Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 324 Beauty School Ba

Chapter 325

“Dewey, is this really so high?” Even Chen Yuyao, who usually doesn’t speak much, was moved. Although she usually spends a lot of living expenses, she is paid by her parents. She also wants to support herself, especially like herself. Like her cousin, she can live well even if she leaves home.

“Yuyao, you’d better forget it.” Tang Feng didn’t expect that the first person to ask was Chen Yuyao, a little embarrassed, he definitely didn’t want her to work part-time.

“Why can’t I?” Chen Yuyao glared at Tang Feng. She knew what Tang Feng meant, but she didn’t worry about how old she was.

“Everyone recruits the top students in the college entrance examination. Your academic performance is very good, but you have not reached that level.” In fact, it is not as strict as Dewey said. For the top candidates in the college entrance examination, it would be nice to be able to invite one or two to sit there. In order to get rid of Chen Yuyao, I can only say that.

“Is Dewey like this? If that’s the case, I won’t go.” Chen Yuyao was a little disappointed.

“This, this, you should discuss it with Tang Feng! If he agrees, there is no problem.” Dewey looked at Tang Feng and found that he was winking at himself, but Dewey had nothing to do, because Tang Feng had to publish his own Identity is to calm the expulsion storm. If she refuses now, how can Chen Yuyao know how to explain it? Only the problem can be handed over to Tang Feng.

“Yuyao, come out…” Tang Feng couldn’t help but glared at Dewey. Then he looked at Chen Yuyao. Dewey looked elsewhere as if he hadn’t seen it, looking helpless.

“Yuyao, if you are so busy with your studies, don’t go. If you don’t have enough money, I can give it to you. I can’t afford you.” Tang Feng said after pulling Chen Yuyao to a place where there is no one.

“Tang Feng, what do you mean, do you want me to raise me as a canary like Ye Tianxue?” Chen Yuyao’s face was not very good, she kept her face cold.

“Yuyao, listen to me, I didn’t mean that, I was afraid of delaying your study.” Tang Feng can only transfer the topic to another place.

“Tang Feng, I’ll just ask you a question, do you agree with me to go?” Chen Yuyao knows Tang Feng too much, and can’t be in a circle with him, or she will definitely be circumvented by him.(Read more @

“This, this, this, shall I discuss this with Dewey?” It doesn’t work here. Tang Feng can only start with Dewey.

“Okay, but I want to listen.”

Tang Feng was dumbfounded when he heard Chen Yuyao’s words. Doesn’t this clearly kill him? She was listening in front of her, and she said a fart! Isn’t this shooting yourself in the foot? I had to turn a corner and said, “What I told him was secret.”

“No, if you don’t agree, I’ll talk to Dewey myself.” Chen Yuyao is very firm.

“Okay, okay, then I’ll call Dewey.” Tang Feng walked back as he said, and Chen Yuyao followed behind. Tang Feng also secretly looked back, it seemed that he was determined. I was able to sigh helplessly.

“Dewey, come out, let me tell you something.” Tang Feng stood at the door after pushing the door open, and did not go in, while Chen Yuyao stood behind him, and the people inside couldn’t see her at all.

Originally, Dewey was still wondering where Chen Yuyao had gone. Just when he was about to ask when he went out, he found her and swallowed the words in his throat.

“Tang Feng, what’s the matter?” Dewey realized that Tang Feng kept blinking at himself again, and he understood what was going on, but he also had his own ideas. He looked at Tang Feng and Chen Yuyao again, and finally fixed his gaze. In Tang Feng’s body, “Tang Feng, or let her go? This is not a big deal, just teaching a student will not be dangerous.”

Tang Feng didn’t expect that he blinked for so long and blinked in vain. This kid actually spoke for Chen Yuyao, and he couldn’t oppose it anymore, “Okay!”

Chen Yuyao saw that both of them had agreed, with a triumphant look on her face, “You count your acquaintance.”

“Crazy man, in fact, Chen Yuyao is the best advertisement. We can use her to make a publicity. What do you think of being a beauty student? We not only have college entrance examination champions, but also beauty students who are young and ignorant high school students. Don’t we squeeze our heads?”

When Chen Yuyao proposed to come, Dewey had a flash of inspiration, but because of Tang Feng’s face, he didn’t say it directly. Now he agreed and said his thoughts.

“This won’t work, it definitely won’t work.” Tang Feng shook his head resolutely, shaking his head like a rattle.

“Why not? I agree, just follow what you said.” Originally, Chen Yuyao was still considering whether to agree or not. It is okay to let her tutor the students, but she was a little uncomfortable to let her show her face, but Tang Feng denied it. Let her try firmly.

“Tang Feng, this is nothing, right? Just take some photos and make some advertisements. Are you afraid that she will be abducted and run away?” Don’t look at Dewey usually laughing and joking. In fact, he is a very careful person. These thoughts can be seen.

Tang Feng also thinks that his idea is good, but there are many beautiful women, and there is no need for Chen Yuyao to show her face. If she is sincere and a well-known celebrity, there will be a lot of inconvenience for two people together.

Dewey may not know the madness of those fans in later generations. With the image of Chen Yuyao, even if he does not enter the entertainment circle, he will become a well-known Internet celebrity. This is what he does not want to see, so he shook his head resolutely, “Yuyao, I have no opinion on you going to teach, but this is not good.” Tang Feng said very firmly.

Chen Yuyao saw Tang Feng’s serious face. Although she was a little disappointed, she didn’t say anything, “If you don’t agree, you don’t agree, who is rare?” After speaking, she walked into the private room.

Seeing the angry Chen Yuyao, Tang Feng shook his head helplessly, then looked at Dewey, “Weizi, you have a good idea, although I don’t agree with Chen Yuyao, we can choose a good image, not only a realistic advertisement. It appears on the website, and we can also use it for publicity.”

“Crazy man, I think it’s better to leave this to you. Look at the so many beauties in your school. There must be a lot of beauties, at least more than our school. Although our school also has beautiful women, but that They are all rare animals.”

Tang Feng understands what Dewey is saying best. He graduated from the University of Science and Technology back then. He was a group of men in science and engineering, and there were not a few girls in a class. Even dinosaurs became protected animals.

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