Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 416: : A fierce battle!

All this came too fast, Lin Hao escaped the attack of the three people in the cracks, bullied himself up, the dragon claws came out, and the three were instantly killed.

For an instant, a deafening exclamation erupted from the rear.


"Lin Hao is a dragon?"

All kinds of shocked voices resounded, and even the cave monks who fought against the sky in the distance were stagnant.

The dragon, one of the strongest semi-divine beasts under the beast, is rare in the world, and the wild beast sect for thousands of years, there is only the ice and fire king and the one and the ice and fire two-headed flood!

Now, there is one more Lin Hao!

It turned out that Lin Hao had been hiding, but now at a critical juncture, he had to be exposed, and finally showed his true race in front of everyone!

"He is... the dragon?" Chu Feng was shocked. Doesn't that mean that Lin Hao's blood is more noble than her?

After Long Xiaotian froze for a long time, he grinned and gave out a grinning grin.

"Hahaha! God helps me too, I never thought you were still a dragon!"

Long Xiaotian wiped his mouth with excitement, as excited as he saw food.

He tempered his body with dragon blood, naturally knowing that the dragon bloodline was contained in the dragon's body. If Lin Hao's blood was drawn out and let him absorb it, it would definitely make his dragon blood more pure!

The mood of the Ice Fire King was a bit complicated. What was delighted was that Lin Hao was a Flood Dragon with unlimited potential, which was a great blessing for the Wild Beast Sect. But unfortunately, once the race is discovered to be a dragon, and there is not enough strength to protect oneself, it will become a treasure for the greedy monks!

After all, the real Flood Dragon, even Monk Cavexu, would be greedy!

Not to mention the current situation, whether Lin Hao can escape is still a matter of two!

"Grab him, grab him!" Long Xiaotian roared excitedly, shaking his fist, trying his best to hit the mountain above his head.

With every punch, the mountain shook fiercely, indicating that the mountain would not last long.

Chu Feng was also helping, mobilizing Flame Will with all his strength, transforming into various flame weapons, burning on the mountain.

Under the combined blow of a man and a demon, the suppressed mountain above his head was shattering at a slow speed. It is estimated that it is only a matter of time before it is completely destroyed.

Once Long Xiaotian and Chu Feng are out of trouble and facing Lin Hao, one can imagine the result.

The elders of the Academy Alliance in the distance noticed the situation here and rushed even more frantically.

They could see that Lin Hao was desperate, and every Escape Talisman had a price and no market. He must have run out.

Immediately, five more people came to Lin Hao.

"Broken Magic Spear!"

"Heavy snow!"

"Thousand Fire Technique!"


The five people each practice martial arts, and their dazzling moves are covering Xiao Long. Although they are not experts in the Qianlong list, no one knows the martial arts of the sky, but the combined martial arts of these top-level martial arts is enough to threaten Lin Hao !

In the face of these attacks, Lin Hao didn't change his face, and under the blessing of the three-flowered state, in his eyes, these moves were no different from slow motion, just like a group of ants embroidering their legs in front of him, flaws everywhere!

Lin Hao jumped up, his body became countless times smaller, and he almost passed through the cracks of many martial arts, only some corners were touched by him.

But relying on Lin Hao's physical strength, those scattered martial arts energy, did not hurt him at all.

"Tear the Dragon Claw!"

In the next second, Lin Hao came to them and tore it off with a paw.

"Chi!" "Chi!" "Chi!"

The bodies of the three people were cut side by side into countless parts.


The remaining two people wanted to retreat, and were entangled by Lin Hao's tail, squeezed hard, and instantly pressed into two meat sauces.

"You killed a monster at level 48 and gained 27 million experience points! (Leapfrog challenge experience bonus 50%

"You killed a monster at level 48 and gained 27 million experience points! (Leapfrog challenge experience bonus 50%


After the Thunder killed five people, a series of experience skyrocketed, rising by more than 100 million.

Now Lin Hao needs 3 billion experience to advance to the first level, which is far from enough!

"Come again!"

Lin Hao roared, no longer defending in place, but instead charged at the group of elders who came to attack.

Lin Hao's tail was swinging, and between his wings and fan, like a black aurora, it rushed into the scattered crowd in front of him.


Lin Hao's wings cut and passed, and an eighth-level elder was severely severed!

Lin Hao ripped the claws and burst an elder's head!

Lin Hao bit him up, biting one person to pieces!

Now he, Jiulong Leigang has trained to the fourth dragon, no longer needs any powerful martial arts to assist in killing enemies, his physical strength is the strongest martial arts!

As Lin Hao shuttled past again and again, one life after another was harvested by him, and Lin Hao's body was sprinkled with blood, like a **** killing god.

More and more corpses fell like wheat, and those elders on the seventh and eighth floors of the transformation did not even have the power to resist Lin Hao.

"kill him!"

"Shoot together!"

At this time, three powerful shadows rushed in the distance, wearing a star blue robe, one holding a spear, one holding a knife, and one holding a sword. They are the three famous elders in the Star Academy!

The three of them are all the pinnacles of transforming gods, who have made great achievements for the Star Academy, and their trump cards are no less than the geniuses of Qianlong. With the three of them working together, there was no emptiness, and almost no one could compete with them. Even Zhuge Guiyuan had to hate his shot.

Except for Long Xiaotian, they have not yet encountered an unkillable cultivator of God!

"Star Slashing Dragon Sword!"

"Star Dragon Sabre!"

"Star Breaking Dragon Spear!"

The three of them waved their weapons and aimed at Lin Haoqi together, one for sword energy, one for sword light, and one for spear light! Three completely different attacks shrouded Lin Hao's third path, sealing all his retreats to death, unavoidable!

"Lei Gangdun!"

Lin Hao did not hesitate to turn on the Lei Gang Shield, and crackling thunder and lightning essence gushed out of his body.

In the next moment, Lin Hao disappeared and rushed to the three of them without fear!

"Haha! Looking for death?"

"How dare to fight the three of us martial arts, he is dead!"

The three elders of swords and guns all showed confident smiles. The martial arts that the three of them worked together reached the heavenly martial arts, and no one dared to resist with their physical bodies!

"It's really stupid! The martial arts teamed by the three elders has reached the heavenly power level. Even if I dare not rely on my physical body to resist, Lin Hao is looking for death!" Long Xiaotian clenched his fists excitedly, as if seeing Lin Hao's body broken A scene of ten thousand paragraphs.

"Puff puff!"

Soon, Lin Hao rushed into the martial arts scope of the three.

Lin Hao knew that the power of these three martial arts had reached the heavenly level, and even if they were destroyed by obsidian, they could only be annihilated. If martial arts were destroyed, obsidian destruction would lose its follow-up power and could no longer kill!

In that way, the opponent will be vigilant!

"What about the peak of transformation? I, Lin Hao, can't kill me!"

Lin Hao's eyes flashed fiercely, his physical body was stabbed by three martial arts, Lei Gangdun suddenly shattered, the scales all over his body burst with blood, and there were countless deep wounds, like being cut by thousands of swords. , Blood splashes.

"What?" The three elders were all stunned.

Lin Hao really dare to resist? And hasn't died immediately!

Then, a scene that shocked everyone appeared.

Lin Hao used his physical strength to forcefully pass through the three martial arts moves and appeared in front of them.

"Obsidian destruction!"

Lin Hao opened his mouth, and three obsidian particles sprayed out from his mouth and landed on the three of them in a thunderous force.

Time seems to freeze!

[Ps: no more today]

(End of this chapter)


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