"As long as I live, no matter what, there will be hope for everything, as long as my heart is free."

Between anxiety and the wind suddenly heard Xiao Yang's voice, is Xiao Yang inspiring him not to care too much about his body, just let go and do it? Seeing that the body of Xiao Yang who was enchanted in front of him was bleeding more and more, and his face was pale and gray, the clothes had been soaked with dark red, and even the walking clothes were dripping blood, and the blood on the ground was added with new blood.

The wind also made up his mind and lifted the sword to Xiao Yang again. This time was different from the previous sword. Feng Yi hand away from the sword and threw the sword straight away. The hand and the handle were separated by a distance. Live, the whole person flew to Xiao Yang with the sword, Xiao Yang frowned, with one hand flicked away the sword that flew towards him, with one hand turned the wind toward the wind, but also saw the wind also flew to Xiao with the sword When Yang was in front of him, he released his sword sideways, avoiding the palms of Xiao Yang's other hand, and his hands gathered into a blade to stab the shoulders of Xiao Yang's shoulders. The false sword potential, one hand turned into the palm of the hand, at this time there is no hand to catch the wind and gather the air. Xiao Yang originally thought that the wind would not dare to start, because he was afraid of hurting this body, and the look of his face became twisted after being pierced into the shoulder by the air blade and pierced the lute bone.

The wind also pulled out the air blade, supported by the hand, turned over in the air and stood back, facing Xiao Yang

"How? Is n’t it interesting? You ’re right. I dare not start with Xiao Yang ’s body, so I ’ll make you miscalculate. Anyway, Feng Xiao has a lot of good medicines. I can always be rescued if I am injured. I will try my best. If you do n’t stab you, it ’s the point. ”After that, I used a few tricks, the speed was flexible, and I was constantly moving around in Xiao Yang. In a little while, Xiao Yang already had more than a dozen mouths on his body, and the blood bleeds more, but carefully At first glance, it will be found that the wind also picks up the congestion on Xiao Yang's body. It is better to let out the poisonous blood for the injury caused by this evil work.


Let's talk about the other side,

When the Master Feng came out from the back of the hall, he looked dignified. He quickly walked to the table and clapped his hands. The loud voice spread throughout the lobby. "Dear friends, I want to say sorry here, sorry to bother you. In the interest of everyone, this happened a bit unexpectedly, and Feng did not expect this to happen before. It is really sorry for everyone. "

For a time, everyone in the lobby looked at the Feng Family Master inexplicably. Some curious people asked, "Fair Family Master, what happened? You talk about it."

Hey, someone answered the phone, you do n’t have to find it yourself!

The look on the wind master's face was dignified, which caused everyone in the room to panic. "Everyone, Feng Tuo was originally dragged from Changbai Mountain to have been a tiger. I invited the best beast trainer. I want to train this tiger. Performing tiger skills is like a post-meal show. Who knows that during the training of the tiger, the tamers ran away because of internal rush, and forgot to lock the tiger tightly. I opened the lock and ran out. I ate a lot of my servants from the Feng family. I do n’t know where to go now. Pediatric wind has already caught the tiger. Fengmou worried that if he came to Qianfu, he would be injured. It ’s not good for everyone, so please move to the lake outside the city. We will watch the moonlight at night, taste wine and food, and listen to singing songs. Everything is paid by me, it is a gift to everyone. "After finishing speaking, I bowed a salute to the people in the lobby. When they saw it, they quickly bowed their hands to salute. The waist plate was curved one by one, and the head was lower than one. Actually Fengjia Did not intend to really salute, originally just wanted frill, perfunctory in the past had, but looked up to see this person backs a full house, a low head lower than a than a bend, almost stick to go up. When Yan Ling and Grandma Xi were sent out to keep the gate, they couldn't help laughing when they saw this scene. The laughter heard by everyone raised their heads and saw the same movements beside them.

"Then, let's get out of the house with the wind, come here, help the adults to prepare the car, we are ready to swim in the lake." The crowd in the lobby got up and left the banquet, and went out one after another.

Mrs. Feng on the side, I do n’t know what happened, and I do n’t know why the wind master was called by Ye Lan and hurried to rush these people to swim in the lake. Mrs. Feng said, “What do you do? Why did Ye Lan call out? After you go, you have to chase the guests out, what are you saying about swimming in the lake, what caught the tiger to perform, and when will we ... "

"Okay, the grievances of the young people let their young people resolve. We are old, and they will toss with them. Yeer and Ye Lan have a sense of difference." The Master Feng interrupted Mrs. Feng's words, and then said, "That kid is now Just beg us to help this thing, do it well and do n’t make that kid difficult. Let ’s help him stabilize these guests, and do n’t let things be exposed. I will tell you slowly on the way. ”Turn around Looking at Xi Niangma and Yan Ling, he said, "You too will come and serve together. Staying there will hinder Ye's hands and feet." Xi Niangma and Yan Ling nodded and answered yes, they followed the wind master and Mrs. Feng Went out together.


