Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 467: : 1000 Gorefiends

"Thousand Lei Shun!"

Lin Hao didn't hesitate, when the lightning flashed under his feet, he saw the light and shadow shattered, and he shuttled thousands of miles in a flash, rushing to the distance, the speed was so fast that the Golden Wing Roc was startled.

"What speed is this?" Jin Wing Dapeng's face changed wildly, and he saw Lin Hao flying to the horizon, turning into a small black spot, almost disappearing.

"Chasing!" The Golden Wing Roc's eyes were cracked, and he tried his best to chase Lin Hao.

His eyesight was very good and he could lock Lin Hao across thousands of miles, but he was shocked to find that Lin Hao's speed was no slower than him.

Moreover, after Lin Hao got rid of him for 10,000 li, he was split into two and turned into two black shadows. They fled in different directions on the left and right.

The Golden Wing Roc took a closer look, one is a human being, the other is a dragon, it is Lin Hao's clone and body!

"That snake really hides on you!" The Golden Winged Roc came to the front. He looked at the two shadows, not knowing which one to chase for a while.

"Jiaolong must be his body!"

The Golden Wing Roc quickly analyzed it, and this was already something everyone in the Academy Alliance knew.

The Golden Winged Roc was trying to chase down the dragon, but was surprised to find that the speed of the dragon was too fast, not slower than him, and might not be able to catch up. On the contrary, humans were slower and could be caught with complete confidence.

At this moment, Golden Wing Dapeng thought of many things, and immediately chased Lin Hao's clone without hesitation.

In fact, Lin Hao's Thousand Thunders instantly disappeared. If he chose to chase Lin Hao's body, a fierce battle would break out, but he chose to chase the clone, which saved the trouble.

"You die to me!"

In the blink of an eye, the Golden Winged Roc rushed to Lin Hao's clone and saw the clone explode directly.

The Golden Winged Roc was stunned, then looked back, where is the shadow of the dragon?

"Be tricked again?" The Golden Wing Roc was stunned.



Lin Hao hid under the sea, his whole body was arcing, and his pain was unbearable.

Qian Lei Shun, using the will of thunder and lightning, can explode with super speed in a short time, but the load on the flesh is too large. Normally, only the flesh of the Void Monk can be smoothly used.

Lin Hao still relied on the Jiulong Leigang body to train to the eighth dragon before he could force it out. Otherwise, his physical body would have to collapse.

"Fortunately, I got rid of it. He saw that my body was too fast and thought that he couldn't catch up with me, so he chased the clone. It was a right bet!" Lin Hao secretly smiled.

He knew that facing the Golden Wing Roc with his current strength, even if he had a certain chance of winning, the winning rate was very low, probably around 30%.

If the three flowers gather at the top, there may be a 50% probability of winning, but that is very uneconomical, Lin Hao did not want to waste a chance for a miscellaneous bird.

Of course, Lin Hao didn't have to be afraid of him, if the Golden Winged Dapeng really caught up, he would definitely not be able to please him.

The Golden Winged Roc was still searching everywhere on the sea. From morning to night, there was still no trace of Lin Hao.

The blood demon sea is boundless, once a person disappears, there is nowhere to look for it.

Lin Hao was hidden in the shielding formation under the sea, and it was impossible for the Golden Wing Roc to discover it.

The search continued, until the next morning, the Golden Wing Roc finally screamed unwillingly, and left the sea with endless grief and anger.

In the morning, Lin Hao almost recovered.

Getting rid of the Golden Wing Roc did not give him too much joy. He had to face more than one Golden Wing Roc, but the entire Academy Alliance!

Even in the future, I will face Eagle Island! That is even more terrifying than the Academy Alliance!

Lin Hao had a plan in his heart. This month, he had been hunting the blood demons in the blood demon sea. One month later, no matter how far he could rise, he would directly return to the Panlong domain!

There are endless blood demons in the blood demon sea, which are treasures for Lin Hao. The blood demon crystal can enhance the will of martial arts, and the hunting of the blood demon can gain experience. It is a blessed land tailored for him!


Lin Hao was about to leave the bottom of the sea, but suddenly heard a roar, and saw two blood demons like sea snakes appearing in the scarlet water, both around the peak of the gods.


In Lin Hao's eyes, the thunder and lightning will exploded. A thousand meters away, the two blood demons were covered by lightning, crackling and burning into coke.

"You killed a monster at level 50 and gained 28.8 million experience! (20% for leapfrog challenge experience

"You killed a monster at level 50 and gained 28.8 million experience! (20% for leapfrog challenge experience

Lin Hao flew up and searched the corpses of the two Gorefiends, but luckily, no Gorefiend Crystal was found.

"Huh?" Lin Hao looked forward and suddenly let out a surprised sound.

He saw that in the sea ahead, there was a submarine canyon with towering submarine peaks on both sides. In the middle of the canyon, there were a large group of dense blood-colored figures, all of them blood demons.

"My God! How many would there be?" Lin Hao secretly surprised.

He counted slightly, at least he found no fewer than a thousand.

Where is this, there are so many blood demons!

In the scarlet sea, Lin Hao couldn't see clearly, and Lin Hao wasn't sure what was there.

Lin Hao wagged his tail and swam past carefully.

When he approached, he could see clearly that the dense group of blood demons were a group of human monks.

"The blood demons were born of resentment, this place must be a gathering place for resentment, otherwise it is impossible to have so many blood demons!" Lin Hao secretly said.

If something goes wrong, there must be demons. There are very few blood demons in the blood demons sea, and I rarely see a few in a day. It was the first time he heard that there was such a large group of blood demons.

While Lin Hao was observing, he saw a mass of blood emerging from under the sea, slowly condensing into a human form in front of him, a blood demon with five levels of transformation was born under his nose.

"What a powerful blood demon will, there must be a big guy under this sea!" Lin Hao said affirmatively.

He was hesitating whether to go or not!

There are more than a thousand blood demons, even if one is 10 million, there are 10 billion experience in total. Killing all of them will cost him more than half!

But what if something scarier is

Lin Hao thought for a moment, and finally decided to condense a clone first, and go to test it out.

Lin Hao consumed half of his essence and blood, created a human clone, and tiptoed towards the front.

A thousand blood demons are all experience and blood demons in Lin Hao's eyes!

He doesn't want to waste such a good opportunity!

As Lin Hao approached, all the blood demons in the submarine canyon looked at him. After a while, all the blood demons roared hoarsely, like hungry wolves who had been hungry for countless years. .

(End of this chapter)


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