even if the ground-level weapons displayed for trading are ordinary ground-level or junk goods in the ground-level, they can usually be extremely outrageous in a short period of time. Sell ​​at the price. And this short time is generally the time for players to raise funds.

Ning Yuan could affirm that the ground-level weapons in the hands of players are not just the thousands on the market. Many excellent and even top-quality ground-level weapons are hidden in the players' hands. However, Ning Yuan can also be sure that the "three changes", even if they do not rely on multiple forms and only rely on attack levels, are absolutely outstanding among the top-quality earth-level weapons that are regarded as forbidden by players.

In the nine-level system of offensive and defensive equipment, in addition to the heaven-level equipment that can break through level six and possibly reach the highest level nine in theory, the highest level of offensive and defensive level that can be achieved by other quality equipment is also level 6. The average attack level of the "Three Changes" is only a five-level with a low upper limit. Among the attack levels that can be achieved by ground-level weapons, except for some extreme ground-level weapons with extreme emphasis on attack levels, it is already considered to be the highest.

The "Three Changes", a multi-form ground-level weapon with a powerful attack and additional powerful force, is a typical military general professional weapon. Because only the generals profession can use a variety of weapons without any restrictions.

At present, Tan Xiong and Ning Yuan are the most suitable in the entire village for this "three changes". It doesn't need to be said that it is suitable for Tan Xiong, because Tan Xiong's main occupation is a general. Ning Yuan is suitable for Ning Yuan because Ning Yuan is the lord, and he has not yet chosen the lord's route, and does not plan to choose the direction route.

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