Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 319 Unprepared Changes

Chapter 320

“Boss, otherwise we would have not heard it. Anyway, the kid just said no, everyone around him has heard it.” The fifth said with some worry.

“Boss, don’t look at me. He is calling your name. You still have to decide this matter.” The third child is a good man. Originally, this matter was not about his own business, but Jiang Chuwei did not expect Jiang Chuwei to look at himself.

“Second child, what’s your opinion?” Jiang Chuwei didn’t expect that the second child who paid the third most would not care about it at all, so he had to look at the second child who paid the second most.

“Boss, it’s up to you to take this matter! We listen to you.” Seeing the third, the second child didn’t express his opinion, so he didn’t express his opinion at all, so as not to have time to complain.

Jiang Chuwei did not expect two objections, two of them did not express any opinion, what could he do, as the fourth and fifth said that he didn’t hear it. Qi Xiaobing’s voice was not small, and everyone around him heard it. In that case, people may not be left behind.

“Why don’t a few of us go over and take a look at what Qi Xiaobing really means, and then we will discuss what to do?” Jiang Chuwei has also learned to be smart, not making up his own ideas, but seeking everyone’s opinions.

“I have no opinion.”

“I have no opinion.”

The second child and the third child expressed their opinions separately, which can be regarded as agreeing with Jiang Chuwei’s opinions. The fourth one saw that the second and third both agreed, and it didn’t make sense for him to insist, so he nodded altogether. Seeing the old four nodded, the old fifth nodded himself.(Read more @

“Qi Xiaobing, what do you mean? It was you who let us go just now, and you are also calling us back now. Do you treat our basketball team as monkeys?” In order to seize the opportunity, Jiang Chuwei started to question Qi after he walked over. Little soldier.

Qi Xiaobing was not a person with fickle words. When Jiang Chuwei asked such a question, he really didn’t know how to answer, but Guan Feibai, who was standing on the side, said, “Did we just say to let you go? I want to leave before the appointment is given?”

“Gambling money, what gambling money? A joke, is gambling allowed in school? If you say yes, then I’ll give it to you right away. Even if you let it, who just said no?” Jiang Chuwei was originally a sharp-mouthed person. Be reasonable and unforgiving.

Guan Feibai really dare not admit this matter. If he admits that he was left behind and stabbed into the school, that would be a big problem. I certainly can’t admit it. But the money is still necessary. It’s really a difficult problem. He looked at Qi Xiaobing.

“Jiang Chuwei, don’t talk nonsense. I just told Guan Feibai that I can’t ask for this money, but I didn’t tell you no. Don’t think that I don’t know your careful thoughts. Did you just scold me like others? “Stupid”? Whether you call me stupid or stupid, this is my principle of being a human being. At least I am open and honest, unlike some people who have one thing on the surface and one behind the other. Now I solemnly tell you that I accept Tang Feng’s opinion.”

Qi Xiaobing also drank it out, and he had already called back anyway, and he didn’t care anymore. If he didn’t say a few words, others would really think he was stupid and bullied.

“Let’s take a look. This Qi Xiaobing has turned his back. Don’t think that our basketball team is a bully. Whatever you say, we sent the money to you at the beginning, but you didn’t accept it. Is there such a good thing?”

Jiang Chuwei actually learned Tang Feng’s routines, wooing the surrounding students, hoping to create pressure on the public opinion of Qi Xiaobing. Sure enough, some students were biased towards him, and there were also those who supported Qi Xiaobing, each representing different opinions.

“Really? The people on your basketball team are really thick-skinned. People kindly didn’t say your money, but now they are going back and forth. It is not the morality of being a human being. If we should, it is only right to pay off debts if we should.” Tang Feng sees it. Feibai didn’t come back yet, and came back again, just seeing this scene, and then squeezing out of the crowd.

“Tang Feng, I’m sorry just now…” Qi Xiaobing felt very embarrassed when he saw Tang Feng coming back.

“Qi Xiaobing, you don’t need to explain it. I understand that everyone has their own principles, so you can figure it out.” Tang Feng interrupted Qi Xiaobing directly and looked at Jiang Chuwei.

“Tang Feng, the money you just said was passed on to Qi Xiaobing, and he said that he didn’t want it, don’t you have to go back now.” Tang Feng is a powerful master, not as easy to deal with as Qi Xiaobing, that is 1000 Yuan, in front of him, is like paper, saying that you don’t want it, so Jiang Chuwei is very careful.

“I said something like this, but who ruled that what I said can’t be taken back? Did I say that if I want to sleep with your mother, I must sleep with your mother?” Tang Feng’s mouth is not comparable to Guan Feibai and Qi Xiaobing. Yes, just a few short sentences made the people of the basketball team tremble all over.

“Do you want to scold me as a despicable villain? Or something more ugly? Come here, if scolding can be used as money, I am willing to be scolded every day, as long as you give the money, you can scold casually.” Tang Feng was originally. A person who played cards unreasonably made people confused when he spoke, and he said again when he looked at the basketball player with an ugly face.

“Tang Feng, don’t overdo it. We can give you money, but don’t insult our personality. Although we didn’t do a good job in some areas, at least you don’t need to criticize it.” The second child did not think of this Tang Feng. It’s so difficult, and it’s a bit angry, if you let him go on, he might say what kind of ugly things.

“Why, let me talk about the pain point, want to turn my face? I don’t think you are qualified enough.” Tang Feng was domineering and directly snorted.

“Tang Feng, we’ll give you this money, do you dare to take it? Don’t think we don’t know your situation, don’t you just want to take the money by Qi Xiaobing? Don’t you think you are so noble, but You just missed Qi Xiaobing’s personality, now you regret it? But it’s too late.”

After Jiang Chuwei finished speaking, everyone’s eyes immediately looked at Tang Feng. It is only now that he understands why he refused to take the money, why did Guan Feibai stay, and why he will come back after he left, think of it together. A terrible conclusion is that Qi Xiaobing is just one of his pawns, and they started to talk about it underneath.

Tang Feng didn’t expect Jiang Chuwei to come by, and it caught him off guard. How to explain this kind of thing is not clear at all. I am afraid it is getting darker and darker. Even Qi Xiaobing looks at him with suspicion on his face. expression.

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