Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 896: : Lin Hao's confidence!

"Lin Hao?" Murong Hong was startled, then looked at Lin Hao.

It's no wonder that Long You was suppressed at first, and suddenly turned around. It turned out that Lin Hao did it.

In this way, Lin Hao can see through the illusion off the court, this strength is very impressive.

The real evil wind waved his hand: "The next round..."

"and many more!"

Suddenly, Zhenjun Xing Tian stood up and shouted.

Xie Feng was taken aback and looked at Zhenjun Xing Tian, ​​and everyone's eyes gathered here.

I saw Zhentian Xing Tian arched his hands and said: "Guijun, my son disappeared three months ago, and there is no word. At this moment, someone uses my son's magical powers. I want to take that person away for investigation. You have no opinion. "

When the ghost heard this, he said, "Naturally, there is no problem."

As a true monarch, taking someone away is nothing, he agreed without thinking.

"Okay! Long You, let me go!" Zhentian Xing Tian grabbed Long You with his hand open.

Seeing this scene, the audience was shocked!

Zhentian Xing Tian wanted to take Long You!

The ghost king was taken aback for a moment, but Long You defeated the ghost king. According to the truth, Long You was the first in their ghost list.

It's hard to say that the genius at the top of the ghost list was captured by Xing Tianzhen.

But at the moment, he himself was very suspicious of Long You, and suddenly a newcomer appeared, but he could beat the top of the ghost list, and he didn't believe it if he didn't call him.

So Guijun sat back again, not planning to make a move, but wanted to see how Long You solved it by himself.


Suddenly, a sword crossed in front of Zhenjun Xing Tian, ​​stopping him from going.

Zhenjun Wanjian smiled and said, "Xing Tian, ​​you are going to take Long You away with just one sentence. It's not justified."

True Monarch Tianhuang also came forward and said: "It is reasonable, you have nothing to say, you want to take away the disciples of the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect for investigation, how can there be such a good thing!"

At this moment, both true monarchs came forward to stop Xing Tian.

The situation is a bit delicate.

The ghost is indifferent, Tianhuang and Wanjian shot.

Such a funny scene caused people from other sect forces behind to talk and laugh.

The disciples of Wan Guizong were about to be taken away, and Gui Jun did not come forward, but Tian Huang and Wan Jian came forward. This would be a shame.


As if he also realized that he was ashamed, Guijun coldly snorted: "Long You is my sect's disciple, and we are also investigating if we want to investigate. Where can we get you?"

He said this very cleverly.

The implication is that he himself wants to investigate.

Lin Hao witnessed all this, only to feel extremely chilling.

Sure enough, a sect like Ten Thousand Ghost Sect is still unreliable!

When Xing Tian saw all three of them came out to stop him, his face was blue with anxiety.

"In any case, I will take this Long You away for investigation." Xing Tianzhenjun said sharply.

"You can investigate, but you can't take it away!" Gui Jundao.

Zhentian Xing Tian pondered for a moment, and said, "What do you want?"

Guijun said leisurely: "My disciple of the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect, naturally I will preside over justice, so I will do it myself and search for the soul of Long You. If he does kill your son, you will leave it to you."

What Guijun said was very light, as if it were a trivial matter.

However, searching for souls is a taboo of monks!

Who has no secrets?

Once the soul is searched, the secret becomes someone else's, and it is simply a way out!

Of course, I wanted to return to my mind, but no one dared to say it, just held it in my heart.

Lin Hao laughed out of anger when he heard it.

"What a fair person! Searching for Long You's soul, saying that you are fair, don't you just want to know Long You's secret? To put it soundly, I have never seen such a brazen person!"

Lin Hao stood up and sneered.


Guijun was taken aback for a moment. He didn't expect Lin Hao to jump out and scold him.

The others were shocked, isn't this Lin Hao afraid of death?

That's a ghost, not a real evil wind!

Even Real Thousand Spiders felt that the situation was not good. It was a bit beyond his control. He could still intercede before, but Lin Hao scolded the ghost, so he didn't dare to jump out, so as not to harm the pond fish and kill him. .

Leng Rushuang jumped anxiously, scolding Lin Hao for being so irrational.

"As a disciple of the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect, how dare you scold me? Are you guilty?!" Guijun said coldly, his voice was like a ghost, which made people involuntarily rise up a heart of not daring to disobey.

If it were the other disciples, I'm afraid they would kneel down directly, and only Lin Hao would not be affected.

"Ten Thousand Ghost Sect disciple?"

Lin Hao sneered and said sarcastically: "Then I would like to ask you, since we are disciples of the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect, True Lord Xing Tian wants to take Long You away, why are you indifferent, but True Lord Wan Jian and True Lord Tian Huang come out Against?"

After the ghost heard this, there was no rebuttal, but the eyes under the cloak gradually became cold.

"As a disciple of the Ten Thousand Ghosts Sect, why have I been repeatedly treated unfairly and conspired by the real evil wind with the formation method, but there is no redress?!"

"Even the opponent has arranged the top five or even the top three on the ghost list. If it weren't for me and Long You to have a lot of cards, we might be dead! Is this the disciple of the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect in your mouth?"

Lin Hao said sternly, punishing the heart every word.

Although Guijun is wearing a cloak, he can imagine his distorted face.

Although his cultivation base is strong, he can hear such words of condemnation, and he is shaking with anger.

The momentum of terror spread.

He has been so angry for a long time!

"Lin Hao, I admire your courage. Have you ever thought about the consequences of what you say?" Guijun spit out a The cold breath came instantly, making the ring freeze in the blink of an eye.

This is not the will of the ice, but a cold murderous intent, freezing the ring!

Lin Hao said that, isn't he afraid of death? Where is his confidence? !

Murong Hong stayed away quietly, she felt that she couldn't get too close to these two lunatics, she was completely fatal!

"as a result of?"

Lin Hao sneered: "It's very simple, Long You and I are willing to quit the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect!"


One stone stirred up waves, but Lin Hao's simple words shocked everyone's eyes.

Lin Hao smiled slightly, and then said: "If I quit the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect, I believe that with my talent and Long You, there are many sects who are willing to accept, and there are many people who are willing to keep us."

Lin Hao had no fear, facing the ghost, resolutely raised his head and looked directly at him.

Hearing such words, the many forces onlookers in the sky couldn't sit still.


The silence was broken by a loud laugh.

True Monarch Wan Jian laughed first, and walked over and said: "Lin Hao, Long You, if you two are willing to leave the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect, I will be the first to welcome you to join the Ten Thousand Sword Sect! And, I will protect you from death!"

With Zhenjun Wanjian taking the lead, people from other sects also stepped forward.

"Lin Hao and Long You, although our Pill Emperor Sect only accepts alchemists, if you are willing to join, we are also willing to accept you."

An old white-bearded old man also jumped out and laughed. This person is the Sect Master of the Pill Emperor Sect, with numerous contacts, and knowing a true monarch in casual cultivation is not something that the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect would dare to offend easily.

"Haha! Although my Heavenly Desolate City is not a sect, but if Lin Hao and two are willing to leave the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect and come to my Heavenly Desolate City as guests, I will be unconditional to protect you from death."

Tianhuang Zhenjun also laughed loudly.

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