Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 1044: : If you want to play, play the big one!

Overseas, the dozen or so island owners who were imprisoned were all detained on one ship.

Luo Tao was surrounded by a group of people who were basically rescued from the Huahai side. In addition, there were also some people who had just settled in on Earthly Island.

It's easy to buy these people, as long as you have money.

What Luo Tao did not expect was that the island owners he held would be so rich, each with billions, or even 10 billion, of the best spirit stones.

In addition, he fished it out of the sea, and now his net worth exceeds 300 billion superb spirit stones.

It was like a beggar who found Jinshan overnight, making Luo Tao overwhelmed.

Of course, what makes him even more concerned is Lin Hao!

There are so many thrown in the sea, which is 10 billion for his subordinates. How many top-quality spirit stones does Lin Hao himself have? He could not imagine.

This is his ultimate goal, to kill Lin Hao!

That way, no matter how many treasures Lin Hao has, no matter how many spirit stones he has! The entire human island is his!

He just broke through the Ten Tribulations True Monarch, with strength, spirit stone, and subordinates, why not be unified?

"Hei Mazi, has the hiring news been released?" Luo Tao said.

A black-faced monk smiled and said: "Let it go out. I have posted notices in every city on Earthly Island, and I will pay according to the cultivation base."

"That's good, now I have money, I am not afraid that those people will not come." Luo Tao sneered.

Not long after, three sword-bearing monks came to report.

These three people are the famous Three Swords of Greedy of the Wolf on Earth, and they are all true monarchs of the Eight Tribulations. Together they can rival the Nine Tribulations.

"Lord Luo Island, my three brothers saw the notice you posted, saying that you are recruiting people, and the Eight Tribulations True Monarch can obtain one million best spirit stones, is it true or not?"

Luo Tao throws away a storage ring without saying a word.

The Three Swords of Greedy Wolf took the storage ring, which contained three million best spirit stones!

"Hahaha! Thank you Lord Luo!" The three of them clasped their fists in excitement and found a boat to sit down.

"Don't worry, as long as you follow me and overturn Lin Hao's rule, there will be as many top-quality spirit stones as you need in the future." Luo Tao said triumphantly.

As the notice was posted, more and more experts would join in the future, and even True Monarch of the Nine Tribulations would join. Luo Tao didn't worry about Lin Hao's comeback.


At this moment, Lin Hao left the temple and entered a city at will.

At the gate of the city, a notice was blatantly pasted--

"High-priced recruitment: One hundred thousand top-grade spirit stones for the Seven Tribulations, one million for the Eight Tribulations, and 10 million for the Nine Tribulations. You only need to obey the order for a month and come to Huahai if you agree..."

Lin Hao glanced, did not tear off the notice, but smiled slightly.

He was also going to take a trip to Huahai himself, it seemed that he didn't need it, because Luo Tao would attack him sooner or later.

He only needs to arrange the formation and wait for it.

"Alright, I want to see how many people you can gather! I will kill as many people as I come. Have fun, otherwise, I really think I am a soft persimmon." Lin Hao sneered.

It has only been two years since the five-year plan has just started, and such a mess has happened.

After all, his deterrence is not enough!

He needs to play a big one to kill everyone on Earthly Island and make people tremble. Otherwise, there will be people asking for trouble in the future.

Since it is a deterrent, be thorough!


Lin Hao returned to the temple leisurely.

Anyway, in the end, Lin Hao didn't worry about how many spirit stones he took.

He took out the best spirit stone and buried it under the temple ground.

This time, it was not an ordinary burial, but a formation!

Luo Tao set a time limit for "obeying orders for one month," indicating that he will attack within one month!

Lin Hao only needs to arrange a formation that can subdue everything before this.

Come and kill as much!

At this time, Mu Qing came to the temple again, and saw that Lin Hao had not taken any action, but had buried the spirit stone in the temple.

She hurriedly shouted: "Lord Lin, the big thing is not good! Luo Tao has begun to recruit troops and may attack at any time! Moreover, he has broken through the Ten Tribulation True Lord!"

Lin Hao ignored him, burying the spirit stone on his own.

Mu Qing was completely confused.

It's all like this, don't you worry?

When Lin Hao defeated Wang Shan, he still relied on the Insect Sea tactics and exploited Wang Shan's insufficient real energy to consume his life.

But in Luo Tao, there is no such thing as insufficient true energy! Luo Tao has too many top-grade spirit stones, and he can absorb it while fighting.

At that time, let alone one million bugs, 100 million bugs will not be enough for Luo Tao to kill. Killing for ten days and ten nights will not be exhausted.

"Lord Lin, Luo Tao has broken through the Ten Tribulations True Monarch! There are so many spirit stones, you can't kill him!" Mu Qing emphasized again.

"Don't you see that I am busy?" Lin Hao frowned.

"But..." Mu Qing didn't know what to say.

She is going crazy!

If Luo Tao is a reckless man, she is not worried, but Luo Tao is extremely shrewd and knows how to recruit troops and make the most of his resources.

How could Lin Hao calm down with such a cunning opponent.

"Lord Lin..." Mu Qinggang wanted to speak.

"Stop it!" Lin Hao stopped the movement in his hand and raised his hand to interrupt her.

"Mu I just remind you once, I do things, just look at them, and if you have any comments, you can **** off!" Lin Hao said blankly.

After speaking, he continued to bury the spirit stone, Mu Qing who was dumbfounded.

Mu Qing looked at Lin Hao, her beautiful face was full of confusion, she didn't know what to do.

Two years ago, when Lin Hao first came, she was skeptical of Lin Hao, and even when Lin Hao first bought her heavily, she still wanted to refuse.

But as time went by, she discovered that Lin Hao was not only greedy for the position of the island owner, but wanted to use the position of the island owner to improve the cultivation environment on Earthly Island.

He even took out a huge amount of the best spirit stone, let everyone bury the ground and throw it into the sea, regardless of everyone's contemptuous eyes, and devoted themselves to construction.

Is there anything more perfect than the island owner who has no selfishness and is dedicated to the island?

Everyone is selfish, and so is she!

However, she couldn't see Lin Hao's selfishness, so much so that even now, Lin Hao was still burying the spirit stone.

Mu Qing's eye circles were red, and tears hung on that delicate face.

Lin Hao is the most perfect island owner she has ever seen.

Mu Qing didn't want Earth Island to be just like that, being occupied by Luo Tao!

She pondered for a long time, struggling flashed in her eyes, as if she had made a certain decision.

Immediately, Mu Qing left the temple and flew towards the distance.

After Mu Qing left, Lin Hao was finally able to set up peace of mind.

He was just worried that Mu Qing accidentally revealed the formation, so he didn't tell anyone.


Lin Hao waved his hand, and the temple was closed. Without his instructions, no one could see the situation here.

"The best spirit stone has been buried, and the formation begins."

Lin Hao rose into the sky, opened the three-flower gathering, played various tedious formations, and entered the formation state.

(End of this chapter)

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