Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 921: ; 3 Secret Realms in Dancheng

"He really dared to come!" Murong Hong was shocked.

In this pill meeting, Ten Thousand Ghost Sect had three places to participate. Only Murong Hong was seriously participating in the pill meeting, and the other two were responsible for solving the trouble.

And Lin Hao's appearance would undoubtedly become the target of those two people.

About an hour later, everyone is almost there.

At this time, a group of dark shadow men suddenly came here in the distance.

This group of people occupied a tall tower alone and sent a young man under his command to the middle square.

"Ye Family, Ye Mo!" Lin Hao said to himself.

Ye Mo's arrival suddenly caused noisy voices in the square, and suddenly quieted down.

"That's the young man from the Ye family."

"Are they the Ye Family who are afraid of the Big Three?"

Everyone whispered, Qing Yunzi and others saw it, and deliberately moved away, as if they didn't want to contact Ye Mo.

"It's really here. If nothing else, the champion of the Pill Club this time will be taken away by the Ye Family." Qingyou Pill Saint muttered to himself.

"Even Ningshuang is not sure?" Mo Yun Dansheng was taken aback.

"Shuang'er said she is 50% sure, and the remaining 50% is Ye Mo." Qingyou Dansheng smiled.

Teng Huodan was dissatisfied with the Sacred Heart, and said coldly: "Is that not optimistic about Xiao Wuya?"

"Haha, forget your disciple. Isn't it enough to be ashamed? And Qingyunzi, they should roll around Pill City." Qingyou Pill Saint smiled.

Saint Teng Huo Dan's face became stiff, and he looked towards Lin Hao in the field.

Mo Yun Dansheng also stared at Lin Hao, both eyes flashed with murderous intent.

If it weren't for Lin Hao, how would Xiao Wuya and Qing Yunzi give them such a shame? Even though Lin Hao didn't dare to pursue it in the end, he would lose the tongue.

"Huh! Don't let us take the chance." The two thought to themselves.

The time is almost up.

Pill Sage Mo Yun stood up and said loudly: "You are welcome to come and participate in the pill meeting held in our Pill City. The rules are the same as before."

"In the first round, enter the small secret territory to search for medicinal materials, and select the top 100 according to the number and grade of medicinal materials collected."

"In the second round, use the medicinal materials you collected to refine a pill, and choose the top five according to the quality of the medicine!"

"In the third round, refine your best pill and choose the first place according to its value."

Mo Yun Dansheng quickly finished the rules of the Danhui.

The rules are the same as in previous sessions, fair and just, and everyone has been mentally prepared.

"Before entering the secret realm, first hand over the storage ring. Only three personal treasures are allowed to keep, so that no one can fish in troubled waters." Mo Yundan Sheng Lang said.

Then, the elders of Dancheng came up to check, and the participants were very cooperative and took the initiative to hand over the storage ring.

Lin Hao didn't carry a storage ring at all. His things were either in the internal space or in the inventory.

Ten minutes later, the storage rings were all handed over.

At this time, the three giants of Dancheng came to the middle of the square, each took out a formation, and clung to the void.

"Om!" "Om!" "Om!"

Three space doors appeared in space.

"These are the three small secret realms created by our Pill City, which are divided into the Dangrass World, Danhua World, and Danmu World." Qingyou Dansheng introduced.

"There are a wealth of medicinal materials hidden in the three secret areas, and the rules are not the same. Fighting and fighting is forbidden in the Dancao world, but the medicinal resources are relatively scarce."

"Danmu is rich in medicinal materials, but it is very dangerous. There are many wild beasts hidden inside. It is not forbidden for contestants to fight with each other. Once inside, life and death will not matter."

"The Danhua realm is quite special. The environment inside is very complex, hiding natural fantasy realms, dangerous places, etc. The medicinal resources are not rich, but high-level medicinal materials are the most among the three secret realms, but they are hidden deeply and require sharp eyesight. Only to find out, fighting is also not forbidden."

What Pill Sage Qingyou said were the three famous secret realms in Pill City, where many rare medicinal materials were hidden! Usually used as a medicinal garden, during the period of the Danhui, it will be taken out for assessment!

After a brief introduction, Qingyou Pill Sage continued: "The period of searching for medicinal materials is seven days. Once you choose the secret realm, you can't change it. Let's start."

"Swish swish..."

Many contestants swarmed towards the secret territory like locusts.

The choice of the secret realm is very simple.

The Dancao world is the safest, fighting is forbidden, but resources are few. About half of the contestants entered, alchemists are generally weak in combat effectiveness, and they choose the safest way.

The Danmu realm has entered about 40%, and the Danhua realm only accounts for less than 10%.

Judging from past experience, the Danhua world is full of special environments, and it is very difficult to find medicinal materials. Even if it is accidentally discovered, it is difficult to gather a complete prescription. The second round cannot progress, and it is even not as good as the Dancao world.

After thinking for a while, Lin Hao chose to enter the Danhua world.

Pill Sage Qingyou has already introduced that there are the most high-grade medicinal materials in the pill flower world, and the upper limit is the highest. There is no doubt that it is the best choice for the first After Lin Hao entered the pill flower world, Ye Mo smiled coldly. , Also entered the Danhua world.


Danhua inside.

Lin Hao came to a barren desert area, the desert here was endless and there was nothing.

"Sure enough, there is almost no spiritual energy here, and the medicinal materials are very difficult to find." Lin Hao secretly said.

Lin Hao took a look and flew to the west.

To the west, on the edge of the desert, is a large saltwater lake, half sand and half sea, forming a sharp contrast.

Lin Hao took a look and dived into the lake.

His divine consciousness spread out, and when he probed the lake, he suddenly found that the space at the bottom of the lake seemed a little fuzzy.

"The magic array! It was arranged artificially!"

Lin Hao was taken aback, there must be a demon if something went wrong, so he decided to go and take a look.

After arriving here, the environment here has changed. A mirrored flower and a mirage appeared in front of Lin Hao's eyes.

Lin Hao closed his eyes, three flowers appeared on the top of his head, and the three flowers gathered together.

In this state, he clearly saw the structure of the magic array.

Lin Hao began to analyze the structure of the illusion array, and it took an hour before and after the illusion array disappeared.

I saw a blue-green stone hidden on the bottom of the sea.

"Qinglong sea urchin!" Lin Hao said in surprise.

Qinglong sea urchin is an extremely precious medicinal material. It is the main medicinal material for refining the Eight Tribulations Sacred Pill, Qinglong Pill.

As soon as Lin Hao came in, he found such precious medicinal materials, which is worthy of being the Danhua Realm with the highest medicinal material level among the three secret realms.


Suddenly, the lake water rippled behind Lin Hao, and a cold light burst out, and the lake water was divided into two parts.

Almost as a conditioned reflex, Lin Hao's wind and thunder flashed out a hundred miles away.

(End of this chapter)

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