Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 1157: : No one can fight


The three seductive women froze suddenly.

"This big brother, once the Tao Ze spiritual liquid is taken away, it will quickly evaporate. It doesn't make sense for you to take it away. It's better to stay and let us!"

A seductive purple-clothed fox said: "Moreover, we don't take it for nothing. If Big Brother needs it, we can do anything we want!"

As she said, she squeezed her body, smiled, and actively posted it.


Suddenly, Lin Hao's eyes were cold and she yelled, shocking her to shrink back.

"Don't be passionate, I'm not a savior! By the way, tell the freshmen outside that I am not here to help them. If you feel unhappy, even if you come to me to ask, I don't mind beating them violently." Lin Haoleng Cold road.

Just a word made the three women pale.

Lin Hao ignored their feelings and continued to the next yard.

In this way, the situation becomes very delicate.

When everyone learned that Lin Hao violently beat the old students not to help them, but for themselves, their mood instantly fell to the bottom.

In other words, no matter whether Lin Hao makes a move, they have nothing to do with them, and they won't get the slightest benefit!

This time, there are more than 300 people in total, including 300 monsters and dozens of humans.

In other words, there are close to a hundred yards!

In just one hour, Lin Hao swept through 20 yards and seized 60 Pond Dao Ze Ling Ye.

However, at this moment, a group of people appeared in front of him, blocking his way.

It was a group of old students who had been beaten violently by him before.

Among these old students, there are all races, all kinds of monsters!

Those who dare to seize the spirit pool have at least the strength of the mid-level first heaven of Hedao realm.

"Are you Lin Hao?" The head of a lion's head narrowed his eyes, and a cold light burst out.

This lion head was the leader they found, with the highest cultivation level, reaching the early stage of the second layer of the He Dao realm, which was a whole level higher than Lin Hao.

"Look, Lin Hao is going to be unlucky!"

"He is good at strength, but after offending so many people, he is definitely not good!"

"If you grab the spirit pool, you can absorb it yourself, but you have to take it away and grab another one. Isn't this irritating the crowd?"

All the freshmen talked later.

Lin Hao glanced at the lion's head, as if he didn't want to talk too much nonsense.


Suddenly, he rushed forward and hit the lion's head with a fist.

Lin Hao's arm was covered by dark golden dragon scales, and the terrifying physical power made everyone shocked.

This is the first time that Lin Hao has fully demonstrated his strength after he evolved!

The lion head was not to be outdone, a golden phantom appeared behind him, roared, and hit Lin Hao.

"Crazy lion spirit!"

Inside the lion's head, golden qi rushed frantically, colliding with Lin Hao's fist.

These qi, any wisps of gas are heavier than fine iron, hitting the gas, it is like hitting an iron plate.

However, Lin Hao is like a broken bamboo! Go ahead!


With just a fist, the lion's head's qi was dissipated, and then, without any reduction, he rushed to Huanglong and hit the lion's head in the chest.

Just hearing the sound of "click", the lion's head was pierced through the chest, spouting a big mouth of blood, and flew out several kilometers away, even the surface was shaken out of a big hole!

The horrible energy swept out, forcing many old students to back countless steps, staring in horror, and never dared to step forward.

One punch, lion head defeat!

In front of them, Lin Hao fought leapfrog, crushing forcefully! They really have a hard time!

"Does anyone still want to die?"

The gloomy words were passed out, making everyone fearful.

"Don't dare!"

Everyone shook their heads.

"If you don't dare, then get out!" Lin Hao shouted coldly.

"Yes!" All the monsters dispersed in a rush.

To deal with these old students, talking nonsense is meaningless, the easiest way is to punch them to convince them!

However, Lin Hao was also a little surprised at the blow he had just now!

What he couldn't think of was that he didn't need to obliterate the law, the pure physical power was so powerful!

Is this the power of the dragon?

On Lin Hao's arm, the dark golden dragon scales faded.

After all, Ten Thousand Demons Academy had fallen, and there was not even one that could fight.

This surprised Lin Hao slightly.

He shook his head and walked to the next yard.

Opening the yard door, the alpacas inside didn't need him to speak, and took the initiative to get out. Obviously, he had heard of Lin Hao's reputation.

Lin Hao was happy to see the result, collected the spirit pond and walked to the next courtyard.

Just like that, go all the way and collect!

No one dared to stop him anymore!

Since teaching the lion head, everyone has become extremely talkative.

On this day, both old and new students have heard of such a terrifying existence!

Hanging the old student with one hand, even the lion head of the second layer of the Dao Realm, is not his enemy of a punch!

Really invincible!


In the monster residential area, outside the nine clouds, on a cloud in the sky.

Dean Golden Lion hovered high in the sky, his eyes pierced into the void, looking at Lin Hao below, touching his beard and thinking.

Beside him, Ying Fuan stood quietly.

"In the early stage of Hedao Stage One, you can beat the first stage of Hedao Stage Two with one has crossed a class, and the physical strength alone has such strength!"

Dean Golden Lion's eyes condensed and said, "What species is he?"

"Subordinates don't know, but it is undoubtedly a divine beast!" Ying Fu said.

"Mythical beasts? Although there are a lot of mythical beasts in our hospital, they are very rare like him! Those who meet the requirements are Titan Mythical Apes, Golden Unicorns, and Mountain Crackers..."

Dean Golden Lion groaned.

What Dean Golden Lion said is a monster with a powerful body and the potential to leapfrog!

However, having potential does not mean it can be achieved!

Most sacred beasts have the potential to leapfrog and challenge, but there are very few that can truly leapfrog!

"In any case, this is a blessing for our hospital!" Ying Fu bowed.

"That's right! Lin Hao, secretly observe, focus on training!" Dean Golden Lion said.

As for Lin Hao's collection of the aisle, the matter of wasting resources, they were completely ignored!

In their opinion, Lin Hao is purely violent, pure revenge!

What's wrong with such a genius, wasting a little resource?


After Lin Hao taught the lion head, the journey went smoothly. Someone left without any action.

"Big brother, I will pay, don't take away these three spiritual ponds, what about selling them to me?"

When entering a courtyard, a Pegasus inside said.

"What price?" Lin Hao said.

"A thousand Dao is a spiritual crystal, how about it?" Tianma smiled.

Lin Hao thought for a while, but he confiscated the storage rings of several elder guardians of Youhai Dragon Palace. Although the treasures were all taken by Jiuyou Demon Venerable, the Dao Ze Lingjing inside was still there.

His current net worth, Dao Ze Lingjing has 50,000 yuan, lack of this?

"Get out!" Lin Hao urged.

(End of this chapter)

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