Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 568: : Sacrifice Satsuki

If it is a tower with hundreds of floors, Lin Hao still can't take it in, but the puppet tower has only four floors, a total of more than ten meters, more than enough to fit in the body.


Lin Hao urged the mountain-moving formation method, only a faint light flashed by, and the puppet tower disappeared and appeared in Lin Hao's internal space.

In fact, the puppet tower itself is a high-level puppet, not a pure building. The puppet tower gathers the essence of the sky puppet sect, and has various functions such as flying, attacking, defense, and suppression.

It's just that Lin Hao's current strength is still unable to drive this high-level puppet.

At this moment, the boundless spirit clouds suddenly gathered here, the sea was tumbling, and large swaths of ocean waves mixed with spirit energy rushed into Long You, and Long You was about to break through again.

Lin Hao rushed over and took the opportunity to absorb the aura generated when Long You broke through.

It's good to have a genius by your side. When you break through, you can also absorb the aura.

This kind of spiritual energy is very pure, without refining at all, it can be absorbed directly, just like a spirit crystal.

Lin Hao's experience suddenly skyrocketed.

About an hour later, Long You finished his breakthrough and formally entered the fourth layer of Dongxu.

Lin Hao's experience has also risen to more than 90%, and he is just a bit close to leveling up, and killing a few more people is enough.

"Hahaha! Lin Hao, you are really my lucky star, I followed you right."

Long You broke through again, feeling very good, and full of praise for Lin Hao.

"set off."

Lin Hao didn't say much, turned around calmly, and swam outside the Sky Puppet Sect.


Long You hurried to catch up.

"Always look cold, smile more, smile for less than ten years!" Long You said with a smile behind him.

Lin Hao just rolled his eyes.


Yingjiu Island is located in the western part of the Shenzhou Sea, very far from the remains of Tian Puppet Sect.

However, Lin Hao is not what it used to be. The speed is ten times faster than before. With the help of Shenfeng Ship, he can arrive in one day.

After Lin Hao left the Sky Puppet Sect, without stopping for a second, he took out the Shenfeng Ship and drove towards Yingjiu Island.

"Hahaha, I can eat again this time."

Long You muttered to himself excitedly beside him. He has no other hobbies, just likes to eat. This is his racial characteristic. As long as he eats food, he can fill his body and break through faster than eating and drinking water.

At this moment, the island of The Hague is in chaos.

In the middle of the island, the nine big holes of Eagle Island are gathered together, and fierce quarrels are erupting.

"In my opinion, it's better to send Xiaoyue out. The Hague Island and the Hall of the Clouds are not easy to provoke. They promised that as long as Xiaoyue is sent out, they will be able to give us three Great Chongxu Pills and make three holes empty A monk breaks through the first level of cultivation base, why not do it?" said a grey peng bird.

"I think so too. Three big punching virtual pills can make the strength of Eagle Eagle Island skyrocket, without losing money!" said a purple wing thunderbird.

The white seagull stomped the ground suddenly and said angrily: "You two, relying on yourself as the veteran, know that the Da Chong Xu Dan has arrived and you can get one, so you think so, right?"

Grey Pengbird and Purple Wing Thunderbird are two elders, their status is revered, second only to the island owner. How can Bai Ou not understand their crooked minds?

"Bai Ou, you can't say the same thing. If Xiaoyue is not sent out, the Hague Island and the Hall of the Clouds will be crushed by the army, what can we resist?"

A bird with a red body and burning feathers called, she was Chu Feng who had escaped from the Panlong secret.

"Knowing the times is a master, and they promised benefits. If they resist, there will be no benefits at that time, but the harmed Eagle Island will be destroyed. Will you bear the responsibility?" Chu Feng coldly shouted.

"Yes! As soon as Chu Feng became an elder, he knew the current affairs, and he would have great achievements in the future." The Purple Wing Thunderbird nodded in agreement.

Bai Ou's face became extremely ugly.

This Chu Feng is also a genius. With her talent, it is almost certain that she will become a veteran in the future. Even she has to drive Xiaoyue away, which is troublesome.

In addition to the island owner, there are three elders and five elders in the nine big caves present. He is just an ordinary elder, with slight words, and he cannot shake the situation at all.

Just now, there are already two of the three veterans who have already spoken in support of sending Xiaoyue, plus a potential stock Chu Feng.

Thinking of this, Bai Ou couldn't help but cast his praying gaze at the silver sea eagle that kept his eyes closed and silent.

Silver Eagle, the owner of Eagle Eagle Island, on the fifth floor of the cave, is also the highest decision maker.

"Island owner, Xiaoyue's potential is infinite, surpassing any of us, and the future is absolutely limitless, and she cannot be sent out!" Baiou pleaded.

Without opening his eyes, the silver carving said calmly, "Vote, the minority obeys the majority."

"Haha! That's just right, I agreed to send Xiaoyue out, stand here!" Purple Wing Thunderbird said excitedly.

Suddenly, the Eight Great Hollows who were present besides the island owner immediately flew out of five and came to the side of the Purple Wing Thunderbird, including the two great elders.

The remaining veteran did not move, and said flatly: "I abstained from this can vote."

Bai Ou's face turned black.

"Hahaha!" The Purple Wing Thunderbird laughed loudly.

"It's a pity, five to two, I can only sacrifice Xiaoyue." Chu Feng sighed.

Silver Eagle looked at Xiaoyue on the mountain in the distance and sighed: "The three island owners of The Hague Island are all powerful. Except for Xing Yun, I can deal with them. I can only fight with the other two. It can only be so."

After such discussions, the sacrifice of Xiaoyue has become a foregone conclusion.

When the demons had a good discussion, the Island Master Shenfeng of The Hague came over and said with a smile: "Everyone, how are the discussions?"

"I'll be willing to hand over Xiaoyue, she is on the top of the back mountain, go and catch it by herself." The Silver Eagle Island Master said calmly, and Yu Wing pointed to the mountain behind, where there was already a frozen area.

"Okay! As long as you don't stop me, I can catch her easily!"

Island Master Shen Feng smiled slightly, rose into the air, and flew towards the back mountain.

"Stop me!"

Suddenly, there was a deafening shout from afar, which exploded in every bird's ear.

When they looked up, they saw a slender black figure carrying lightning, lightning from the sky.

"Who would dare to break into Eagle Island without permission?"

Immediately there was the guard of Eagle Eagle Island, rushing forward, trying to capture Lin Hao.

"Lei Gang Lichang! Nine Dragons are empty!"

Lin Hao's radius was a thousand meters, and nine thunder dragon heads surfaced on their foreheads, killing all quarters, and the nearby bird guards were all struck by thunder dragons, their feathers turned into coke, and they fell like rain.


The Grey Peng Bird soared into the sky and came to the opposite of Lin Hao, and said coldly: "Who are you, trespassing on Eagle Island and killing our guards, now immediately abolish the cultivation base, kneel down and apologize, otherwise I will let you Cut into snake skewers!"

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