Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 941: : The spirit of Hedao Zhenxian!

After Lin Hao became famous overnight, it suddenly disappeared as if the world had evaporated.

Many people are looking for him.

There are those who draw him in, some who please him, some who hate him, there are Lin Hao's friends, and there are Lin Hao's enemies.

After finding Lin Hao, they began to inquire about people related to Lin Hao.


In the city lord's mansion of True Monarch Tianhuang, many people have come to find out their breath.

True Monarch Tianhuang was very helpless, if it were ordinary people, he would have driven away, but these people who came to Lin Hao were not the general ones, and there were many true monarchs, none of them could offend!

Unfortunately, he has no good way.

Because he doesn't know where Lin Hao is!

"Huh! Qin Tianhuang, if it wasn't for Lin Hao's face, I wouldn't come to your ruined place, and I will find Lin Hao quickly. As long as I meet one side, I will cover your sky in the future. Up."

An old monster who had lived for 200,000 years, sat in the city lord's mansion and stopped leaving.

Qin Tianhuang couldn't push people, he could only accompany the smiling face and order people to inquire about Lin Hao.

Princess Yuwen, Qin Tianhuang's apprentice, also became a celebrity because she knew Lin Hao.

"Yu Wenjing, I heard that you were bullied by Xing Lei, and Lin Hao saved you and killed Xing Lei, but what happened?" A true monarch came over and asked with a smile.

Yu Wenjing was really helpless, Lin Hao just passed by and saved her without knowing her.

"As long as you can find Lin Hao, I have a lot of benefits for you." The true monarch smiled.

In addition to Qin Tianhuang's side, acquaintances of the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect were also investigated.

Duan Tianlang, Jun Xiaoya, Fatty Han, and even Murong Hong, who had only spoken a few words to Lin Hao, were constantly questioned.

More people are looking for Long You who is closely related to Lin Hao, but like Lin Hao, Long You has also evaporated.


Outside of Pill City, in a certain barren mountain.

Lin Hao sat cross-legged in a cave mansion, constantly sucking in heaven and earth aura, the true essence in his body grew stronger and stronger.

At this moment, there is a huge formation, appearing all around.

"The third robbery, let's start." Lin Hao whispered.

His cultivation level, after the end of the Pill Meeting, climbed all the way!

With the help of Pill City's resources, it only took him a month to reach the limit of the second calamity, and he could break through the third calamity at any time!

At this moment, there was a thundercloud in the sky, but the thundercloud was illusory and not real.


The void exploded, and an illusory thunder fell from a high altitude and hit the cave where Lin Hao was.

Surprisingly, after the thunder fell, it did not cause any damage to the cave, and even the shaking did not appear, and everything went smoothly as usual.

But Lin Hao trembled violently.

Soul Thunder!

This is the third calamity, soul calamity, thunder calamity only causes damage to the soul!


Then, the soul thunder fell again, Lin Hao's body was shaken, but his face was very calm.

I saw a big illusory clock above his head, which had a miraculous effect on soul defense.

This bell was given to him by Qingyou Pill Saint, and it is said that it can let anyone survive the soul catastrophe easily.

Of course, except for Lin Hao.

His soul power is very powerful, and Thunder Tribulation is correspondingly very powerful!

As the thunder of soul continued to slash, the big clock shook wildly, and cracks gradually appeared on the surface.

After the thunder tribulation that lasted for three days, the big clock finally burst into shreds with a "click".

"Void rush to the top!"

Lin Hao's gesture changed, and a sledgehammer appeared in the formation, slamming it against the thunder in the sky.


The void shook, and the two annihilated each other.

Lin Hao continued to use his sledgehammer, colliding with the thunder in the sky.

It took a full week for the thundercloud to dissipate, and Lin Hao was also exhausted.

"Xiao Lei, leave it to you!" Lin Hao ordered.

Behind him, the Demon Thunder Sword rushed out and collided with the thunder in the sky. With its resilience, the Demon Thunder Sword could completely resist the bombardment of thunder.

It lasted again a week later.

The third tribulation soul tribulation finally passed smoothly.

Lin Hao took a deep breath and sat quietly on the ground, waiting for gifts from heaven and earth.

The illusory thundercloud in the sky, turned into a majestic soul force, surged toward Lin Hao's Sky Spirit cover.

This soul power is the only soul power that can be directly absorbed between the heavens and the earth, and it is a gift to those who succeed in crossing the catastrophe.

At this time, sudden change!

The vastness of the soul power poured into Lin Hao's head, and Lin Hao felt his soul power skyrocketed. The soul power that had been frozen for a long time seemed to have loosened a little and opened a small opening.

The more majestic spirit power was unblocked and rushed into Lin Hao's sea of ​​consciousness.

Lin Hao only felt a "buzz", a white light before his eyes.

In a daze, he saw the sky dotted with stars, billions of stars intertwined around, and meteors across the universe.

"I am..." Lin Hao was dumbfounded.

He felt that his spiritual knowledge seemed to cover the entire universe of stars.

Lin Hao knew that his immortal divine consciousness that had been in the dust for a long time seemed to be released.

It stands to reason that if the soul power of the Hedao True Immortal rushes into Lin Hao's Sea of ​​, his Sea of ​​Knowledge will explode in an instant and die directly!

But now, with the help of Soul Jie's breakthrough, the sea of ​​consciousness can be used for a short time!

This is an excellent opportunity, at this moment, he must make full use of it!

With Lin Hao as the origin, his spiritual consciousness spread wildly. He saw everything in a radius of thousands of miles, and dust and bacteria were clearly visible.

Then, the consciousness reached one hundred thousand li, one million li, ten million li, hundreds of millions li...

Most of the Nanfeng Region is covered by his spiritual consciousness.

Moreover, his consciousness is very clear, and he can see any details in any corner.

Infinite details are in full view by him!

He found that the Hai family by the sea was moving and fleeing, and the head of the Hai family, Hai Lingtian, was instructing to stay away from Lin Hao.

He found that in the city lord's mansion of Tianhuang City, the door was like a city, and everyone was asking Qin Tianhuang about Lin Hao's location.

He found that in an underground cave mansion, there was an old man at the level of true monarch who was about to die!

He found a group of people in black in a hidden cave discussing the assassination of a certain target.

He even discovered that there was a relic of an ancient sect hidden in the gap in the space, but it was covered with dust and there were few valuable things.

At this moment, Lin Hao took advantage of the short-term skyrocketing of his soul power and discovered everything he could see.

Infinite details, nothing can escape his perception!

This is the perception of Hedao Zhenxian!

He didn't expect that, with the help of the skyrocketing soul, he broke the long-held soul power.

But this was only short-lived, because with his knowledge of the sea, he couldn't carry such a powerful soul power.

Lin Hao closed his eyes, and with the help of this short-term reinforcement, he wanted to see everything clearly.

"Where is the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect..."

Lin Hao's consciousness swept away quickly, sweeping through all the locations he could find.

(End of this chapter)

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