Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 1152: : Nakaumi, Manyo Gakuin

The Teleportation Array in Qingzhou is located in the central square of the city.

There are already many people here, all waiting for noon.

At this moment, there is a strange examiner beside Ying Fu, leading a group of new students from the Ten Thousand Demons Academy.

However, the number of new students is poor, only five.

"Lin Hao, let me introduce you. This is Deacon Yu. He is the examiner in charge of enrollment in Qingcheng. This time he plans to go back with us in advance." Ying Fu introduced.

Lin Hao looked at the fish deacon, and this person really had some fish characteristics, especially the round eyes.

Lin Hao wondered: "Qingcheng is the largest city in Qingzhou. Why did it recruit five people?"

"Ah! Don't mention it, the outstanding candidates in Qingcheng are all monopolized by Galaxy Academy. They deceived people too much. I also wanted to protect the safety of the freshmen, so I wanted to send them back in advance." Deacon Yu sighed.

From his expression, it seemed that he had been greatly humiliated, otherwise, he would not go back early and swallow his anger.

Lin Hao listened and glanced in the distance.

At the end of the square is the admission point.

At this time, everyone in Galaxy Academy also looked over with provocative eyes.

Lin Hao has no past plans for the time being, and ignores it.

"Hey, those gangsters must be scolding their mother secretly!"

"They only dared to curse behind their backs, they didn't dare to come over at all!"

"Don't recruit students if you don't have the strength, it's really embarrassing!"

Everyone in Galaxy College laughed.

The three hospitals enrolled students in a unified way, but went home early, which is a shame.


Soon it was noon, and the teleportation array opened.

The crowd waiting here rushed up and rushed into the formation.

The teleportation array opened, and everyone quickly disappeared, entering a space tunnel.

The space tunnel connects Qingzhou and Zhonghai.

Everyone can feel that they are advancing quickly under the urging of the formation.

Only after a stick of incense, I arrived at the exit of the space tunnel.

"Swish swish..."

Everyone rushed out of the tunnel and appeared in a square!

This is the center of Middle-earth God's Domain——Zhonghai!

They are located on the eastern coast of Zhonghai. Looking to the west, they can see the vast ocean.

"Ten Thousand Demons Academy is still some distance away, you all come with me!"

Eagle Fu turned into a huge falcon, and everyone rode on it.

Ying Fu soared into the sky and flew to the huge ocean in the distance.

Zhonghai is the inland ocean of Middle-earth God's Territory, and its area is about one-third of the Middle-earth God's Territory!

However, there are many small secret realms hidden in the ocean of Zhonghai, and the number of those secret realms is much more than other places! Even the Demon Realm among the Three Realms is also located in Zhonghai.

Lin Hao still clearly remembers the specific location of some small secret realms, some of which contain countless rare and exotic treasures, or treasures left by predecessors, or some special natural secret realms, or extremely dangerous local!

Lin Hao in his previous life had visited many small secret realms in Zhonghai, but he didn't look at the treasures!

But now it's different. If you have a chance, you must go and see it.

Sitting on Yingfu's back, he flew for about an hour.

On the sea ahead, an immense island appeared.

Said it is an island, in fact it is not smaller than the Eastern Profound Region at all, and it can be regarded as a continent! It's just a small thing compared to the entire Zhonghai.

Here is the headquarters of the Ten Thousand Demons Academy.

From a distance, Ten Thousand Demons Academy was shrouded in a thick spiritual fog, and it was not real, only a few places on the shore could be seen clearly.

Ying Fu landed at the gate of the college and transformed into a human form.

The gate of the college was closed, and two elders sat quietly on the towers on both sides.

One of them glanced at Ying Fu and said calmly: "Elder Ying Fu, when the enrollment is completed, all new students will be admitted to the hospital after being checked! The rest of the time are not allowed!"

"Yes!" Ying Fu nodded.

"Wait! We won't be able to go in until the enrollment is complete and the examiners everywhere bring people back." Ying Fu said.

Hearing this, many freshmen sat down at the door.

Lin Hao closed his eyes, and he could feel that when he entered the range of the Ten Thousand Demons Academy, there was a wave of formations enveloping him.

In such a place, if Jiuyou Demon Venerable followed, he would definitely be discovered.

I don't know where that demon went.

Days pass by.


Dongxuanyu, Yan Luojiang.

The space here is slightly distorted, and a young man in a purple robe appears here out of thin air.

Without a word, he entered the cave of the Sealed Nine Nether Demons.

In the cave, the Demon Sealing Monument stood upright.

"Oh! Isn't this a galaxy bastard, how come you have time to see your grandfather?" Jiuyou Demon Venerable's sneer voice was passed from the Sealing Demon Tablet.

Chu Xinghe glanced a few times and said calmly: "I tell you a piece of news, your Demon Sect has been destroyed by me! All the members of the Demon Sect have been killed by me!"

"The Demon Sect was destroyed?" Jiu You Demon Venerable was furious.

He had known about it a long time ago.

However, he must behave as if he had just learned about this, otherwise he will be found out if something abnormal! I had expected the ending of the Demon Sect! You come here, it shouldn't be purely to show off your power, just let it out if you have any farts! "Nine You Demon Lord said coldly.

"Okay! Now, I want you to cooperate with me in investigating one thing! Look at your Demon Sect, are there any fish that slip through the net above the eighth layer of the Hedao Realm?"

After speaking, he took out a crock, and a transparent soul body was released by him.

"This is the great elder of your sect. As long as you cooperate well, I will let him go, otherwise, in front of you, let him die!" Chu Xinghe said coldly.

But he knew that this great elder was the first master of Jiuyou Demon Venerable. He was brought up since he was a child, and the two have the closest relationship!

Jiuyou Demon Sovereign sneered immediately: "Hehe, do you think you can use this old immortal life to blackmail me? I yeah! I don't even care about my son's life or death, you should get out of here!"

"Is it?"

Chu Xinghe narrowed his eyes and saw the sword light in his palm, cutting the body of the Great Elder Demon Sect tens of thousands of times.


The miserable howling sound resounded in this magic cave.

Jiuyou Demon Venerable has been unmoved.

It lasted for three full days before and after, the Demon Sect elder exhausted and was cut into nothingness.

From beginning to end, Jiuyou Demon Venerable sneered, as if watching him play a monkey game.

"Okay! You are good, goodbye!"

Chu Xinghe nodded slightly and left here.

After he left, a brilliant light flashed in his eyes, took out the gossip mirror, and took a photo near the Yanluo River.

"Jiuyou, Jiuyou, don't even care about your master's death, it turns out that it is!"

Chu Xinghe retracted the gossip mirror, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

On the surface, he lost! However, through the performance of Nine Nether Demons, he discovered even more amazing secrets!

(End of this chapter)

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