Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 904: : Dancheng, Danhui

"This is a pearl of interest, you can raise or lower the cultivation level at will, but everything is an illusion, as long as I use my true essence, it will be exposed." Lin Hao explained.

Lin Hao slightly urged the True Essence in his body. The Nine Tribulations True Essence in his body was as huge as the mountains and seas, and instantly collapsed and turned into a normal Second Tribulation.

Long You suddenly realized, "Did this come from Yingxie?"

"Yes! Before leaving Ten Thousand Ghost Sect, I also received a big gift, haha!" Lin Haolang smiled.

However, in the future, he may face the chase of the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect, and he must leave here as soon as possible!

In general, he is still grateful to Wan Guizong for giving him so many good things, but Gui Jun wants to get rid of him, there is no way!

Lin Hao and Long You left this barren city and headed to the direction of Baizong City, which is the closest one, where there is an interstate teleportation array, and can go to other states in the Nanfeng Region.


The day after Lin Hao left, a visitor came to the Spider Hall, an old man in a Dan robe.

If Lin Hao saw him, he would surely remember that this old man in the pill robe was the Sovereign of the Pill Emperor who invited him at the sect conference. His cultivation level is not high, but he can refine the seven peak pill of the Seven Tribulations. Half a step, he is called Liu Danhuang.

Because of alchemy, Liu Danhuang has made friends with a true monarch, so no one in the Danhuangzong dares to provoke him, and his strength is only a little weaker than Ten Thousand Ghosts.

Real Thousand Spiders followed Lin Hao, leaving Leng Rushuang to manage.

"Liu Danhuang came to my spider hall, why?" Leng Rushuang asked with a smile when he went out to meet him.

"I want to ask, is your disciple Lin Hao in the sect?" Liu Danhuang smiled.

Leng Rushuang couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed when she heard this.

Lin Hao ran away and was chased by the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect, and he was still a fart!

Of course, this incident happened yesterday, and the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect had deliberately blocked it, and the news had not yet spread, and Liu Danhuang did not know it.

"Lin Hao is not here for the time being, you can tell me what Liu Danhuang has to do." Leng Rushuang said.

"Elder Leng, I just want to invite Lin Hao to go to Dancheng in Zhongzhou to participate in the alchemy. This is an invitation letter. Please pass it to Lin Hao." Liu Danhuang handed a red invitation letter.

"Pill City's Pill Club?" Leng Rushuang was surprised.

That was a grand alchemy event held only once in ten years. It was jointly organized by the three alchemy sages of the city to select the strongest alchemy genius.

Emperor Liu Dan invited Lin Hao, is it possible that Lin Hao is still good at alchemy?

Leng Rushuang thought for a while, and Lin Hao's escape was revealed sooner or later, so he did not accept the invitation letter.

"Sorry, Lin Hao has left the sect and is nowhere to be found, please leave Danhuang Liu!" Leng Rushuang said.

Liu Danhuang was shocked.

He looked at Leng Rushuang's expression, not as if he was joking, so he said nothing, sighed and turned to leave.

On the surface, I was sighing, but my heart was ecstatic.

After Emperor Liu Dan left, he came to a clearing outside the Spider Hall, where True Monarch Tianhuang was waiting for him.

"True Lord Tianhuang, there is good news that Lin Hao has left the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect." Liu Danhuang smiled.

"Really?" Qin Tianhuang said in surprise.

"It's true, I just don't know where I went." Liu Danhuang said.

Qin Tianhuang fell into hesitation.

"However, True Monarch Tianhuang, did Lin Hao really solve your longevity problem?" Liu Danhuang doubted.

"What did I lie to you for? Just rest assured of Lin Hao's alchemy. You can refine the Heavenly Origin Alchemy Pill. It is easy to become an apprentice of the Big Three, and maybe you will be admired by the Canghai Pill Sage, and you will develop." Qin Tian Huang laughed.

"Hahaha! Pill Saint Canghai doesn't count on it, as long as his three disciples take a fancy to it." Liu Danhuang said with a smile.

Real Monarch Tianhuang knew that Lin Hao's alchemy was good, so he introduced Emperor Liu Dan to come and invited Lin Hao to participate in the pill meeting.

Once Lin Hao shines in the Pill Club, Pill Emperor Liu will also get endless benefits.

It's just that now neither of them knows where Lin Hao has gone.


At this moment, Lin Hao had already arrived in Hundred Sects City and headed straight to the location of the Interstate Teleportation Array.

The person in charge of the teleportation formation was a big bearded man with a face full of flesh, and Lin Hao had met him several times.

"Yo! It's you again, where do you two want to go?"

The big bearded man smiled, he knew Lin Hao, and Lin Hao had been here several times in the past six months.

Lin Hao said: "Zhongzhou!"

"Zhongzhou? Are you two visiting the Danhui?" The big bearded man smiled.

"What will Dan be?" Lin Hao wondered.

"Don't even know Dan Hui?" The big bearded man was shocked.

Lin Hao was even more puzzled. He only knew that the center of Zhongzhou was Pill City, and his disciple Lin Canghai was the number one alchemist in Pill City.

"Ah, in short, the Pill Club is a conference where all outstanding alchemists in Nanfeng Region will participate. Those who perform well will not only have rich rewards, but also have the opportunity to become a disciple of the Big Three in Pill City, and even have the opportunity to get The guidance of Pill Saint Canghai."

The big bearded man talked endlessly, glanced at Lin Hao with a blank face, and waved his hand: "Forget it, you don't understand after you say it, you are not the material of the Hao There was no refutation. He had no interest in becoming a disciple or giving pointers, but he was a little curious about the reward.

"Excuse me, can you tell me what the reward is?" Lin Hao asked with a smile.

The big bearded man rolled his eyes and said, "How could I know? Just tell you, the reward is so good that you can't imagine it! Do you know what was the reward for the last alchemy?"

"What?" Lin Hao asked.

Having said that, the bearded man took a cold breath, lowered his voice, and said word by word: "A reward for Long Chi Ling!"

"Also reward Long Chi Ling?" Lin Hao asked in surprise.

"Yes, it was Long Chi Ling! But the person who was rewarded at the time was killed when he left Pill City. Pill City has not found the murderer yet." The shaggy man said in surprise.

Lin Hao smiled and said, "That's really a hot potato."

"Hey, this pill meeting is also wonderful. Since you are going to visit Zhongzhou, I will give you a 20% discount and only receive 16,000 of the best spirit stones." The shaggy man smiled.

"Good!" Lin Hao clasped his fists.

The two sat on the teleportation formation, the bearded man pressed the palm of his hand on the ground, and the formation instantly moved.

"Brother, what is your last name?" The shaggy man asked with a smile.

"Lin Hao, this is my friend Long You." Lin Hao said.

The big bearded man smiled and said, "My name is Li Tiexiong, who is in charge of the interstate teleportation array. If you come over and report my name, you will get a 20% discount!"

"Definitely." Lin Hao clasped his fists.

Then, there was a flash of space fluctuations, and Lin Hao and the two disappeared.

"Hey, these two people are quite interesting." Li Tiexiong said with a smile.

At this time, he saw two more people coming from afar, one of them turned out to be the famous Tianhuang Zhenjun.

The other person is also terrible, it is Dan Huang, the lord of Dan Huangzong, who is in the city of Baizong.

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