Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 346 Crazy Texting

Chapter 348

When Tang Feng was in the bathroom last night, the clothes of the two people were washed clean. After one night of drying, they were almost dried. Fortunately, they hung on the heating to dry, and Leng Yuqing didn’t let Leng Yuqing discover her sister’s clothes. , Otherwise the two of them would have worn them out a long time ago.

“Tang Feng, I already have a boyfriend, please don’t bother me again, okay?” After the incident, Leng Yuhan finally calmed down and returned to his original state again.

“I know, and you called his name last night.”

Leng Yuhan’s face turned pale when she heard Tang Feng’s words. She didn’t know what she had said last night.

Seeing Leng Yuhan did not speak, Tang Feng continued, “I know you didn’t have a very good life. The two of you may have loved each other very much before, but you must be in the past. Can you still go back in time? No.”

“You don’t care about my affairs, you just don’t want to disturb me.” Leng Yu said coldly.

“Really? Who told her husband to be so affectionate? Didn’t you recognize someone after turning your face?” Tang Feng curled his lips sarcastically. He just didn’t understand why she would deny that she obviously has feelings for him.

“You…” Leng Yuhan was stressed by Tang Feng, his face even more ugly.

“What’s wrong with me, isn’t I telling the truth?”

Tang Feng was Leng Yuhan’s first man and the first man named her husband. She had to bow her head due to the situation at the time. She is no longer the ignorant girl who used to know the relationship between men and women, she knows a little bit. But she was also very strange. When she was in school, she heard from the sisters in the dormitory that a normal man only looked like 10 minutes, and Tang Feng… simply left him speechless.

“Even if I just called your husband, what can I do? I regret it now, can’t it?” Anyway, she is in a very messy mood now, and she doesn’t know how to face her relationship with Tang Feng, you say She hates Tang Feng! I don’t hate it. You say she likes Tang Feng, and she doesn’t have the pledge of each other like Zheng Zihe before. Now she just wants to leave here as soon as possible.(Read more @

“I said you are my woman, and you will always be my woman.” Tang Feng was very domineering, and brought Leng Yuhan over to him and kissed it down.

“Pop!” Leng Yuhan pushed Tang Feng away, and slapped him over. After Leng Yuhan finished the fight, he was stunned and found that Tang Feng was looking at him with murderous eyes, and he was a little scared.

“Tang Feng, can you respect me and don’t force me when I don’t want to?” Leng Yuhan, who was still very strong just now, suddenly became weak and looked at Tang Feng with an imploring look .

Tang Feng found that Leng Yuhan’s slap was very slow, but he didn’t dodge, he slapped her abruptly, and then glared at Leng Yuhan.

Leng Yuhan is gone, Tang Feng did not stay too much, as she said, it takes time for each other, maybe it hasn’t been released for too long, and now the whole person feels refreshed.

“Didi di…” After Tang Feng turned on the phone, the information exploded, and countless messages followed, and it rang for a few minutes without stopping.

Last night, my impulse and Leng Yuhan had a relationship with Leng Yuhan again. In the end, I didn’t go back at all. First, I sent a message to Chen Yuhua, telling her that I would not go back. Then I thought about Ye Tianxue, so I simply sent her a message. , But in order to prevent her from calling and questioning herself, she simply shut down.

Tang Feng did understand Ye Tianxue, who was also a woman, but Chen Yuhua didn’t ask much, just returned a message, and Ye Tianxue directly picked up the phone and called Tang Feng, but found that it was turned off and almost exploded her at the time. .

After Ye Tianxue calmed down, she thought of Chen Yuyao, because she knew that the two of them had been together today. In order to verify her idea, she called directly to Chen Yuyao’s dormitory.

“Hey! Who are you looking for?” This is Wu Yanan’s voice. She usually answers the phone in the dormitory to prevent anyone from disturbing Chen Yuyao.

“Hello! Hello, can you help me find Chen Yuyao, I am her friend.” Ye Tianxue said politely.

“Yuyao, a woman is looking for you, saying it is your friend.” Ye Tianxue heard someone yell on the phone, and Chen Yuyao answered the phone after a while, “Hey! Are you?” Chen Yuyao was still wondering. Who is calling yourself when it’s late.

Ye Tianxue hung up as soon as she heard that it was Chen Yuyao’s voice. She just wanted to confirm if she was with Tang Feng. Since she was in the dormitory, she would definitely not be with Tang Feng. Her goal was achieved, and she didn’t want to be with Chen Yuyao. Explain that only then hung up the phone.

Ye Tianxue, who hung up the phone, began to wonder who Tang Feng was with. She would not believe it if she had something to say, because Tang Feng told her that she slept in the dormitory, but she had a spy in Tang Feng’s dormitory, and that was Guan Feibai. Guan Feibai didn’t even know that he sold Tang Feng without knowing it.

Ye Tianxue wanted to prevent Guan Feibai from lying to himself. After getting through his phone, he didn’t ask Tang Feng if he was there, but said, “Guan Feibai Tang Feng wants you to wait for him at the school gate tomorrow. Let me inform you.”

Guan Feibai was really fooled, but he was also very smart, because he was tricked by Ye Tianxue many times. After hanging up Ye Tianxue’s phone, he called Tang Feng, only to find that the machine was turned off. Then he didn’t see Ye Tianxue’s lies. He was silly in the morning. After waiting at the school gate for more than two hours, he sent some of those text messages.

After Ye Tianxue hung up Tang Feng’s phone, she knew that Tang Feng was lying to herself, why did she lie to herself, then she must be with a woman. She counted all the women Tang Feng knew, and finally remembered a woman, that is Leng Yuhan, the woman who also visited Tang Feng when he was hospitalized, was shocked by the thought at the time.

Leng Yuhan is a member of the Leng family. She later learned about it because her father never allowed herself to talk about things in the family. Many outsiders didn’t even know him. She didn’t even know the sixth son and the five phoenixes. , It’s normal not to know Leng Yuhan.

As long as the people of the big family manage very strictly, especially the relationship between men and women, from the beginning she did not think that she was related to Tang Feng at all, only that it was a business relationship. Now it seems not so simple.

Ye Tianxue never suspected that Leng Yuhan was because Tang Feng rarely met with Leng Yuhan, and he did not go there many times during the hospitalization. Even if she came and left after not staying for too long, she was the one who expelled her. The external reasons, it seems that it is not that simple now.

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