Chapter 346

“Go, you send them back first, and come back to pick them up.” As Tang Feng said, he lifted up the two women who were talking nonsense, holding one in one arm, and there was no pity for Xiangyu at all. feel.

Leng Yuqing’s eyes widened at the time, is this still a human? She was a little doubtful about life, not about herself, but about how Tang Feng has such great power. Lifting the two women is as simple as a handbag, but she didn’t dare to ask more and followed him in a dingy manner.

“Can you be gentle with my two friends?” Leng Yuqing saw Tang Feng’s rude movements, she was a savage man, and directly squeezed her two sisters into the taxi.

“The two of them drank so much, like a puddle of mud. If you are not satisfied, come by yourself.” Tang Feng said coldly, not showing any mercy to Leng Yuqing.

In order to prevent Tang Feng from leaving her and others behind, Leng Yuqing had to close her mouth, open the car door and sit in the position of the co-pilot.

“Master, trouble you, there are still two in there. Be quicker on the road, and they will be back after they are sent back.” Tang Feng said as he took out two hundred yuan bills from his pocket and stuffed them into the taxi along the window. Then turned around and prepared to leave.

“Hey! How can I send them upstairs if you don’t go…” Leng Yuqing panicked when she saw Tang Feng didn’t get in the car.

“You shut up, call their family, or ask their family to come downstairs to pick you up.” Tang Feng said coldly. Tang Feng was very dissatisfied with Leng Yuqing. He suspected that Leng Yuhan drank too much because she drank too much. So many people drank too much. She alone was sober, especially when she saw it under the table just now. The drinks that have been poured out have not always been very good to her. If it weren’t for her to be Leng Yuhan’s younger sister, she would have left a few people here long ago.

“Miss, you don’t need to shout, I will help you to send them up.” Leng Yuqing still looked aggrieved when she saw Tang Feng disappeared.

Leng Yuqing came back about half an hour later. Fortunately, the heating system in the private room was good. Even if she was wearing single clothes, she didn’t feel cold.

“You are not allowed to leave, wait for me to come back, and you are not allowed to take advantage of my sister.” After Tang Feng stuffed the last two people into the taxi, Leng Yuqing did not rush into the car, but coldly. Staring at Tang Feng, everyone is already in the car, and she is not afraid of Tang Feng anymore.

Tang Feng ignored her, turned around and walked back. Leng Yuqing stomped her feet with anger. The taxi driver kindly reminded him: “Let’s go, he won’t leave.” Leng Yuqing got into the car.

After returning to the private room, Tang Feng half held Leng Yuhan in his arms to prevent her from catching a cold. He always did this during the process of giving away from Leng Yuqing.(Read more @

Not long after Leng Yuqing left, Tang Feng felt that his mobile phone was shaking. It turned out that it was a message from Chen Yuyao, “Tang Feng, are you home?”

Tang Feng looked at Chen Yuyao’s message and smiled. It seemed that this girl was caring about herself and wanted to make a call, but when she saw Leng Yuhan in her arms, she dispelled the idea, and finally returned the message, “Go home Why did you miss me just after we separated?”

“Who missed you, well, I have to go to Sister Zhao Li’s house tomorrow. I will go to bed first.” Tang Feng looked at this message and shook his head helplessly. After deleting it, he put the phone in his pocket, not at all I’m back.

About half an hour later, the taxi driver walked in from outside. Tang Feng was still wondering if he got the girl and went back by himself? That’s fine, I heard the taxi driver say: “She fell asleep in the car, I didn’t have the nerve to wake her up.”

“Hey! Leng Yuqing, where shall I send you?” After Tang Feng placed Leng Yuhan in the back seat and settled down, he began to shout Leng Yuqing.

Leng Yuqing did fall asleep. Although she didn’t drink as many people, she was also a lot, and this was just a hindrance, and when she was dazed, she heard someone shouting to herself.

“Hey! Leng Yuqing, where do I send you? Leng Yuqing, where do I send you…” Tang Feng shouted several times before Leng Yuqing opened his eyes.

“Hotel…” Leng Yuqing fell asleep again after only two words.

In fact, she did not dare to go home. She also had rental houses outside, and Leng Yuhan also had them, but she did not dare to bring Tang Feng there. Since Tang Feng asked this, it means that he did not know where his sister lived. Then I can’t let him know that this is the hotel I chose.

Tang Feng looked at Leng Yuqing, who had fallen asleep again, and wanted to wake her up again. Later, after thinking it over, he said to the taxi driver, “Master, look for a hotel nearby.”

“Miss, please open two rooms for me.” The taxi driver parked the car in front of a hotel. Tang Feng held Leng Yuhan and walked to the front of the front desk.

The front desk attendant is a 20-year-old girl-in-law Liang. When Tang Feng came in with a drunk woman, he got a strange look. When Tang Feng said that he opened the two rooms, his eyes widened, but She is very professional and didn’t ask much. She quickly opened two rooms and handed in her room card to Tang Feng.

Tang Feng first put Leng Yuhan in the hotel room and settled down before coming out. He came to the taxi and said, “Leng Yuqing, get off the bus.”

“Where is this?” Leng Yuqing asked in a daze.


When Tang Feng helped Leng Yuqing walk in, the sister-in-law Liang at the front desk opened his eyes wide, and then he understood why he opened two rooms.

“Your sister and I are right across from you. If you have something to call me.” Tang Feng put Leng Yuqing on the bed and said to her.

“Oh!” Leng Yuqing’s head was so dizzy that she didn’t know what Tang Feng was talking about, it was just the underlying consciousness of the brain.

Seeing Leng Yuqing’s agreement, Tang Feng turned and left, and went to another room opposite. Leng Yuhan drank too much, and now there are traces of vomiting all over his body, even Tang Feng’s body has taken up a lot. He slowly took off her clothes, and then carried her to the bathroom.

It is not the first time that Tang Feng has seen Leng Yuhan’s body. Even so, it makes his heart beat. If she hadn’t been drunk, she would have turned into a hungry wolf and rushed forward.

Tang Feng just gave Leng Yuhan a simple rinse and carried her to the bed, then went back to the bathroom again, and directly turned on cold water and ran over him. He drank some wine and looked at Leng Yuhan again. His body is almost bursting with blood now.

He has an impulse. This impulse is to go back to bed immediately and torment Leng Yuhan, especially when he sees the changes in his body, all parts of his body become extraordinarily hideous, especially the reincarnation plate in his chest seems to be alive. It kept turning in Tang Feng’s chest.

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