Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 992: : It feels good to hold the thigh

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"...

In the sky of Ningjia Island, the sky was densely covered with dark clouds. Thunder Tribulation was chopped down one after another. In Lin Hao's eyes, the threatening Thunder Tribulation was similar to Pediatrics.

The sixth calamity is the void calamity. After crossing the calamity, it can break the void and hide in the cracks of space, which is not a weak ability.

At the beginning, the Tianfeng Clan relied on this ability to hide in the gap of space so that it would not be discovered by Lin Hao.

Lin Hao could even return to Panlongzong, with this ability to tear the entrance to Panlong's secret realm and enter again.

It's just that you have to wait until Lin Hao goes back.

The Thunder of Void Tribulation, also called the Thunder of Void, came from a different space and fell on Lin Hao's body. The space on all sides of him was like glass, showing a cracked state.

Finally, after seven or forty-nine days, Lin Hao's entire body shattered after hearing a loud "boom".

The sixth calamity, complete!

Lin Hao rushed to the sky, his body was covered by dense black dragon scales, and disappeared on the cloud.

The people on the island looked at each other.

At this moment, they heard a voice resembling a dragon's chant from outside the sky.

Then, they saw a terrifying scene.

I saw the thundercloud that traversed thousands of miles in the sky, shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if swallowed by something.

In the sky and above the clouds, Lin Hao has turned into a giant dragon, opening his mouth wide, devouring thunderclouds madly.

It's just such a spectacular scene that ordinary people can only see.

In an hour or so, the thunder robbery cloud in the sky had been swallowed by Lin Hao.

He has passed the sixth calamity, and Lei Jieyun will dissipate sooner or later, it is better to swallow it, maybe it can come in handy.

After an unknown period of time, Lin Hao landed again and landed on the ground.

At this moment, the dragon scales on his body dissipated, and thunder arcs appeared on his body, which soon disappeared.

"Congratulations to the master for successfully crossing the catastrophe!"

The crowd on the island bowed to the end.

They could see that Lin Hao at this time was no longer comparable to before, and his strength had been greatly improved.

Hei Peng has been shocked to speak incoherently, but he has witnessed the last time Lin Hao crossed the catastrophe! Only a few days ago, another catastrophe!

I am afraid that in this world, the only person he fears is Lin Hao, which is even more monster than a monster!

"Hei Peng, has the flag of my Lone Star Gang been designed?" Lin Hao asked.

"Master, it has already been designed, please have a look!"

Hei Peng quickly took out a banner and handed it to Lin Hao.

Lin Hao took a look, and the picture on the banner was very simple, a shimmering purple star covered by lightning, a bit similar to a cannonball that swallowed Minglei Dan.

"Not bad, in the future, this will be the sign of our Lone Star Gang!" Lin Hao said.

"Yes!" everyone said in unison.

"Leaving tomorrow, hang this banner on the ship and attack the Black Sea regiment!" Lin Hao said loudly.

"Offensive to the Black Sea regiment!!"

The mighty voice was heard from the island.

Everyone got busy, preparing for the battle tomorrow.

Early the next morning, the three warships set off from Ningjia Island in a mighty manner.

Although there are many people on the three ships, Lin Hao is the main combat power.

Because everyone else had a feeling that Lin Hao could destroy the Black Sea regiment alone.

This matter is definitely not groundless. Lin Hao destroyed Baihe Village and captured Ningjia Island by his own power. He was simply the omnipotent God of War!

The development of the next event also confirmed their conjecture.

When they approached the territory of the Black Sea Regiment, they were immediately warned, and a cruise fleet came out to intercept them.

As a result, this fleet was destroyed by Lin Hao's sword.

"The big thing is not good, there is an enemy attack!"

On the island of the Black Sea Mission, his subordinates rushed into the core hall in a hurry and knelt on the ground anxiously.

"Who would dare to attack our Black Sea regiment? You can't find death?" The master stood up.

"The three masters are a force that didn't know where to emerge. The banner is like this!"

The man took out his hand and drew a picture, and volley carved a pattern of a thunderball.

Everyone looked at each other, shook their heads and said: "I haven't seen it."

"Humph! Any cat or dog dare to come, I will meet him!"

The third master angrily took out a spear, walked out of the gate, and headed towards the beach.

"Haha, the third child has recently practiced a new spear technique, and he should be able to show his skills."

"Don't bother, let's continue drinking."

The people in the hall continued to eat and drink around the table.

After a few drinks--

"The big thing is not good, the third master is dead!"

The people outside cried again and rushed in.


"The third child is dead?"

At this time, everyone on the table stood up, eyes startled.

This died just as soon as he went out, there is only one possibility-the third master was killed in seconds!


Suddenly, the ceiling of the main hall burst, and rubble flew around, breaking a big hole, shocking everyone back and forth.

I saw a white figure falling from the big hole in the ceiling.

This person looked quite young, with a black sword in his body, and his breath was only a real person of Six Tribulations.

"Either surrender or die!" Lin Hao only said a few words after landing.

"Look for death! Kill him!"

The master was furious, he drew his spear and stabbed him.

"Sword of Withering!"

Lin Hao is too lazy to talk Shot is a killer move, the sword of deadness!

The Great Master is the pinnacle of the Seven Tribulations, a bit stronger than the Ning Patriarch, and he is like an ant in Lin Hao's hands. With the sword of withering and solitude, the head was full of white hair, and fell to the ground like a corpse, dead to death.

At the same time, the core members in the hall were all withered, "putong" and "putong" falling to the ground without aura.

"too weak!"

Lin Hao took the sword back, still feeling a little bit unfinished.

Then, the members of the Lone Star Gang rushed to the island of the Black Sea regiment and quickly occupied the entire island.

In just a stick of incense, the Black Sea regiment surrendered and belonged to the Lone Star Gang.

It's still the hall.

Lin Hao, Hei Peng, and Patriarch Ning sat on the chairs, and the two remaining core members of the Black Sea regiment knelt to the side trembling tremblingly.

Just now, when they had fun in other places, they escaped a disaster, or they would have been deprived of their vitality by a sword and died like the other core members.

"Name, position." Hei Peng asked.

"Gao Sheng, fourth in the Black Sea regiment." One of them said humanely.

"Yellow Tooth, Black Sea regiment intelligence officer." Another humane said.

"Gao Sheng, go and collect all the properties of your Black Sea regiment, and hand it over here!"

"Yellow Tooth, go and clean up your disobedient people." Hei Peng ordered.

The two looked at each other, seemingly still hesitating.

"Hurry up!"

Family Master Ning was furious, and a flying foot came forward, kicking the two of them over.

The two spewed blood and their bones fell apart.

"Yes! Yes! The villain will do it!"

The two of them ran away.

Patriarch Ning and Hei Peng were quite proud. They sat on the chairs, took a sip of the unfinished wine from the Black Sea group, and smiled at each other.

It feels good to hold your thighs.

(End of this chapter)

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