Ye Lan was walked towards the yard by the guard, and when she saw the sweat on the guard's head, Ye Lan said, "Wu Hun is not here. You're carrying me too hard?" The guard smiled, with a little gasping voice. Answer: "Princess, the servants are not tired, you are not heavy, the princes, the servants know that you are in a hurry to see the prince, so the servants' tutorial can not be slow."

"You just arrived in the yard so quickly. My acupuncture point was not unlocked. It was also a blockage when I went. Walk slowly. I believe he should be able to stabilize the wind. I am just worried." Ye Lan comforted the guard.

Ye Lan saw a small pavilion in front of him, and said to the guard, "The pavilion in front stops, let's rest and rest. By the way, help me dig something." "Yes, the concubine." The guard quickly came to the pavilion and put Ye Lan put down and asked, "Madam, where are you going to dig?"

"You wipe away the sweat on your forehead first, then take a rest, I don't want you to get tired on your way back to the yard, so I will think I'm tired of getting you down." Ye Lan Chuckle

The bodyguard couldn't help but blush, touched his head, and smiled embarrassedly. "Then the servant will dig out what you want first, otherwise the servant just rested and had to work. Then why not rest in vain?"

"Yes, then you go to the tree next to the pavilion to dig something under it, first find a" × "sign on that tree, then go back three steps, turn right 15 steps, and then go southeast for ten Eight steps. "The guard found the sign following Ye Lan ’s instruction, and then took the corresponding number of steps," Kun character position, 13 step, dry character position, 26 step, turn right, 11 step, northeast direction Here is the thirty-fourth step. "Came to the position where Ye Lan ordered, the guard asked," Is this the position of the concubine? "

"Yes, there is a box underground. I buried it before. You dig it out."

When Ye Lan's words fell, the guards began to dig. Not long after, they dug out a box, patted the dust on the box, and ran over to give it to Ye Lan. "Then? What should the princess do?"

"The box contains all the special elixir I made before, you open it first, find a pale blue elixir and take a cure for the wound on your body, with a body of the injured and me It ’s not always easy to act. Then I will find a milky white medicine for me to eat. I will try to break through the acupuncture points and dispel the effect of this Gong Gong candle, otherwise I will wait in the yard if I need help. , I became a burden. "

"This ... Yu Li does not match, the slave is inferior, not worthy of eating such a good medicine." The guard was panicking, and according to the rules, he could not take these medicines.

Ye Lan frowned. "You can't wait for an inferior status. You saved the two servants of the Feng family. You also protected the princess to successfully evacuate the guests to the former palace. You can afford me a medicine."

"This .. Thank you Princess." The guard opened the box and found the two elixir described by Ye Lan. She first fed Ye Lan to eat it, and then took the elixir to cure the wound herself. The guard felt that the wound of the lute bone on his shoulder was slowly getting better. He was happy in his heart, an idea flashed in his mind, and he tangled for a while, and suddenly knelt down to Ye Lan and gave a loud noise. "Informing the princess, the minions have something to ask for."

Ye Lan wondered, "What's the matter?"

"Do the princess remember the story that the minion just told?"

"Remember, is there something wrong?"

"That story, part of the minions did not tell."

Ye Lan looked at the bodyguard and motioned for the bodyguard to continue.

"Brother didn't save any one, and when he returned to the master, he didn't say a word, and the younger brother said this sentence:" One died, one saved, but the one who died should also thank me, at least I Revenge for him. "The minions still have a wish. Many servants of the Feng family who wish to die, thank me." His eyes were firm, his eyes revealed a hint of hatred.

"You want to kill Ye Qiuyu and avenge those people?" Ye Lan asked.

"Yes?" The bodyguard answered

"Why, I remember you and the group of girls should have only met for the first time?"

"Not only because of the group of girls who were killed in front of my eyes tonight, but also because of the group of my companions in the cellar who had their heads cut off, their limbs covered, and were soaked into the wine jar!"


The bodyguard said the story of him and the old bodyguard to Ye Lan one by one. Ye Lan was silent for a while and said, "Okay, I promise you, Ye Qiuyu's last knife, you will make up." Yes, and again, "You are not mediocre, you are just too incompetent to imagine yourself, do you know how the wind will judge you with me?"

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