Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 460: : Each is pregnant

"This fellow Taoist, let us help you!"

Shen Tubao and the blood-clothed Taoist smiled at the same time, and flew towards this side.

A phantom tiger head appeared on Shen Tubao's fist, and his entire arm burned, turning into a raging flame, a blood-robed Taoist and **** shadows floating out of his body, making a sharp sound of ghost crying and wolf howling.

Up to this moment, the two talents have thoroughly demonstrated their true strength.

"Come on, the three of us will take action together to completely kill the Gorefiend!" Shen Tubao shouted.

"Shoot together!" The blood-clothed Taoist also shouted.

"Good!" Lin Hao also nodded pretendingly.

When Shen Tubao and the two rushed to the blood demon, the direction of Wu Xue's moves suddenly changed, and they smashed into Lin Hao's body.

The cooperation of the two is very tacit, they shot almost at the same time, obviously not the first time to do such a thing!

"Little waste, you better go to die! Tiger Howl Fist!"

Shen Tubao's tiger-head fist uttered a deafening tiger's roar and thunder, and slammed into Lin Hao's forehead like a meteor.

"A Thousand Ghosts Eater!"

With a wave of the blood-robed Taoist sleeves, a large number of blood-colored ghosts pounced on Lin Hao's body.

Under the two people's full force, the power was twice as powerful as before, and no cultivator could react in this situation!

Like the few people they had been overcast before, they were killed in a flash when they met each other.

But who knows, Lin Hao had anticipated this scene earlier, and the attack direction changed, aiming at the two Shen Tubao who came from the attack, and punched out plainly.

"He actually knew we would sneak attack?"

The blood-clothed Taoist showed a look of surprise. They had acted several times before, and they had never failed. This time Lin Hao actually noticed it.

"How do you see it? Die!"

Shen Tubao was not afraid, urging the power of his whole body, and Hu Xiao punched it down.


Lin Hao and Shen Tubao collided with their fists, and there was a terrifying roar, and energy fluctuations swept out like a tsunami, sweeping across all directions, and a circle of sea water surged and rushed to a height of thousands of feet.

Shen Tubao felt a sharp pain in his arm, and blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth. He was hit and flew out. Lin Hao only retreated a short distance.


At this moment, the ghost of the blood-clothed Taoist had already arrived, and a Thunder Shield appeared on Lin Hao's body. Those blood-colored ghosts, who were close to the Thunder Shield, were eroded and clean without exception.

Thunder is the violent energy of the world, and it has strong restraint on the things of the ghost. Once the thunder shield is opened, it will not invade the evil.

"So strong!" The blood-clothed Taoist face was shocked.

"No matter how strong it is, he is dead!" Shen Tubao said affirmatively.

Just when Lin Hao and the two of them were fighting, the collision had just ended, Lin Hao's body had not stopped, and a huge shadow suddenly descended behind him, accompanied by the terrifying pressure, like a giant mountain pressing on the top, it was the blood demon who shot Up!

The punch of the Gorefiend was just right!

Lin Haogang and Shen Tubao collided, their bodies were not stabilized, there was no way to dodge, unable to resist, they could only take the punch!

If the blood demon hits with a full punch, any peak of the **** transformation will undoubtedly die!

Shen Tubao smiled, as if he had seen victory recruiting!

"The flying dragon is in the sky!"

Suddenly, a black figure appeared on Lin Hao's head.


There was a dull crash.

Afterwards, Shen Tubao and the other two saw the Baizhang Gorefiend, who was directly beaten into the sky, flying to a height of ten thousand meters, turning into a red dot.

It took about a minute before it slowly came down and hit the sea, causing a big wave.

At this moment, the gorefiend's rampage had ended and entered a state of weakness, and he had no strength to escape, like a piece of rotten wood floating on the sea, his breath was extremely weak.


Shen Tubao looked intently, only to see a black shadow appearing on Lin Hao's head, with huge wings and claws under his belly, it was a flood dragon!


"Where did this come from?"

The hearts of the two were shocked.

Lin Hao clapped his hands, the aura in his body was completely steady, and he looked at the two with indifferent eyes.

"Are you plotting against me?" Lin Hao squinted.

The two shivered, and finally realized that they had missed!

They had also seen the world, facing Lin Hao's questioning, quickly calmed down.

"Haha! You can't say that. It's obviously you who have hidden your strength because of your intentions. I think you wanted to swallow this blood demon crystal by yourself before you shot it!" Shen Tubao said with a smile.

"Yes, what else do you hide your strength for? Also, if you have a flood dragon hidden in your body, take it out earlier, won't you solve the blood demon earlier? It's just that you take it out at this time, because you want to count us?"

The blood-clothed Taoist also spoke with jealousy, the two of them were unique in their ability to reverse black and white.

Lin Hao had no expression on his face and said coldly, "Is it useful to talk about these crooked halls in front of me? Or, do you naively think that you can escape?"

"Hahaha!" Shen Tubao burst into laughter upon hearing this.

"Lin Tian, ​​Lin Tian, ​​do you think I don’t know who you are? Isn’t it just the sixth master of Heifengzhai? You really regard yourself as an onion. Heifengzhai did not come, so it depends on your strength. Want to kill me too?" Shen Tubao laughed from ear to ear.

They have seen all the strength that Lin Hao has just shown, although it is amazing, but within their acceptance range, it is not too strong!

The blood-clothed Taoist also smiled and said: "Lin Tian, ​​let me tell you bluntly, this blood demon was a joint effort by the three of us to kill. According to the initial rules, we will divide the spoils equally, and we will not make it difficult for you. See you later!"

"Yes, this time it's even cheaper for you. The two of us want to forgive you for your sins of disrespect, and we will give you a piece of the pie, so we can see you in the future!" Shen Tubao agreed.

The two of them also thought that Lin Hao was not easy to provoke, and there was also a Flood Dragon helper. Even if they tried their best, they might not be able to kill Lin Hao, so they wanted to retreat and get the Blood Demon Crystal.

Lin Hao almost laughed. It was the first time he had seen such a shameless person.

"Oh? Are you not willing?" Shen Tubao narrowed his eyes when he saw Lin Hao's expression.

Lin Hao suddenly showed a weird smile: "I know who the two of you are, Shen Tubao, the Taoist in blood, right?"

"Do you know me?" Shen Tubao was surprised. He had disappeared for three years, and someone even recognized him.

"Hehe, I had anticipated your treacherous tricks a long time ago. If you were not sure about it, where would you come?"

Lin Hao His eyes were teasing, like a cat playing a mouse.

Gradually, the two of Shen Tubao had an ominous premonition, and their hearts became straightforward, as if they had missed something.

"Do you really think that I just showed my full strength?"

Lin Hao looked directly at the two of them, and sternly shouted: "A big mistake! I am now my full strength!"


With a crisp hum, a blue-purple flying sword hung in the air.

Ben Lei sword, out of the sheath!

(End of this chapter)


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