Rebirth of the Strongest Tycoon

Chapter 199: Hu Xian wants to build Sing Tao News Agency?

No way, compared with Xia Yu, Hu Xian's structure is too small, and his eyes have been narrowed to the media industry, and he is only limited to Southeast Asia and the Xiangjiang area.

   And Xia Yu has the sun and the moon in his chest, and he has a long-term vision!

  Although they are in Xiangjiang, they have already looked at the world. Where will they count their Xiangjiang counterparts?

  They? Xia Yu hasn't paid attention yet!


"It's just that the power of Jiuding News Agency is obvious to all. On the first day, my "Sing Tao Daily" was seriously affected. The sales of Hong Kong and Omen alone fell by nearly 5,000 copies. The entire Southeast Asia In total, it also dropped by nearly 10,000 copies! And this is only the first day!"

"As long as Jiuding News Agency is in hand, the quality of "Fengyun Daily" will never be bad, so it is completely conceivable that the daily sales of 500,000 copies is just the beginning, and sales will only get higher and higher in the future. It is difficult to guarantee I won't catch up with "Jiuding Daily", and my life will be even more sad by then!"

   "At that time, the sales of "Sing Tao Daily" do not know where it will fall. I definitely can't just sit back and wait, I must find a way!"

   Hu Xian frowned and thought, thinking hard, trying to find a way to solve the current dilemma.

   "If you don't need news from Jiuding News Agency, then the quality of news is definitely not as good as that of Fengyun Daily, unless... there is news from another news agency!"

   "Yes, there seems to be news agencies in Europe and America. I should be able to quote their news!"

   Hu Xian's eyes lit up and he thought of a way.

   Just thinking about it again, she felt something was wrong again. The essence of using news from news agencies in Europe and America and using news from Jiuding News Agency was still the same, except that the influence of one enemy was missing.

   "It's just... this is not a long-term solution after all, it will form dependence, and gradually lose independence, it is always wrong!"

"It doesn't matter if you just quote a few pieces of news, but in the current situation, if you want to resist the influence of Fengyun Daily, you can't solve it with a few pieces of news. The overall news quality must be improved. This will definitely lose your autonomy! "

   Thinking of this kind of harm, Hu Xian was very unwilling.

   Although she is a woman, she has the ambitions of a man as powerful as a man. She is typically a career-type strong woman, so she has the title of queen of the newspaper industry.

   Now I want her to choose to hand over the future of "Sing Tao Daily" to other news agencies. The purpose is to resist "Feng Yun Daily". This is nothing she can do!

   But if you don’t do that, how can you break the game?

   Hu Xian closed her eyes and started thinking hard. Suddenly, a thought flashed in her mind and her eyes lit up.

   "Yes, since Jiuding Newspaper Company can build a news agency in a short time, then I can build one too!"

"Other newspapers do not have such conditions, but my Sing Tao News Group Co., Ltd. has been deeply involved in the Southeast Asian market for decades. It has already had a basis for being a news agency. Then, like Jiuding News Agency, the world will have news editing and editing branches. , I can also create it!"

   "I don't believe that other newspapers will live on the snort of Jiuding News Agency. As long as I build a news agency, I believe that many newspapers will be transferred to me. Maybe I can form a rivalry with Jiuding News Agency!"

   "At that time, with the news agency, my company's foundation is definitely stronger than it is now. Maybe I can launch a newspaper again like Jiuding Newspaper. At that time..."

   Thinking of this, Hu Xian only felt the depression in her heart disappeared, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt feasible, and it was of great benefit to her.

   As for whether she could successfully build a news agency, the idea didn't come to her mind.

   In her opinion, Jiuding Newspaper Company can succeed, how could she not succeed?

Although Jiuding Newspaper is now the leader of the industry, it is still a recruit. Her family’s Sing Tao News Corporation has a history of 39 years from 1939 to the present. The experience and heritage accumulated over so many years is not to say. It's that simple!

   She is very confident about building a news agency!

   It’s a big deal to follow the model of Jiuding News Agency!

   Didn’t Jiuding Newspaper follow her "Sing Tao Daily" when it opened up distribution channels in Southeast Asia?

   She had found out a long time ago, but this is something that can't be stopped, so it is regarded as not seen, but it does not mean that she has not remembered it.

   Now she is going to develop her own news agency based on the model of Jiuding News Agency. Of course she will not be embarrassed!

   I decided to build a news agency!

   At this moment, she has even figured out her name, and then she will be called Sing Tao News Agency!

   Thinking of this, Hu Xian clenched her fists tightly. She wanted to show Jiuding Newspaper Company and let other colleagues see that her title of "Queen of Newspaper Industry" was not for nothing, she would never sit and wait for death!

   Suddenly, she thought of a question and couldn't help but frown.

   If you want to build a news agency, you must have a lot of money. If it is built on the scale of Jiuding News Agency, UU Reading has 400 employees, and it consumes even more money.

Now her company simply can’t come up with so much money. This year, because of the sudden emergence of "Jiuding Daily", followed by the emergence of "Economics" magazine, a more powerful advertiser that swallows big players. The big benefactors of the "Daily" have switched to the arms of Jiuding Newspaper Company.

   In the past few months, her company’s advertising revenue has fallen by more than 20% year-on-year, and the loss is very large!

   Not only that, but in the past few months, in order to deal with the pressure of "Jiuding Daily" and find ways to increase the sales of "Sing Tao Daily", she has also made major reforms and increased the cost of manuscripts to improve the quality of newspaper articles.

   Of course, the biggest expense is to recruit staff and expand distribution channels.

   In the past few months, except for the increasing operating expenses of the company, she has almost smashed all the profits in. Now the company can't afford to spend money to build a news agency!

   But she has already decided that it is imperative to build a news agency, and if there is no money, we must build it! Otherwise, he would just wait to die and watch the "Sing Tao Daily" gradually weaken.

   Instead of being slowly boiled to death like a frog boiled in warm water, it's better to give it a try. Moreover, the chance of success seems to be great!

"Then take a loan. It just so happens that the Chen family of Pangu Bank of Thailand has a good relationship with my family. They have asked me several times and wanted to give me a loan. I didn't need the loan before, so I refused. Now I can find them, trust them. I will definitely not refuse!"

   After thinking about it, Hu Xian acted immediately. She is such a turbulent personality.

   After finding the phone, she immediately dialed the phone...

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