After Lin Hao returned to the Ten Thousand Demons Academy, he had already planned to close up.

Recently, his popularity has been so high that Galaxy Academy has noticed that this is not a good thing, even the venerable will kill him.

Although he escaped by a fluke this time, Lin Hao also understood the truth of the tree's intrigue.

He planned to retreat for a few years, and tried his best to break through to the triple heaven of Hedao realm before coming out.

Lin Hao returned to the secret territory.

Yingquan and Ape Taixu have also remained in retreat. It seems that the last incident hit them quite hard.

However, the day after Lin Hao returned, Dean Golden Lion came to the door.

"Lin Hao, someone is looking for you and let you go out." Dean Golden Lion said.

"Who?" Lin Hao wondered.

"This..." Dean Golden Lion hesitated: "It's the person who saved you last time."

"He?" Lin Hao frowned.

"That person used Wanli Voice Transmission to inform me. If you don't go out, he will kill me." Dean Golden Lion said.

Lin Hao was speechless.

Lin Hao had no reason not to go after being called by Jiuyou Demon Venerable, so he could only leave the college.

He stood at the gate of Ten Thousand Demons Academy and said, "Come out!"

"Come out! Someone in the Ten Thousand Demons Academy knows me, I still won't pass." Jiuyou Demon Venerable said to him through a long distance.

Lin Hao still flew out.

When he flew beyond the Ten Thousand Demon Academy, a distance of thousands of miles, the Nine Nether Demons appeared.

The aura of Jiuyou Demon Venerable seemed to be stronger than when he first came out. However, he was wearing a special black robe, his whole person was like a shadow, and even Lin Hao could hardly recognize it.

"Where did you get your clothes?" Lin Hao asked.

"Tingfeng Restaurant, their concealment methods should be called unparalleled in the world!" Jiuyou Demon Lord said.

"Did you go to Listen Wind Restaurant?" Lin Hao was surprised.

"My Demon Sect is destroyed, and there is nowhere to go. I can only find a force suitable for hiding. Only Tingfeng Restaurant is most suitable." Jiuyou Demon Venerable said calmly.

Lin Hao nodded slightly, which made sense.

He came to the Ten Thousand Demon Academy, and it was impossible for the Nine Nether Demon Venerable to follow. There was a powerhouse in the Ten Thousand Demon Academy who was at the pinnacle of the Dao Realm.

"Why are you looking for me?" Lin Hao said.

Jiuyou Demon Venerable stared at him and said, "Can you solve the curse on me?"

Lin Hao smiled suddenly: "Are you kidding me?"

"Boy, as long as you get rid of the curse, I promise you won't kill you! Besides, you are now in the Ten Thousand Demon Academy. If I kill you, the old demon will not hunt me all over the world? I am offended. Galaxy College, if you go to offend the Ten Thousand Demons College, isn't it just looking for death?" Jiuyou Demon Venerable said.

This makes sense, and Lin Hao also knows that once the curse is released, the other party will not kill him.

But why do you want to solve it?

"Hahaha! Jiuyou, do you treat me as a fool?" Lin Hao smiled.

"Boy! Don't toast or eat fine wine!"

Jiuyou Demon Sovereign angrily rebuked: "Do you know that you have done me miserable! As soon as you get hurt, I will get hurt! During your time in Ten Thousand Monster Academy, I have been inexplicably injured several times, you and a group of ants Fighting, I also suffer losses. Isn't this making things difficult for me?"

Hearing what Jiuyou said, Lin Hao was stunned. It's no wonder that he came all the way to look for him because of this.

"As long as you untie my curse, just say what you want! I still have some status in Tingfeng Restaurant, even though the lion speaks loudly!" Jiuyou Mozun solemnly said.

However, Lin Hao spread his hands: "I'm sorry, I don't know how to unlock it."


Jiuyou Demon Sovereign rushed up immediately and grabbed Lin Hao by the collar.

"You fool me?"

"I swear, I absolutely didn't fool you, it's true!" Lin Hao Chen Ken said.

Jiuyou Demon Sovereign stared at Lin Hao for a long time, gritted his teeth and said, "Is it possible that this is the only way to do that?"

Lin Hao said earnestly: "Jiuyou, it’s good for you to come out. Your body is just a puppet. What's a little hurt? When I release your body in the future, it will ruin this puppet. Why not?"

After hearing this, Jiuyou Demon Lord said: "What you said makes sense, but there is no other way?"

"Yes!" Lin Hao said.

"What?" Jiuyou Demon Venerable asked.

"You can help me a little bit and let me get less hurt!" Lin Hao smiled.

Jiuyou Demon Sovereign was immediately angry.

"You dare to be an inch, do you really think I dare not kill you?" Jiuyou Demon Venerable stared at him and said angrily.

"You are being chased by the Galaxy Sword Master now!" Lin Hao said.

Jiuyou Demon Sovereign was taken aback immediately.

He looked at Lin Hao and said in surprise: "How do you know?"

The name of the Galaxy Sword Sovereign is like Lei Guaner, but ordinary people are not even qualified to see him. How does Lin Hao know the movements of the Galaxy Sword Sovereign?

"Well, let's make a deal!" Lin Hao said.

"What deal?" Jiuyou Demon Lord said.

"I teach you a trick of martial arts, suitable for escape, you pass the demon eyes of **** to me." Lin Hao stared at him seriously, not at all joking.

After hearing this, Jiuyou Demon Sovereign chuckled and said, "Boy, do you think it is possible? Can the martial arts who escaped compare with my **** eye?"

"This technique is called Jiuyao Extreme Speed!" Lin Hao said.

When Jiuyou Mozun heard these four words, his body froze on the spot.

Jiuyao is extremely fast, the top body and martial arts in the sky, the fastest! Except for the teleportation array, no one can beat it! Even in short-distance movement, it exceeds the teleportation array!

Originally, there were only two people on the mainland who could do this trick, Lei Zun Destroyer and his apprentice, Sword Sovereign Galaxy.

After Lei Zun Mieshi died, only Galaxy Sword Sovereign remained.

Jiuyou Demon Sovereign was shocked and suspicious.

If the Jiuyao is really fast, once he is discovered by the Galaxy Sword Master, there is still a possibility of escape!

"How do you make me believe you?" Jiuyou Demon said.

"I'll teach it to you first. If you feel satisfied, it's not too late to teach it to me."

Lin Hao lightly tapped out and hit the forehead of Jiuyou Demon Venerable.

In an instant, a huge message poured into his mind.

It took a full to finish teaching.

Lin Hao's face appeared pale, teaching this kind of martial arts also consumes a lot of his soul power.

Jiuyou Demon Venerable opened his eyes and said to himself in shock: "It really is Jiuyao speed!"

This kind of huge information convinced him.

He looked at Lin Hao and smiled: "You just passed it on to me, are you afraid that I will regret it?"

"We have a common enemy. You can live an extra day and help me a little bit more. Even if you regret it, I won't suffer!" Lin Hao said.

When Jiuyou Demon Lord heard this, he burst into laughter.

"Haha! Have a personality, since you trust me, it's okay to teach you this **** eye! However, it is not easy to practice, there are a series of restrictions, it depends on whether you have that ability!"

(End of this chapter)

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