Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 449: : Leaving Heifengzhai

Lin Hao took a volley and sucked in Si Kong Yu and the storage rings scattered on the water.

What a pity for him is that many storage rings were just wiped out under the shot just now.

After Lin Hao got his hand, he counted slightly. The total of the semi-extreme spirit stones harvested this time totaled 5,000 pieces, which was enough for him to use the second-grade leopard head cannon.

"I'll leave first!" Lin Hao said.

"You go back with the sixth man!" Xie Long looked at the others.

"Yes!" everyone in Heifengzhai said in unison.

Lin Hao left this place directly and flew to the island where Heifengzhai was located. The bandits in Heifengzhai also left with Lin Hao.

Xie Long and Xie Yi dived underwater and wandered into the remains of the Sky Puppet Sect.

After entering the ruins, they went straight to the last puppet tower, and suddenly found that the gate of the puppet tower was closed and could not be knocked open anyway.

There are still traces of terrible battles here, and the square is cratered, and it is clear that a war broke out before that.

"Sure enough, something happened!" Xie Long said in surprise.

"Fortunately, it is Si Kongyu. If we come, I am afraid we will suffer a heavy loss." Xie Yi's face was heavy.


Lin Hao returned to the island where Heifengzhai was located.

In the small town, the robbers went back to their homes and resumed their daily lives.

Lin Hao randomly found an empty yard to live in, and began to recover his lost physical energy.

Since Xiao Lei returned to his position, Lin Hao's sword intent had reached Consummation, his cultivation level had also broken through to the Ninth Level of God Transformation, and his strength had undergone a qualitative change.

Today, even if he faces Long Xiaotian, not to mention that he will win, at least he has a certain amount of confidence! This is still the state of not opening the Three Flowers Gathering, when he opens the Three Flowers Gathering, Long Xiaotian is afraid that he will not be his opponent.

Only two days later, Lin Hao and Xiao Lei completely recovered.

At this time, there was a knock on the door of the yard.

Lin Hao swept away his spiritual consciousness, and a handsome white-faced scholar stood at the door, who was the fifth head of Heifengzhai, Xiaowu.

"Please come in!" Lin Hao said.


The door opened and Xiao Wu walked in.

"Brother Brother, what's the matter?" Lin Hao smiled.

"It's okay, it's just that I am bored by myself and want to find someone to play chess." Xiao Wu smiled shyly.

"Play chess?" Lin Hao was taken aback.

He looked at Xiao Wu's expression, really meaningless, just looking for him to play chess.

"Except for the master, everyone in Heifengzhai and I have played chess, so I also want to find you the next game." Xiao Wu explained with a smile.

"All right, I will accompany you in the next game in this yard!" Lin Hao said calmly.

"it is good!"

Xiao Wu took out a chess board, another table and two chairs.

The two sat down, and began to fight.

Xiao Wu holds Heizi in his hand and Lin Hao is Baizi.

Generally speaking, the master of the formation technique is very clever. Although Xiao Wu is young, but twenty years old, he is a very veteran player. He pressed Lin Hao step by step at the beginning of the game.

Only ten minutes later, Lin Hao lost his helmet and unloaded his armor and gained the upper hand.

Although Lin Hao seemed to be thrilling, he turned the danger step by step. What he emphasized was to fight steadily. It seemed that he fell into a disadvantage, but he was slowly accumulating strength.


After an hour, the round was over.

"how is this possible?"

Xiao Wu sat on the spot, looking at the black child who had been eaten up completely, and was blinded.

His chess skills are invincible in Heifengzhai. Apart from not playing against the master, he has never encountered an opponent. No matter who plays with him, he is crushed one-sidedly.

Even in Shenzhouhai, in terms of chess alone, he thinks that no one is his opponent!

Lin Hao broke this convention and reversed him, which subverted his cognition.

"Nothing is impossible. Your moves are sharp and deadly, but you only see the surface and don't understand the real situation."

Lin Hao said calmly: "Little Five, you are quite suitable to be a scholar!"

He patted Xiao Wu on the shoulder, stood up, and walked out of the courtyard, leaving Xiao Wu alone, staying in place, seeming to meditate on something.

The scene in the small town is still the same, the gambling house at the mouth of the town, the wine shop by the roadside, the blacksmith shop, everyone is doing ordinary things.

Looking at the ordinary scenes in the small town, Lin Hao even felt that this is a normal mountain village, with no wars, no conflicts, and everyone is like ordinary mortals.

He always felt that the robbers in this town had a little more than other monks, but he didn't think of it for a while.

Lin Hao shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

Walking on the street, passers-by all greeted Lin Hao proactively.

"Liu Ye!"

"Hello Liu Ye!"

"I have seen Liu Ye!"

Facing these proactive greetings, Lin Hao smiled and nodded in response.

At this time, the water monkey ran over and said with a smile: "Liu Ye, just now, the Yujian Gate was destroyed by us!"

"So fast!" Lin Hao was surprised, he only came back the day before yesterday, and it was only two days away.

"Haha! The efficiency of the second master and the third master has always been this way." The water monkey said triumphantly.

Lin Hao said: "I have something to go out. If anyone asks, I'll say I'm gone."

"Good! Six masters, please come with me. Second master specially prepared a boat for you. It was excavated from the remains of the Tian Puppet Sect. It is convenient for driving in the Shenzhou Sea and can avoid many dangerous areas." Water Monkey laughed. .


Lin Hao didn't stop, but jumped and flew to the edge of the island.

There are some ships staying on the edge of the island, large and small. Among them, the Heishui that was captured last time is also there. There are many other ships. There are merchant ships and cargo ships, which were captured from elsewhere.

The water monkey also followed, and saw him pat the ground. The ground on the side of the island suddenly cracked a crack, and a shuttle-shaped boat floated up from the crack.

The ship is sea-blue, 100 meters long and ten meters wide, like a leaf, and can hold about fifty people.

The color of the ship is the same as that of the Shenzhou Sea. If you don't look carefully, you can't see such a ship at all.

Lin Hao showed a curious look. He knew that Heifengzhai was the first to set foot in the remains of the Heavenly Puppet Sect. He must have recovered a lot of treasures, and this ship should be one of them.

Lin Hao jumped up, imprinting his soul on it, and easily refined it.

"Shenfeng boat, sailing on the water, inlaid with semi-extreme spiritual stones, the speed is divided into three speeds, the highest speed can match the cave monk..."

Lin Hao finished receiving the information from Shenfeng Ship.

Like the Leopard Head The speed of the Shenfeng Ship is also divided into three grades. What surprised him is that the speed of the third gear reached the hole virtual level, which was beyond his expectation. .

"Liu Ye, if you want to come back, just follow the direction indicated by the compass!" The water monkey smiled on the bank.

"Well, goodbye!"

Lin Hao arched his hands and stuffed a semi-best spiritual stone into the groove on the boat.

"call out!"

The **** wind ship turned into a black line, rushing into the distance like lightning, and disappeared after just a few breaths.

(End of this chapter)


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