Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 1050: : 5 years later!

"Master Qingyou, now it's more than a year since Longchi is opened, and there are experts from other places coming everywhere, I'm afraid there will be no peace in Pill City." The dark guard said respectfully.

"What's going on this time? When Longchi opened before, I didn't see so many people coming!" Qingyou Pill Saint Willow frowned slightly.

"It's like this. A month ago, a Dragon Pool Token auction appeared in the Middle-earth God Realm. Ten Dragon Pool Tokens appeared at the auction, attracting those masters." The guard said respectfully.

"How could this be?"

Qingyou Dansheng said in shock.

Longchi Ling is the pass of Longchi, but the origin of Longchi Ling has always been a mystery.

Some people were found in a certain ruin, some were found in a cave, even fished in the barren sea, or from an auction.

No one knows where the source of these Long Chi Ling is.

Ten of them came out at once, which is equivalent to attracting ten batches of masters of Middle-earth God's Domain.

In such a small place as Nanfengyu, I'm afraid there is no peaceful day!

"Haha! Unexpectedly, the news of this Pill City is quite acquainted."

Suddenly, there was a seductive chuckle in the ear.

"Who?!" Pill Sage Qingyou immediately stood up and looked over there.

I saw an evil woman with purple lips and blushing face, standing at the door of the black tower, with a smile, looking at Qingyou Dansheng.

"The junior is quiet, I have seen the senior."

Pill Sage Qingyou quickly reacted and bowed to the evil woman in front of him.

This person could break into the Pill City Black Tower quietly without disturbing any guards, indicating that the strength far exceeds any of them.

It's useless to resist!

"Yo! Quite interesting. Next, Pill City will be in charge of my Poison Emperor. Do you have any comments?" The evil charm woman laughed.

Pill Saint Qingyou glanced at the dark guard.

However, it was discovered that the dark guard had no gods in his eyes, and his whole body was black, and he was obviously poisoned.

"No comment!" Qingyou Dansheng quickly said.


The dark guard fell to the ground and died of anger.

The heart of Qingyou Pill Saint was extremely nervous, these dark guards were left by Master Canghai, the last defensive power of Pill City, and they were all so easily resolved!

Dan City has completely fallen!

"Useless people, my old lady has been cleaned up. The reason why you are left is purely because you are a pill saint, and it has a little effect!"

"If you don't obey discipline and play a crooked mind, I can turn you into blood with a single thought!" The evil charm woman said calmly.

At this moment, Qingyou Dansheng felt his throat blocked, as if something had entered.

"Yes! The junior must obey Lord Poison Emperor's instructions!" Qingyou Dansheng said respectfully.


When major changes occurred in the Nanfeng domain.

Earth-shaking changes have also taken place in the small space far away in the sea of ​​Thousand Islands, on the human island.

In the past five years, Human Island has completely changed.

The human island in the past was barren and barren, without any vitality, inferior to the barrenest place in the Eastern Profound Region.

At this moment, the concentration of spiritual energy on the human island has reached the average level of the Eastern Profound Domain, and many spiritual veins have been born.

In the mountains and forests, under the ground, and in the sea, countless large and small spiritual veins were born. The number of low-grade spiritual veins that have been discovered has reached fifty, and there are five middle-grade spiritual veins, and one high-grade spiritual vein has appeared.

These have been discovered, not including those that have not been discovered.

In addition, the monster beasts in the sea began to appear frequently, and it is estimated that in a few thousand years, the monster beasts on the land will also begin to appear.

On the entire human island, the concentration of aura has been significantly improved from before. Without the blessing, there is no big problem in giving birth to the Golden Core Nascent Infant.

These changes can be most felt by the residents of Human Island.

In the past, taxation was abolished, and the spirit of heaven and earth became stronger and stronger, and the quality of life increased linearly.

This is of great benefit to everyone.

"These are the credits of Island Master Lin!"

"Lin Island Lord Gao Gong is the world, I heard that he planted hundreds of billions of superb spirit stones for the environment of the human island!"

"So many of the best spirit stones are thrown into the sea and buried under the ground. What a waste!"

"You know what a fart! Island Master Lin once said that the aura returns to nature and it is another reincarnation. Only in this way can the current environment be created!"

"Thank you, Island Master Lin, he is our god!"

The legend of Lin Hao circulated everywhere on Earthly Island.

Lin Hao became their belief.

In some places, sculptures were even built specifically for Lin Hao to show respect to him.

There are statues of Lin Hao at the gates of 30 cities, which are placed side by side with the statues of Dragon Turtle, and they have the same status.

No one has objections! Lin Hao is God!

Of course, in addition to these, Lin Hao also cleaned up a lot of people.

During the five-year period, although there has not been a large-scale rebellion, there are still a few sneakers.

For example, stealthily taking away a few top-quality spirit stones in an attempt to confuse the past, some people secretly dig the veins of the born spirit stones, or secretly fish.

For these people, Lin Hao gave a death order. As long as he found out, they would kill them The human island is not big. A small number of human monks can promote natural circulation, but once the number is too large, they become parasites and cannibalize them. Reiki!

Especially the number of masters can't be large, any monk during the Tribulation Period is a bottomless pit that absorbs spiritual energy, and Lin Hao naturally can kill or kill.

In this regard, Lin Hao specifically listed some extremely strict laws in order to clean up the excess number of masters.

Thief, kill! Provoking troublemakers, kill! Even the people who abused Lin Hao secretly were killed!

Not only for ordinary people, but for those high-level people, they are equally strict! Fish and meat people, bully, kill! Corruption and pervert the law, kill!

Kill kill kill!

Anyway, with the help of the Dragon Tortoise Immortal, the consciousness of the Dragon Tortoise Immortal stares at the entire human island at any time, and criminals in any corner cannot escape.

Under Lin Hao's thundering methods, in just five years, the population of Human Island has dropped by about 30%, especially the number of strong people, directly reduced by half!

More than a dozen people from those high-levels were also cleared.

There were even cultivators in the Tribulation Period, who were killed by Lin Hao because they crushed a golden core ant!

Putting this in the past, it was something that was taken for granted. The strong are always above them. How can they not kill the weak?

But under Lin Hao's hands, it just couldn't work.

As long as Lin Hao finds a reason, it will be dead.

Such incidents have also caused a period of disturbance, and many masters expressed dissatisfaction with this. If Lin Hao's prestige were not too great, he might have revolted together!

But after one night, anyone who dared to scold Lin Hao secretly had become a dead person! Those who survived were all grateful to Lin Hao.

Therefore, no one is dissatisfied!

Everyone admired Lin Hao's methods and was willing to pass on this rule!

No way, it's so strong!

(End of this chapter)

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