Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 444: : Battle against the Void Monk

Outside the puppet tower, the two people in the ruins were pale and still had lingering fears.

The scene just now was too horrible, there were such terrifying cannons in the puppet tower that they didn't dare to enter.

When they thought of their flying sword damaged, the two of them were so anxious.

Sikong Yu is okay. He also has a two-star sword soul flying sword, which is more powerful. Sikongjian can only go to the Zongmen's treasury to choose a new one. The ones that can be re-selected are not comparable to him. Forged in the year?

"Sect Master, are you still going in?" Sikongjian asked.

"Go in? Isn't it miserable enough?" Si Kongyu scolded angrily.

"Yes!" Sikongjian trembled.

The two stood up with difficulty. They looked at the puppet tower in front of them. They didn't go in, nor did they go in. They jumped in a hurry.

"Adjust your breath for a while, you have been injured too badly, and my true essence has been exhausted. I will find a way when I recover!" Sikong Yu said.

"It can only be this way!"

Sikong Jianpan sat down, took out the healing medicine and swallowed it.

Si Kongyu also took out the spirit stone, intending to restore the lost true essence.

But at this moment, they suddenly saw a pitch-black snake emerging from the ground, with a pair of cold pupils looking straight at them.

"sea snake?"

Si Kongyu was not surprised to see snakes in the sea, but he fixed his eyes and saw that the snake had wings behind it.

"Teng snake?"

Si Kongyu was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect that he had also met Teng Snake.

This Teng Snake does not seem to be capable of transforming the eighth level of the gods, it is not a concern, even though his true essence is exhausted now, but with his powerful body, it is enough to crush everything.


Si Kongyu didn't hesitate, and punched it. The water on the bottom of the sea rushed towards Lin Hao like a cannonball. The entire sea was shaking and tumbling, and some buildings in the distance were directly lifted up.

This was Lin Hao's first shot against Monk Dongxu, even though it was just a fake Dongxu, it was not something Lin Hao could contend against!

He knew that the Leopard Head Artillery blasted the two of them into serious injuries. Only in this case could Lin Hao have enough confidence!

"Lei Gangdun!"

A blue-purple mask appeared on Lin Hao's body, and the turbulent sea water churned out, blocking the impact, but he was still shocked and flew out a hundred meters away.

"Not dead?" Si Kongyu was surprised. He leaned on his body and volleyed with a punch. Even the Peak of Transformation could not resist, but he was blocked by the snake in front of him.

The next moment, Lin Hao flicked his wings, driving a large water current like a fish fin, the speed soared to the limit, and it rushed to Si Kong Yu like a black line.

"Shenlong waving its tail!"

Lin Hao's tail was slammed, Si Kongyu's palm fisted, and he smashed out with one punch. The fist smashed Lin Hao's Lei Gang shield and then crashed into Lin Hao's tail.


Lin Hao flew out a thousand meters away in an instant, Si Kongyu was shocked, and he retreated several steps.


Si Kongyu's face changed slightly. With his physical strength, this snake could actually fight him?

It should be understood that once the cultivator breaks through into a hole, whether it is true essence, physical body, meridians, bones, etc., there will be qualitative changes. There are completely two levels, one heaven and the other underground.

Even if Si Kongyu didn't use True Essence, his physical body was enough to crush all the peaks of God Transformation, but the snake in front of him was talented in the eighth level of God Transformation, and he could stand up against him, which was completely beyond his expectation.

After the blow, Lin Hao waved his wings and rushed forward again at an incredible speed.

"Huh! No matter how strong the flesh is, I am a cultivator of Hollow, how can you compare it!"

Si Kongyu stuck out his palm, and Zhang hand grabbed Lin Hao.

This snake has already aroused his interest and wants to catch it back and have a look.

When Lin Hao approached, a pair of claws suddenly appeared under his belly.

"Tear the Dragon Claw!"

Lin Hao's claws rushed away, the cold sharp sharpness made Si Kongyu's expression change, and he dared to feel a hint of danger.

He quickly changed his claws into fists, his arm bones made a dull roar, and his fist shook Lin Hao's claws.


This time, Lin Hao flew out again. Si Kongyu was also unsteady. He took countless steps before he stopped. He fixed his eyes and showed two shallow blood marks on his palm.


Sikong Yu had a calm face and was able to use his claws. He was undoubtedly the Flood Dragon, and it was an extremely powerful Flood Dragon.

The real Flood Dragon, Monk Cave Xu is also greedy, of course including him.

"Good guy, you can't leave!"

This time, Si Kongyu's face was excited, and he stomped his steps, like a cannonball soaring into the sky, and rushed towards Lin Hao on his own initiative.

The energy in Lin Hao's body quickly condensed towards his throat, compressed layer by layer, changing from blue to dark blue, gradually becoming black.

"Huh! I want to use martial arts, don't think about it!"

Si Kongyu didn't know Lin Hao's thoughts, he rushed to Lin Hao and was about to interrupt him. A figure suddenly appeared from the ground and hugged his body.

"What the hell?" Si Kongyu was taken aback, full of energy, and directly shook out the stranger Ying Zhen.

Taking advantage of the delay of Lin Hao's clone for such a few seconds, the destruction of Obsidian had already taken shape, and the devastation in it made Sikong Yu's pupils shrink to a point.

He actually felt a little threat from the destruction of Obsidian!

Right now, he didn't dare to hesitate anymore, volleyed a finger, and in the scabbard behind, the blue and purple flying sword came out of its sheath!

This sword has the two-star sword soul, he hasn't fully controlled it, originally he didn't intend to use it lightly, but the current situation couldn't allow him to keep it, pointed forward and shouted: "Kill!"

With a thought, he controlled the blue and purple flying sword to kill forward, intending to destroy Lin Hao's martial arts.

But at this moment, a strange scene appeared.

The flying sword over there was floating in the air, motionless.

"what happened?"

Si Kongyu couldn't understand it anymore. In a hurry, he grabbed the flying sword in his hand and planned to cut Lin Hao with his own hands.

The moment he grabbed the flying sword, the flying sword in his hand spun upside down abruptly, and the sword's edge turned against his wrist.


In this case, it was too late for Si Kongyu to One of his hands was cut off by Feijian!

Blood poured into the sea, and a severed hand flew over.

"Ah!!!" Sikong Yu hissed and screamed, frightened and angry: "How is this possible?"

Si Kongjian, who was still healing in the distance, was stunned for an instant.

The flying sword controlled by Si Kongyu had actually shot his master, how could it be impossible! Sikong Yu is the master of the Yujian Sect and knows all flying swords well. He would never make such a mistake?

At this moment, the blue-purple flying sword trembled slightly, seeming to be angry, and he turned around and chased Si Kongyu.

(End of this chapter)


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