Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 438: : This whip is poisonous

"What?" The man with the hook nose stared his eyes and said coldly: "You have killed so many people, so you don't have to go back!"

"Kill him, strip him naked and drag him to the stern, let the fish eat him clean!" Eagle hook nose waved.


The surrounding big men swarmed up to Lin Hao. They had no weapons, but golden radiance appeared on the surface of their bodies, just like the giants of King Kong, all of them had practiced martial arts!

"Physique training and martial arts?" Lin Hao sneered.

"Alright, let you have a taste, my latest understanding of the whip method!"

Lin Hao held the "whip" in his hand, his wrists trembling continuously, turning into a stormy whip shadow, whizzing forward.

"Storm Whip!"

Lin Hao shook it countless times in one second, squirming wildly through the crowd, spinning and jumping like a whip for life, every time a person's head bursts open.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"...

Like playing a watermelon, those people couldn't get close to Lin Hao at all, so they got headshots one by one.

"You killed level 46 monsters and gained 12 million experience!"

"You killed level 47 monsters and gained 15 million experience!"


Killing 30 people in a row, a large wave of experience skyrocketed.

In less than a minute, the group of people who attacked Lin Hao all fell to the ground and died completely.

Now, the entire deck was silent.

The face of the eagle-eyed man changed, green and white, frightened and angry.

He also saw Lin Hao's strength. His cultivation reached the eighth level of God Transformation, but it was so simple to solve so many people with ease? Even he did not have full confidence to deal with it.

Lin Hao calmly looked at him and walked over slowly.

"You...who are you? Don't force me!"

The eagle-nosed man retreated and gritted his teeth and said: "I am a member of the Heishui Group. I am the young master of the Heishui Group. My father is the pinnacle of the **** of transformation. If you kill me, my Heishui Group can chase you Kill to the end!"

"Black Water Group!?"

The expressions of the two passer-by monks on the deck changed drastically.

The Heishui Group, a fearsome pirate organization, can rank in the top three among the pirates in the Shenzhou Sea, second only to Heifengzhai!

They actually got on the black water group boat?

"No wonder, this ship is called the Blackwater, why didn't I expect it?"

"Gosh! It's over!"

The two monks were so frightened that they were peeing their pants.

At the same time, in the dark of the cabin, two pairs of cold eyes were staring here, ready to do it at any time.

"Black Water Group?" Lin Hao raised his eyebrows. Why hadn't he heard of it?

"Hehe, be scared, I persuade you to kneel down and beg for mercy. Once I am in a good mood, I might spare you a dog's life. Otherwise, my father will cut your meat off and feed the fish!" The man sneered.

Lin Hao looked at him with a faint smile, touched the long whip in his hand, and said with disdain, "What kind of stuff should I be? It turns out to be the black water group?"

After speaking, Lin Hao's eyes suddenly fell cold.

"To tell you the truth, I am Lin Tian, ​​the new sixth master of Heifengzhai, and you hit me on the head when you beat the house. How courageous!"

"Black Wind Village?!"

The eyeballs of the man with hook nose burst, and his chin almost fell off.

Even the fat and wealthy businessman sitting on the ground in the distance frowned, showing a strange expression.

The two eyes in the dark looked at each other, and said in surprise, "Black Wind Village?"



The two shadows stayed still.

Lin Hao looked at the frightened eagle-nosed man, and said coldly: "Yes, I am the sixth master of Heifengzhai. Take your life today. There is a kind of let your old man come to me!"

Lin Hao said nothing, the man who aimed at the hook nose was just a whip.

"Ah! You forced me!"

The man with the eagle hook nose was not an easy master either. He immediately bent his claws, like a dragon surging out of a cave, and caught Lin Hao's whip in the gap of lightning.

"Huh! The one who makes the whip is caught by the whip, as if being caught the lifeblood, see how you fight me!"

With a savage face, Ying Hook's nose yanked fiercely and shouted, "Come here!"

When he tried hard, a mouth suddenly appeared at one end of the whip, and it bit his hand with fangs.


With a scream of pain in the nose, the hook directly sat on the ground, and said with shock: "This whip can bite?"

Immediately afterwards, his face quickly turned black, the toxins in his body spread, his breath flew like a waterfall, and even his words choked up.

He pointed to Lin Hao and tremblingly said, "This whip... is poisonous..."

The whip rushed forward and tied the neck of the eagle's nose. After a squeeze, the neck broke when he heard a "click".

Lin Hao took the whip back now.

The two passer-by cultivators were shocked long ago, seeing Lin Hao looking at them, shaking and saying: "The adults in Heifengzhai, it's nothing to do with the villains! It's them..."

"Boom!" "Boom!"

The whip rushed up, blasting their heads.

Lin Hao doesn't care if this matter has anything to do with them, anyway, when he sees it, he can only blame himself for bad luck.

After doing this, he casually picked up the storage rings of these people.

The two in the dark hurriedly backed away, with horror in their eyes.

Heishui is still driving on its own. It is estimated that the driver does not yet know what happened on the deck.

Lin Hao finished picking up the storage ring and looked at the rich businessman behind.

"Look?" Lin Hao suddenly smiled.

"good looking!"

The rich businessman clapped his hands and clapped his hands.

Immediately, he stood up and walked towards Lin Hao.

Most people heard that Heifengzhai was so scared that he was so frightened, but the rich businessman didn't change his face, but smiled instead.

"Boy, you are so courageous, why didn't I know that a sixth master suddenly appeared in Heifengzhai?" The rich businessman said with a smile.

"When did Heifengzhai come out of the Sixth Master, do you need to report to you?" Lin Hao smiled.

"Ha ha!"

The wealthy businessman smiled, stretched out his hand and pulled on his face, and a mask was torn off.

The face inside was no longer pure and beautiful, but with a hideous centipede scar, the fat body also shrank back, and the whole person's aura suddenly changed, like an unsheathed steel knife!

"Xie Long?"

Lin Hao was taken aback. He only knew that this person was powerful, but he unexpectedly was Xie Long, the second master of Heifengzhai.

Xie Long's appearance was on the reward order, and he recognized it at a glance.

" You are so courageous!" Xie Long looked at Lin Hao with a smile, not knowing what he was thinking.

"What do you want?" Lin Hao was not afraid at all, but looked at him with a smile.

Xie Long smiled and said, "Are you not afraid of me?"

"I'm afraid of what you do. If you want to do it, you have already done it, so why bother?" Lin Hao said.

"Hahaha!" Xie Long laughed suddenly.

"Interesting, really interesting! I also came across a guy who has an appetite!" Xie Long looked at Lin Hao, the more he looked at him, the more joy he was.

(End of this chapter)


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