Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 495: : Yaotian Star Comes

The map of Panlongzong obtained by Lin Hao was very large, with an area larger than that of Panlong, showing a long and narrow terrain in the north-south direction, resembling an ellipse.

The building complex where he is located is only a small corner in the southwest. The treasures left are not too precious. The real treasures are in the east and north.

Especially in the northernmost part, the map shows a purple-gold color and a dragon-shaped pattern is painted, most likely the inner sect of Panlongzong.

The north is too far, Lin Hao is going to look east first.

He found the direction and flew towards the east.

After passing through the building complex, it is a rugged mountain range. There are no buildings in it, but the mountains can be seen vaguely, with a lot of black magic energy scattered. Obviously, this is also a battlefield.

Panlongzong is really too big.

Lin Hao took out the Thunder Sword and the Royal Sword to fly, and it took him a full day to pass through the rugged mountains.

After Ben Lei Sword swallowed all the metal, it still stayed in the early stage of the First Star Sword Soul, and it was still a little bit from the middle stage. Lin Hao was not in a hurry, as long as there was a battlefield, there would be metal fragments, and some had the opportunity to swallow it.

After passing through the rugged mountains, Lin Hao came to a flat open area.

This area was a dry earth-yellow color, with black magic energy scattered all over it, which looked lifeless, and occasionally a few dry plants could be seen hanging on the ground in decline.

Lin Hao frowned. The map showed that this was a green plant area, but right now, the plants were all withered.

Lin Hao walked to a withered yellow tree and instilled Zhen Yuan into it. After a simple probe, he was suddenly shocked.

"Purple Spirit Wood! The wood necessary for refining the Purple Spirit Talisman has been destroyed!"

Lin Hao's face sank before he came to a withered plant again.

"Colorful flame flowers, containing colorful inflammation, can promote the growth of medicinal materials, retain the efficacy of the medicine, the treasure of the alchemist!"

Lin Hao shook his head and stood up. He looked at the dense withered plants ahead with a heavy heart.

"This is a medicine garden!"

Lin Hao saw that this is the Panlongzong medicine garden, where the medicinal materials and strange spiritual plants are grown. Unfortunately, after being contaminated by the devilish energy, all the plants have disappeared, and they will no longer be vigorous!

Is this what the monks of the magic road do?

The medicinal materials are also very valuable to the cultivators of the magic road, but why do they only destroy them and not seize them?

Lin Hao can't figure it out!

The demon monks who may attack Panlongzong are different from those in the Sky Continent, they are destroyed purely for destruction!

On this yellow land, there are many withered plants. Although they have lost their vitality, some plants still have shriveled seeds. I don't know whether the seeds are still useful.

As long as Lin Hao found the seed, regardless of whether the seed was still vigorous, he put all of it in his inventory.

Lin Hao crawled while harvesting, and found many seeds.

After a while, he suddenly stopped halfway.

In this place, there is a small pile of withered medicinal materials, all of which are ground-based medicinal materials, which are very precious!

Lin Hao looked down at the ground, and plunged down suddenly, drilling toward the ground.

After drilling for about ten thousand feet, he bit the rhizome of something and pulled it vigorously.


He pulled up a round yellow object like a potato.

"Earth Spirit!" Lin Hao was overjoyed.

Earth spirits, containing the power of the earth, are medicinal materials for refining earth spirit pills.

The Earth Spirit Pill allows the user to absorb the Qi of the Earth Vessel and fight with the power of the Earth! After absorbing the energy of the earth veins, the monks of the hole can greatly improve the quality of the true essence and raise the level of cultivation.

It is not an exaggeration to say that a single earth spirit pill can make the true essence of the first layer of cave void full and reach its peak.

The reason why Lin Hao knew about the existence of earth spirits was that there were a lot of earth-based medicinal materials growing here at the same time, and the quality was not low, so he dared to guess that there must be something nourishing it under the earth.

"It seems that there are still many treasures here!" Lin Hao smiled secretly.

He took out the magic talisman and sealed all the magic energy he saw into the magic talisman.

Speaking of which, I have to thank Mr. Beihe for the sixth-rank sealing charms given to him. After millions of years, the energy consumption of the magic energy is almost lost. With the help of the sealing charms, the sealing is very easy.

After busying for a long time, Lin Hao sealed all the magical energy of this large medicine garden.

Lin Hao knew that there must be a lot of medicinal seeds hidden in this medicinal garden, which are still there and haven't been discovered by him.

When the devilish energy is eliminated, the pharmacy will become vigorous again as the endless years pass.

An earth spirit, a pile of shriveled medicinal seeds, can be regarded as the harvest of his trip!

Lin Hao intends to leave here.

At this time, the surveillance array he arranged in the square suddenly moved!

Under Lin Hao's gaze, spatial fluctuations appeared on the square, and three figures slowly appeared.

Zhuge Guiyuan, Ye Wenlong, Chu Feng!

The best on the Qianlong list! The humans who survived the Ten Thousand Demons Conference have all entered inside!

After the three of them landed the spatial fluctuation has not disappeared yet, it seems that someone else is coming in!

It's just that this time it took a very long time to transmit, and the energy is extremely huge.

About five minutes later, a middle-aged man wearing a star gown with a cold expression and eyes like endless galaxies appeared in the air.

"Yaotianxing!" Lin Hao's eyes were solemn.

The last figure that appeared was Yao Tianxing, the dean of the Star Academy!

Lin Hao's current strength, encountering the Golden Wing Roc and the old monster in the cloud, and entangled for a while, but encountering Yaotianxing, there is only a dead end!

Yao Tianxing's cultivation base reached the third level of the hole.

The gap between the cavities and emptiness is too big, Lin Hao can barely be yin in the face of the emptiness of the hole, but facing the three tiers of the hole, he doesn't even have a chance to perform yin moves.

Lin Hao should have guessed that after opening the Teleportation Array of Panlongzong, Yao Tianxing would definitely come in and take a look.

"Huh?" Yao Tianxing's eyes condensed, and he looked towards a corner.

Yao Tianxing suddenly slapped it out, and the waves of true essence surged past, destroying the surveillance formation left by Lin Hao.

Lin Hao lost his sight and had to sigh helplessly.

The surveillance formation he left behind could be concealed from the **** of transformation, and also concealed from the Golden Wing Roc and the boss in the cloud, but it could not be concealed from Yao Tianxing, the strength gap was too great.

"Surveillance formation? Is the Ice Fire King left behind?" Chu Feng asked suspiciously.

"I don't know, in my impression, the Ice and Fire King seems not good at battle."

Yao Tianxing shook his head, clenched his fists, and flashed a bitter killing intent in his eyes, "In any case, I will personally search for him. If I find him, he will definitely die!"

Being slipped in by the Ice and Fire King was not only a fault of the Academy Alliance, but also a fault of his Yaotian Xing, otherwise, it would allow a Void Cultivator to come in and obtain resources.

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