Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 330 Incident Exposure

Chapter 331

Two days passed quickly. After these two days, the publicity results are remarkable. The total number of applicants exceeds 1,000, and 10% of them are 1 to 1 tutors. These families are in better family conditions. Yes, the remaining 90% are collective make-up lessons.

Looking at the data submitted by Guan Feibai, Tang Feng is under great pressure. This is the temptation of money. In order to complete the goal, each has used his own tricks. In order to complete the excess rewards, he used the tricks of the tricks. The powerful one found 56 people within two days, and even Guan Feibai was willing to go down after seeing it.

The difference between these students is even greater. From the first grade of elementary school to the third grade of high school, Tang Feng has been fighting for several hours for the convenience of management and statistics before classifying this group of people. When they are ready to sleep, Already come here at midnight.

Although Ye Tianxue had not been able to go in the past two days, he helped count Feng after Tang Feng came back, which was considered a great help, which made Tang Feng a lot easier.

Due to the large number of parents who signed up this time, those college students who originally applied for part-time jobs online are not enough. There is no way to motivate a few brothers in the dormitory to advertise according to the dormitory one by one, and post the posts to the campus forum, in the school It also caused quite a stir.

In addition to these boys, the girls’ dormitory is not far behind, or even better. What Tang Feng didn’t expect was that Zhao Xiaoqing was the one who contributed the most. What kind of abilities does she really have? She uses her three-inch tongue. Actually, a dozen or so girls were urged to come to Guan Feibai to report.

One name rang throughout the entire Renmin University that night, that is, Guan Feibai. Anyone who comes to report part-time has to register with Guan Feibai, and then communicate it to Tang Feng through the computer.(Read more @

Today is Monday, and it is also a busy day, because tomorrow the free and non-free activities will officially start. It is a free experience for the parents of these students. These part-time students are different. They are paid, and the latest salary is fixed. At 5 yuan per class hour, this is just the starting price. If the students and their parents are unanimously praised, there will be bonuses. The bonuses are distributed according to the number of students and the difficulty of making up lessons. For example, high school students, these are all for the purpose of being able to get one in the future. Only good universities come to make up classes. Compared with part-time staff, the requirements are relatively high, and they have all been among the best in the college entrance examination. The second is elementary school students in grades 1 to 3. It is difficult to manage if they are too young, so the bonus is relatively high. The requirements in the middle may be looser. This kind of students are also easier to teach, and the bonus may be lower.

“Tang Feng, are you there?” As soon as I remembered the bell after class at noon, an angry voice rang at the door. Tang Feng, who was planning to return to the dormitory and Guan Feibai to count the number of people, changed his face at that time because he had already heard the voice. The owner of, that is that annoying Hu Yasan.

“Director Hu, I don’t know what you are looking for with me?” Now is the critical moment, Tang Feng doesn’t want to make things louder, and speaks in a gentler voice.

“What’s the matter, what are you talking about? Someone reported that you opened a casino at school, I hope you can go back with me to investigate.” Hu Yasan said coldly, and curled his lips at the same time.

“Opening a casino?” Tang Feng seemed to understand something. Then he remembered the gambling with Jiang Chuwei that day, but he didn’t expect it to pass to Hu Yasan’s mouth. It seemed that he couldn’t get rid of the relationship with these boys.

“M’s, it’s really a tiger who doesn’t show off his might and treats me as a sick cat.” Tang Feng cursed in his heart. He has been busy with matters in the same city for the past few days. He didn’t have time to trouble Jiang Chuwei at all. He didn’t expect them to be the first. I found the door.

“Director Hu, I’m a good student with good rules. Don’t talk nonsense, don’t let your fart go. Don’t wrong a good guy. Someone reports that I have opened a casino. What about the reporter? Is this always necessary?” Tang Feng’s words almost made the people in the classroom laugh, and he was the only one who dared to be so satirical about Hu Yasan, especially the combination of talking and farting.

“Tang Feng, you, you…” Tang Feng’s words made Hu Yasan’s face blue, and his words trembled.

“Director Hu, if you have nothing to do and I still have things, I will leave first.” Tang Feng didn’t want to pay attention to this mad dog, otherwise he would really bite.

“Tang Feng, stop for me. Who told you to leave? Tell me why a casino was opened in the school, and how long it has been open, and tell me what happened one by one.” Hu Yasan saw that Tang Feng was about to leave. I was a little anxious. It was the first time that he had seen such a difficult student in so many years of teaching.

“Director Hu, I still say that. I am a good student. If you say someone reports that I have opened a casino, there must be a whistleblower? I even suspect that you are framing me. If you have no evidence, I can do the same. Respond to the school that you slander the students, and I can even respond to higher levels.” Tang Feng snorted after finishing speaking, not giving Hu Yasan any face at all.

Hu Yasan’s face changed when Tang Feng said he wanted to react to a higher level. He had reported Tang Feng’s situation to the school many times, but he was suppressed for whatever reason. He was not a fool, he knew. There must be someone on Tang Feng, but thinking about the person entrusted to him and the benefits promised to him, he became even more stubborn, “Making a fool, do you want to turn the sky? Is this the attitude of a student to the teacher?”

“The student’s attitude towards the teacher? What attitude? Are you yelling like a mad dog like you? Are you slandering people casually like you?” Tang Feng said coldly.

“In order to prevent you from retaliating, I have promised to keep secrets for him.” Hu Yasan, who was very angry, suddenly became calm, and his eyes became sharper. Looking at Tang Feng is like seeing a dead person, his eyes are full of teasing.

Tang Feng didn’t expect Hu Yasan to change so quickly, and at the same time he understood his intentions. Didn’t he just want to irritate himself and then find his own flaws? Is he so stupid, give him a chance? Certainly not.

“Then Director Hu, if you deduct such a big risk to me, there must be evidence? Since it is a casino, there must be people participating? There are also time and place, right?” Then The big game is big, and the small is small. What’s more, the two sides have no substantive contributions. They are all verbal, and there is no recording, so they can’t be used as evidence. Now Tang Feng is still a little grateful that Qi Xiaobing didn’t have it at the time. Accept the money, otherwise I would really harm him. It seems that I have made things simple. He Hu Yasan couldn’t help himself, but Qi Xiaobing was different. It took minutes to trouble him.

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